R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Pacholka August f 28 40 $450 Beaver Willard
Packard A__al f 23 40 $1100 Kawkawlin Bedell
Packard George S f 32 40 $700 Kawkawlin Bedell
Packard Sherman   5 19 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Pafford Robert f 4 80 $500 Gibson Moore's Junction
Pafford Thomas f 9 80 $480 Gibson Moore's Junction
Paige Daniel W justice       Monitor Kawkawlin
Paige Frederick f 29 40 $750 Kawkawlin Bedell
Paige H C f 34 70 $2150 Kawkawlin Bedell
Paige Ralph f 31 40 $600 Kawkawlin Bedell
Paige Wallace   34 10 $225 Kawkawlin Bedell
Pajott John f 6 68 $1500 Monitor Kawkawlin
Pajott Joseph f 14 40 $1600 Monitor West Bay City
Panzner Peter f 16 40 $400 Beaver Willard
Parrant Charles lab     $400 Frankenlust West Bay City
Parson Charles S f 9 40 $400 Fraser Michie
Parson E M   34-35 240 $3840 Fraser Linwood
Partenfelder Rev Ernst H         Pinconning  
Pashake Charles f 31 40 $500 Beaver Duel
Pashake John f 18-19-28 270 $1900 Beaver Willard
Pashake Wm f 29 40 $500 Beaver Willard
Patelski Andrew f 29 23 $560 Merritt West Bay City
Patelski Joseph f 29 40 $1230 Merritt Bay City
Patterson Amelia f 8 80 $2000 Williams North Williams
Patterson Andrew f 6 44 $1100 Monitor Bedell
Patterson Jane f 34 40 $1150 Williams Auburn
Patterson Thomas (est) f 20 78 $2400 Monitor Auburn
Patterson Wm f 34 40 $1000 Williams Auburn
Pearson Fred f 14 40 $1000 Monitor West Bay City
Pebel Albert f 12 80 $500 Gibson Standish
Peglow Charles f 34 40 $1000 Hampton Bay City
Peglow August   36 4 $1150 Portsmouth Bay City
Pelkey Louis A   26 80 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
Pelkey Napoleon f 23 40 $900 Williams Laredo
Pelon Anton f II 40 $500 Fraser Michie
Pelon D f 12 40 $500 Fraser Michie
Pelon Napoleon f 12 40 $250 Fraser Michie
Peltier George f 23 40 $800 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Peltier P N f 26 80 $1500 Beaver Williard
Penkal Christian f 5 30 $200 Beaver Duel
Peoples Henry f 32 40 $850 Beaver Willard
Peorier Cyril f 32 20 $450 Portsmouth Bay City
Perden Henry f 31 20 $500 Portsmouth Bay City
Periard Emile f 7 33 $550 Monitor West Bay City
Periard Joseph f 8 80 $1700 Monitor West Bay City
Permada August lab 34 2 $250 Portsmouth Bay City
Perrot John f 32 40 $600 Fraser Linwood
Perrot John jr f 32 40 $550 Fraser Linwood
Perry Caroline f 2-3 110 $3750 Williams North Williams
Perry John f 10 108 $1550 Kawkawlin Linwood
Perry Liberty f 34 40 $800 Beaver North Williams
Perry Worthy f 3 100 $3700 Williams North Williams
Pertell James   34 10 $800 Portsmouth Arn
Peter Mrs Amelia f 17 40 $1000 Merritt Bay City
Peters C   13 5 $125 Pinconning Pinconning
Peters Harry   13 30 $200 Pinconning Pinconning
Peters Joseph lab 13 4 $75 Pinconning Pinconning
Peters Paul lab 13 3 $50 Pinconning Pinconning
Peters Thomas lab 23 2 $100 Pinconning Pinconning
Peters Wm f 19 240 $9050 Merritt Bay City
Peterson Andrew lab 30 3 $225 Monitor West Bay City
Peterson Erick f 6 25 $500 Monitor Kawkawlin
Peterson H A   34 20 $700 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Peterson Wm f 35 40 $1200 Williams Auburn
Pett August lab     $300 Frankenlust West Bay City
Pett Henry f 26 40 $800 Monitor West Bay City
Pettit Robert f 30 80 $450 Gibson Bentley
Pfannes Joseph f 27 80 $1150 Beaver Willard
Pfenninger Henry f 10 40 $800 Merritt Bay City
Pfenninger Philip f 28 40 $650 Beaver Willard
Pfund Albert jr f 30 66 $2570 Monitor West Bay City
Pfund Henry f II 80 $2400 Williams Auburn
Pfund Henry f 26-31 131 $5100 Monitor W Bay City
Pfund John f 14 80 $2000 Williams Auburn
Pfund John f 25-30 70 $2700 Monitor West Bay City
Pfund Leonard f II 80 $1800 Williams Auburn
Pfund Mrs Leonard f 36 80 $2400 Williams Auburn
Phaneuf Michael   19 2 $600 Bangor West Bay City
Phelps Perry f II 80 $3200 Monitor Grayling
Philips Estate   3 7 $400 Portsmouth Arn
Phillips Benjamin f 14 40 $1300 Williams North Williams
Phillips Gerhard f 14 40 $1300 Beaver Willard
Phillips John   18 5 $500 Hampton Bay City
Phillips J B f 21 20 $800 Hampton Essexville
Phillips Lawrence f 14 40 $1000 Williams N Williams
Phillips S A f 10 40 $800 Williams North Williams
Phillips Mrs T C f 19 214 $6150 Monitor Auburn
Phillpotts Harry f 22 120 $1000 Pinconning Pinconning
Pickavet A lab 13 5 $350 Hampton Essexville
Piering Christian f 2 40 $2000 Frankenlust W Bay City
Pierson John f 31 40 $400 Kawkawlin Bedell
Pilon Anton f II 40 $500 Fraser Michie
Pilon Napoleon f 12 40 $350 Fraser Michie
Piotrowski Ignatz f 23 40 $500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Piper Rev George J         Pinconning  
Pitcher John lab 17 3 $50 Fraser Michie
Plant Daniel f 9 80 $2700 Williams North Williams
Plant Joseph f 9 80 $2800 Williams North Williams
Plant Susan f 9 80 $3200 Williams North Williams
Plant Wm f 9 40 $1500 Williams North Williams
Plasternant F f 26 44 $900 Hampton Bay City
Pletzke August f 23 40 $1100 Hampton Bay City
Ploinskie Ignatius f 16 60 $1675 Merritt Bay City
Ploof Charles   34-35 68 $4050 Portsmouth  
Poirier C lab 29 5 $225 Hampton Bay City
Pollock Hiram f 26 80 $645 Garfield Michie
Pommerville David f 25-35 80 $1730 Merritt Reese
Pommerville Joseph f 35 20 $300 Merritt Reese
Pommerville Paul f 35 60 $1375 Merritt Reese
Pommerville Wm f 35 7 $125 Merritt Reese
Pomminville E f 12 40 $360 Fraser Michie
Pond Tustin f 34 10 $750 Portsmouth Bay City
Popozyski John f 12-13 80 $1325 Merritt Munger
Popp John H f 4 60 $1600 Monitor Kawkawlin
Porter L f 6 40 $520 Fraser Michie
Porter Monroe physician   II 50 $175 Pinconning
Portlance Michael   3 6 $450 Hampton Essexville
Posey Abner f 17 40 $300 Gibson Bentley
Potter George M merchant 10 80 $3375 Portsmouth Arn
Potter Hugh M   10 40 $1600 Portsmouth Arn
Potter James f 34 40 $2300 Portsmouth Arn
Pouquet Joseph f 28 40 $750 Kawkawlin Bedell
Powell John f 22 40 $1200 Monitor West Bay City
Powell Selina f 22-27 276 $9800 Monitor W Bay City
Powrie Kate   8 27 $700 Bangor  
Prahl Ludwig f 13 40 $800 Merritt Munger
Presler Henry f 36 80 $1300 Beaver Willard
Presley Mrs M H f 35 95 $5800 Portsmouth Bay City
Preston Frank f 24 40 $880 Merritt Munger
Preston Mrs Sarah f 24 40 $1000 Merritt Munger
Pretoski Samphil f 20-21 80 $1700 Williams Laredo
Price P O f 22 40 $810 Merritt Munger
Priem Ernest f 9 80 $1400 Monitor West Bay City
Prieur Leandre f 7 20 $320 Hampton Essexville
Prill Anthony f 28 80 $2100 Williams Laredo
Primo John f 25 40 $450 Beaver Loehne
Printy James H f II 40 $1100 Williams Auburn
Prior Joseph f 17 40 $1010 Merritt Bay City
Privio Augustus f 29 40 $500 Fraser Lengsville
Prost Michael f 18 40 $350 Beaver Duel
Proulx Damas f 13 40 $800 Portsmouth Arn
Provost Adeline f 2 31 $1100 Monitor Kawkawlin
Provost George f II 50 $1750 Monitor Kawkawlin
Provost John f 17 135 $3000 Monitor West Bay City
Provost Louis f II 80 $2600 Monitor Kawkawlin
Prybeski Wm f 35 14 $1300 Portsmouth Bay City
Przybylski Stanislaus f 12 40 $350 Beaver Loehne
Przymusinski Stanislaus f 12-13 60 $600 Beaver Loehne
Przymusinski Stephen f 12 20 $250 Beaver Loehne
Puchell Wm f 27 39 $575 Pinconning Pinconning
Puddy John f 8 40 $2550 Bangor West Bay City
Puddy Minnie V f 8 40 $850 Bangor West Bay City
Pruchate Charles A f 25 40 $280 Garfield Michie
Purdy Frank f 21 20 $500 Williams Auburn
Purtell John f 28 80 $1650 Kawkawlin Bedell
Pusey Wm H gardener 23 5 $600 Hampton Essexville

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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