Seamans Cemetery
                           Transcribed by Kay L. Mason
                       (with the help of Richard Threehouse)									  

Batzlaff         Louis                  1852              1915                                                                                     
Beardsley        Chas. A.               Feb. 3, 1850      April. 23, 1901                                                                          
Beardsley        Jas. A.                Sept. 11, 1921    Oct. 20, 1888                                                                            
Beardsley        Sarah                  Oct. 8, 1823      Mar. 12, 1901                                                                            
Bergan           Carl                   1824              1914               Grandpa - buried with Herman Gottleber                                
Blair            A.                     1800              1893               Father                                                                
Blair            W. M.                  1803              1896               Mother                                                                
Burns            Emma                   1862              1897                                                                                     
Burt             Jane                   1887              1986               Mother                                                                
Burt             Mary E.                1916              1988               Daughter                                                              
Calvin           Sarah                  1832              1925               Mother - wife of D. Calvin                                            
Calvin           Hattie                 1864              1893               Mother - wife of C. Calvin                                            
Campbell         Neil                        
Campbell         Anna                        
Campion          Jno.                                     Dec. 18, 1891      Aged 57 yrs 3 mos ? Dys                                               
Campion          Illegible                                                   stone knocked down                                                    
Carlyle          Thomas                 Feb. 4, 1838      May 27, 1890       His memory is blessed.                                                
Carlyle          Clara F.               Feb. 4, 1872      May 5, 1891        Dau. Of Thos. & Marion Carlyle                                        
Carlyle          James R.               Feb. 22, 1870     July 29, 1871      Son of Thos. & Marion Carlyle, "Heaven (?) Home"                      
Carlyle          Footstones                                                  Libbie, Father, Clara                                                 
Carter           Orin                   1848              1923               Husband                                                               
Carter           Elizabeth              1860              1949               Wife                                                                  
Chatterson       Gertrude               1878              1900               Sister                                                                
Chatterson       Alice                  1857              1902               Mother                                                                
Conklin          Benson                 May 11, 1833      Sept. 4, 1907                                                                            
Cool             Lenore                                   Dec. 1, 1892       wife of James S., born in Bristol, Eng. Aged 70 years                 
Corless          Jonathan               1851              1890                                                                                     
Corless          Matilda Seaman         1864              1948                                                                                     
Davis            J. Edward              1878              1965               Father                                                                
Davis            Edith M.               1880              1942               Mother                                                                
Dawson           Catherine              1820              1901               Broken stone - birth year could be 1828                               
Dawson           Belinda                1829              1915               Mother - buried with Roy Briggs                                       
Dawson           Elizabeth              1853              1896               wife of William                                                       
Dawson           Oliver                                                      no dates - baby stone                                                 
Dawson           William                1845              1924                                                                                     
Dawson           Anna D.                1857              1937               wife of William                                                       
Dawson           Maggie                                   Feb. 23, 1868      age 17 days, daughter of M. & P.                                      
Dawson           Michael                1831              1905                                                                                     
DeBats           Carrie M.              1881              1956               same stone with William J. - same plot with John and Mary LaFleur     
DeBats           William J.             1875              1971               Masonic symbol - same plot with John and Mary LaFleur                 
DeCatur          Tillie DeCatur         1862              1953                                                                                     
DeCatur          William H.             1859              1948                                                                                     
DeCatur/Green                                                                large marker                                                          
Dennison         Mercy L.                                 Nov. 2, 1866       Aged 75 yrs - same marker                                             
Dennison         Rev. Avery                               Oct. 16, 1866      Aged 76 yrs - same marker                                             
Dennison         Nellie                                   Oct. 26, 1888      "Say not good night - but in some nighter(?) clime bid me Good Morning"                                                                                                     
Ditzel           Christine A.           1846              1926               Mother - with Andrew and Ann Fisher                                   
Ditzel           Arthur L.              1880              1953               with Andrew and Ann Fisher                                            
Doll             John                   1861              1932                                                                                     
Doll             Frances A.             1863              1947                                                                                     
Dolsen           Ann E.                                   January 1, 1884    Erected in memory of Ann E., wife of John L. Dolsen, aged 58 yrs. Foot stones 
                                                                               - JLD & AED                                                                                   
Dolsen           Maria F. T.            1872              1960                                                                                     
Dommke           Marcella               1884              1955               in plot for Rachel Sovereign Memorial Home                            
Dommke           George F.              19 Mar 1892       7 Feb 1895         "Hier Rubel in Gott…Selig Sind die Tod lcn…off 14.13                  
Farleigh         Margaret               1865              1931               mother                                                                
Farleigh         Thomas J.              1853              1940                                                                                     
Fisher           Charles P.             1829              1899               in same plot with Jas. A. and Chas. A. Beardsley                      
Fisher           Elvira M.              1836              1912               in same plot with Jas. A. and Chas. A. Beardsley                      
Fisher           Andrew C. "Andy"       1866              1913                                                                                     
Fisher           Anna                   1866              1920               wife of Andrew C.                                                     
Fisher           Jennie S.                                                   same stone - no dates                                                 
Fisher           Isabel M.                                                   same stone - no dates                                                 
Ford             George W.              1864              1903               Masonic Symbol                                                        
Ford             Margaret               1865              1887                                                                                     
Ford             Isabella               1833              1883               Mother                                                                
Ford             George                 1833              1912               Father                                                                
Fox              Charles                Dec. 18, 1829     May 17, 1906       b. St. Lambrecht, Germany                                             
Fox              Sarah S.                                                    b. Kingswood England                                                  
Fralich          A.                                                          Father - same plot with McGinnis                                      
Fredrum          Belle                  1863              1932               wife of J. W.                                                         
Gabbe            Louis                  Oct. 3, 1847      April. 3, 1920                                                                           
Gabbe            Johanna M.             Oct. 23, 1847     March. 2, 1916                                                                           
Geiersbach       Lui W.                 1868              1955                                                                                     
Geiersbach       Bertha E.              1870              1952                                                                                     
Geiersbach       Harold M.              1898              1917                                                                                     
Geiersbach       Arlene                 1903              1911               lamb on stone                                                         
Gedhge           Ellsworth              1856              1887                                                                                     
Gilliland        Maggie Anne                              Feb. 10, 1883      dau. Of Wm. & Mary, aged 12 yrs, 7 mos & 1 day, "Tis hard to give her up, the 
                                                                               parting gives us ?, but we only say farewell until we meet again."                            
Gordon           Joseph                 1840              1890                                                                                     
Gordon           Mary G.                1872              1878                                                                                     
Gordon           Sarah H.                                                    no dates                                                              
Gottleber        Herman                 1854              1931               Father                                                                
Gottleber        Caroline               1852              1933               Mother                                                                
Gottleber        Frederick              Oct. 24, 1826     Nov. 18, 1899                                                                            
Gould            J. L.                  1832              1898               husband                                                               
Gould            Sophia J.              1836              1921               Wife                                                                  
Hagerman         Ethel                  Aug. 9, 1884      Sept. 4, 1897                                                                            
Harp             John A.                1836              1911                                                                                     
Harp             Mariet A.              1831              1906                                                                                     
Harp/Gates                                                                   marker with John and Mariet Harp                                      
Hatchard         Father                                   Dec. 11, 1888      no first name on stone                                                
Hatchard         Mother                                   Oct. 31, 1891      no first name on stone                                                
Hawkins          Hiram J.               1851              1935                                                                                     
Hawkins          Herriett J.            1850              1909                                                                                     
Hawkins          James E.               1853              1924                                                                                     
Hawkins          Amy A.                 1855              1941                                                                                     
Hawkins          Sarah E.               1850              1918               wife of O.W.                                                          
Hawkins          Mamie                                                       no dates                                                              
Hawkins          Orrin W.               1845              1932               Masonic sign                                                          
Hawkins          Lyle W.                1873              1903               Masonic sign                                                          
Hawkins          Baby Jackie                              1908                                                                                     
Hawkins          Maude A.               1882              1967               wife of T.H., mother                                                  
Hawkins          Phyllis                1911              1915                                                                                     
Hawkins          Truman H.              1881              1968               Father, Masonic sign                                                  
Heineman         Katherine B.           1886              1948               buried with John Doll                                                 
Hempstead        Marion Beatrice                                             memorial stone - Children of Arthur & Belle Ford Hempstead  - no dates
Hempstead        Arthur Hammond Jr.                                          memorial stone - Children of Arthur & Belle Ford Hempstead  - no dates
Hempstead        Percy Belle                                                 memorial stone - Children of Arthur & Belle Ford Hempstead  - no dates
Hempstead        Susan                                                       memorial stone - Children of Arthur & Belle Ford Hempstead  - no dates
Hennessey        Helen H.               1884              1979                                                                                     
Hopkin           Ellen                  1831              1920               Buried with Elias Stephens                                            
Hopkin           Jesse                  1830              1912               Buried with Elias Stephens                                            
Hopkins          Frank E.               May 16, 1858      Feb. 8, 1945                                                                             
Hopkins          Clara E.               Apr. 13, 1859     Nov. 28, 1896      wife of Frank E.                                                      
Hopkins          Emma Winford           Aug. 19, 1881                        death date illegible - Winnie on top of stone                         
Hopkins          Ward                                                        rest illegible                                                        
Hopp             William B.             Jan. 7, 1829      May. 18, 1908      Father - in same plot with Lui and Bertha Geiersbach                  
Hopp             Eva                    May 5, 1827       July 12, 1897      Mother - in same plot with Lui and Bertha Geiersbach                  
Hughes           Margaret               Nov. 30, 1837     Feb. 22, 1891      wife of John                                                          
Itter            Katherine              1877              1931               Mother - same plot with William and Mary Jackson                      
Itter            Louis M.               1899              1936               Son - same plot with William and Mary Jackson                         
Itter            Nora K.                1895              1896               Daughter - same plot with William and Mary Jackson                    
Itter                                                                        marker in ground                                                      
Jackson          Mary M.                1860              1930               Mother                                                                
Jackson          William J.             1864              1913                                                                                     
Jackson          Demos G.               1867              1912                                                                                     
Jamieson         Edith May              May. 28, 1892     Dec. 19, 1892      Infant daughter of R.H. & A.E. "Jesus took our Darling, We shall go to her
                                                                               …(rest illegible)                                                                                 
John                                                                         plot only - no stones visible                                         
Johnson          Clara                  1896              1968                                                                                     
Jonas            Christian                   
Jones            Nettie Sherwood        1866              1891               wife of R. H. Jones.                                                  
Jones            Roy                    Oct. 21, 1884     April 16, 1890     Our darling                                                           
Keen                                                                         no dates - "Loving memory of William & Mary Ann Keen by Son John R. Keen"                                                                                                   
Kelton           Cora                   1877              1924               Wife of James J. - in same plot with Andrew Fisher                    
Kelton           James J.               1880              1939               in same plot with Andrew Fisher                                       
Knight           Birdsey                1852              1905                                                                                     
Knight           Nathan                                   Dec. 28, 1886                                                                            
Knight           Hariett                Oct. 8, 1827      Feb. 14, 1892      Wife                                                                  
Knight           Guy                    Nov. 22, 1862     May 3, 1881                                                                              
Kleinert         Catherine B.           1888              1952               Mother - same stone                                                   
Kleinert         Henry G.               1883              1952               Father - same stone                                                   
Kleinert         Elaine                 1918              1919               same stone                                                            
Kleinert         Helen M.               1912              1956               Daughter - same stone                                                 
Krohn            Peter                  1852              1937                                                                                     
Krohn            Margaret               1865              1940                                                                                     
Kukuk            Frederick              Okt. 7, 1849      Sept. 30, 1915     "Ruhe Sanft In Deiner Gruft Bis Dich Der Huland Weider Ruft"          
Kukuk            Pauline                May. 8, 1856      Sept. 25, 1938                                                                           
Kukuk            Freida                                                      no dates                                                              
Kukuk            Alvina                                                      no dates                                                              
LaFleur          John                   1856              1935               Father - same stone with Mary                                         
LaFleur          Mary                   1855              1935               Mother                                                                
LaFleur          Emma                   Dec. 30, 1884     May 29, 1910                                                                             
Lehman           Peter A.               1876              1958                                                                                     
Lehman           Caroline C.            1874              1946                                                                                     
Lehman           George A.              1902              1924                                                                                     
Malone                                                                       cement bench                                                          
Malone           Cora                   1874              1943                                                                                     
Malone           Harry                  1902              1914                                                                                     
Malone           Joe                    1907              1914                                                                                     
Malone           Henry                  1909              1956                                                                                     
Malone           Edwin                  1875              1966                                                                                     
Mansfield        Geo.                   1818              1902               Same plot with Nathan Knight                                          
Martin           Everden J                                July 11, 18?2      Aged ? Yrs.                                                           
Martin           Ruby Hopkins           April 11, 1883    Jan. 20, 1951                                                                            
McAllister       Herbert                1907              1910                                                                                     
McAllister       Leanne                                   Nov. 20, 1938      Baby                                                                  
McAllister       Elizabeth              1880              1932               Mother                                                                
McAllister       John B                 1875              1950               Father                                                                
McColgan         Elizabeth              1883              1921               wife of Michael                                                       
McDowell         Anna R. Hannah                                              Wife of Christopher, aged 30 yrs 8 mos & 6 days, no dates             
McGinnis         Francis Frank          1879              1935                                                                                     
McGinnis         Frank                  1853              1920               Father                                                                
McGinnis         Sarah                  1864              1918               Mother                                                                
Mericle          Charles                                  Dec. 22, 1895      aged 83 yrs 2 mos 28 days                                             
Merritt          Nelson                 July. 27, 1827    Feb. 3, 1879                                                                             
Merritt          Sarah J.               Oct. 19, 1842     Mar. 11, 1923                                                                            
Merritt          Walter                 June. 10, 1864    June. 1, 1937                                                                            
Merritt          Mary J.                Oct. 3, 1865      Nov. 14, 1920                                                                            
Merritt          Alice                  March. 3, 1862    Dec. 13, 1871      lamb on top of stone                                                  
Merritt          S. Henry               1863              1868               son of N. & S. Merritt - lamb on top of stone                         
Merritt          Jennie M.              May. 1, 1860      Apr. 2, 1947                                                                             
Merritt          Luana                  June 26, 1873     Nov. 13, 1876      daughter                                                              
Merritt          William N.             Dec. 24, 1859     Jan. 1, 1925                                                                             
Moore            Kathy Lynn             June. 8, 1947     Mar. 2, 1948                                                                             
Moose Lodge                                  
Newkirk          Chas. T.               1840              1909                                                                                     
Newkirk          Mary J. Anderson       1840              1928               Wife of Charles                                                       
Newkirk          Percy                  1880                                 aged 1 year                                                           
Newkirk          Archie                 1877                                 aged 10 years                                                         
Newkirk          Baby                   1873                                 aged 11 weeks                                                         
Newkirk          Henrique               1869                                 at Assunsion Paraguay Aged 6 yrs.                                     
Newkirk          Charlie                1864                                 Ages 2 yrs., buried at Corrientes Argentine Republic                  
Newkirk          Edward                 1834              1887                                                                                     
Newkirk          Louisa M.              1864              1935                                                                                     
Newkirk          Nellie                 1862              1931                                                                                     
Newkirk          Dr. M. F.              1856              1925                                                                                     
Newkirk          Fannie                 1845              1934                                                                                     
Northrup         Willis D.                                Nov. 2, 1872       aged 14 yrs 1 mos 27 days, son of A.J. & S. "Blessed are the pure in 
                                                                               heart for they shall see God." - in the woods                                                          
Orr                                                                          plot only - no visible stones                                         
Paeglow          Charles                1829              1907               Father                                                                
Paeglow          Fredericka             1830              1917                                                                                     
Park             Edwin                  1822              1895               In same plot with Antinette Wetherell                                 
Park             Theresa                1834              1914               In same plot with Antinette Wetherell                                 
Park             Bernice                1856              1936               In same plot with Antinette Wetherell                                 
Park             Gertrude                                                    In same plot with Antinette Wetherell - no legible dates              
Peter            William                1851              1932                                                                                     
Peter            Madgelena              1860              1930                                                                                     
Pigott           Katie                  1881              1893                                                                                     
Pigott           Ada                    1884              1893                                                                                     
Pigott           Patrick H.             1841              1904               Father                                                                
Pigott           Margaret               1857              1912               Mother                                                                
Pigott           Frances Elizabeth      1872              1923                                                                                     
Pigott           Robert Thomas          1885              1924                                                                                     
Pigott           Margaret May           1885              1953                                                                                     
Pigott           Florence Jane          1882              1936                                                                                     
Porter           Mildred Raye Terry          
Potter           Mother                 1820              1896               Mother, wife of Robert - same plot with Orrin Hawkins                 
Potter           Hugh M.                1858              1929               Father                                                                
Rapelje-Bork     Joyce                  Aug. 28, 1938     Nov. 23, 1964      buried with Mark R. and Lorraine Bork                                 
Redwanz          Albert                 1889              1933                                                                                     
Redwanz          Edwin                       
Redwanz          Giles                       
Reichle          C. F.                  1846              1929                                                                                     
Reichle          Catherine              1852              1913                                                                                     
Reid             James S.               1877              1931               Father                                                                
Reid             John J.                1910              1981               Son                                                                   
Roemer           Charles                1880              1948                                                                                     
Roemer           Martha                 1893              1920               dau. Of H.                                                            
Rohde            Gustav                 11 Mar. 1852      10 Apr. 1845                                                                             
Rohde            Auguste                8 Mar. 1857       17 May. 1825                                                                             
Rookies          Peter N.               1897              1975                                                                                     
Rookies          Phyllis M.             1916 
Rose             John I.                1863              1915                                                                                     
Rose             Sarah E.               Jan. 6, 1837      Jan. 29, 1919      wife of John I.                                                       
Ryan             George                 July 11, 1886     Dec. 11, 1892                                                                            
Schisler         Edith L.               1916              1999               "Together Forever" - stone with Chester                               
Schisler         Chester F.             1914              1973               "Together Forever" - stone with Edith                                 
Schisler         Baby Kenneth                             Oct. 9, 1948       Lamb on stone                                                         
Schramm          May                    1870              1920                                                                                     
Schramm          William                1856              1921                                                                                     
Schramm          August W.              Feb. 6, 1850      Oct. 16, 1925                                                                            
Schramm          Pauline A.             Sept. 22, 1853    Sept. 4, 1938                                                                            
Schulz           Father                 1859              1932                                                                                     
Schulz           Mother                 1863              1918                                                                                     
Schulz           Grandfather            1825              1896                                                                                     
Schulz           Selma                  1894              1895                                                                                     
Schulz           Arthur                 1897              1910                                                                                     
Schulz           Caroline               1830              1893                                                                                     
Schulz           Carl                   1833              1904                                                                                     
Scofield                                                                     plot only - no stones visible                                         
Seaman           Geo. D.                Feb. 18, 1827     March. 2, 1888                                                                           
Seaman           Ann Jane                                 Aug. 20, 1907      wife of Geo. D., aged 63 years, 8 mos 4 days                          
Seaman           Catherine              Sept. 24, 1902    May 9, 1910        Daughter                                                              
Seaman           Anita M.               June 18, 1881     Nov. 15, 1912      wife of John W.                                                       
Shepard          Edward H.              1868              1935               in same plot with Sally and Tommy Taylor                              
Shuler           Ernest E.              Apr. 24, 1896     Apr. 30, 1896      son of G. H. & Fannie                                                 
Simons           Henry S.               June 22, 1822     Jan. 13, 1887      eye of Ra, three linking circles with letters "F", "L", "T"           
Smith            Emily                                                       no dates                                                              
Smith            George E.                                Feb. 11, 1891      aged 86 years.                                                        
Smith            Vehne E                                  Aug. 25, 1881      son of Geo. & Angele Smith                                            
Smith            John Henry             1855              1930                                                                                     
Smith            Harriet Ann            1854              1932                                                                                     
Steingraeber     Wilhelm                1817              1902               Grandfather                                                           
Steingraeber     Henrietta              1831              1906               Grandmother                                                           
Steingraeber     August                 1859              1928               Father                                                                
Steingraeber     Lena                   1866              1948               Mother                                                                
Steingraeber     Olga                   1897              1920               Daughter                                                              
Steingraeber     Emil                   Feb. 7, 1871      Feb. 23, 1892      "Our Emil", inscription on bottom illegible.                          
Stephens                                                                     large marker                                                          
Stephens         Willie E.                                Sept. 11, 1866     aged 2 mos & 2 weeks "It was an angel that ? ? ? Flower and took 
                                                                               the flower away.                                                                                           
Stephens         Elias                  1831              1901                                                                                     
Stephens         Amelia                 1839              1904                                                                                     
Stiles           Albert H.              1875              1952                                                                                     
Stiles           Father                                                      no dates - same stone                                                 
Stiles           Mother                                                      no dates - same stone                                                 
Stiles           Mabel                                                       no dates - same stone                                                 
Tafelski         J. Alex                1882              1950                                                                                     
Tafelski         Theresa W.             1885              1954                                                                                     
Taylor           Sally                                    1938               only date - "Baby" - buried in same plot with Edward Shepard          
Taylor           Tommy                                    1940               only date - "Baby" - buried in same plot with Edward Shepard          
Textor           Charles L.             Jan. 19, 1821     Nov. 24, 1890                                                                            
Trombley                                                                     plot only - no stones visible                                         
Truike?                                                                      broken plot surround - one stone without top or legible name on bottom
Vallender        Edwin                                    July 10, 1888      aged 7 wk, "Our Edwin"                                                
Vallender        Thomas                 1882              1964               son                                                                   
Vallender        Stephen                1854              1943               Dad                                                                   
Vallender        Elizabeth              1857              1947               Mother                                                                
Vallender        Elizabeth              1880              1953               Daughter                                                              
Vallender        Jennie                 1886              1979                                                                                     
Voorhees         Samuel                 1878              19--                                                                                     
Voorhees         Almeada                1887              19--                                                                                     
Walton           A. J.                                                       Co. C Berdan's 1 US S. S. - no date, Civil War military stone         
Walton           Caroline V.                              Jan. 6, 1883       aged 55 yrs 6 mos., beloved wife of A. J. Walton                      
Walton           Andrew J.                                May. 1, 1886       aged 57 years                                                         
Ward             Annie I.               1893              1914                                                                                     
Ward             James R.               1888              1890                                                                                     
Ward             Joseph                                   April. 25, 1881    Aged 25 yrs, 7 mos. & 6 dys                                           
Ward             Robt. W.               1855              1910                                                                                     
Ward             Anne R.                1820              1917                                                                                     
Ward             James S.               1818              1901                                                                                     
Webb             Ada E                  1883              1910               wife of Edward                                                        
Welch            Julie                  Feb. 22, 1826     Nov. 13, 1889                                                                            
Wentworth        Lola                                                        broken stone - dates not visible.                                     
Wetherell        Antinette                                Jan. 5, 1913       Aged 86 years, buried with Edwin Park                                 
Williams         Hannah                 Oct. 6, 186?      May. 11, 1903      wife of Henry                                                         
Winfort          Emma E.                Jun 19, 1881                         Daughter of F. E. Hopkins - death date illegible                      
Wood             Louesa                 1843              March. 21, 1905                                                                          
Wood             Edwin                  1842              March. 4, 1905                                                                           
Zink             Carl                   1895              March. 30, 1905                                                                          
Zink             Augusta                1869              1950               Mother                                                                
Zink             Hermann                1868              1934               Father                                                                


©Copyright 2003 - 2012
Donna Hoff-Grambau and Carol A. Szelogowski
 © 1999 - 2000 Bill Carney, 1998- 1999 Donna Hoff-Grambau