R. L. POLK & CO.'S
f, farmer; fg, fruit grower; f
lab, farm laborer, ft or t, farm tenant;
lab, laborer; carp, carpenter; mnfr, manufacturer
Following each named are give:
First business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assess valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth, post-
office address.
Gabbe Ludwig, f, 28-33, 60, $1575, Beaver, Williard
Gabbe Otto, f, 31, 80, $1000, Beaver, Midland, R F D
Gadbeau Amadens, f, 10, 40, $900, Monitor, Bay City R F D 3
Gador, Napoleon, f, 16, 40, $800, Hampton, Bay City R F D 1
Gaffney John W, f, 34, 40, $1500, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Gaffney Mary and Wm, f, 34, 40, $1500, Williams, Bay City
Gaffney Nick, f, 26, 6, $800, Hampton, Bay City
Gaffney Wm, f, 22, 116, $7200, Monitor, Bay City, R F D 1
Gagner Charles, lots, $2600, Hampton, Essexville
Gagner Thomas, f, 13, 40, $250, Garfield, Pinconning R F D 2
Gaiser Gottlich, f, 25, 80, $3500, Monitor, Bay City R F D 4
Gaiser Martin, f, 30, 72, $2700, Monitor, Bay City, R F D 4
Gaiser Wm, f, 19, 215, $8400, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Gale Cyrus, f, 8, 78, $2700, Merritt, Bay City R F D 3
Galenbeck Joseph, f, 15, 80, $450, Mt Forest, Mt Forest
Galentine Sidney, f, 6, 80, $450, Mt Forest, Mt Forest
Gallager Wm, per $150, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Galligher Dennis, f, 26, 49, $3500, Hampton, Bay City R F D 2
Galoner Frank, f, 16, 160, $900, Mt Forest, Mt Forest
Gallout Fred, f, 30, 40, $900, Pinconning, Pinconning
Gamble Frank, lots, $125, Monitor, Kawkawlin
Gandreau Adolph, f, 32, 77, $3100, Merritt, Munger R F D 2
Ganyer J, lots, $175, Hampton, Essexville
Garber John, lots, $5600, Hampton, Essexville
Gardiner D, 16, 2, $150, Fraser, Pinconning R F D 2
Gardiner Wm, lots, $500, Hampton, Bay City
Gardner Amos, f, 1, 38, $450, Beaver, Binwood R F D 1
Gardner A, f, 35, 40, $400, Pinconning, Pinconning
Gariepy John, lots, $550, Hampton, Essexville
Garner Robert, 28-34, 80, $620, Gibson, Bentley R F D 2
Garrison Henry, f, 16, 36, $350, Frankenlust, Bay City
Garrow Frank, f, 24, 40, $450, Fraser, Lengsville
Garvey Norman E, f, 24-36, 120, $2850, Beaver, Auburn R F D 3
Garn Thomas, f, 4, 39, $3310, Bangor, Bay City
Gary N, f, 31, 40, $550, Kawkawlin, Auburn
Gast Peter, f, 14, 40, $900, Merritt, Bay City
Gastung August, f, 13-34, 80, $3000, Williams, Auburn
Gates Archie, f, 5, 120, $4000, Williams, Midland R F D 1
Gates Charles, f, 29, 40, $260, Gibson
Gates Edward, f, 28, 40, $260, Gibson, Bently
Gates Louise M, f, 2-11, 120, $7700, Portsmouth, Bay City
Gates S G M, f, 5, 79, $2450, Bangor, Bay City
Gates &^ Collins, f, 24, 52, $450, Kawkawlin, Bay City
Gatza John, f, 14, 60, $1550, Portsmouth, Munger R F D
Gatzar Paul, f, 15, 23, 100, $3000, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Gaulet, Mrs R, f, 28, 6, $750, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Gaulet Sam, f, 22, 40, $550, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Gault, C, f, 33, 30, $1300, Kawkawlin, Grayling
Gault Mrs P, f, 33, 20, $1200, Kawkawlin, Grayling
Ganthier Camil S, f, 16, 40, $900, Pinconning, Pinconning
Gavin Thomas, f, 22, 15, $800, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Gawne Wm, f, 2, 80, $500, Gibson, Standish R F D 2
Geason Denis, f, 20, 30, $1000, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Gebes Gasimir, f, 12, 40, $900, williams, Auburn R F D 3
Gehringer Ernest, f, 30-24, 59, $7100, Monitor, Bay City R F D 4
Gehringer, Leonard, f, 14, 120, $5800, Frankenlust, Bay City R F D 2
Gehringer L. F, 32, 40, $1400, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Gehringer M, per 17,–$100, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Gelwak Walter, f, 9, 490, $1000, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Geno W, f, 19, 5, $250, Linwood, Pinconning R F D 2
Genow Frank, f, 13, 40, $300, Kawkawlin, Bay City
Geraux, E A, lots, $350, Hampton, Essexville
Gerhard George, f, 22, 80, $475, Mt Forest, Mt Forest
Gerhauser George, f, 8, 10, $4600, Frankenlust, Freeland R F D 3
Gerhauser John, f, 15, 40, $2650, Frankenlust, Saginaw W S R S D 13
Germain Alfred, f, 19, 5, $750, Bangor,Bay City
German-American Sugar Co, f, 31, 44, $43550, Monitor, Bay City R F D 2
Geroux Adolph, f, 19, 10, $200, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Gerrow Wm, f, 12, 40, $450, Fraser, Pinconning R F D 2
Gesler Lizzie, f, 30, 4, $400, Monitor, Bangor R F D 4
Getchel A C, lots, $25, Monitor, Kawkawlin
Gibelyon Lew, f, 28, 40, $225, Mt Forest, Mt Forest
Gibson Jean, f, 36, $200, $2400, lots,$400, Pinconning, Pinconning
Gibson Libbie, f, 21, 40, $240, Gibson
Gielda Frank, f, 10, 100, $1780, Beaver, Auburn R F D 2
Giersbach Charles, f, 13, 16, $1300, Hampton, Bay City R F D 1
Giersbach Herman, f, 28, 40, $1900, Merritt, Munger R F D 2
Gies John, 2-19, 10, $1675, Bangor, Bay City
Gifford Charles, f, 22, 80, $325, Mt. Forest, Pinconning
Gifford Mrs, lots, $200, Pinconning, Pinconning
Giffel John, lots, $375, Hampton, Bay City
Gilbert Anthony, f, 29, 50, $850, Lengsville, Linwood R F D
Gilbert Edward, f, 9, 80, $700, Gibson
Gilbert Frank, f, 28, 40, $250, Gibson, Bentley R F D 2
Gilbert Joseph, f, 1, 40, $600, Fraser, Pinconning R F D 2
Gilbert Peter, 29, 40, $440, Gibson
Gilbert Mrs S, f, 7, 20, exempt, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Gilbert Wm, f, 20,—$40, Gilbert
Gillespie James, f, 31, 60, $1100, Bangor, Bay City
Gillett M, f, 21, 40, $1250, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Gillian William, f, 21, 40, $1800, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Gillman Abraham, f, 8, 59, $1600, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Gillman Albert, f,8, 17, $400, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Gillman George, f, 1, 30, $510, Beaver, Linwood R F D 1
Gilmore James, f, 28, 80, $1500, Lengsville, Linwood R F D
Ginty Ernest, f, 35, 30, $3600, Portsmouth, Bay City
Girard Andrew, 29, 40, $1400, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Girard Joseph, lots, $600, Hampton, Essexville
Girard Leon, f, 35, 28, $500, Fraser4, Linwood
Gittins G L, f, 23, 80, $675, Garfield, Gariield
Givan Paul, per $700, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Glaza G, f, 9, 16, $450, Portsmouth, Bay City
Glaza Stephen, f, 28, 80, $1600, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Gleason Michael, f, 33, 40, $600, Merritt, Bay City R F D 3
Glispie M W, f, 28, 100, $2225, Lengsville, Linwood R F D
Glonski Frank, 27-21-20-27, 120, $2900, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Goddard Charles, f, 10, 80, $500, Gibson
Goddard Ear, f, 10, 60, $430, Gibson
Godkin Ben, f, 12, 45, $2625, Portsmouth, Bay City
Godkin John, f, 10-11-17, 820, $11850, Beaver, Bay City
Godmere A, f, 11, 37, $675, Fraser, Pinconning R F D 2
Goedanier—, 30, 40, $380, Gibson
Goettsler Fred, f, 23, 40, $970, Beaver, Auburn R F D 3
Goetz C G , lots $70, Hampton, Bay City
Goetz Jacob, f, 13, 75, $3200, Frankenlust, Bay City R F D 2
Goetz Leonard, f, 4-5-25, 245, $4345, Beaver, Duel
Goff Paul, f, 4, 30, $1125, Bangor, Bay City
Gohm Mrs D, f, 34, 20, exempt, Monitor, Bay City R F D 4
Gonnea Carolina, f, 5, 1, $310, Frankenlust, Bay City Station 4
Gonowiski Joseph, f, 34,–$1000, Portsmouth, Bay City
Goodman Philip, f,3, 80, $650, Gibson, Standish R F D 2
Goodspeed Fred, f, 19, 5, %550, Bangor, Bay City
Goodwin, F G, f, 5, 40, $200, Gibson, Sterling R F D 2
Gordanier Myron, f, 10, 40, $240, Gibson
Gordanier Wm, f, 10, 40, $320, Gibson
Gornowitch Thomas, f, 3, 19, $1950, Portsmouth, Bay City
Gorton Fred, f, 19, $150, Bangor, Bay City
Gorzewski Mike, f, 35, 80, $2025, Beaver, Auburn R F D 3
Goschinski J, f, 15, 110, $1100, Gibson, Bently
Goss Abe, f, 19-30, 80, $1350, Kawkawlin, Auburn
Goss John, f, 29, 40, $1750, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Gotteber Herman, f, 16, 96, $800, Frankenlust, Bay City
Gougeon George, f, 32—$400, Bangor, Bay City
Gould Charles E, f, 9, 40, $800, Beaver, Auburn R F D 2
Gould James E, f, 9, 40, $370, Beaver, Auburn R F D 2
Goulet Mrs H, f, 33, 40, $1900, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Goulet John, f, 22, 80, $2330, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Goulet L, f, 6, 20, $325, Fraser, Garfield
Goulet Sam, f, 33, 40, $2200, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Goulett Archie, f, 27, 50, $2475, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Goulett George, f, 27, 79, $3550, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Goulett Mrs H, f, 27, 2, $1550, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Goulett Joe, f, 27, 40, $3200, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Govisowiski Joseph, f, 34, $250, Portsmouth, Bay City
Goyke Paul, f, 13-35, 120, $2825, Williams, Auburn R F D 3
Goyke rosie, f, 13, 40, $1300, Williams, Auburn, R F D 3
Gozial Thomas, f, 21, 60, $1300, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Gracy Mrs Clara, per $700, Portsmouth, Bay City R F D 3
Gracy John, lots, $500, f, 36, 19, $850, Hampton, Bay City
Gracy Rollin, f, 36, 19, $1150, Portsmouth, Bay City R F D 3
Graham Ada M, 21–$250, Merritt, Munger
Graham Duncan, grocer, 21, 2, $500, Merritt, Munger
Graham Est, lots, $700, Hampton, Bay City
Graham E, f, 34, 40, $2100, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Graham John, grocer, 16, 40, $500, Merritt, Munger
Graham Robert, f, 3-10, 40, $2875, Portsmouth, Bay City R F D 3
Gramson Joe, f, 15, 40, $800, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Granboski–,f, 23, 40, $250, Mt Forest, Pinconning
Grand Josephine, f, 30, 40, $1500, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Gradin Oliver, lots, $670, Hampton, Essexville
Grant Emeline, f, 14, 120, $4500, Williams, New York City
Grant Est, lots, $350, Hampton
Grant John, f, 9, 40, $650, Gibson
Grant Lovell, f, 33, 80, $450, Mt Forest, Pinconning
Grant William, f, 33, 80, $1000, Mt Forest, Pinconning
Grappen Ben f, 19-30, 80, $2050, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Graulx Ernest, f, 25-29, $1350, Hampton, Bayt City R F D 2
Graves A A , 31, 20, $100, Gibson
Gray Frank, f, 30, 15, $900, Hampton, Bay City R F D 2
Gray Jerome, 36, 40, $300, Gibson, Bentley R F D 2
Gray Thomas, f, 32, 40, $1025, Beaver, Midland R F D
Green Charles, f, 34, 40, $1250, Beaver, Auburn R F D 1
Green Est, f, 5, 11, $500, Frankenlust, Bay City
Green Fred, 29, 37, $500, Gibson
Green George Est, f, 9, 278, $7200, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Green George, f, 30, 20, $400, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Green G W , f, 16, 40, $600, Williams, Lareda
Green John, f, 30, 40, $900, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Green Sam, lots, $250, Pinconning, Pinconning
Green S, f, 7, 80, $1425, Fraser, Pinconning R F D 2
Greenleaf L, lots, $600, Pinconning, Pinconning
Greenleaf Wm, f, 6, 10, $400, Bangor Bay City
Gregoire C, f, 9, 3, $400, Bangor, Bay City
Gergoire Gus, f, 29, 10, $200, lots $250, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Gregor Christian, f, 15, 40, $370, Beaver, Auburn R F D 2
Gregory Frank, lots, $2100, Hampton, Essexville
Gregory S, f, 21, 60, $725, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Greiner J, lots $375, Hampton, Essexville
Greul Paul, f, 24, 78, $4800, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Grew Napoleon, f, 26, 10, $250, Fraser, Lengsville
Griffin James, f, 19, 1, $400, Bangor, Bay City
Grigg Ernest, f, 3, 4, $1100, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Grigg Mrs Matilda, f, 3, 40, $1800, Merritt, Bay City R F D 2
Grigg Robert, f, 2, 60, $1500, Merritt, Bay City R F D 2
Grigg Thomas, f, 3, 40, $1000, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Grigg Wm J, f, 3, 40, $1700, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Grimshaw A, lots, $50, Pinconning, Pinconning
Grobe John, f, 17-20, 80, $3100, Williams, Bay City R F D 1
Groboski Thomas Est, 3, 5, $400, Portsmouth, south Bay City
Grocholski Joe, f, 15, 80, $1600, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Grocholski J, f, 10, 60, $2500, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Gromboski Angus, f, 13, 61, $375, Mt. Forest, Pinconning R F D 1
Gromboski Henry, f, 24, 40, $425, Mt Forest, Pinconning
Gromboski John, f, 24, 80, $425, Mt Forest, Pinconning
Gromles Michael, fl 16, 30, $400, Beaver, Auburn R F D 1
Grosjean Dr, lots, $40, Pinconning, Pinconning
Gross Michael, f, 27, 23, 45, $1100, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Groulx Edward, f, 18, 20, $1700, Hampton, Bay City R F D 1
Groulx Elizabeth, per $525, Hampton, Essexville
Groulx Joe, f, 30, 35, $2180, Hampton, Bay City, R F D 2
Groulx Napoleon, f, 32, 60, $3775, Portsmouth, Bay City R F D 2
Grover George, f, 5, 80, $680, Gibson, Bentley R F D 2
Grover O W, f, 22-33, 158, $5520, Beaver, Auburn R F D 1
Grobes George, f, 8, 122, $1150, Gibson
gruschke William, f, 3, 40, $1400, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Grusezinski Vincent, f, 14, 60, $1825, Portsmouth, Munger R F D
Grusezinski Stephen, f, 14, 40, $1800, Portsmouth, Munger R F D
Gruske John, f, 5, 1, $180, Frankenlust, Bay City R F D 2
Gudsehinsky Ed, lots $1775, Hampton, Essexville
Gudschinski Herman, lots $675, Hampton, Essexville
Guenther Adolph, f, 19, 40, $515, Beaver, Auburn R F D 1
Guest Wm A, f, 30, 09, $1100, Monitor, Bay City R F D 4
Guilett Alex, f, 13, 5, $1000, Hampton, Essexville
Guilett Joe, lots, $375, Hampton, Essexville
Guilett John, f, 13-17, 23, $1400: lots $300, Hampton, Bay City R F D 1
Guilett Louis, lots, $80, f, 13, 37, $3200, Hampton, Essexville
Guindon Elizabeth, lots $375, Hampton, Essexville
Guindon Joseph, f, 16-17, 65, $2600, Pinconning, Pinconning
Guinton Joseph, lots $500, Hampton, Bay City
Guinup Charles, per $700, Portsmouth, Bay City, R F D 3
Guire A, f, 20, 80, $14000, Pinconning, Pinconning
Guisdalta Paul, f, 18, 40, $1100, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Gunther John, f, 1, 50, $1400, Williams, Auburn R F D 3
Guntherman II, f, 31, 4, $300, Monitor, Bay City R F D 4
Guoan H, f, 30, 58, $2400, Monitor, Bay City R F D 4
Guse P, f, 31, 40, $650, Fraser, Linwood R F D
Gushial Michael, f, 16, 40, $900, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Guske Anne, f, 18, 80, $680, Beaver, Detroit
Gust Herman, f, 3, 34-36, 99, $3400, Portsmouth, Bay City R F D 2
Gustavson August, f, 36, 3, $175, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Gustin H A Est, f, 8, 30, $4700, Bangor, Bay City
Gustin Mary A, f, 15, $500, Bangor, Bay City
Gustin M G, f, 12, 40, $225, Mt Forest, Mt Forest
Gutchick Henry, f, 9, 80, $1800, Pinconning, Pinconning
Gwizdalla Albert, f, 16, 20, $1800, Merritt, Munger R F D 1
Gwizdalla Frank, f, 28, 40, $1100, Williams, Auburn R F D 1
Gwizdalla Mrs Max, f, 29, 80, $1400, Williams, Auburn R D 1
Gwizdalla Paul ,f, f, 18, 121, $3900, Monitor, Bay City R F D 1
Gwisdalla Vincent, f, 12, 40, $800, Williams, Auburn R F D 3
Gwisdalla—,f, 5, 80, $535, Mt Forest, Mt Forest