Jubel - Buchlein, enthaltenb Geschichte ber Ev.-Luth, St. Johannis-Gemeinde, 22 August 1897

** Volunteers needed to translate the history of the Church from the German.  The Jubilee Book
is written in German, with the sermon excerpt in English.   The history is approximately 10 small
pages (4 x 5).    Please contact me.                                                                                                                      

Bay City Times
25th Anniversary of St. John's Lutheran Church Celebrated.
    More than 1500 people attended the services in honor of the Twenty-fifth anniversary of St. John's German Lutheran church on the corner of Alp and Jane streets Sunday.   Two whole congregations came from Saginaw, one from Zilwaukie, one from Carrollton, and a large number from Bay City.
    The services began at 10:00 a.m. with a sermon in German by Rev. F. Huber of Saginaw, W. S.  The history of the parish was ten read by Rev. J. F. Henning.
    During the noon hour and in the evening, the Woman's society served refreshments in the school building.
    At 3 o'clock, Rev. C. F. Boehner, of Zilwaukie, preached in German.  He was followed by Rev. J. F. Henning, the pastor, who preached in English.  Three choirs, two from outside parishes and one of the anniversary congregation, and a band from the Saginaw church, participated in the exercises.
    The church was organized on the 28th of December, 1862, but had no regular pastor until 1885.
    In 1872 the church was built for $1500.   In 1887 the rectory and schoolhouse were erected.   The pastors have been Rev. A. P. Miller, Rev. J. F. Meyer, and the present pastor, Rev. J. F. Henning.


Church Member Lists.

Click on the 'thumbnail' picture to enlarge.

St. John's Church, 1875

Church and Parsonage

Interior of Church

Congregation of celebrants for anniversary.

Congregation of celebrants for anniversary.


Pastor J. F. Henning



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