R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.

I & J

Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Ingram Arthur f 4 33 $2000 Portsmouth Bay City
Iocho Frederick f 36 40 $150 Mt Forest Pinconning
Irving Charles p     $500 Hampton Essexville
Isaacs John f 24 41 $500 Pinconning Pinconning
Ittner Andrew f 5 140 $3800 Frankenlust W Bay City
Ittner Christian f 35 140 $3800 Monitor West Bay City
Ittner George f 24 80 $3100 Williams Auburn
Ittner John P supervisor saw mill 27-33-34 343 $6250 Beaver Willard
Jabilinski Peter f 26 40 $1000 Williams Laredo
Jablonski Joseph f 35 80 $1100 Beaver Fraser
Jackett John f 33 40 $550 Fraser Linwood
Jackson H f 5 40 $375 Kawkawlin West Bay City
Jacobs Henry f 13-24 21 $1600 Hampton Essexville
Jacobs John f 20-29 30 $1250 Hampton Bay City
Jacobs John gardener 19 10 $550 Hampton Essexville
Jacobs Theodore gardener 18 14 $700 Hampton Essexville
Jacobson John   34 5 $200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Jacobson Johanna f 27 20 $500 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Jacobson Jonas f 27 26 $650 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Jaganaw Otto f 33 80 $1450 Beaver Willard
Jakes Frank   23 10 $150 Williams Auburn
James Wm f 27 40 $550 Pinconning Pinconning
Jank Julius lab 11 4 $200 Frankenlust West Bay City
Jankowiak John f 24 40 $200 Mt. Forest Pinconning
Jankowski Andrew f 14 40 $450 Beaver Loehne
Jankowski Stanislaus F 14 20 $200 Beaver Loehne
Jankowski Wm f 14 40 $400 Beaver Loehne
Jarvis Emil p     $60 Fraser Michie
Jay Joseph f 14-15 80 $1520 Merritt Bay City
Jean Frank f 9 154 $9850 Bangor West Bay City
Jean Michael f 17 40 $600 Fraser Michie
Jean S f 3 80 $1600 Kawkawlin Linwood
Jennes Paul f 12 40 $350 Beaver Loehne
Jennings Edward general store 26 7 $6300 Pinconning Pinconning
Jennings Wm furniture       Pinconning Pinconning
Jennison Charles E   15 0 $300 Hampton Essexville
Jennison C & W f 17 80 $6800 Bangor West Bay City
Jennison Wm f 19 20 $5500 Hampton Bay City
Jereski Martin f 16 100 $2200 Monitor West Bay City
Jocelyn C L gardener 20 2 $150 Hampton Bay City
Johnson Alfred f 5 80 $1020 Fraser Michie
Johnson Andrew f 15 40 $400 Hampton Essexville
Johnson A B   6 11 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Johnson Carl f 26 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Johnson Charles f I 80 $900 Garfield Michie
Johnson Charles A wall paper       Pinconning  
Johnson Charles H f 12 40 $700 Merritt Munger
Johnson Charles L f I 40 $800 Williams N Williams
Johnson Elof L f I 40 $550 Garfield Michie
Johnson Frank f 6 40 $450 Fraser Michie
Johnson Frank   24 10 $700 Hampton Essexville
Johnson George f 5 60 $600 Fraser Michie
Johnson Hans f I 40 $800 Williams N Williams
Johnson John gardener 19 10 $500 Hampton Essexville
Johnson John f 4 68 $550 Pinconning Pinconning
Johnson John E f 12 40 $375 Garfield Michie
Johnson John S f 13 40 $400 Beaver Willard
Johnson Joseph gardener 18 10 $500 Hampton Essexville
Johnson Mary   6 2 $150 Bangor West Bay City
Johnson Michael f I 40 $400 Garfield Michie
Johnson Peter f 4 80 $1080 Fraser Michie
Johnson Robert S f 14 120 $3400 Williams Auburn
Johnson Sophia f 6 30 $700 Monitor Bedell
Johnson Williard f 19 80 $700 Fraser Michie
Jonas Charles f 34 80 $1000 Monitor West Bay City
Jonas Christian f 4 40 $750 Portsmouth Bay City
Jonas Ernst   33 20 $350 Portsmouth Bay City
Jones August f 5-8 80 $960 Fraser Michie
Jones Charles f 8 80 $1100 Kawkawlin Bedell
Jones Clifford f 18 80 $6280 Hampton Essexville
Jones Edward   29 20 $150 Pinconning Pinconnning
Jones Morgan W f 2-3 117 $5600 Williams Auburn
Jones Richard f 8 120 $1350 Hampton Essexville
Jordan George f 4 40 $250 Gibson Moore's Junction
Jorden David f 33 40 $520 Fraser Linwood
Jorden John f 36 113 $4000 Portsmouth Bay City
Jordon James f 10 40 $1100 Merritt Bay City
Joy Michael f 2-36 40 $2050 Portsmouth Bay City

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

Volunteers hold copyright to the material they have donated for this site.  Not to be copied and used in any format to any other site or in any other media. 


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