Bay County
Volume A
156 - 191 includes 8 unnumbered registrations for the
Babo family from 1857 through 1867 |
237 - 279 | 280 - 323 | 324 - 367 | 368 -400
Volume A
1857 - 1859 |
1865 | 1866 | 1867- also contains entries from the 1870's.
Please note that all years are relative, the county clerk entered
the returns as they came in from the JPs (Justice of the Peace
and MGs (Minister of the Gospel).
Volume B
Begins with the year 1867. However, marriage certificate returns were notalways
filled with the county clerk in the year that the marriage took place. You will find
that there are marriages from 1865 through 1866 also recorded in thisvolume.
1867 - no. 1 through
1868 - no. 30
1868 - no. 108
1868 includes many 1865 through 1867 returns.
1869 - no. 183 through 212
1869 - no. 213 through 257
1870 - no. 258 through 302
1870 - no. 303 through 377
compiled by the Bay County Genealogical Society
Dibean'sMichigan Marriages Collection
Statewide collection of marriages from CDs, county
records and personal submissions.
Click on the county you want to search, then vitals, then marriages.
You can also search by going to the USGenWeb Search Engine.
Michigan USGenWeb Archives Project Search
Searchable database by last name, firstname, spouse name, child's name, event (birth, death, or marriage),
eventdate, issue date of the Pinconning Journal with page andcolumn notation.
Rose Anderson's Record Books
Rose Anderson began reading all the headstones in the
BookI, Pages 126 - 150
BookI, Pages 151 - 176
Indexto Book II
contains the name of every person who died during the year ending
1st June, 1850, gives full name, age, place of birth and cause of death
contains the name of every person who died during the year ending
1st June, 1860, gives full name, place of birth and cause of death
compiledby the
Courtesy of Matt Bohn
Courtesy of Matt BohnBay C
Bay County Pioneer Records
county residents from the 1880's and 1890's. Culledfrom the
pages of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society's published
recollections. The Obituary LinksPage
obituaries, courtesy of the Public Libraries of Saginaw. Thedatabase includes
obituaries from the 19th and 20th centuries for areas in and near
Resourcesfor Vital Statistics
(989) 895-4280
(989) 895-4284 Fax
(989) 895-4049 TDD/TTY
The Bay County Clerk has birth,marriage, divorce, civil court and land records from 1867. The
Mondaysthrough Fridays, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. daily.
A non-indexed site containing the death files from the State of
1994 Edition containing the address, phone, FAX number, genealogy researchhours, identification requirements for use of records, cost of certified, andgenealogy copies, other copy fees and list of records and inclusive dates forall the counties of Michigan.
Current daily listings from: Ann Arbor News, Bay City Times, FlintJournal, Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Kalamazoo Gazette,Muskegon Chronicle and the Saginaw News.
UnitedStates Vital Records Information Site. This is a private genealogy page that containsinformation on how and where to obtain vital records (such as birth, death,marriage and divorce records) for every territory, state and county in theU.S.
all rights reserved of html coding and graphics
by Donna Hoff-Grambau
Volunteers hold copyright to the material they have donated for this site. Not to be copied and used in any format to any other site or in any other media.
This server space is
provided by Michigan Family History
Visit the Michigan Family History
Network for more Isabella County names.