R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.




Sager Michael, f, 36, 40, $300, Merritt, Bay City.

St Alibin Albert, f, 27, 40, $400, Fraser, Lengsville.

St Clair A C, f, 18, 50, $3200, Bangor, West Bay City.

St CIair Lester, f, 30, 43, $250, Gibson, Bentley.

St John Alexander, saloon, 20, 80, $750, Pinconning, Pinconning

Salgat James f, 30, 40, $450, Fraser, Lengsville.

Salowav Anthony, f, 22, 40, $500, Kawkawlin, Bedell.

Samland Herman, 1, 29, 8o, $750, Pinconning, Pinconning.

Samuel Frederick 22, 10, $250, Pinconning. Pinconning.

Sanderson Rev Gabriel, Kawkawlin.

Sanqtiest Frank, f, I, 40, $800, Williams. North Williams.

Satkowiak Martin, f, 9, 40 $375, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin
Satkowiak Matthew f, 13-14, 120, $1100, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin.

Sauer Christopher, f, 9, 40, $100, Merritt, Bay City.
Sauer James ,f, 34, 8, $325, Fraser, Linwood.
Sauvie Frank, f, 4, 80, $1350, Kawkawlin, Linwood.
Savage Belinda, 9, I, $150, Bangor.

Savage Isabella F, 19, 20, $4250, Bangor.
Sayles S F, f, 21, 140, $5200, Hampton,
Bay City.

Sayles Wm, f, 16, 40, $500, Hampton, Essexville.

Schabel Adam, f, 19-20, 150, $5075, Merritt, Bay City.
Schabel Belthasar f, 19-21-30, 250, $8,825, Merritt, Bay City
Schaffer Mi
chael, f, 17, 40, $2100, Hampton, Essexville.
Schaffrank Theodore, f, 17, 40, $1730, Merritt, Munger.
Schauble B, 34, 10, $I200, Portsmouth,
Bay City.
Scherwinski Mich
ael, f, II, 60, $1270, Merritt, Bay City.

Scherzer John, f, i8, 70, $2250, Frankenlust, Amelith.
Scheuerlin L, f, 8-16, 120, $4800, Frankenlust, Amelith.
Schibanowski John, f, II, 40, $600, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin.
Schindler Mich
ael, f, 2-II, 80, $3180, Frankenlust, West Bay City.
Schlieker August, f, 6, 78, $2400, Frankenlust, West Bay City.

Schlieker Gustav, f, 6, 78, $2400, Frankenlust, West Bay City. 

SchIink August, f, 5 , 40, $300, Beaver, Duel. 

Schmidt Andrew est, f, 15-16, 78, $3430, Frankenlust, Amelith.

Schmidt A E, 22, 80, $800, Kawkawlin.
Schmidt Mrs A M, f, 15, 40, $700, Kawkawlin, Bedell.
Schmidt Charles, f, 16, 40, $1225, Merritt,
Bay City.
Schmidt Christ, f, 36, 120, $3200, Williams, Auburn.
Schmidt C, f, 23, 40, $1250, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin.
Schmidt C B, f,
22-23, 202, $3040, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin. 
Schmidt Ernest f, 10 40, $11120, Merritt, Bay City.
Schmidt Florence, f, 29, So, $2640, Merritt, Bay City.

Schmidt Frederick, f, 31, 100, $3600, Monitor, West Bay City
Schmidt George, f, II, 39, $2000, Frankenlust, West
Bay City
Schmidt J C, f, 32, 8o, $11900, Kawkawlin, Bedlell.
Schmidit John G, f, 2, 90, $3900, Frankenlust, West Bay City

Schmidt Michael saloon, lot, $400, Fraukenlust, S Bay City

Schmidt Oswald NI, f, 15, 40, $500, Kawkawlin, Bedell.

Schmidt Susan, 5, 2, $iooo, Frankenlust, West Bay City.

Schneider John, f, ‘o, 8o, $2200, Monitor, West Bay City.

Schneider Joseph lab, 5, 2, $6oo, Frankenlttst, \Vest Bay City.

Schneider Wm f, 36, 6o, $1750, Portsmouth, Bay City.

Schnell Frederick, f, 27, 30, $1o00, Monitor, West Bay City.
chnell John S f, and cheesemkr, 5-15, 366, $11500, Frankenlust, West Bay City.

Schoenick August, f, 9, 8o, $1735, Merritt, Bay City.

Schoof Frederick, f, 3, 40, $1120, Merritt, Bay City.

Schrader Charles f, 36, 40, $800, Merritt, Munger.

Schramm Frederick, f, 31, 40, $700, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin

Schramulski Martin f, 22, 40, $425, Pinconning, Pinconning.

Schricler Charles, f, 27, 25, $700, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin.

Schroeder Frederick, f, 36, 20, $405, Merritt, Reese.

Schroeder John, f, 25, 40, $810, Merritt, Reese.

Schroeder Win, f, 3-4, 27, $1800, Portsmouth, Arn.

Schroeppel Michael, f, II, 120, $4500, Frankenlust, West Bay City.

Schtider Frank, 3, 12, $800, Portsmouth, Am.

Schuhardt Edward, f, 31, 40, $700, Kawkawlin, Bedell.

Schultz Frederick, f, 34, So, $2000, Hampton, Bay City.

Schultz George, f, 5, 40, $350, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin.

Schultz George A, f, 34, 80, $1200, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin.

Schultz Herinarin, lab, 2, 3, $250, Portsmouth, Bay City.

Schumacher Mary, f, 28, 40, $900, Merritt, Munger.

Schuman Chris, f, 8, 39, $2100, Bangor, West Bay City.

Schuinan Peter, f, 7-8, 110, $3700, Bangor, W Bay City.

Schumann Joseph, f, 12, 40, $1400, Monitor, W Bay City.

Schtittler Otto, f, 20, 60, $2020, Merritt, M7unger.

Schwab Andreas, f, 4, 104, $3750, Frankenlust, West Bay City.

Schwab George, 1, 35, 60, $2300, Monitor, W Bay City.

Schwab Henry, f, 5, 20, $400, Monitor, Bedell.

Schwab John, f, 7-12-13, 227, $6350, Frankenlust, West Bay City.

Schwab John A, f, ~, 20, $400, Monitor, Bedell.

Schwab Mathias, f, 5, 20, $400, Monitor, Bedell.

Schwab Michael, f, 33-35, 80, $2200, Monitor, West Bay 

Schwab Michael, f, I, 49, $3500, Frankenlust, Amelith.
Schwahn Ph (est), 2, I, $100, Frankenlust.
Schwartz Christian, f, 49, 80, $1800, Monitor, Kawkawlin.
Schweinsberg George, genl store, $1475, Monitor, Kawkawlin.
Schweinsberg George NV, f, 25, 100, $2400, Beaver, Loehne.
Schweitzer Christian, f, 2I I, 60, $2500, Monitor, Kawkawlin

        Scoch Henry, f, 34, 34, $1050, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin.
Schoch Charles, f, 17, 40, $350, Pinconning, Pinconning.
Scoutten Charles L, drugs and stationery, $250, Pinconning
Scribner Elbert C, f, 6, 40, $700, Fraser, Michie.
Scutt Frank, f, 28, 40, $1100, Hampton, Bay
Seebach John, f, 13, 40, $1050, Portsmouth, Arn
Sebald J, f, 11-12, 80, $2900, Frankenlust, West Bay City.
Seggelkoe John, 1, JO, 40, $915, Merritt, Munger.
Seicoski John, f, 6, 40, $800, Williams, Auburn
Seidler Henry, f, 10-27, 80, $1100, Beaver, Willard.
Sellick Wm, f, 14-15,  Pinconning, Pinconning.
Senay D P, f, 3, 130, $2100, Kawkawlin, Linwood.

Sequern Joseph, f, 32, 40, $600, Fraser, Linwood.
Severien Jean, f, 3, 80, $16oo, Kawkawlin, Linwood.
Seymour Ar
chibald, f, II, 40, $600, Fraser, Michie.
Seymour A D, f, 6, 40, $800, Williams, Colon.
Seymour Edward, f, 17, 40, $850, Williams, Colon.

John, f, 9, 80, $920, Fraser, Michie.
Seymour John sr, f, 7, 40, $800, Williams, Colon.
Seymour John jr, f, 7, 120, $i8oo, Williams, Colon.
Seymour Wm, f, 31, 40, $1000, Williams, Colon.
Shabano C, f, 5, 40, $350, Kawkawlin, Linwood.
Shafer Thomas K, lab, 19, 5, $800, Bangor, West
Bay City.
Shamboe Joe, f, 5, 40, $800 Portsmouth, Arn
Shanks John, dairy, 23, 2, $900, Hampton, Bay City.
Shapinski  Joseph, f, 9, 40, $600, Kawkawlin, Bedell.
Sharbana Esidore, f, 3, 45, $600, Kawkawlin, Linwood.
Sharp John H, gardener, 17, 20, $1000, Hampton, Essexville
Sharp Wm f, 2, 56, $500, Beaver, Loehne.
Sharp Wm P, gardener, 23, 3, $2400, Hampton,
Bay City.
Shartrow Theodore, f, 9, 40, $350, Kawkawlin, Linwood.

Shaver Menzo, f, 20, So, $900, Kawkawlin, Bedell.

Shaw Albert, f, 34, 40, $1200, Kawkawlin, Bedell.

Shaw Andrew, f, 26, 50, $1250, Williams, Auburn.

Shaw Frederick, f, 20, 120, $5300, Monitor, \Vest Bay City.

Shawl David, f, I, 40, $275, Pinconning, Pinconning.

Shearer John, f, 10, 40, $1400, Monitor, Kawkawlin

Shelare David, f, 27, 80, $1300, Fraser, Lengsville.

Shepard T F, f, 9, 101, $5800, Bangor, West Bay City.

Sheppard Henry F, f, I0, 60, $760, Fraser, Michie.

Sheppard Win, f, I, 40, $500, Fraser, Michie.

Sherman P L & Go, stave mill, 26, 10, $9900, Fraser, Lengsville.

Shiddle August, f, 29, 40, $600, Beaver, Willard.

Shinbein Gustaf, 1, 28, 80, $1250, Beaver, Willard.

Shnell John, f, 10, 80, $800, Beaver, Willard.

Shook Hardware Co, $1100, Pinconning, Pinconning.

Shook Jacob, f, 7, 40, $700, Fraser, Michie.

Shorkey Louis, p, $150, Monitor, Kawkawlin.

Shoy Daniel, lab, 34, 4, $450, Portsmouth, Bay City.

Shreves C H, f, 22, So, $1400, Beaver, Willard.

Shreves Smith, f, 10, 40, $300, Beaver, Willard.

Shroder Herman, f, 28, 80, $1100, Beaver, Willard.

Shue John, f, 20, So, $1100, Fraser, Michie.

Shue Sidney, f, 17, 30, $330, Fraser, Michie.

Shugert Edwin, f, 26, 40, $600, Beaver, Willard.

Shuler Frank, f, 14, 40, $900, Merritt, Munger.

Shuler Henry F, 1, 32-33, 60, $2175, Merritt, Bay City.

Shuler Thomas, f, 23, 40, $600, Hampton, Essexville.

Shuniann Herman, f, 13, 20, $200, Fraser, Michie.

Shumann Otto, f, 23, 40, $450, Fraser, Lengsville.

Shumann Theodore, f, 23, 40, $300, Fraser, Lengsvilie.

Shumavar J, f, 25, 15, $375, Pinconning, Pinconning.

Shurkey Win, f, 4, 40, $1200, Williams, N Williams.

Shuster Frederick, f, 15-21, 140, $1725, Beaver, Willard.

Sibbe Charles, f, 28, 40, $475, Pinconning, Pinconning.

Sieron John, lab, 6, 9, $350, Portsmouth, Am.

Sievers Mrs F, f, I, 30, $1600, Frankenlust, W Bay City.

Sievert Frederick, f, 15, 80, $2020, Merritt, Bay City.

Sievert Louis, f, 17, 40, $1430, Merritt, Munger.

Sikorski Joseph, f, II, 40, $400, Beaver, Loehne.

Silas Benjamin, lab, 24, 4, $125, Pinconning, Pinconning.

Silbenden Win, f, 9, 20, $600, Merritt, Bay City.

Silvernail James B, f, 28, 80, $2000, Kawkawlin, Bedell.
Siminski Steven, 1, 9, 20, $200, Kawkawlin, Linwood.
Simpkin Abram, lot, $140, Fraser, Linwood.

Simons Estate, 27, 24, $2600, Hampton, Bay City.
Simpson Albert, f, 2, 30, $750, Williams, N Williams.
Simpson James, II, 20, $600, Williams, N Williams.

Simpson Jessie, 5, 19, $500, Portsmouth, Arn
Simpson Solomon. 1, 9, 80, $900, Fraser, Pinconning
Simpson Thomas, f, 6, So, $1800, Williams, N Williams.
Sirmyer Frank, 30, 5, $750, Hampton, Bay City.
Sitterding Henry, f, 5, 40, $900, Monitor, Kawkawlin.
Skelton D, f, 22, 20, $400, Williams, Auburn.
Skelton Frank, 1, 15, 40, $1100, Williams, Auburn.
Skelton Robert, f, 15, 40, $I000, Williams, Auburn.
Skezywed Win, f, 27, 40, $900, Williams, Laredo.
Slazinski Joseph, 1, 8, 40, $400, Kawkawlin, Loehne.
Slazinski Valentine, f. 8, 40, $~75, Kawkawlin, Loehne.
Slenou Leonard, 8, 10, $1600, Bangor, West Bay City.
Sloat Peter, f, 17, 40, $900, Monitor, West Bay City.
Smaltz Chris, 27, 10, $1200,
Hampton, Bay City.
Smaly Mrs J, 10, 20, $850. Portsmouth, Arn.
Smart  Mrs E, f, 3, 40, $250, Kawkawlin, Linwood.
Smith A P, f, 36, 40, $325,
Garfield, Linwood.
Smith A T, f, 14, 35, $500, Pinconning, Pinconning.
Smith Clements R, f, 28, 40, $1220, Merritt, Munger.
Smith Eben 0, f, 24, 10, $700, Monitor, West Bay City.
Smith Elizabeth, f, 32, 20, $800, Kawkawlin, Bedell.
Smith Mrs Ephraim, f, 26, 35, $700, Pinconning, Pinconning.
Smith Frank E, f, 28, 40, $700, Merritt, Bay City.
Smith George, f, 8, 40, $400, Monitor, West Bay City.
Smith George H, 31, 10, $250, Portsmouth,
Bay City.
Smith G H, f, 28, 40, $475, Pinconning, Pinconning.
Smith James, f, 21, 40, Merritt, Bay City.
Smith James P. 1, 20-29, 4~, $960, Merritt, Bay
Smith John, f, 20, 40, $400, Gibson, Bentley.
Smith Merton, f, 13, 40, $3980, Hampton, Essexville.
Smith Merton A, f, I8. 20, $1300, Hampton, Essexville.
Smith Napoleon, f, 20, 10, $800, Beaver, Willard.
Smith Solomon. f, 10, 40, $400, Mt Forest, Mt Forest.
Smith Wm, f, 31, 40, $800. Bangor, Kawkawlin.
Smithers Jacob, f, 17, 80, $1600, Williams, Laredo.
Smolinski August, f, 7, 40, $375, Kawkawlin, Loehne

Smythe Robert, f, 7, 40, $550, Fraser, Michie

Snitzki John, f, 14, 40, $350, Beaver, Loehne

Snyder J P, physician, 22, 40, $1600, Williams, Auburn

Snyder Washington, f, 16, 40, $600, Williams, Auburn

Solinski Frank, f, 22, 40, $400, Hampton, Bay City

Solomon Henry, f, 19, 50, $550, Fraser, Linwood

Solomon Thomas, f, 19, 60, $650, Fraser, Linwood

Somer Martin, f, 26, 80, $2200, Williams, Auburn

Somer Sebastian, f, 31-32, 120, $2350, Merritt, Bay City

Sommerfield Andrew, f, 32, 25, $300, Merritt, Bay City

Sommerfield August, f, 32, 80, $1580, Merritt, Bay City

Sommerfield Michael, f, 28, 40, $800, Merritt, Bay City

Soper Abraham, f, 34,40, $1000, Williams, Auburn

Soper Egbert, f, 34,120, $2600, Williams, Auburn

Soper Henry, 19, 5, $600, Bangor, West Bay City

Soper Wm, f, 33,40, $1100, Williams Auburn

Soshia Anthony, f, 23,40, $550, Beaver, Loehne

Soshia Godfrey, f, 25, 40, $550, Beaver, Loehne

Soule Levi, f, 4, 63, $340, Gibson, Moore's Junction

Sovey Francis, f, 8-9, 80, $1300, Fraser, Michie

Sovey Paul, f, 8, 40, $650, Fraser, Michie

Sowden Lewis, f, 13, 22, $1100, Williams, Auburn

Sowersby Theodore, blacksmith, Pinconning, Pinconning

Spencer M J, postmaster, 19, 147, $3100, Williams, Colon

Spencer Thomas E, f, 13, 10, $100, Pinconning, Pinconning

Spengler John, f, 28, 120, $2350, Beaver, Willard

Spicer B, lab, 23, $300, Williams, Auburn

Spigle Leon, gardener, 20-24, 19, $1050, Hampton, Essexville

Spigle Louis, gardener, 21, 20, $500, Hampton, Essexville

Spiker Conrad, f, 36, 20, $500, Portsmouth, Bay City

Sprague H, postmaster, 32, 40, $1000, Kawkawlin, Hamlin

Stackley Albert J, physician, Kawkawlin

Stagray Wm, 20, 10, $550, Hampton, Essexville

Stahl Paul, f, 7, 75, $600, Beaver, Duel

Stanard Eliza, f, 7, 26, $350, Monitor, Bedell

Standard Brick & Tile Co, 7, 21, $2500, Frankenlust, Amelith

Standard Ice Co, p, $2100, Bangor, West Bay City

Stange Charles, f, 23, 40, $1000, Williams, Auburn

Stange Chris, 27, 16, $1500, Hampton, Bay City

Stange Christian, 34-35, 6, $600, Portsmouth, Bay City
Staudacher B, f, 25, 80, $3100, Monitor, West Bay City

Stay Joh, f, 14,40, $400, Pinconning, Pinconning

Stefanski John, f, 9, 80, $1830, Merritt, Bay City

Stefanski Stephen, f, 9,80, $1730, Merritt, Bay City

Stegal Joseph, f, 28, 40, $900, Williams, Laredo

Stegaman Wm, f, 22, 40, $450, Kawkawlin, Bedell

Stein Joseph, f, 7, 33, $500, Monitor, Auburn

Steinbauer M, f, 14, 80, $3400, Frankenlust, West Bay City

Steinhoff Wm, f, 32, 40, $800, Williams, Auburn

Steinka Rudolph, f, 16, 20, $200, Beaver, Loehne

Stephan John, f, 34,40, $600, Monitor, West Bay City

Stephan Michael, 15-16, 80, $3200, Frankenlust, Amelith

Stephenson George, f, 3,40, $400, Pinconning, Pinconning

Steppler August, f, 33,40, $600, Portsmouth, Bay City

Stevens Allen, f, 11, 30, $300, Kawkawlin, Linwood

Stevens Elias, f, 27, 40, $950, Hampton, Bay City

Stevens Henry, f, 2, 80, $1600, Williams, North Williams

Stevens Jerome, f, 8-17, 160, $4000, Hampton, Essexville

Stevens John W, f, 25, 40, $280, Garfield, Loehne

Stewart Malcolm, f, 15,80, $2000, Merritt, Munger

Stickle Wm, f, 14, 80, $3100, Monitor, West Bay City

Stone John, f, 32,40, $550, Fraser, Linwood

Stotard John, 34, 40, $500, Kawkawlin, Bedell

Strauss Charles, f, 28, 60, $650, Pinconning, Pinconning

Strauss W E, f, 11, 40, $325, Pinconning, Pinconning

Stremple Henry, f, 28, 38, $1300, Kawkawlin, Bedell

Streuer John F, f, 22, 40, $450, Beaver, Willard

Streuer Wm, f, 3, 40, $500, Beaver, Loehne

Strobel Philip, f, 17, 40, $250, Gibson, Bentley

Stuart Benjamin, f, 15, 60, $600, Pinconning, Pinconning

Stucleick James, f, 15, 40, $600, Kawkawlin, Bedell

Stucleick Wm, f, 16, 40, $275, Kawkawlin, Bedell

Sturm Adam, f, 36, 40, $1600, Monitor, West Bay City

Sturm Peter, f, 35, 80, $3300, Monitor, West Bay City

Sudrette Charles A, f, 20, 40, $400, Beaver, Willard

Sudrette Daniel, f, 30, 10, $800, Monitor, West Bay City

Sullivan Dennis, lab, $50, Pinconning, Pinconning

Sullivan John, f, 15, 80, $800, Beaver, North Williams

Sullivan John, f, 2-3, 100, Williams, North Williams

Summerfield Andrew & Son, grocers, $250, Pinconning

Sumner George, f, 8, 40, $900, Monitor, West Bay City

Supointzki H, f, 2, 40, $300, Pinconning, Pinconning

Susella Joseph, f, 23, 140, $4900, Williams, Auburn

Sutherland Alfred C, agt M C R R , 2, 264, $3550, Kawkawlin

Sutherland J, f, 1, 156, $4100, Monitor, Kawkawlin

Sutherland J T, f, 32, 50, $1100, Bangor, West Bay City

Sutton Frank T, 21, 20, $600, Merritt, Munger

Swaffer Daniel, 8, 40, $650, Kawkawlin

Swalwell John, F, 1, 160, $1200, Beaver, Loehne

Swarts W, f, 19, 2, $500, Bangor, West Bay City

Sweeney Daniel, f, 12, 40, $1400, Monitor, West Bay City

Sweeney James, f, 7, 40, $1350, Bangor, West Bay City

Swiecicki M and P, f, 10, 20 $200, Beaver, Loehne

Swinziski Frank, f, 10, 80, $1000, Beaver, Loehne

Swinziski Mary, f, 10, 60, $700, Beaver, Loehne

Switzer Mrs W H, f, 7, 33, $550, Monitor, Kawkawlin

Sylinski Valentine, f, 3, 106, $3200, Monitor, Kawkawlin

Sylvester Desire, f, 14, 40, $900, Monitor, West Bay City

Sylvester Hercules, f, 14,80, $1800, Kawkawlin, Kawkawlin

Sylvester Joseph, f, 12, 40, $300, Beaver, Loehne

Syring John E, f, 32,40, $800, Portsmouth, Bay City

Syring Wm, f, 6, 36, $1200, Portsmouth, Bay City

Szamborski John, f, 22, 40, $600, Hampton, Bay City

Szyperski Valentine, f, 25, 10, $200, Pinconning, Pinconning


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