R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Labadie James f 14 20 $400 Portsmouth Arn
Labourdie Charles   26 3 $125 Fraser Lengsville
Labrinz Wm f 10 80 $900 Pinconning Pinconning
Lacey Adelbert f 36 40 $350 Garfield Linwood
Lacey Martin f 6 40 $600 Kawkawlin Linwood
Laclair Frank f 11 80 $1925 Merritt Bay City
Lacosse Felix f 15 80 $900 Pinconning Pinconning
Lacronia Arthur f 32 80 $1800 Williams Auburn
Ladrich Joseph painter       Pinconning  
Ladroot Joseph   26 2 $100 Pinconning Pinconning
Lafave Helen f 6 80 $900 Fraser Michie
La Fleur J f 22 40 $1400 Monitor West Bay City
La Fevre Adolph f 7 40 $1200 Williams Colon
La Fevre Eli f 7 80 $1600 Williams Colon
La Fevre Eli Jr f 5 60 $1250 Williams Colon
La Fevre John J f 8 80 $1800 Williams Colon
La Fevre Wm f 8 80 $2000 Williams Colon
Lafleur Isaac f 10 80 $400 Kawkawlin Linwood
La Forest Joseph   20 11 $500 Hampton Essexville
La France Frank livery 30 5 $400 Monitor West Bay City
Lafrance Joseph f 30 98 $1700 Bangor West Bay City
Lago Mary f 22 20 $400 Beaver Willard
Lahar Nelson f 5 80 $950 Fraser Michie
Lahman Charles f 3 13 $1150 Portsmouth Bay City
Lahnard Samuel f 6 40 $375 Kawkawlin Loehne
La Joy Joseph f 3-10 175 $4750 Monitor Kawkawlin
Lalleman David f 29 40 $1800 Hampton Bay City
Lalonde Joseph f 26 80 $325 Mt Forest Mt Forest
Lalonde Samuel f 3 20 $100 Kawkawlin Linwood
Lalone Edward gardener 19-24 13 $800 Hampton Essexville
Lalone Gilbert   29 20 $800 Hampton Essexville
Lalone Mrs J f 7 80 $240 Hampton Essexville
Lalone Vassar gardener 19 10 $600 Hampton Essexville
Lamar Henry f 4 80 $1200 Kawkawlin Linwood
Lamay Argus f 12 40 $350 Fraser Michie
Lamay Thomas   14 5 $70 Pinconning Pinconning
Lambert Anthony f 21 80 $750 Fraser Lengsville
Lambert Joseph f 30 80 $1020 Fraser Linwood
Lambrecht Julius   34 10   Portsmouth Bay City
Lamere Alexander f 14 38 $450 Fraser Michie
Lamere Louis f 13-14 157 $1610 Fraser Michie
Lampkin Charles f 7 40 $380 Fraser Michie
Lampkin John H f 7 40 $350 Fraser Michie
Lancaster David f 21 20 $260 Fraser Michie
Landford August f 12 40 $400 Garfield Michie
Landowski Andrew f 28 40 $800 Williams Auburn
Landsberg Louis dry goods     $2600 Pinconning  
Lane Charles J f 16 40 $1200 Williams Laredo
Lane Wm f 17 40 $650 Williams Auburn
Lang Paul f 31-26 156 $7000 Monitor West Bay City
Langley Henry f 25 40 $1350 Williams Auburn
Languesch Levi f 32 80 $1500 Beaver Willard
Lapan Anthony f 21 40 $850 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lapan Louis f 21 40 $850 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lapan Richard f 6 80 $700 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lapan Mrs S   20 20 $300 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lapien Edward f 11-14 59 $575 Pinconning Pinconning
Laponsie Frank G f 12 40 $350 Fraser Michie
Laponsie George f 12 40 $350 Fraser Michie
Laporte James f I 80 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
Laprarie John f 14 40 $1300 Monitor West Bay City
Laracey Edward f 26 53 $800 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Laracey John f 27 55 $1500 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Larecey J B f 4 60 $1800 Monitor Kawkawlin
Larognon Frank f 29-30 3- $1450 Hampton Bay City
La Rose Octave f 29 60 $2600 Hampton Bay City
Larouch Peter f 13 40 $425 Garfield Linwood
Lasure J L & D J f 19 10 $100 Fraser Michie
Latarte Rudolph   35 20 $250 Fraser Linwood
Latham Joseph f 29 80 $1300 Kawkawlin Bedell
Latoski Joseph f 28 80 $1450 Williams Laredo
Latulippe Emeline   13 5 $350 Hampton Essexville
Lavasseur Frank f 32 40 $1100 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lavasseur John   25 15 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Lavine Charles f 19 40 $425 Frazer Linwood
Lavine Henry f 31 79 $700 Fraser Linwood
Lavine Oscar f   40 $350 Fraser Linwood
Lavine Whitford f 31 40 $350 Fraser Linwood
Lawasseur O   32 20 $400 Portsmouth Arn
Lawasseur Oliver f 32 20 $400 Portsmouth Arn
Lawizki Lorenz lab 4 4 $475 Portsmouth Arn
Lawley Peter f 14 80 $1700 Merritt Munger
Lawrence David   2-6-7-18 187 $3530 Fraser Michie
Lawson Mrs J F   34-35 8 $700 Portsmouth Arn
Lawson Nicholas f 29 40 $400 Beaver Laredo
Lazelle Constance f 25 40 $350 Garfield Linwood
Lazinski Frank lab 4 5 $350 Portsmouth Arn
Lazinski John f 27 40 $900 Williams Laredo
Learman Frederick lab 13 1 $300 Hampton Essexville
Leavens Homer f 28 80 $1050 Fraser Lengsville
Le Beau D f 17 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Le Beau Frank   17 40 $400 Pinconning Pinconning
Le Beau Frank lab 4 5 $350 Portsmouth Arn
Le Beau Peter f 16-17 70 $825 Pinconning Pinconning
Lederer Leonhard f 33 60 $1050 Beaver Willard
Ledgate Henry f 20 40 $460 Fraser Lengsville
Lee A B f 15 40 $425 Pinconning Pinconning
Lee Frank   8 5 $300 Bangor West Bay City
Lee Nathan   24   $225 Pinconning Pinconning
Lee Thomas   12 40 $950 Portsmouth Bay City
Lefevbre Rev Edward A         Pinconning  
Lefevbre Napoleon f 35 10 $160 Fraser Linwood
Legner Richard     5 $400 Monitor Auburn
Lehmann Mrs A   24 39 $2000 Monitor West Bay City
Leinberger Adam f 33 100 $3550 Monitor West Bay City
Leinberger John f 2 109 $3050 Frankenlust Amelith
Leinberger John A   I 16 $600 Frankenlust West Bay City
Lemere H f 7 40 $400 Kawkawlin Loraine
Lemieux Peter f 4 40 $350 Kawkawlin Loraine
Leng Robert f 26 23 $500 Fraser Lengville
Lenhoff Alexander clothing     $600 Pinconning  
Lentz Henry f 2 40 $600 Kawkawlin Linwood
Lentz Wm   18 15 $850 Bangor West Bay City
Leonard Joseph f 3 40 $1200 Monitor Kawkawlin
Leonard Marcel f 8 80 $900 Fraser Michie
Leonhard Frederick f 35 80 $1075 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Leonhard Joseph f 31 40 $500 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Lepert Martin   16 20 $615 Merritt Bay City
Leppick Stanislaus f 21 40 $800 Williams Auburn
Leski Joseph f 15 120 $2200 Monitor West Bay City
L'Esperance Daniel f 23 40 $1000 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
L'Esperance Frank lab 10 12 $100 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
L'Esperance Joseph f 14 74 $700 Kawkawlin Bedell
Letine Frank E f 25 80 $650 Beaver Loehne
Letour Joseph f 29 40 $600 Kawkawlin Bedell
Letourneau Nelson f 9-12 80 $850 Kawkawlin Linwood
Letzgus Clemens f 8 40 $1600 Frankenlust Amelith
Levasseur Alfred State 20 40 $25 Garfield Duel
Levasseur Joseph f 28 80 $950 Beaver Loehne
Levasseur Urban f I 40 $475 Garfield Michie
Levcque Victor f 7 40 $600 Monitor Bedell
Levonduski Frank f 7 80 $750 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Lewis C E   18 29 $1300 Bangor  
Lewis James M f 16 50 $1560 Williams Laredo
Lewis Jonas f 10 90 $2000 Williams Laredo
Lewis Wm f 21 40 $1200 Merritt Bay City
Lifler George f 32 40 $180 Gibson Bentley
Lifler Nathan f 18 80 $500 Gibson Bentley
Lifler Wm f 17 80 $450 Gibson Bentley
Ligney Samuel f 35 28 $300 Fraser Linwood
Lilotte Frank T MCRR agt       Pinconning Pinconning
Linck Frank f 20 40 $600 Kawkawlin West Bay City
Linck Joseph f 19 40 $325 Kawkawlin West Bay City
Linda J f 16-17 80 $850 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lindenbaum Carl f 29 40 $650 Beaver Willard
Linderman Frank f 13 10 $450 Hampton Bay City
Linderman Mrs f 26 40 $2600 Hampton Bay City
Lindfried August f 12 40 $400 Garfield Michie
Lindner August f 12 40 $400 Garfield Michie
Lindner Charles   2 10 $650 Portsmouth Bay City
Lindner Henry f 5-32 80 $1875 Portsmouth Bay City
Lindner & Porter   f 4 40 $400 Fraser Michie
Lindry Frank f 22 40 $1250 Williams Auburn
Lindsay Frank f 32 40 $800 Beaver Willard
Lindsay L B f 20 80 $1750 Beaver Willard
Link Frank f 16 146 $4500 Monitor West Bay City
Link John f 11 101 $3300 Frankenlust West Bay City
Link Joseph f 15 100 $3400 Monitor West Bay City
Linton Adam f 8 120 $900 Beaver Duel
Liss John f 21 40 $300 Kawkawlin Bedell
Little Howard f 13 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Little James H f 15 80 $820 Merritt Munger
Little Wm f 6 40 $900 Williams North Williams
Livingston Wm f 32 80 $1450 Beaver Willard
Lizness John f 8-16 30 $750 Pinconning Pinconning
Locke John f 31 38 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Locke Thomas f 31 38 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Lodinski Joseph f 29 40 $900 Merritt Munger
Loehne Edwin state 24 80 $1450 Beaver Loehne
Loesell Conrad f 31 10 $600 Monitor West Bay City
Loesell Leonard f 34 20 $400 Monitor West Bay City
Lomas Arthur f 11 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Lomas Elias f 2-3 80 $625 Pinconning Pinconning
Lomas James f 2-11 120 $1300 Pinconning Pinconning
Lomas James A f 10 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
London Herman   36 14 $200 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Longe Ernest f 33 80 $1600 Williams Laredo
Longton Joseph f II 40 $700 Portsmouth Bay City
Loranger C f 6 20 $500 Monitor West Bay City
Loranger John f 7 40 $400 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Loranger Octave f 25 40 $1200 Monitor Kawkawlin
Lorbeck Ignatz f 20 80 $1600 Williams Auburn
Lorke August f 4 40 $700 Portsmouth Bay City
Loselle George f 29 40 $600 Fraser Linwood
Louie August f 6 30 $700 Monitor Bedell
Love David f 32 80 $1800 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lovejoy John & Mark f 35 40 $1000 Merritt Reese
Lovejoy Thomas f 22 76 $700 Pinconning Pinconning
Lowe George f 19 40 $375 Pinconning Pinconning
Lowe Henry f 19 40 $375 Pinconning Pinconning
Lowe Wm f 20 40 $375 Pinconning Pinconning
Loyer Joseph f 28 100 $1110 Frazer Lengsville
Lozelle Constant f 25 40 $350 Garfield Loehne
Lozow John f 29 40 $1300 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lozow Paul f 27 60 $1750 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Lucas H V steam saw mill       Pinconning Pinconning
Ludgin Carl f 18 80 $2400 Frankenlust Amelith
Ludington B F f 27 80 $2400 Merritt Bay City
Ludlum Albert f 33 40 $220 Garfield Duel
Ludwig Gottlieb f 12 40 $250 Gibson Standish
Lunden John f 4 15 $900 Portsmouth Portsmouth
Lukowski Zuzana f 16 80 $1900 Monitor Kawkawlin
Luptowski Thomas f 16-17 60 $925 Kawkawlin Bedell
Lutz Adam   13-15 80 $2080 Frankenlust Amelith
Lutz Adam jr f 15 40 $2200 Frankenlust Amelith
Lutz George f 14-15 77 $3200 Frankenlust West Bay City
Lutz George M f 3 159 $6700 Frankenlust West Bay City
Lutz Michael f 35 240 $3300 Beaver Willard
Lynch John f 30 80 $2030 Merritt Bay City
Lynch Peter f 34 40 $900 Merritt Reese
Lynch Thomas f 30 40 $1400 Merritt Bay City
Lyons George f 17 10 $550 Hampton Essexville

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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