1890 - 1891
Bay County Directory
Bay City
adv………adverisement n e cor….northeast corner
agt………agent nr………..near
ave……….avenue n s……….north side
bds……….boards n w cor…northwest corner
bet………..between opp………opposite
bkkpr…….bookkeeper opr………operator
carp………carpenter pres……..president
cash………cashier propr……proprietor
clk………..clerk res……….resides
col’d………colored rev……….reverend
condr……...conductor rms………rooms
cor…………corner s………….south or south of
e……………east secy………secretary
e s………….east side s e cor…….southeast corner
inspr……….inspector s s…………south side
lab………….laborer s w cor……southwest corner
mach hd……machine hand supt……….superintendent
mkr………….maker trav agt……traveling agent
mnfg…………manufacturing treas……….treasurer
mnfr…………manufacturer w…………..west
mngr…………manager w s…………west side
n………………north or north of wid……….. widow
Last Name First Name Occupation Residence City Ilton Charles J. Stone Cutter bds 601 Washington Bay City Immanuel School e s Sheridan nr 10th Bay City Industrial Works James Clements, pres; Charles R. Wells, secy and treas cor 11th and Water Bay City Ingels David D Propr New Commercial House 1000 N Saginaw Bay City Ingersoll Emily B (wid John H) bds 600 Washington ave Bay City Inglesonn John lab bds Park City Hotel Bay City Ingraham Arthur H lawyer res 316 S. Center Bay City Innes Doc driver B C Omnibus Co, bds European Hotel Bay City Internal Revenue Office Union block Bay City International Business College T. H. Bliss, Saginaw, Pres; J M Ressler, Princ, 712 and 714 Washington ave opp P O Bay City International Health and Temperance Assn 400 10th Bay City Irons George M. watchman res 1101 6th Bay City Irons Nora E clk C H Sutliff bds 1101 6th Bay City Irrer Christian teamster res 402 Barney Bay City Irrer Jacob teamster Detroit mills bds 402 Barney Bay City Irvin Michael (Tighe & Irvin) bds European Hotel Bay City Irvine, see also Ervine Irvine John mngr John Irvine Greenhouse Co, res 1203 10th Bay City Irvine John Greenhouse Co D C Smalley, Pres; F S Pratt, Secy and Treas; John Irvine, Manager, Florists, Office and Greenhouses e s Farragut bet 9th and 10th Bay City Irvine Mary M clk John Irvine bds 800 10th Bay City Irving Rolland H lab bds 506 38th Bay City Itter Herbert C carp bds 522 Marsac Bay City Itter Mary M dressmkr bds 522 Marsac Bay City Itter Melchi builder res 522 Marsac Bay City Itter Menno roofer res 416 Stanton Bay City
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