R. L. POLK & CO.’S
City Officers
Charter election first Monday in April of each year. The Mayor serves two years, the Comptroller four, the Treasurer two and the Recorder two.
(Terms expire April 1st of year named)
Mayor-Wm CUNNINGHAM-City Hall-1903
Recorder-Octavus A. MARSAC-City Hall-1902
Treasurer-H. A. GUSTIN-City Hall-1903
Comptroller-Thomas W. MOORE-City Hall-1905
City Attorney-Brakie J. ORR-City Hall-1903
City Engineer-George TURNER-City Hall-1903
Chief Fire Dept-T. K. HARDING-City Hall
Chief of Police-N. N. MURPHY-City Hall
Police Justice-Wm M. KELLEY-City Hall-1903
Health Officer-Harvery GILBERT, MD
Street Commissioner-Byron ALLEY-City Hall-1902
Wood Inspector-Wm RATTRAY-1903
Boiler Inspector-Eli BURK-1903
Milk Inspector-George H. STEVENSON-1902
Plumbing Inspector-Robert S. WATSON
Harbor Master-N. N. MURPHY-1902
Pound Master-John ROWELL-1902
Pound Master-Frank LEPPEK-1902
Members of the Common Council
The term for the first-named Alderman of each ward expires April 1, 1902; the second named, April 1, 1903.
First Ward-Wm B. CLARK, Theodore TRUDELL
Second Ward-Frederick C. BOUTELL, George H. SCHINDERHETTE
Third Ward-Charles L. FOX, James M. LEWIS
Fourth Ward-Harry BEARD, Edward KROENCKE
Fifth Ward-Joseph FETTER, Frederick SHAW
Sixth Ward-Frank S. A. VAN AUKEN, Duncan G. McGREGOR
Seventh Ward-John WELCHLI, James SCOTT
Eighth Ward-Stephen SADON, Frank SCHRAM
Ninth Ward-Charles A. WALCH, I. A. SHANNON
Tenth Ward-Herman YON, James DONNELLY
Eleventh Ward-Clarence L. SHELDON, Julius KOSS
Standing Committees
Claims and Accounts-VAN AUKEN, SHELDON, FETTER
Parks and Public Buildings-BOUTELL, CLARK, SCOTT
Streets and Sewers No. 1-TRUDELL, YON
Streets and Sewers No. 2-McGREGOR, SADON, FETTER
Pounds and Markets-SCHRAM, YON, SADON
Sidewalks and Damage Claims-SCOTT, DONNELLY
Board of Education
President-Frederick P. BROWNE
Vice President-T. E. WEBSTER
Secretary-O.A. MARSAC
Treasurer-Henry A. GUSTIN
Superintendent-J. A. STEWART
Third Ward-G.P. COBB, L.G. WILLCOX
Fourth Ward-F.A. NEWCOMB, C.R. WELLS
Seventh Ward-Mrs. M.A. DOWNING, B.E. WARREN
Ninth Ward-F.P. BROWNE, N.A. EDDY
Board of Electric Control
Thomas K. HARDING, Secretary
Wm. H. FITZHUGH, Superintendent and Chief Engineer
Board of Health
Wm. CUNNINGHAM, ex-officio
Robert W. ERWIN-May 1, 1902(term expires)
Frank E. RUGGLES-May 1, 1903(term expires)
Harvery GILBERT, Secretary and Health Officer
O. A. MARSAC, ex-officio
Board of Public Works
Matthew LAMONT, Chairman-May 1, 1902(term expires)
I.W. MOORE, Sec ex-officio
O.A. WATROUS-May 1, 1903(term expires)
John W. SHEARER-May 1, 1904(term expires)
George TURNER-ex-officio
Board of Building Inspectors
Wm. LAMONT-April 1, 1902(term expires)
Thomas GLINACKI-April 1, 1902(term expires)
Patrick RYAN-April 1, 1902(term expires)
Public Library Board
Mayor Wm CUNNINGHAM, Pres ex-officio
Aaron J. COOKE, Librarian and Sec,
Trustees-Archibald McDONNELL, Chester L. COLLINS, Orrin BUMP, John A. STEWART, W.I. BROTHERTON, Jacob DARDAS.
Board of Water Works
G. Henry SHEARER-September 6, 1902(term expires)
Benjamin F. RAY-September 6, 1903(term expires)
Robert E. BOUSFIELD-September 6, 1904(term expires)
Homer E. BUCK-September 6, 1905(term expires)
Walter S. COUSINS-September 6, 1906(term expires)
Arthur H. INGRAHAM-September 6, 1907(term expires)
Arthur F. BROOKMAN-September 6, 1908(term expires)
E.L. DUNBAR, Supt. and Sec.
T.A. DELZELL, Asst. Sec.
Board of Commissioners
Headquarters, City Hall
Ubald R. LORANGER-May 1, 1902(term expires)
Wm LANGE-May 1, 1903(term expires)
Charles FOX-May 1, 1904(term expires)
Alexander T. STEVENSON-May 1, 1905(term expires)
Sanford V. WILKIN-May 1, 1906(term expires)
Police Force
Octavius A. MARSAC, Sec. ex-officio
Nathaniel N. MURPHY, Chief
A.D. WYMAN, Captain
George A. HEMSTREET, Wm E. TOLES, Mathew RYAN, George A. CRAIG, Sergeants.
Wm M. KELLEY, Police Justice
John W. MULHOLLAND, Sanitary Officer
Samuel M. CATLIN, Truant Officer
Ellen LORD, Matron
Patrolmen-Jacob SADON, George TRAUB, Joseph RATTCLIFFE, Frederick A. GOULDING, James P. WARFIELD, Anthony RIPSKY, Remauld RABIDEAU, Tustin E. HATCH, John KENNEDY, Frederick FOX, E.W.WARFIELD, Hiram HAWKINS, Robert WALLACE, Charles MARKEL, Christopher WACKERLY, W.B. FITZGERALD, H.F. SLATER, Wm BLISS.
Headquarters, City Hall
Board of Fire Commissioners
Joseph J. FORCIER, Pres.-March 21, 1902(term expires)
G. Henry SHEARER-March 21, 1906(term expires)
C.D. RICHARDSON, Sec.-March 21, 1903(term expires)
Solomon WILHELM-March 21, 1904
C.H. WELLS-March 21, 1905
Organization of Department
Department Officers
Thomas K. HARDING, Chief Engineer and Dept. Electrician
Erastus L. DUNBAR, Assistant Chief Engineer
William ALLAN, First District Engineer
Gottlieb KEMPTER, Second District Engineer
Charles CRAMPTON, Dept. Lineman and Batteryman
Hose Company No. 1-Washington ave between 4th and 5th. George H. THOMPSON, Capt.; D. FLADUNG, Lieut.; J.C. FREEMAN, D.C. RIVETT, Wm. DAWSON, Pipemen; James A. FOX, Driver; Robert IRWIN, Thomas W. HARDING, John FITZGERALD, Auxiliaries.
Hose Company No. 2-S w cor Belinda and Fitzgerald. Albert E. ELLIS, Capt.; Wm. J. WATTS, John G. FRIEBE, Peter DWYER, Pipemen; Wm E. PARKS, Driver; Nelson BASSETTE, Orvel A. DEZILEY, Millard W. WELLS, Auxiliaries.
Hose Company No. 3-Washington ave between 11th and Columbus ave. Jesse W. RADFORD, Capt.; John WHITLOCK, Lieut.; Martin C. NICHOLS, Frank WELTER, Pipemen; Robert ATKINSON, Driver; George C. RADFORD, Henry WALTERS, Gideon GORDON, Auxiliaries.
Hose Company No. 4-Cor 34th and Taylor. Gottlieb KEMPTER, Capt.; Theron E. SMITH, Lieut.; Lester J. BOITEAU, Russell CALLENDER, Pipemen; John McGINNIS, Driver; Daniel McNIEL, Charles NICHOLS, Auxiliaries.
Hose Company No. 5-Cor Lafayette ave and Broadway. Frank TEPOORTEN, Capt.; Edwin BRIGHT, Lieut.; James FROST, Jacob ELLSMORE, Pipemen; Cornelius REGAN, Driver; Charles KANEHL, Auxiliary.
Hose Company No. 6-Cor 7th and Johnson. H.J. STORK, Capt.; Wm B. ROWELL, Leonard H. NICKEL, Joseph BURNS, Pipemen; Sherman L. GRANDY, Driver; Joseph S. HENNESY, C. HEGENAUER, Auxiliaries.
Hook and Ladder Company No. 1-Washington ave between 11th and Columbus ave. William ALLAN, Capt.; John ATKINSON, Lieut.; Charles H. CRAMPTON, Ladderman; J. Henry STARK, Driver; Robert BAINBRIDGE, James L. BUTTERFIELD, Auxiliaries.
Hook and Ladder Company No. 2-Cor 34th and Taylor. John WATSON, Capt.; Wm H. RICHARDSON, Lieut.; Walter N. TEALL, Ladderman; George ANGER, Driver; Henry HOGAN, John RIDIKER, Auxiliaries.
Chemical Company No. 1-Washington ave between 4th and 5th. Edward GRANDY, Capt. and Engineer; P. J. McAULIFFE, Driver.
Engine Company No. 4-Cor 34th and Taylor. (In Reserve)
Engine Company No. 2-Washington ave between 11th and Columbus ave. (In Reserve)
Circuit Judge-Theodore F. SHEPARD
Sheriff-Henry J. KINNEY
County Clerk-Ludwik DANIELS
County Treasurer-Charles J. SMITH
Register of Deeds-George E. WEDTHOFF
Prosecuting Attorney-Edward E. ANNEKE
Circuit Court Commissioners-James E. BROCKWAY, Frank L. EDINBOROUGH
Judge of Probate-Griffith H. FRANCIS
Coroners-Fred E. VAN TUYLE, George N. EWELL
Surveyor-George E. TURNER
Superintendents of Poor-Wm MAXSON, Charles ANDERSON, August MIESEL.
County Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors of Bay County meets in the Court House, in Bay City, in October. Meetings are held several times during the year, the Board being subject to the call of one-third of the members. The members are elected annually at the spring election; one from each township, and one from each ward in Bay City and West Bay City; the Controller of each city and the Recorder of West Bay City are members ex-officio.
Name-Township and Wards-P.O. Address (respectively)
WASHER, John-Bangor-West Bay City
PEOPLES, Wm-Beaver-Willard
REICHARD, John M.-Frankenlust-West Bay City
COGGINS, John H.-Fraser-Linwood
REID, Wm H.-Garfield-Crump
BARTLETT, Richard-Gibson-Bentley
KNIGHT, Birdsey-Hampton-Bay City
OTT, Christian-Kawkawlin-Bedell
HOWELL, C. A.-Merritt-Munger
MOELLER, Henry-Monitor-West Bay City
BRYCE, James-Mount Forest-Mt. Forest
HARTINGH, Wm-Pinconning-Pinconning
WAGNER, Wm-Portsmouth-Bay City
SULLIVAN, Morris J.-Williams-North Williams
Bay City
GRACE, Richard-First Ward
HEISORDT, Peter S.-Second Ward
PIERCE, D. M.-Third Ward
DAVIS, John H.-Fourth Ward
COMBS, John-Fifth Ward
WILCOX, Charles A.-Sixth Ward
SCHUESSLER, Charles-Seventh Ward
WYRYBSKI, Anthony-Eighth Ward
GARRISON, Louis C.-Ninth Ward
McDONALD, Donald J.-Tenth Ward
HEUMANN, Mathias-Eleventh Ward
CUNNINGHAM, Wm-Mayor, Bay City
MOORE, Thos. W.-Comptroller, Bay City
ORR, Brakie J.-City Attorney, Bay City
West Bay City
LOURIM, Patrick-First Ward
TODD, James S.-Second Ward
DAVIS, Frank H.-Third Ward
NEWELL, R. B.-Fourth Ward
JONAS, Augustine-Fifth Ward
SWEENEY, Richard N.-Sixth Ward
BOSTON, John-Comp., West Bay City
SWEENEY, F.G.-Clerk, West Bay City
La RUE, C.M.-Treas., West Bay City
WARD, Nicholas E.-Pres. Essexville
LANDSBERG, Louis-Pres. Pinconning
Bay County Bridge Commissioners
Frank T. WOODWORTH, Chairman; Harrison W. GARLAND, Clerk; John H. BLOMSHIELD, Engineer; Dorr F. KINNEY, M. RIEGEL.
Bay County Road Commissioners
George L. FRANK, Chairman; John HARTLEY, Frank KUSMIERZ, Wm HOUSER, Gustav HINE.
Township, Name, Postoffice Address and Commission expires (respectively)
Bangor-VAN ALSTINE, Cleveland-West Bay City-1902
MEED, George A.-West Bay City-1903
BURGESON, Andrew S.-West Bay City-1904
Bay City-CALLANDER, Wm E.-Bay City-1902
STUART, Willard-Willard-1903
LINDSAY, Will J.-Willard-1902
MACKENSON, Theodore-Willard-1905
MERRITT, N.-Bay City-1905
Beaver-KOCH, Henry-Willard-1904
Bentley-PETITT, Robert-Bentley-1903
Essexville-FELKER, Wm-Essexville-1905
Frankenlust-WEGENER, August-West Bay City-1904
Fraser-CLANCY, Wm-Michie-1902
COGGINS, James W.-Michie-1902
GLASPIE, Monroe W.-Lengsville-1904
Garfield-STEVENS, Wm R.-Garfield-1902
BALLMORE, Antoine-Linwood-1903
JOHNSON, Michael-Garfield-1905
Gibson-BRINTNELL, Aaron-Bentley-1902
FAULDS, Andrew-Bentley-1902
HARVEY, Enoch-Bentley-1904
Hampton-BURNS, Wm H.-Essexville-1902
VENNEX, Jacob-Essexville-1903
SHARPE, John-Essexville-1904
Kawkawlin-WARREN, John-Kawkawlin-1905
McKAY, Wm-Kawkawlin-1902
Merritt-ELLISON, George W-Munger-1905
TENNANT, F.R.-Munger-1902
TOUGH, G.C.-Munger-1903
SOMERFIELD, Michael A.-Munger-1904
Monitor-PAIGE, Daniel W.-Kawkawlin-1901
DUNHAM, F.W.-West Bay City-1903
WHITE, C.L.-West Bay City-1904
Mount Forest-CRONK, Edward-Mt. Forest-1905
KEATON, James E.-Mt. Forest-1905
QUIGLEY, Wm-Mt. Forest-1902
ROBINSON, R.J.-Mt. Forest-1903
ROSS, Walter B.-Mount Forest-1905
Munger-HORTON, Heman-Munger-1905
Pinconning-BINGHAM, Charles L.-Pinconning-1905
DOAN, Milton-Pinconning-1902
CUSHEL, Edward-Pinconning-1903
MANSFIELD, Henry C.-Pinconning-1904
Portsmouth-CARTWRIGHT, Edward-Bay City-1905
McFARLANE, David-Bay City-1903
REINKE, Wm H.-Munger-1904
Tebo-McGINNIS, Wm-Tebo-1905
West Bay City-NEUMANN, Frederick-Webber Blk-1902
CASNER, Joseph-Webber Blk-1905
CAMERON, J.J.-Fisher Blk-1904
NEFFER, John-Fisher Blk-1905
Williams-PETERSON, Wm H.-Auburn-1902
BUZZARD, Jacob L.-North Williams-1903
OVIATT, L.W.-North Williams-1905
US Commissioner-Mrs. Jennie W. JONES, Government Bldg.
US Deputy Collector of Customs-DeWitt C. BRAWN, Government Bldg.
US Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue-George H. KEATING, Government Bldg.
US Deputy Marshal-Lucius W. TOBIAS, Government Bldg.
United States Court for the Eastern District of Michigan-North Division.
The United States is divided into nine judicial circuits, in each of which a circuit court is held for each district, within each circuit.
The Act of Congress, approved April 10th, 1869, provides as follows; The circuit court in each circuit shall be held by the justice of the supreme court allotted to the circuit court, or by the circuit judge of the circuit, or by the district judge of the district sitting alone, or by the justice of the supreme court and circuit court sitting together, in which case the justice of the supreme court shall preside; or, in the absence of either of them, by the other (who shall preside) and the district judge.
The State of Michigan, by the Act of February 24th, 1863, was divided into two judicial districts. The Courts for the Eastern District are held in Detroit, Port Huron and Bay City. Those for the Western District at Grand Rapids and Marquette. Both districts are attached to the Sixth Judicial Circuit, which comprises the States of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.
United States Circuit Court
Judges-Horace H. LURTON, Wm R. DAY, Henry F. SEVERENS; Clerk, W.S. HARSHA, Detroit, Mich.; Deputy Clerk, Mrs. Jennie W. JONES.
United States District Court
Regular sessions the first Tuesday of May and October.
Judge, Hon. H.H. SWAN; District Attorney, Wm D. GORDON; Clerk, Darius J. DAVISON; Deputy Clerk, Mrs. Jennie W. JONES; Deputy Marshal, Lucius W. TOBIAS; Court Crier, Henry A. HARBECK.
Bay County Circuit Court
Court House
Judge, Theodore F. SHEPARD; Clerk, Ludwik DANIELS; Stenographer, A.M. HAYNES; Circuit Court Commissioners, James E. BROCKWAY, Frank C. EDINBOROUGH; Prosecuting Attorney, Edward E. ANNEKE; Sheriff, Henry J. KINNEY. Terms commence first Monday in March, first Monday in May, and second Monday in September and first Monday in December. Jury called first of each term.
Probate Court
County Court House
Judge, Griffith H. FRANCIS; Clerk, W. French MORGAN.
Police Court
City Hall
Judge, Wm M. KELLEY
Government Building, east side Washington ave, bet Third and Fourth aves. Office hours 7am to 7:30pm Sundays, 11:35am to 12:35pm, standard time.
Postmaster, Wm McCLOY
Assistant Postmaster, T. Clark BONNETTE
General Utility Clerk, Ella ROSENBERG
Money Order Department
Open from 7:30am to 5:30pm, standard time.
Cashier, Frank L. GWIZDALA
Assistant Cashier, Sarah E. SMITH
Mailing Department
Chief Clerk, Richard KEALY, jr.
Assistant Clerk, Claude B. HUGHES
Registered Letter Department
Open from 7:30am to 5:30pm, standard time.
Clerk, Sarah E. SMITH
Stamp Department
Open from 7am to 7:30pm; Sundays, from 11:35am to 12:35pm, standard time.
Clerk, Miss Mary M. DAUNT.
Free Delivery Department
Superintendent of Letter Carriers, Benjamin F. VOSBURGH; Distributing Clerk, John P. ROBERTSON.
Charles T. WHITE
James D. McGRATH
Richard JEWELL
Frank De NIO
Frederick J. NEWMAN
Roy S. YOUNGS, Arthur C. VERNON and J. Elzear LEROUX.
Sunday Deliveries
Lafayette N. BROWN
Henry F. RAMM
Edward T. McCLOY
Cole’s Opera Orchestra-Headquarters Forest City House. Q. O. COLE, Leader.
DE Renner’s Orchestra-Headquarters 102 Phoenix Blk. Prof. J. L. DE RENNER, Director; M. C. DE RENNER, Mngr.
Serenata Mandolin Orchestra-Headquarters at Thayer & Gustin’s, 502 Washington ave. W.E. BEARDSLEY, Leader
Third Infantry Band, M N G-Headquarters, 804 N Water. Nicholas HERRICK, Leader.
Union Orchestra The-Headquarters, 410 Saginaw. Edmund WOODS, Leader.
Bay City Bank-Crapo Block. Organized 1871. Capital and surplus, $200,000; undivided profits $35,000. George H. YOUNG, Pres.; Justin WENTWORTH, Vice Pres.; Harry C. MOULTHROP, Cashier.
Bay County Savings Bank-202 Phoenix Block. Incorporated 1884. Capital, 50,000; surplus, $25,000; Thomas CRANAGE, Pres.; G.H. SHEARER, Vice Pres.; John MULHOLLAND, Treas.
Commercial Bank-301 Center ave. Organized July 21, 1887. Capital, $100,000. C.R. HAWLEY, Pres.; C.C.WHITNEY, Vice Pres.; James R. WATROUS, Cashier.
First National Bank-300 Center ave. Organized 1864; reorganized and incorporated 1883. Capital and surplus $150,000. C. A. EDDY, Pres.; F.T. NORRIS, Vice Pres.; F.P. BROWNE, Cashier.
Old Second National Bank-203 Phoenix Block. Incorporated May 7, 1894. Capital and surplus $250,000; undivided profits $30,000. Orrin BUMP, Pres.; James DAVIDSON, Vice Pres.; M. M. ANDREWS, Cashier; C.M. BUMP, Asst. Cashier.
Mutual Building and Loan Association of Bay County The-303-304 Phoenix Block. Incorporated 1890. Capital $2,000,000. Henry H. NORRINGTON, Pres; T.E. WEBSTER, Sec; C.R. HAWLEY, Treas.
Savings, Building and Loan Association of Bay County-308 Phoenix Block. Incorporated 1887. Capital $1,000,000. W.I. BROTHERTON, Pres; Henry B. SMITH, Vice-Pres; A.G. PLUM, Sec; M.M. ANDREWS, Treas.
Elm Lawn Cemetery-Head of Green ave. Office 809 Adams. A.E. BOUSFIELD, Pres; G. Henry SHEARER, Sec; J.B. SHEARER, Treas; Horace T. WARFIELD, Supt.
Green Ridge Cemetery-Tuscola Plank road, southwest cor Columbus ave. Charles CUTHBERT, Jr., Sexton.
Hebrew Burial Ground (IOBB)-Tuscola road, adjoining Pine Ridge Cemetery on the east. Charles E. CUTHBERT, Supt.
Pine Ridge Cemetery-Tuscola road, southeast cor Ridge road. Charles E. CUTHBERT, Supt.
St. Patrick’s Cemetery (Roman Catholic)-Under control of St. Patrick’s Cemetery Board, on the Ridge road, one-half mile east of the Tuscola road. Rev. Edward A. CALDWELL, Pres; Rev. Joseph GRES, Vice-Pres; D.A.TRUDELL, Sec; John JOSWIAK, Treas; Joseph FITZSIMONS, Sexton.
Seaman’s Cemetery-East side Tuscola Plank road, south of and adjoining Pine Ridge Cemetery. Charles CUTHBERT, Jr., Sexton.
Children’s Home-s e cor Johnson and Columbus ave. Mrs. Etta A. MURRAY, Matron.
Woman’s Home-923 N. Monroe, cor Fourth ave. Mrs. Josephine ALBERTSON, Matron.
Broadway Baptist Church-Broadway s w cor 26th. Rev Benjamin H. THOMAS, pastor.
First Baptist Church-Center ave s e cor Madison ave. Rev. Jullien A. HERRICK, pastor, res 612 N. Van Buren.
First Baptist Church-N w cor Dunbar and Langstaff, Essexville. No pastor.
Patterson Memorial Baptist Church-N w cor Woodside ave and Trumbull. Rev. Wm N. FLETCHER, pastor, res 1838 Woodside ave.
Second Baptist Church (Colored)-E s N. Monroe bet 10th and 11th. Rev. George A. MARTIN, pastor.
South Bay City Baptist Church-S s Cass ave. bet Broadway and Braddock. Rev. Joseph A.T. FOX, pastor, res 106 High.
Congregational Church, Essexville-N w cor Langstaff and Essex. Rev. C.W. JONES, pastor.
First Congregational Church-N Van Buren s e cor 6th. Rev. Charles T. PATCHELL, pastor, res 1012 10th.
St. Barnabas’ Church-Taylor s e cor 35th. Rev. W.R. BLACKFORD, rector, res 106 Chilson ave, West Bay City.
Trinity Church-Center ave n w cor Grant pl. Rev. Amos WATKINS, rector, res 909 Center ave.
Salem United Evangelical-N w cor N. Madison ave and 10th. Rev. Albert C. LUTZ, pastor, res 614 13th.
Zion Evangelical Church-W s N. Monroe bet 10th and 11th. Rev. Adolph HALMHUBER, pastor, res 251 N. Monroe.
Reform Temple-417 Adams. Rev. Wolf LANDAU, rabbi.
Schari Zedeck Synagogue-N e cor 11th and N. Van Buren, Rev. Abram ROSENTHAL, rabbi.
Bethel German Lutheran-Cor McKinley and Madison aves. Rev. Julius KLINGMAN, pastor.
Immanuel German Evangelical Lutheran-N. Lincoln ave. s w cor 10th. Rev. C.F. GRAEBNER, pastor, res 249 N. Lincoln ave.
Trinity German Evangelical-Broadway n e cor 32nd. Rev. A. C. HASSE, pastor, res 1905 Broadway.
Methodist Episcopal
Central M E Church-19th n w cor Fraser. Rev. Erwin KING, pastor, res 106 S. Monroe.
First M E Church-Madison ave n e cor 9th. Rev. Dwight H. RAMSDELL, pastor, res 615 9th.
Free Methodist Mission-S e cor Garfield and Lafayette ave. Rev. R.R. HAIGHT, pastor, res 706 Lafayette ave.
Fremont Avenue M E Church-S S Fremont ave bet McCormick and Wilson. Rev. Wm W. WILL, pastor, res 312 24th.
German M E Church-S Van Buren n w cor 13th. Rev. John KUSTER, pastor, res 110 S Van Buren.
Woodside Avenue M E Church-S s Woodside ave opp N. Johnson. Rev Wm. EDMUNDS, pastor, res 1602 Woodside ave.
Epworth League
First Presbyterian Church-Center ave n e cor N. Jackson.
Memorial Presbyterian Church-Lafayette ave s w cor Marsac. Rev. W BRYANT, pastor, res 308 Lafayette ave.
Roman Catholic
St. Boniface (German) Church-N e cor Lincoln and McKinley aves. Rev. John G. WYSS, pastor.
St. James’ Church-Columbus ave s e cor S. Monroe. Rev. Thomas RAFTER, pastor, res 115 S. Monroe.
St. John’s Church-Hudson s w cor Pine. Rev. Father BRESSON, pastor.
St. Joseph’s (French) Church-N Grant s e cor 2nd. Rev. Francis GRES, pastor; Rev Alphonsus COIGNARD, asst. pastor; res 1005 3rd.
St. Stanislaus Kostka (Polish) Church-S Grant n e cor Kosciusko ave. Rev. Edward KOZLOWSKI, pastor; res, 915 S. Grant. Rev. Victor WISNIEWSKI, asst. pastor; res, 915 S. Grant.
Bethel Mission-3rd n w cor N. Water. Rev. J.C. BURNS, supt.
Gospel Hall-1620 Broadway. Non-sectarian.
Salvation Army-1614 N. Water. Ira MUNSELLE, captain.
Bay City Business College-715-717 Adams. R.R. LANE, Principal; R. GILLESPIE, Sec. and Treas.
Holy Rosary Academy-S s Hudson facing Main (Essexville). Conducted by the Dominican Sisters.
Mercy Hospital Training School for Nurses-Howard s e cor 15th. Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy.
Oral School for Deaf-Washington School. Martha M. HILL, Teacher.
Parochial School of Bethel German Lutheran Church-Adjoins the church on McKinley and Madison aves. Frederick SIEGLER, Principal; Miss Emilie RAMM, Teacher.
Parochial School of Immanuel German Evangelical Lutheran Church-E s N. Sheridan 1 s of 10th. J.M. HELREICH, Principal; John FRANK, Felicitas WALTHER, Teachers.
Parochial School of Trinity German Evangelical Lutheran Church-Broadway bet 32nd and 33rd. Rev. A.C. HAASE, Principal; Gustav SCHULTZ, Teacher.
St. Boniface (German) Catholic School-N s McKinley ave bet N. Lincoln ave and Birney. Under the direction of the Sisters of St. Dominic.
St. James’ Catholic School-W s S. Jackson bet 14th and 15th. Under direction of the Sisters of Charity.
St. John’s Catholic School-S w cor Hudson and Pine (Essexville). Conducted by the Dominican Sisters.
S. Joseph’s School-2nd cor N. Farragut. Under direction of the Sisters of St. Dominique.
St. Stanislaus Catholic School (Polish)-S Grant s e cor 21st. Under direction of the Felician Sisters.
Government Bldg.
DeWitt C. BRAWN, Deputy Collector of Customs.
Lewis Hospital-1207 Broadway. LeRoy LEWIS, MD, Supt.; Mrs. M.K. LEWIS, Asst. Supt.
Mercy Hospital-Howard s e cor 15th. Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy.
American Land Co. (Limited)-200 6th. Incorporated Jan 1, 1902. Capital, $1,000. Calvin G. THORNTHWAITE, Sec and Treas.
American Relief Society-201 Phoenix Blk. Incorporated May 1900. Israel RUELLE, Pres; Athur D. BAILEY, Sec. and Treas.
Bay Cities Consolidated Railway Co.-236 N. Water. J.C. WEADOCK AND M.P.HERATY, Receivers; M.P. HERATY, Pres; E.S. DIMMOCK, Genl. Mngr.
Bay City Boat Club (Essexville)-Organized September 1894. Incorporated June 1896. Capital $2,500. E. Wilson CRESSEY, Pres; G.W. AMES, Vice-Pres; S.P. CRANAGE, Sec; L.M.R. BRADLEY, Treas.
Bay City Boiler Co.-1300 N. Madison ave. Incorporated 1899. Capital $5,000. John LINDSAY, Pres; Grant MORRISON, Sec and Tres; B.F. RAY, Mngr.
Bay City Brewing Co.-1108 S. Water. Incorporated January 1, 1884. Capital $100,000. Walter D. YOUNG, Pres; W.A. YOUNG, Vice-Pres; J.B. MORITZ, Sec and Treas.
Bay City Building Co.-508 Phoenix Blk. Incorporated 1886. Capital $75,000. Orrin BUMP, Pres; E.T. CARRINGTON, Sec and Treas.
Bousfield & Co.-Cor Harrison and Cass ave. Incorporated 1881. Capital $125,000. A.E. BOUSFIELD, Pres; R.E. BOUSFIELD, Vice-Pres; C.J. BOUSFIELD, Sec and Treas.
Boutell Transportation Co. The-1201 N. Water. Incorporated 1890. Capital $150,000. Benjamin BOUTELL, Pres and Mngr.
Boyce Coal Co.-W s Pine 2 n of Saline, Essexville. Incorporated November 1899. Capital $10,000. A.A. BOYCE, Pres; Gregory J. BOYCE, Sec and Treas.
Broas, Galloway & Co.-204-206 Center ave. Incorporated 1889. Capital $15,000. J.J. BROAS, Pres; J.C. WEADOCK, Vice-Pres; L.L. BROAS, Sec and Treas.
Campbell-Brown Lumber Co.-1509 S Water. Capital $25,000. George M. BROWN, Pres; Arthur R. CAMPBELL, Vice-Pres; Henry M CAMPBELL, Sec and Treas.
Colt Land Co. (Limited)-809 Adams. Incorporated 1892. G. Henry SHEARER, Chairman; J.B. SHEARER, Sec; John MULHOLLAND, Treas.
Crapo Building Co. (Limited)-Office 404 Crapo Blk. Incorporated 1889. Capital $80,000. George H. YOUNG, Sec. and Treas.
Crystal Water Co. (Limited) The-Cor S Water and 16th. Incorporated 1892. Capital $20,000. A.E. BOUSFIELD, Chairman; Aaron J. COOK, Treas; S.D. HAWTHORNE, Sec and Mngr.
Eddy-Sheldon Co.-N Water foot of Belinda. Incorporated June 1894. Capital $200,000. Selwyn EDDY, Treas; C.L. SHELDON, Vice-Pres; F.E. PARKER, Sec and Treas.
Elm Lawn Cemetery Co.-Office at cemetery. Incorporated December 1890. A.E. BOUSFIELD, Pres; J.F. EDDY, Vice-Pres; J.B. SHEARER, Treas; G.H. SHEARER, Sec; Horace P. WARFIELD, Supt.
Fraser House Co. (Limited)-208 Center ave. Incorporated 1882. Capital $82,500. Newell A. EDDY, Chairman; Mrs. Annie F. McEWAN, Sec and Treas.
Fraser-McEwan Co. (Limited)-208 Center ave. Incorporated July 1, 1897. Capital $40,000. A.F. McEWAN, Chairman; Allan McEWAN, Sec and Treas.
Gage Robert Coal Co.-302 Shearer Bros Blk. Incorporated March 1900. Capital $80,000. Robert GAGE (Jackson, Mich), Pres; Charles CORYELL, Vice-Pres and Mngr; E.J. VANCE, Sec; Frank WURCH (Jackson, Mich), Treas.
Garland M. Co. The-Cor 26th and S. Water. Incorporated March 1894. Capital $25,000. M. GARLAND, Pres; Mrs. M. S. GARLAND, Vice-Pres; H.M. GARLAND, Sec and Treas.
Gustin, Cook & Buckley-1001-1007 N. Water. Incorporated April 3, 1889. Capital $30,000, paid in. H.H. GUSTIN, Pres; Charles E. COOK, Vice-Pres; Frank J. BUCKLEY, Sec and Treas.
Hammond Harry N. Seed Co. (Limited)-1018-1022 Adams nr 3rd. Incorporated July 1, 1901. Capital $40,000. Harry N. HAMMOND, Chairman; Phillips H. GAGE, Sec and Treas; s. Alan WILSON, Supt.
Hampton Transportation Co.-1201 N. Water. Incorporated. Capital $50,000. Benjamin BOUTELL, Pres and Mngr.
Hecla Portland Cement and Coal Co.-506-508 Crapo Blk. Incorporated July 1901. Capital $5,000,000. Julius STROH (Detroit, Mich), Pres; U.R. LORANGER, Sec; E.H. PARKER (Detroit, Mich), Treas.
Industrial Works-Cor 11th and N. Water. Incorporated 1873. Capital $150,000. W.L. CLEMENTS, Pres; C.R. WELLS, Sec and Treas; E.B. PERRY, Supt and Engineer.
Jennison Hardware Co. The-901-903 N. Water. Incorporated 1894. Capital $100,000. Charles E. JENNISON, Pres; Wm F. JENNISON, Vice-Pres; George B. JENNISON, Sec and Treas.
Kneeland-Bigelow Co.-S Water bet 19th and 21st. Incorporated May 30thm 1901. Capital $100,000. D.M. KNEELAND, Pres; C.A. BIGELOW, Sec and Treas.
Lambert John P. Co.-721-723 N. Water. Incorporated November 1, 1901. Capital $8,000. John P. LAMBERT, Pres; Lewis P. COUMANS, Vice-Pres; Henry P. CARTWRIGHT, Sec and Treas.
McDonald Grain Co.-504 Crapo Blk. Incorporated December 9, 1899. Capital $5,000. John N. McDONALD, Pres; John A. McDONALD, Sec and Treas.
Bay City Public Library-City Hall. Board of Trustees, Mayor Wm. CUNNINGHAM, Pres ex-officio; Chester L. COLLINS, Orrin BUMP, John A. STEWART, Wm. I.BROTHERTON, Jacob DARDAS. A.J. COOKE, Librarian. 23,000 volumes.
Bay County Bar Library-417-418 Shearer Bros’ Blk. Established January 1899. L. G. BECKWITH, Sec and Treas; Jean SHEWARD, Librarian.
Peninsulars, Company B, Third Regiment, Michigan National Guard-Mustered into State service April 13, 1874. Sixty Members. Armory cor Washington ave and 9th. A.H. GANSSER, Capt; C.H. DUMONT, 1st Lieut; L.G. BECKWORTH, 2nd Lieut; C.C. CUTHBERT, 1st Sergt; C.L. WALK, Pres; J.H. ANIIS, Vice-Pres; L.G. BECKWITH, Clerk; A. H. GANSSER, Treas; Ed JOHNSON, Sergeant-at-Arms.
Arbeiter Unterstuetzungs Verein-Organized 1866. Incorporated February 27, 1871. Reorganized December 1901. Meets second and fourth Sundays of each month in Arbeiter Hall, cor 7th and N. Johnson. Henry FEHRENBACH, Pres; Wm. MONTERMAN, Vice-Pres; H.A.L. UHTERMALEN, Rec Sec; Joseph LOTTER, Cor Sec; Solomon WILHELM, Treas.
Arch Confraternity of Sacred Heart (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at 614 S. Farragut. Matthew JANOWICZ, Pres; John LASKOWSKI, Sec; Jacob DARDAS, Treas.
Bay City Board of Trade-404 Phoenix Blk. Organized March 18, 1898. Selwyn EDDY, Pres; Benj BOUTELL, Vice-Pres; H.E. TREMAIN, Treas; James E. BROCKWAY, Sec.
Bay City Boat Club-Foot of Pine, Essexville-Organized September 1894. Incorporated 1896. Capital $2,500. E. Wilson CRESSEY, Pres; G.W. AMES, Vice-Pres; S.P. CRANAGE, Sec; L.M.R. BRADLEY, Treas.
Central Trades Council-Composed of delegates from al local labor organizations. Meets first and third Tuesday of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water. A.O. HEINE, Pres; Gilbert LAROCQUE, Vice-Pres; George H. RICH, Fin Sec; A.H. GANSSER, Rec Sec; Wm. MARCOUX, Treas.
Cigarmaker’s International Union No. 184-Meets second Tuesday of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water. Executive meetings every Saturday at 4pm. Charles KNAPP, Pres; Thomas JASKEY, Vice-Pres; Albert DEMING, Fin and Cor Sec; Devene MOULD, Treas and Rec Sec.
Entract No. 35, Von De Plattdeutschen Gilden-Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 200 Columbus ave. Henry BUTTE, ex-Master; Charles SCHULTZ, Master; Herman LUTZKE, Sec; Charles LANGE, Treas; Dr. Louis PLESSNER, Phys.
Family Protective Union No. 157-Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month in AOUW Hall. John MOON, Pres; Thomas GREELEY, Sec; A.P. POLK, Treas.
Firemen’s Mutual Benefit Association-Meets quarterly at Fire Commissioners’ Office, City Hall. Wm. ALLEN, Pres; J.C. FREEMAN, Rec Sec; Henry STARK, Fin Sec; Thomas K. HARDING, Treas.
Journeymen Barbers’ Union No. 13-Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water. E.J. HUTTON, Pres; W.G. STACEY, Vice-Pres; M.C. DEREMER, Cor and Fin Sec; C.A. COWAN, Treas.
Knights of St. George (Polish)-Meets third Sunday of each month at the Polish schoolhouse, cor Grant and 21st. Frank LANDOWSKI, Pres; Thomas MATUSZEWSKI, Sec.
Lady Arbeiter Society-Meets first and third Sundays of each month at Arbeiter Hall, cor 7th and N. Johnson. Mrs. Christine LUTZKE, Pres; Mrs. Catherine RICKERT, Vice-Pres; Mrs. I. VANDREY, Treas; Mrs. Amelia GRESCHOW, Sec.
LCBA Branch No. 595-Meets on alternate Wednesday evenings in St. John’s School Hall, for Hudson and Pine, Essexville. Mrs. Thomas GARIEPY, Pres; Mrs. Lizzie GUINDON, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Mary WARD, Treas; Mrs. Mary DeCOURVAL, Sec; Mrs. Mary LaFOUNTAINE, Past Pres.
Marine Cooks’ Association-Meets every second and fourth Saturdays of each month at Trades Council Hall, 912 N. Water. Herbert L. RUSSELL, Pres; Albert L. LINDSAY, Vice-Pres; Thomas J. McCANN, Rec Sec; Charles J. MOZEALOUS, Fin Sec; Paul PREMO, Treas.
Musician’s Protective Union No. 127, AF of M-Organized January 1, 1901. Meets second Sunday of each month in hall, 804 N. Water. Nicholas HERRICK, Pres; John DEREMER, Vice-Pres; Lovell SPAULDING, Sec; E.O. HARTIG, Treas.
National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch No. 187-Meets first Tuesday of each month in Postoffice Bldg. at 7:30pm. Frank De NIR, Pres; R.A. CAMPBELL, Sec; Richard JEWELL, Treas.
National Longshoremen’s Association of the United States, Branch No. 25-Meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in their hall, 708 N. Water. John CORRIGAN, Pres; Charles KENT, Vice-Pres; Wm. HAGGERTY, Sec; Ernst PETERS, Treas.
Oswiata Society (Polish)-Meets the first Sunday of each month at Harmonia Hall, cor 18th and Farragut. Anton E. CICHOCKI, Pres; John ZIELINSKI, Sec; Ignatz SCHULTZ, Treas.
Prohibition Alliance-Meets at GAR Hall, Washington ave, first Monday of each month. S.D. HAWTHORNE, Pres; E.M. LITCHFIELD, Sec.
Retail Butchers’ Society-Meets in Obey’s Hall, 408 5th, on call. W.E. TAPERT, Pres; Jacob F. BOES, Sec; Joseph PRIMEAU, Treas.
Retail Clerks’ Association No. 75-Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water. Charles A. WINEGER, Pres; F.C. SIMON, Vice-Pres; A.H. GAUSSER, Fin and Rec Sec; Wm. MARCOUX, Treas.
Retail Grocers’ Association of Bay Cities-Meets on call in Odd Fellows’ Temple. Edward WEST, pres; E.C. LITTLE, Sec; G.A. FULLER, Treas.
Sacred Heart of Jesus (Polish)-Meets every fourth Sunday after the first of each month at 700 S. Farragut. George W. KABAT, Pres; Michael ROZEWSKI, Sec; Michael MEYER, Treas.
Saginaw Valley Dental Association-Meets first Saturday in each month alternately in Saginaw and in Bay City. Irvin MYERS, Saginaw, Pres; Samuel STRAUTH, Bay City, Vice-Pres; C.F. POTTER, Bay City , Sec; E.T. LOEFFLER, Saginaw, Treas.
St. Aloyzy Society (Polish)-Meets the third Sunday of each month in schoolhouse, cor Grant and 21st. Edward STACHOWICZ, Pres; Anastasius HMARA, Sec.
St. Andrew’s Society-Organized January 1890. Meets second Friday of each month in GAR hall, Washington ave. Wm. CUNNINGHAM, Pres; John J. CAMERON, 1st Vice-Pres; John G. BUCHANAN, 2nd Vice-Pres; J.A. WILSON, Sec; Alexander CULBERT, Treas.
St. Casimir Society (Polish)-Meets every second Sunday of each month in school house, cor Grant and 21st. John PIASICKI, Pres.
St. Hedwig’s Society (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Piechowiak’s Hall, 1309 Central, W. B.C. Anton PIECHOWIAK, Pres; Paul PIECHOWSKI, Sec.
St. John’s Benevolent Society-Meets first Sunday of each month after high mass in St. Boniface Hall, 8th between Lincoln ave and Birney. Julius KOSS, Pres; Jacob MAUS, Vice-Pres; Henry FEHRNBACH, Sec; Charles WEBSTER, Treas.
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Benevolent Association-Meets first Sunday of each month at CMBA Hall. Patrick GRANT, Pres; Theodore ARCHAMBAUD, Vice-Pres; Stanislaus GAUTHIER, Rec Sec; Charles GAYNER, Cor Sec; J. GUINDON, Treas.
St. Joseph’s Society No. 1 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Polish school house, cor Grant and 21st. Joseph STASZYNSKI, Pres; Joseph STACHOWICZ, Sec.
St. Joseph’s Society No. 2 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at John Leppek’s Hall, cor 33rd and Fraser. Ignatz BUZALSKI, Pres.
St. Louis de Gonzague-Meets last Thursday of each month in Carpenters’ and Joiners’ Hall, Center bet Water and Saginaw. George PLOOF, Pres; Alex ST. LAURENT, Vice-Pres; Elzear LeROUX, Sec; Felix CAMPBELL, Treas.
St. Mary’s Catholic Benevolent Association-Meets third Sunday of each month at St. Joseph’s Church, cor Grant and 2nd. Emma ST LAURENT, Pres; Olive LaPORTE, Vice-Pres; Anna RABIOR, Sec; Emma LaCROIX, Treas.
St. Michael’s Society (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Polonia Hall, 924 Michigan ave. Kaspar SPRIGADAN, Pres.
St. Stanislaus Kostka No. 1 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at the Polish Hall. John JOZWIAK, Pres; Michael MICHALAK, Sec.
St. Stanislaus Kostka No. 2 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Andrzejewski’s Hall, 1029 S Madison ave. John WESTWAL, Pres.
Sokol Polski (Polish Athletic Club)-Meets the first Sunday of each month at Polonia Hall, 924 Michigan ave. Anton E. CICHOCKI, Pres; Thomas SLACHCIKOWSKI, Sec; Frank SCHRAMM, Treas.
Teamsters’ Union No. 9-Meets at Trades Council Hall on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8pm. George WARREN, Pres; James WHITE, Vice-Pres; Edward J. SIMONS, Sec and Treas; Daniel DELANEY, Rec Sec.
Typographical Union No. 81-Organized 1883. Meets first Sunday of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water. Wm P. KELLY, Pres; Jeremiah HURLEY, Vice-Pres; E.J.A. BAUDIN, Rec Sec; E.G. GEAUDIN, Fin Sec; W.A. CLARKE, Treas.
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Local Union No. 116-Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 in hall in Averell Blk., 109 Center ave. John E. HARWOOD, Pres; Fred REMENDER, Vice-Pres; Erwin G. GATES, Fin Sec; John J. MILLER, Rec Sec; Charles SIEFERT, Treas.
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union-Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at homes of members. Mrs. Emma I. BELKNAP, Pres; Mrs. Susan B. CAMERON, Sec; Mrs. W. MILLER, Treas; Mrs. Edith SLATE, Cor Sec.
Young Men’s Christian Association-715-717 Adams. Herman MEISEL, Pres; E.W. PORTER, 1st Vice-Pres; Charles M. HART, 2nd Vice-Pres; A.G. SALSBURY, Treas;
David A. TRUMPOUR, Rec Sec; Charles A. DAY, Genl Sec.
Young Woman’s Christian Association-Root Blk, 407 Center ave. Organized May 1891. Mrs. Margaret SMITH, Pres; Mrs. W.C. PENOYER, Vice-Pres; Miss Emily COLLINS, Rec Sec; Mary ANGEVINE, Genl Sec; Jessie ANDREWS, Treas.
Bay City Democrat (Weekly)-309 9th. Established 1891. George WASHINGTON, Publr and Propr.
Bay City Journal-Established January 29, 1898. Published every Thursday by the Bay City Times Co., 709 N. Water.
Bay City Times-Press (Evening)-Daily and Sunday. Established 1879. Bay City Times Co. Publrs, 709 N. Water.
Bay City Tribune (Morning)-Daily except Monday. Established April 5, 1873. SNYDER & McCABE Propr, 801 N. Water.
Michigan Freie Presse (German Weekly)-Established October 1878. August LANKENAU, Editor and Propr. Issued every Thursday at 924 N. Water. Circulation 3,000.
Michigan Sugar Beet The (Weekly)-Established 1899. Sugar Beet Publishing Co., Proprs. 816 Jefferson.
Prawda The (Polish Weekly)-312 Columbus ave. Established 1885. W.V. PRYBESKI, Publr.
Sunday Times-709 N. Water. Established 1879. Bay City Times Co., Proprs.
AOUW Halls, Cranage Block s w cor Center Ave and Adams, and 600 Garfield ave.
Andrzejewski Hall, 1029 S. Madison ave.
Arbeiter Hall, 600 N. Johnson
Arion Hall, 4th ave n w cor N. Farragut.
Armory Hall, s w cor Washington ave and 9th.
Astor House Block, Harrison n w cor Cass Ave.
Averell Blocks, 109-111 Center ave and 712-714 Washington ave.
Bank Block, Center ave s e cor Washington ave.
Baumgarten Block, 400 Center ave.
Beck Block, 809-811 Saginaw.
Birney Block, w s Water bet 4th and 4th aves.
Bresler Block, 715-717 Washington ave.
Bunnell Block, 205-207 3rd.
Campbell Block, n e cor Water and 5th aves.
Campbell House Block, N. Water s e cor 3rd.
CMBA Hall, n e cor Madison ave and 6th.
Central Block, Center ave n e cor Washington ave.
City Hall, n w cor Washington ave and 10th.
Columbian Hall and Roof Garden, N. Jackson s e cor 11th.
Concordia Block, 401 Center ave.
Cottage Hall, 701 N. Madison ave.
County Court House, n s Center ave bet Jefferson and Madison ave.
County Jail, Center ave s e cor Jefferson.
Cranage Block, Center av s w cor Adams.
Crapo Block, Washington ave n w cor Center ave.
Desmarais Hall, 1915 N. Madison ave.
Eddy Block, 404-406 Center ave.
Elk’s Hall, 406 Center ave.
Engineers’ Hall, 912 N. Water.
Essexville Town Hall, n s Woodside ave nr Belt Line RR.
Fay Block, 200-206 Center ave.
Federal Building, e s Washington ave bet 3rd and 4th ave.
Fraser Hall, 603 Lafayette ave.
Fraser House Block, Center ave s e cor N. Water.
Galarno Hall, 1621-1623 Woodside ave.
GAR Hall, 702-704 Washington ave.
Gospel Hall. 1620 Broadway.
Government Building, e s Washington ave bet 3rd and 4th avenues.
Grisdale Block, 1616 Broadway.
Griswold Block, 811-813 N. Water.
Harmonia Hall, 700 S. Farragut.
Heumann Block, 203-207 Center ave.
Hine Block and Hall, 506-522 Washington ave.
Hurley Block, 711-715 N. Water.
Hurley Hall, n e cor Washington and McKinley aves.
IOOF Hall, Broadway s w cor 32nd.
IOOF Temple, Washington ave bet 9th and 10th.
Jennison Block, N. Water n w cor 5th ave.
Kaiser Block, s e cor Water and 4th ave.
Kennedy Hall, Harrison n w cor Cass ave.
Knights of Pythias Hall, 406 Center ave.
Knights of the Maccabees Hall, 400-402 Belinda and 621 Harrison, s w cor Smith and Woodside ave, Essexville.
Kosciusko Hall, 108 Washington ave.
Lang’s Hall, 112 N. Water.
Leppek’s Hall, 2301 Fraser.
Library Building (old), 6th s w cor Adams.
Longshoremen’s Hall, 708 N. Water.
McCauley Hall, 400 Belinda.
McCormick Block, 806-808 N. Water.
McDermott Block, 6th n w cor Adams.
McEwan Block, 707-713 Washington ave.
Manoni Block, 3rd n e cor Saginaw.
Marble Hall, 1501 Broadway.
Masonic Hall, n e cor Broadway and 31st.
Masonic Temple, 6th n e cor N. Madison ave.
Maxwell Block, 1105-1111 N. Water.
Middle Ground, entrance from Cass ave and Lafayette ave bridges.
Moran Hall, 621-623 Harrison.
New Griswold Block, 210 Center ave.
New McEwan Block, 208 Center ave.
Norrington Block, 821-831 N. Water.
Obey Hall, 408 5th ave.
Odd Fellows’ Block, s s Woodside ave 3 e of Hart, Essexville.
Odd Fellows’ Hall, 14th n e cor N. Water and s w cor 32nd and Broadway.
Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. general offices Detroit. Passenger and Freight Depot, 5th ave cor Jefferson. The main line extends from Bay City to Onaway, 175 miles; Rose City division, Emery Junction to Rose City, 32 miles; Prescott division, Emery Junction to Prescott, 12 miles; Valentine Lake division, La Rocque to Valentine Lake, 26 miles; T. G.WINNETTE, General Freight and Passenger Agent, 216-217 Ridotto Bldg.
Michigan Central Railroad. General Office, Detroit, Mich. Passenger Station, First opposite Jackson; Freight Office, cor Water and First. H.B. LEDYARD (Detroit, Mich), Pres; L.H.L. HOMMEDIEU (Detroit, Mich), Genl Supt; A.B. ATWATER (Detroit, Mich), Asst. Genl Supt; M.C. COYLE, Division Supt; B.B. MITCHELL (Detroit, Mich), Genl Freight and Traffic Mngr; O.W. RUGGLES (Chicago, Ill), Genl Pass and Ticket Agt; Joseph WHITING, Local Ticket Agt; David HURST, Local Freight Agt; A.J. BURT (Detroit, Mich), Auditor; J.R. DUTTON (Detroit, Mich), Purchasing Agt.
Pere Marquette Railroad. General Office, Detroit, Mich. Passengers’ Stations, cor 5th and Jefferson aves. and cor Cass and Jefferson aves.; Freight Depot, cor 5th and Jefferson aves. Charles M. HEALD (Detroit, Mich), Pres; Charles MERRIAM (Boston, Mass), Sec and Treas; J.C. HOWARD (Detroit, Mich), Comptroller; H.F. MOELLER (Detroit, Mich), Genl Pass Agt.; A. PATRIARCHE (Detroit, Mich), Traffic Mngr; F.V. DAVIS (Detroit, Mich), General Freight Agt; J.K.V. AGNEW, Supt Grand Rapids District; W.D. TRUMP, Supt Saginaw District; Frederick W. STEPHENS (Detroit, Mich), Genl Counsel.
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