R.L. Polk & Co.’s


Essexville Directory




Alphabetical List of Names






Anderson Jeremiah, foreman, res s w cor Pine and Prairie

Atcheson James G, laborer, bds Wm H Atcheson

Atcheson Wm H, laborer, res s s Mercer 2 e of Burns

Atvill Thomas, blacksmith, res s s Prairie 2 w of Pine






Ballor Abram, laborer, res s w cor Main and Mercer

Barber Charles, foreman, res s s Prairie 3 e of Lynn

Barber Jane (wid John), bds John Duchstader

Barnes Amos D, heading cutter, res s e cor Main and Essex

Bartlett Martin, laborer, res s w cor Pine and Essex

Bateman Peter, farmer, res,s,s,Dunbar at e limits

Belloir Frank, laborer, res n s Essex 1 e of Lynn

Bender David R, engineer, res s e cor Pine and Saline

Benedict John, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret Darling

Bissonnette John, laborer, res s e cor Woodside ave and Langstaff

Bissonnnette Julius, laborer, res n w cor Salaine and Pine

Black Andrew, boarding house Currier & Co, res w s Pine 1 n of Saline

Black Robert, engineer, bds A Black













R.L. Polk & co.’s



Blair Eli, laborer, bds Mrs Darling

Brady John, laborer, res n s Woodside nr Langstaff

Brady Patrick, laborer, res n s Prairie 1 e of Oak

Brown George W, gang sawyer, res n w cor Langstaff and Saline

Brown John C, school teacher, res s s Woodside ave 3 s of Lynn

Brunette Josias, millwright, res s e cor Woodside ave and Scheurmann

Bucnanan John, foreman res s s Woodside ave nr Main

Burgess Agnes J (wid James), res s s Prairie 2 w of Lynn

Buissier Octave, laborer, res s s Smith nr Woodside ave

Bussier David, laborer, res e s hart s of Mercer

Bussier John, laborer, res n s Essex 3 e of Hart

Bussier Louis, slab cutter, res s e cor Langstaff and Essex

Bussier Peter, laborer, res ns sEssex 3 e of Hart




Campau Hyacinthe G, res s e cor Prairie and Langstaff

Carsono George, blacksmith s e cor Woodside ave and Main, res same

Carter Jennie (wid Oliver), res n w cor Mercer and Hart

Carter Oliver, laborer, bds Mrs Jennie Carter

Carter Oscar, grocer n e cor Woodside ave and Lynn, res w s Min nr Essex

Central House, A Walraven propr, n w cor Woodside ave and Langstaff

Cheverette St. John, lake captain, res s e cor Mercer and Hart

Claus Michael, cooper, res s s Woodsise ave nr city limits

Coffner St Clair, fireman res s s Prairie 1 e of Lynn

Conlan Francis bookkeeper, res s s Saline nr Langstaff

Cook Thomas, propr Essexville Hoter, n s Woodside ave foot Scheurmann

Cotter Wm, bricklayer, bds Redmond Cotter

 Cotter Wm, single packer, bds Redmond Cotter

Courval Joseph P, laborer, res n s Woodside ave nr Main

Cutler Nathean, laborer, res s s Woodside ave 1 e of Langstaff





Dargies Philip, laborer, res n s Dunbar e of Hart

Dargis John B, blacksmith, res n e cor Langstaff and Saline







Essexville Directory



Darling George N, jointer, bds Mrs Margaret Darling

Darling John L, jointer, bds Mrs Margaret Darling

Darling Margaret (wid John), boarding house J R Hall

Davison David, fireman, bds W H Atcheson

Dawson Rev John B, pastor Congregationalist church, res s e cor Prairie and Pine

Day Arthur, laborer, bds Central House

Dearing Thomas, blacksmith Geo Carsono, bds Central House

DePrekel Charles, bartender  Central house, bds same

Dochstader Dibble, laborer, bds John Dochstader

Dochstader John, laborer, res s e cor Marston and Main

Dochstader Robert, shoemaker, bds John Dochstader

Dochstader Wm H, laborer, res s e cor Main and Marston

Doel Ellen (wid Wm) bds W H Dochstader

Doubles Henry, sawyer, res s s Woodside ave 2 e of Jynn

Duford Eli, res s s Woodside ave 3 e of Oak

Duford Eli jr, laborer, res s s Woodside ave 2 e of Oak

Duford John, fisherman, res s s Woodside ave 4 e of Oak

Dumais Isaac, sawyer, res n s Woodside ave nr limits

Dumais John, carpenter, res cor Woodside ave and Dunbar

Duplantie St Ange, res n s Woodside ave 1 w of Pine

Dure Theophile, laborer, bds T Hebre




Emery Henry F, engineer and postmaster, res s s Woodside ave 2 e of Hart

Ethier Benjamin, saloon n w cor Pine and Woodside ave, res same




Fairchild Lloyd, shingle packer, res s w cor Main and dunbar

Fairchild Walter H, cooper, res s s Dunbar 2 e of Burns

Felker Levi G, filer res n w cor Langstaff and Mercer

Felker Miss Mary, teacher Union School, res cor Saline and Pine

Felker William, School Director, res s s Prairie bet Pine and Oak

Fillgraph Frederick, laborer, bds Anthony Johnson

Fouca Noe, laborer, res e s Pine 3 n of Saline

French George D, laborer, res s s Woodside ave 5 w of Main




Garber John B, engineer, res n s Woodside ave nr Hall & Co’s mill

Glynn Charles M, laborer, bds C W Gunn


R.L. Polk & co.’s


Green Seneca W, eading maker, res n s Woodside ave 1 e of Lynn

Guillet Alexander, fireman, res s w cor Woodside ave and Langstaff

Guillett John, laborer, res s w cor James and Elm

Guillett Josehp, engineer, res n s James 1 e of Oak

Guka James, laborer, res e s Pine 2 s of James

Gunn Charles W, laborer, res s e cor Main and Smith




Hages John, res s e cor Woodside ave and Lynn

Hall Fred E (J R Hall & Co), res 6th and Hampton, Bay City

Hall George, res s s Woodside ave nr mill

Hall J R (J R Hall & Co ) res s s Woodside ave nr mill

Hall J R & Co (Jerry R Hall, Fred E Hall, Terrence M O’Laughlin), Grocers n s Woodside ave e of Main

Hall Sidney A, Grocer n s Woodside ave 1 w of Lynn, res same

Hall Wm M, clerk J A Hall, res s w cor Prairie and Oak

Harris Augustus J, druggist n s Woodside 4 w of Main, res same

Hays Charles H, teamster, res s s Mercer 2 e of Burns

Hebert Maximillian, laborer, res e s Pine 2 n of Saling

Hebre Theophile, laborer, res s w cor Woodside ave and Lynn

Henry Milton, cooper, res s e cor Woodside ave and Harg

Hepford John, watchman, res w s Pine 1 s of Essex

Hewit Oscar, watchman, res n s Woodside ave 1 e of Hart

Howard Leonard, fireman, bds Oscan Hewit

Hudson Henry H, farmer, res s s Woodside ave e of Scheurmann

Hudson Joseph, farmer, res n s Woodside ave 2 w of Main

Humphreys Frank, hostler, res n w cor Smith and Langstaff




Jableski Peter, salt boiler, res s w cor Essex and Lynn

Jay Joseph S, laborer res n e cor Lynn and Essex

Jenkins Andrew, laborer, res w s Langstaff 1 n of Smith

Johnson Anthony, shoemaker s s Woodside ave 1 w of Lynn res same

Johnson Frank, laborer, res s e cor Prairie and Lynn

Johnson Frank, laborer, bds Wm M Hall

Johnson John, laborer, res s s Smith 3 e of Woodside ave

Jones David F, carpenter, res n e cor Mercer and Burns

Jones Robert, laborer, res cor Dunbar nr Woodside ave





Essexville Directory




Kerer Alus A, foreman, res n e cor Essix and Main

Keyser John W, shingle maker, bds P H Keyser

Keyser Phillip H, apiarist, res s s Marston 1 w of Langstaff

Keyser Wm H, shingle maker, bds P H Keyser

King Charles, sawyer, bds Wm McFarland

King Clovis, laborer, res n w cor Essex and Pine

Koon Jacob, laborer, res n w cor Mercer and Main




Labadie Sylvester, trimmer, res s s Essex 2 e of Langstaff

La Fontaine Bridget, domestic  J R Hall

Lalonde Joseph, livery n s Woodside ave nr Langstaff, res same

Lalone Joseph, laborer, res n e cor Main and Duubar

Lanford George, bds Central House

Larimer George, carpenter, bds Central House

Larimer George W, shingle sorter, res n w cor Main and Dunbar

Lectra Frank, ship carpenter, res s s Mercer 2 e of Hart

Leflair Joseph H, cooper, res w s Main 1 s of Marston

Leighton James, laborer, bds Mrs Sarah Leighton

Leighton Joseph, bookkeeper, bds Mrs Sarah Leighton

Leighton Sarah (wid John), res s s Woodside ave ur Hall & Co’s mill

Leighton Wm, laborer, res n s Hudson 2 w of Lynn

Lemere George, laborer, res n s Dunbar e of Hart

Lemere John, laborer, res s s Woodside ave 2 w of Oak

Lemere Louis, fireman, res s w cor Woodside ave and Pine

Lemere Wm, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret Darling

Lock Wm, teamster, res w s Scheurmann 1 s of Woodside ave

Lyden John, sawyer, res n e cor Woodside ave and Oak




McFarland Wm, cooper, res n s Woodside ave 3 e of Oak

MacOmber Miss Clara, teacher Union School, bds J R Hall

Mansfield George, meat market n s Woodside ave 1 w of Main, res same

Marco Henry, fireman, res cor Woodside ave and Dunbar

Marsac Mayo, laborer, res n s Hudson, 2 w of Lynn

Martin Edward L, salt mnfr, res n e cor Pine and Saling

Maxson Charles, laborer, res s s Woodside ave, 2 w of MainMayo Antoine, laborer, res n s Woodside ave 5 w of Main

Mayville Alexander, setter, res s Dunbar 1 n of Hart


R.L. Polk & co.’s


Meldrum Robert W, carpenter, res n w cor Lynn and Hudson

Miller Joseph, laborer, res e s Hart 2 s of Mercer

Mills Oscar W, clerk O Carter, res c s Main 3 s of Woodside ave

Mitivea Edward, laborer, res s s Woodside ave 1 e of Oak

More Charles, laborer, bds Anthony Johnson




Neering August, laborer, res s s James 1 e of Pine

Nellette Charles, teamster, res n w cor Lynn and Essex

Nellette Mrs Mary, janitor, res n w cor Essex and Lynn




Obeare Horton W, shingle maker, res s w cor Smith and Langstaff

Ogdon Abraham G, laborer, res n e cor Dunbar and Burns

Ogdon Burley, laborer, bds A G Ogdon

Ogdon George, laborer, res s s Smith nr Woodside ave

Ogdon Isaac, laboter, res n s Woodside ave nr Langstaff

O’Laughlin Terrance M, res s w cor Pine and Saling




Parker George, engineer, res n w cor Woodside ave and Oak

Patterson Edward, tin peddler, res s w cor James and Oak

Pearent Louis, ship carpenter, res n s Woodside ave nr Lynn

Perrier Antoine, ship sawyer, res s s Woodside ave 2 e of Lynn

Perrier Estashe, laborer, res n s Woodside ave nr Lynn

Perrier Moses, laborer, bds Estashe Perrier

Pertanause Mitchess, laborer, res s s Saline nr Langstaff

Philips Herbert H, shingle sawyer, bds P B Root

Pinneo Charles A, laborer, res s w cor Dunbar and Hart

Portlance Michael, laborer, res n s Woodside ave

Portlance Vitiline, domestic George Hall

Pratt Foster, clerk J R Hall & Co, bds Ralph Pratt

Pratt Ralph, mason, res s s Woodside ave 1 e of Main

Preirer Xavier, laborer, res s s Saline nr Langstaff




Reform Club Hall, s s Woodside ave e of Hart

Richards Wm H, laborer, res n s Woodside ave nr Main

Rivers Moses, hewer, res s e cor Lynn and Essex

Rivers Ralph, shingle cutter, bds Moses Rivers

Root Lyman A, carpenter, bds P B Root






Root Marcus, jointer, bds P B Root

Root Philo B, wagonmaker s s Woodside ave nr Main, res s w cor Dunbar and Main

Rorison Alexander C, bds Central House

Rorison & Langford, shingle mnfrs, bd Central House

Rose Wm H, mason, res s e cor Main and Mercer

Rouech Asael, cooper, bds C H Walrath




St Denis Averroes, laborer, res n s Woodside ave nr Langstaff

St John Andrew J, cooper, res n s Woodside ave 2 e of Oak

Scott Alexander (col’d), barber Essexville House, bds sam

Shaff James Laborer, res n s Woodside ave nr Langstaff

Sharpe John H, principal Union School, res Prairie Road

Sherrow Charles, laborer, res ne e cor Langstaff and Prairie

Shirley Wm, laborer, res s s Woodside ave e of Schuermann

Sias Jason, teamster, bds Mrs Margaret Darling

Smith Frank, laborer, bds Mrs A J Burgess

Smith John, bds John Wait

Smith Mert, farmer, res ns s Woodside ave nr limits

Smith Moses, res s e cor Mercer and Burns

Sovery Napoleon, laborer, bds T Hebre

Stevenson John E, music teacher, res n e cor Main and Mercer




Tanney Patrick, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret Darling

Toner Charles H, laborer, res s e cor Main and Essex

Townsend Abraham, firemen, res e s Main nr Essex

Trombley  Nelson, millwrigtht, res n s Woodside ave 3 e of Oak

Truax Charles, laborer, res s w cor Pine and Saling

Trudell Joseph, blacksmith, re n s Saline nr Langstaff




Vermas Fleurman, laborer, res s s Woodside ave 5 w of Main

Vernia Paul, laborer, res w s Langstaff 1 n of Saline

Vernia Peter, laborer, bds Paul Vernia

Vink, John, laborer, bds Anthony Johnson

Vink Wm, laborer, bds Central House




Wait John, foreman, res s w cor prairie and Lynn

Walrath Calvin H, bookkeeper, res s e cor Woodside ave and Pine



R. L. Polk & co.’s


Walrath Harvey H, carpenter, bds C H Walrath

Walraven Annie, cook Central House, bds same

Walraven  Anthony, Propr Central House and Ice Dealer n w cor Woodside ave and Langstaff

Walraven Frank, teamster, bds  Central House

Walraven Henry V, teamster, bds Central House

Walraven Joseph, laborer, bds Central House

Ward Thomas, township treasurer, res s s Woodside ave 2 e of Pine

Warfield Eliphalet W, laborer, res s e cor Dunbar and Burns

Warfield Horace P, salt mnfr, res n s Woodsie ave nr Hall & Co’s mill

Warfield Lucien S, saltmaker, res s w cor Marston and Langstaff

Warren Wm, cooper, res s e cor Main and Smith

Wasser Allen, baker s s Woodside ave 1 e of Langstaff, res Bay City

Webster Cassius W, filer, res n s Woodside ave nr Mill

Weis Hannah (wid Benjamin), res e s Scheurmann 1 s of Woodside ave

Weis Riol, laborer, bds Mrs Hannah Weis

Wheeler Mary, cook Central House, bds same

Wilson E Eugene, laborer, bds Wm Wilson

Wilson Wm, laborer, rs n s Woodside ave 3 w of Pine

Wing James, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret Darling

Woodbury Daniel, ship carpenter, res e s Schuermann 1 s of Woodside ave

Woodbury Wm, shingle packer, bds Daniel Woodbury

Wynne Frederick, laboer, bds Wm Wynne

Wynne John, laborer, bds Wm Wynee

Wynne John, res s s Smith nr Woodside ave

Wynne Wm, laborer, res n s Dunbar e of Hart




Zritler Robert, cooper, bds W H Fairfield



















Keyser P H, s s Marston 1 w of Langstaff



Carsono George, s e cor Woodside ave and Main


Boarding House

Darling Mrs Margaret n s Woodside ave nr Hall’s mill


Boot and Shoemaker

Johnson Anthony, s s Woodside ave 1 w of Lynn



Harris A J, n s Woodside 4 w of Main



Carter Oscar, n e cor Woodside ave and Lynn

Hall J R & Co, n s Woodside ave nr Main

 Hall S A, n s Woodside ave 1 w of Lynn



Central House, Essexville

Essexville Hotel, n s Woodside ave e of Hart


Ice Dealer

Walraven Anthony, at Central House



 Lalonde Joseph n s Woodside ave nr Langstaff


Meat Market

Mansfield George, n s Woodside ave 1 w of Main


Music Teacher

Stevenson J E, n e cor Main and Mercer



Ethier Benjamin, n w cor Pine and Woodside ave



Root P B, s e cor Woodside ave and Main

Transcribed by M. Brown

Proofread by Virginia Smoot




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Transcriptions by the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints, Bay City
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