



City Officers


Charter election first Monday in April of each year.  The Mayor serves two years, the Comptroller four, the Treasurer two and the Recorder two.



 (Terms expire April 1st of year named)


Mayor-Orville A. WATROUS-City Hall-1891

Recorder-James B. BARBER-City Hall-1892

Treasurer-Albert JEFFERY-City Hall-1891

Asst. Treasurer-Henry A. GUSTIN-City Hall-1891

Comptroller-William KEITH-City Hall-1893

City Attorney-John C. WEADOCK-No.2 Bank Blk-1891

City Surveyor-George TURNER-City Hall-1891

Chief Fire Dept-T. K. HARDING-Library Building

Street Commissioner-Dexter A.BOOT-City Hall-1891

Asst. Street Com’r-John YACKAMOVICK-City Hall-1891

Poor Master-Merritt M. SMART-1891

Wood Inspector-Matthew CAREY-1891

Harbor Master-N. N. MURPHY-City Hall-1891

Sealer of Weights-S. HUDJINSKI-1891

Pound Master-Otto SCHULTZ-1891

Pound Master-Michael JOYCE-1891


Members of the Common Council


  The term for the first-named Alderman of each ward expires April 1, 1891; the second named, April 1, 1892.


First Ward-Martin SCHINDEHETTE, Alexander H. PHILP.

Second Ward-George D. JACKSON, John G. BUCHANAN

Third Ward-Griffin LEWIS, Emmett T. HOLCOMB

Fourth Ward-Matthew LAMONT, Edward KROENCKE

Fifth Ward-George W. ROSS, James MCFARLANE

Sixth Ward-Henry M. CAMPBELL, John DOYLE

Seventh Ward-Wm. C. GRISDALE, Mendel J. BIALY

Eighth Ward-Augustus ELIAS, Jacob DARDAS

Ninth Ward-Clarence B. CHATFIELD, Daniel C. HOLCOMB

Tenth Ward-Timothy O’CONNOR, Alexander MCEWAN

Eleventh Ward-Wm. G. WITTHAUER, Dennis GODDEYNE



Standing Committees


Ways and Means-BIALY, ROSS, E.T. HOLCOMB




Parks and Public Buildings-KROENCKE, GRISDALE, CHATFIELD


Streets and Sewers No. 2-DOYLE, MCFARLANE, BIALY







Claims and Accounts-ROSS, LAMONT, LEWIS




Board of Education



The regular meetings of the board are held on the second Friday evening of each month at the Council rooms.


President-George H. GRANGER

Secretary-James B. BARBER

Treasurer-Albert JEFFERY

Superintendent-J. W. SMITH






The term of the first named in each ward expires in 1890, the second named in 1891.


First Ward-Leander RIVARD, Merrill F. WILCOX

Second Ward-George H. GRANGER, Richard SCHEURMANN

Third Ward- Mrs. Julia R. PARISH, George F. HOOD

Fourth Ward-John W. CLARKE, Charles T. NEWKIRK

Fifth Ward-Thomas MUNN, Alexander M. MORRISON

Sixth Ward-Robert MCLAUGHLIN, George LEWIS

Seventh Ward-James A. GREEN, Will E. BRADDOCK

Eighth Ward-Levi P. OLDFIELD, Michael P. CONNELLY

Ninth Ward-Willard I. BROTHERTON, Mrs. Mary L. DOE

Tenth Ward-John CURRAN, John KELLEY

Eleventh Ward-John L. DOLSEN, Frank ROSSMAN



Board of Electric Light Commissioners


Fred W. BRADLEY-May 1, 1895(term expires)

Ed E. ANNEKE, Secy and Treas-May 1, 1891(term expires)

R.E. BOUSFIELD-May 1, 1892(term expires)


Eugene FIFIELD-May 1, 1894(term expires)

William A. FITZHUGH, Superintendent



Board of Health


Orville A. WATROUS, President ex-officio

Edbridge G. MINAR-Secy-May 1, 1892(term expires)

Hugh M. GALE-May 1, 1892(term expires)

John L. ELLIOTT-May 1, 1893(term expires)

James J. BARBER, ex-officio



Board of Public Works



Daniel A. MARSHALL, Chairman-May 1, 1891(term expires)

William KEITH, Sec ex-officio

George H. SHEARER-May 1, 1892(term expires)

John KILDUFF-May 1, 1893(term expires)

George TURNER-ex-officio



Public Library Board



Orville A. WATROUS, President

Annie F. PARSONS, Librarian and Secretary

Chester L. COLLINS, Aaron J. COOKE, William W. LYLE, Archibald MCDONELL, James SHEARER, Amos M. SWITZER, Trustees.


Board of Water Works



Andrew WALTON, President-September 6, 1894(term expires)

G. Henry SHEARER-September 6, 1895(term expires)

Benjamin F. RAY-September 6, 1896(term expires)

John D. MCKINNON-September 6, 1890(term expires)

Louis MORITZ-September 6, 1891(term expires)

Duncan MCGREGOR-September 6, 1891(term expires)


E.L. DUNBAR, Supt. and Sec.






Headquarters 814 and 816 Saginaw Street


Police Commissioners



Orville A. WATROUS, President, ex-officio.

James B. BARBER, Secretary, ex-officio


Andrew CUNNING-May 1, 1891(term expires)

Frank BATEMAN-May 1, 1892(term expires)

E.Y. WILLIAMS-May 1, 1893(term expires)

Chester L. COLLINS-May 1, 1894(term expires)



Police Force



N. N. MURPHY, Chief

Wm. SIMMONS, Captain

Geo. A. HEMSTREET, Dennis DOLAN-Sergeants

Samuel M. CATLIN, Court Officer

A.D. WYMAN, Sanitary and Truant Officer





Wm. E. TOLES                       Jno. W. MULHOLLAND

Abraham WATTS                    Jno MINNAHAN

Mathew RYAN                        Thos. LYNCH

James C. GERMAN                Gilford E. LANGDON

Jacob SADON                                    George TRAUB

Joseph RATCLIFF                  Jno. EVASCHEFSKI

Chas. W. COLE                      Wm. BENTLEY


Police Court, 108 Center avenue.  Daniel MANGAN, Police Justice








Headquarters, 917 Washington avenue


Chief, Thos. K. HARDING.



Board of Fire Commissioners



Joseph J. FORCIER, Pres.-March 21, 1902(term expires)

G. Henry SHEARER-March 21, 1906(term expires)

C.D. RICHARDSON, Sec.-March 21, 1903(term expires)

Solomon WILHELM-March 21, 1904

C.H. WELLS-March 21, 1905


Organization of Department



Darwin C. SMALLEY, Chairman-April 1, 1895(term expires)

G. Henry SHEARER-April 1, 1891(term expires)

William J. DAUNT-April 1, 1892(term expires)

Baptiste BURTON-April 1, 1894(term expires)

Charles R. FANCHER-April 1, 1893(term expires)

Thomas K. HARDING, Secretary, ex-officio


Hose Company No. 1-Neptune

917 Washington avenue



Luther W. TOBIAS, Captain

Cyrus MCGREGOR, Driver

Geo. THOMPSON, Lieutenant

Henry STORK, Peter WACKERLY, George ANGERS, Pipemen

Dominick FLADUNG, Auxiliary


Hook and Ladder Company No.1

115 Washington avenue


William ALLAN, Captain

H. STORK, Driver

John ATKINSON, Lieutenant

Nathaniel LAIRD, Robert ATKINSON, Laddermen.

Fred COONEY, Auxiliary.



Hose Company No. 2-Vigilant

Cor. Belinda and Fitzgerald sts.



George WANLESS, Captain

Patrick MCAULIFF, Driver

John LIVINGSTONE, Lieutenant

Peter DYER, Wm. WANLESS, Geo. MCCAULEY, Pipemen.

Henry KINNEY, Auxiliary




Hose Company No. 3-Rescue

115 Washington



Edward ATKINSON, Captain

Michael YEIPE, Driver

William MASTERSON, Lieut.

Michael RYAN, John WHITLOCK, J. RADFORD, Pipemen.

Martin NICHOLS, Auxiliary




Hose Company No. 4-Nighthawk

North-east cor. Thirty-Fourth and Taylor sts.



Geo. KEMPTER, Captain

Chas. ABRAMS, Lieut.



Freeman GIBSON, Auxiliary.



Hose Company No. 5-Cataract

Northeast corner of Broadway and Twenty-third street.



Sherman GRANDY, Captain

Cornelius REGAN, Driver

Russell PERRY, Lieutenant


James FROST, Auxiliary



Location of Fire Alarm Boxes.


2, Corner Woodside avenue and Sherman street.

3, Corner Madison and Woodside avenue.

4, No. 2 hose house.

5, Corner McEwan and Water streets.

6, Water works power house.

7, Corner Henry and Lord streets.

8, Corner Woodside and Washington avenues.

9, Woodside ave., between McEwan and Trumbull streets.

12, Corner Trumbull and Third streets.

13, Corner Third and Jackson streets

14, Fire department headquarters.

15, Corner Center avenue and Hampton street.
16, Corner Water and Third streets.

17, Corner Sherman and Fourth streets.

18, Corner Center and Park avenues.

19, Corner Ninth and Johnson streets.

21, Corner Eighth street and Washington avenue.

23, Corner Monroe and Sixth streets.

24, No. 3 hose house.

25, Corner Sixth and Sherman streets.

26, Corner Center avenue and Saginaw street.

27, Corner Ninth and Grant streets.

28, Jefferson street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets.

29, Jackson street, between Eighth and Ninth streets.

31, Corner Thirtieth and Harrison streets.

32, Corner Fremont avenue and Broadway.

34, No. 4 hose house.

35, Corner Twenty-sixth and Water streets.

36, At. McGraw’s office.

37, Corner Broadway and Thirty-eighth street.

38, Corner Twenty-second and Stanton streets.

41, Corner Seventeenth and Water streets.

42, Corner Twelfth and Van Buren streets.

43, Corner Twenty-second street and Michigan avenue.

45, Corner Sixteenth and Fitzhugh streets.

46, Corner Eighteenth and Farragut streets.

52, Corner Nineteenth street and Bowery.

53, Water, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third sts.

56, No. 5 hose house.

61, Corner Parker and Atlantic streets.

132, Corner Fitzhugh and Thirty-fourth streets.

134, Corner Broadway and South Center street.

135, Corner South Center and Harrison streets.







Authorized by City Ordinance For Carriages, Ect.


For carrying or conveying each passenger any distance not exceeding sixteen blocks-25c.


For any passenger any greater distance than sixteen blocks-50c.


Double the above rates may be charged from 11 o’clock p.m. to 5 o’clock a.m.


For carrying any trunk, box, piece or parcel of baggage, except hand baggage, from any place to any place within the city limits, with passengers; the sum of 25c. for each trunk, box or piece of baggage.


Any such conveyance may be hired by the hour, and when so hired any owner, driver, or person in charge shall be entitled to charge per hour $1.00.


Any such owner, driver, or person in charge of any such conveyance or vehicle who shall charge, demand or receive more than above rates shall be liable to have his license revoked by the mayor and liable to a fine not less than $5, or more than $100 and cost of prosecution, or in default of payment thereof a term not exceeding thirty days.


Every owner or driver in charge of any public or private vehicle for hire shall keep a copy of the tariff printed in large type posted in a conspicuous place in every vehicle.


Express Wagons, Drays, Etc.


List of prices for the carriage of goods in Bay City, as adopted by the common council.


For each load conveyed by a dray drawn by a single animal any distance not exceeding one mile-50c.

For each additional mile-15c.


For each load drawn by two or more animals any distance not exceeding one mile-75c.

For each additional mile-25c.


For conveying any single article any distance not exceeding one mile-25c.

And for each additional mile-10c.

And no greater sum shall be demanded or received unless by previous agreement.


If any person demand or receive any greater compensation for the services herein specified, such person or owner shall be liable, on conviction thereof, to be punished by a fine not exceeding $10 and costs of prosecution and imprisonment not exceeding twenty days.







Circuit Judge-George P. COBB

Clerk-William GAFFNEY

Deputy Clerk-W.J. HAWKINS.

Prosecuting Attorney-C.E. PIERCE

Assistant Prosecuting Attorney-A.P. LYON

Stenographer-A.M. HAYNES

Circuit Court Commissioners-L.E. JOSLYN, E.E. ANNEKE

Judge of Probate-H.M. WRIGHT

Sheriff-Benson CONKLIN

Under Sheriff-August ROUCHE

Register of Deeds-Wm. A. PETTAPIECE

Deputy Register of Deeds-Henry FENTON

Treasurer-Wm. E. MAGILL

Deputy Treasurer-Bernard LOURIM


Surveyor-George E. TURNER

Superintendents of Poor-James T. EMERY, Michael DAILY, Wm. MAXSON.



County Legislature


The Board of Supervisors of Bay County meets in the Court House, in Bay City, in October.  Meetings are held several times during the year, the Board being subject to the call of one-third of the members.  The members are elected annually at the spring election; one from each township, and one from each ward in Bay City and West Bay City; the comptroller of each city is a member ex-officio.




Bay County Bridge Commissioners


John WELCH, Chairman.

Chester L. COLLINS, Clerk

Ephrain J. KELTON, John D. MCKINNON, Joseph TURNER.

Office, 504 Phoenix block.







United States Court for the Eastern District of Michigan-North Division.

The United States is divided into nine judicial circuits, in each of which a circuit court is held for each district, within each circuit.

The Act of Congress, approved April 10th, 1869, provides as follows; The circuit court in each circuit shall be held by the justice of the supreme court allotted to the circuit court, or by the circuit judge of the circuit, or by the district judge of the district sitting alone, or by the justice of the supreme court and circuit court sitting together, in which case the justice of the supreme court shall preside; or, in the absence of either of them, by the other (who shall preside) and the district judge.

The State of Michigan, by the Act of February 24th, 1863, was divided into two judicial districts.  The Courts for the Eastern District are held in Detroit, Port Huron and Bay City.  Those for the Western District at Grand Rapids and Marquette.  Both districts are attached to the Sixth Judicial Circuit, which comprises the States of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.



United States Circuit Court, Eighteenth Circuit


Circuit Judge, H.B. BROWN; clerk, W.S. HARSHA; United States Commissioner, eastern district of Michigan, George B. BROOKS.



Circuit and City Courts-Courthouse



Judge, George P. COBB; clerk, William GAFFNEY; deputy clerk, W.J. HAWKINS; stenographer, A.M. HAYES; circuit court commissioners, L.E. JOSLYN, E.E. ANNEKE; prosecuting attorney, C.E. PIERCE; assistant prosecuting attorney A. P. LYON; sheriff, Benson CONKLIN; under sheriff, August ROUECH.  Terms commence first Tuesday in March, June, September and December.  Jury called first of each term.



District Court


Judge, H.B. BROWN;  clerk, W.S. HARSHA; marshal, G. PENNELL. Regular sessions the third Tuesday of May and October.




Probate Court



Judge, H.M. WRIGHT.






Located at 709 Washington avenue.  Office hours, 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.  Money order department open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Registered letter department 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Sunday, 9:30 a.m. till 10:30 p.m., standard time.


Postmaster, L.G. WILLCOX.

Assistant Postmaster, R.G. CARNEY

Money Order Department-Chief Clerk, Miss Clara MEAD.



Mailing Department


Chief Clerk, Richard KEALY, jr.

Assistant Clerk, John MCINERNEY, jr.


General Delivery Department


Clerks, G.B. WILLCOX, Miss Mollie O’CONNOR.


Registered Letter Department


Clerk, Miss Clara MEAD. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., standard time.


Stamp Department


Clerks, G.B. WILLCOX, Miss Mollie O’CONNOR.


Free Delivery Department


Superintendent of Letter Carriers, D.S. DUNN.




J.B. COSTONGUY                             W.H. TROMBLY

C.T. WHITE                                        G.W. BUTTERFIELD

J.E. STEPHENS                                  M.J. ANTHONY

J.D. MCGRATH                                  J.F. OUELLETTE

Richard JEWELL                                 F.J. NEWMAN



Four deliveries daily in the business portion of the city, at 7 and 9 a.m. and 2 and 5:30 p.m.  Two deliveries daily in the entire city.


Sunday Deliveries


9:30 to 10:30 at the carriers’ window.  Postoffice collection at 5 p.m. Standard time.





Old Ladies’ Home, 923 North Monroe Street.








Arion Singing Society-Organized August 1, 1878.  Meets first and third Sunday in each month at Arion hall, corner Farragut and Fourth streets.  Lawrence WEBER, president;  F. KRAUSE, recording secretary; W.R. HAERING, corresponding secretary; J. KNOBLAUGH, treasurer;  Philip KEINATH, musical director.


Hudson’s Opera House Orchestra-Rehearsal room No. 24 Bank block.  Headquarters 707 Washington avenue.  P.O. HUDSON, leader.


K.O.T.M. Band, No.225-Essexville.  Louis WEAVER, leader.


K.O.T.M. Band, No. 235-Frank DOLSEN, leader.  Headquarters, McCauley Bros. hall, 401 Belinda street.


Third Regiment Band-Headquarters, 707 Washington avenue.  Meets every Monday, 7:30pm  Frank HERIC, leader, Twenty pieces.


Third Regiment Orchestra-Headquarters, 707 Washington avenue.  G.E. SMART, leader.





Bay City Bank-Southeast corner of Center avenue and Saginaw street.  Organized 1870.  Capital , $200,000.  William PETER, president; Justin WENTWORTH, vice president; George H. YOUNG, cashier.


Bay National Bank-Southeast corner of Center and Washington avenues.  Incorporated 1883.  Capital and surplus, $250,000.  J.F. EDDY, president; Thomas CRANAGE, vice-president; F.P. BROWNE, cashier.


Commercial Bank of Bay City-715 Washington avenue.  Organized July 21, 1887.  Capital, $100,000.  President, H.N. WATROUS; vice-president, C.C. WHITNEY; cashier, W.O. CLIFT. 


Second National Bank-Southwest corner of Center and Washington avenues.  Incorporated 1874.  Capital and surplus $350,000.  President, William WESTOVER; vice-president, D.C. SMALLEY; cashier, Orrin BUMP;  assistant cashier, M.M. ANDREWS.







Green Ridge Cemetery-Southwest corner of Tuscola plank road and Twelfth street.  George D. SEAMAN, Sexton.


Hebrew Burial Ground- Adjoining Pine Ridge Cemetery on the east.  C.D. FISHER, sexton.


Pine Ridge Cemetery-East side of Tuscola plank road, fronting on the east end of Twelfth street.  C.D. FISHER, sexton.


St. James Cemetery (Roman Catholic)-Under control of St. James church, on the Ridge road, about one mile east of the Tuscola plank road.


Seaman’s Cemetery-East side Tuscola Plank road, adjoining Pine Ridge Cemetery. 









First Baptist Church-Rev. J.S. HOLMES, D.D., pastor.  Southeast corner of Center and Madison avenues.  Services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday school 12 m.  Prayer meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.


Fremont Avenue Church-Rev. E. CHESNEY, pastor.  Southside Fremont avenue, between Taylor and Polk streets.  Services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday school 12 m.  Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.



Patterson Mission of Baptist Church chapel-Southside of Barney street, three west of Johnson.  Brent HARDING, superintendent.  Sunday school 3:30 p.m. in summer and 3 p.m. in winter.


Second Baptist Church (colored)-East side of Monroe street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets.  Rev. T.C. JOHNSON, pastor.  Services, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.  Wednesdays 7 p.m.





St. Boniface (German) Church-North side of Eighth street, between Lincoln and Birney, Rev. John G. WYSS, pastor.  Services, first mass, 8:30 a.m.;  sermon, 10:30 a.m., vespers, 3:30 p.m.;  Sunday school, 2:30 p.m.


St. James Church-South east corner Monroe and Twelfth streets, Rev. Thomas RAFTER, pastor;  Rev. T.L. WHALEN, assistant pastor.  First mass, 8 a.m.;  high mass, 10:30 a.m.; vespers, 7:30p.m.


St. Joseph (French) Church-Southeast corner Grant and Second, Rev. Pere ROTH, pastor;  Rev. Pere WECKEL, assistant pastor.  Regular Sunday services, first mass, 7:30 a.m.;  high mass, 10:30 a.m.; vespers, 3 p.m. in winter and 7:30 p.m. in summer.


St. Stanislaus Kostka Church (Polish)-Northeast corner of Grant and Twenty-second streets.  Rev. M. MALKOWSKI, pastor.  Sunday services, 8 and 10 a.m., and 4 p.m. and every week day at 8 a.m.  Sunday school at 2 p.m.






First Congregational Church-Southeast corner of Van Buren and Sixth streets, Rev. W.W. LYLE, pastor.  Services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday school at 12 m.  Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.  Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m., every Monday.





Trinity Church-Corner Center avenue and Grant street, Rev. T.W. MCLEAN, rector.  Regular Sunday services, 8 and 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.  Sunday school 12:15 p.m.  Friday service, 9 a.m.  Wednesday, 7 p.m.


St. Barnabas Church-Seventh ward, corner of Taylor and Thirty-fifth streets, Rev. Joseph ST. JOHN, rector.  Services 10:30 a.m.  Sunday school 12 m.  Friday, 7:30 p.m.





Zion Evangelical Church-Rev. Charles KRUEGER, pastor.  West side Monroe, between Tenth and Eleventh streets.  Services 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.  Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30.  Young people’s meeting Thursday 7:30 p.m.




Reform Anshe Chessed (Hebrew) Congregation of Bay City-Services held at 417 Adams street.  Rev. Wm. LANDAU, rabbi.  Regular services, Saturday at 10 a.m.  Sabbath school 11 a.m. Saturday.


Schari Zedeck Congregation-Meets corner Eleventh and Van Buren streets.  Joseph TAUB, rabbi.  Services on Fridays, 6 to 7 p.m.;  Saturdays, 8 to 11 a.m.  School Saturdays and Sundays, 3 to 4 p.m.




German Evangelical (Trinity)-Northeast corner of Broadway and Thirty-second street, Rev. Gustave E. BERGMANN, pastor.  Sunday services 10 a.m.  Sunday school 2 p.m.


German Lutheran Bethel Church-Corner Eighth street and Madison avenue, Rev. John G. OEHLERT, pastor.  Services 10 a.m.  Sunday school 2 p.m.


German Emanuel Church-Southwest corner of Lincoln avenue and Tenth street.  Organized December 7, 1865.  Rev. J.H.P. PARTENFELDER, pastor.  Sunday services 10 a.m.  Children’s services and catechism, 2:30 p.m.





Free M.E. Church-Southeast corner Twenty-third street and Bowery, Rev. Wm N. PITTINGER, pastor.  Sunday services, 10:30 a.m.  Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.  Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.



Free Methodist Society-Services held in Presbyterian Mission chapel, Marsac street, every Sunday and Friday, at 7:30 p.m..


Fremont Avenue –South side Fremont avenue, between McCormick and Wilson, Rev. R. WOODHAMS, pastor.  Services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday School, 12:15 p.m.  Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.


German M E Church-Corner Thirteenth and Van Buren streets, Rev. R.F. PUDDEMANN, pastor.  Services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday School, 9 a.m.  Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.


Madison Avenue Church-Corner of Madison avenue and Ninth street, Rev. E.W. RYAN, pastor.  Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday school 12:10 p.m.  Young people’s meeting, 6 p.m.  Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.


Madison Avenue M.E. Mission-Woodside avenue.  Services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday school, 3 p.m.  Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.




First Presbyterian Church-East side Washington ave. between Ninth and Tenth streets, Rev. Burt C. HOWARD, pastor.  Regular Sunday services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.  Sunday school, 12 m.  Prayer meeting, Sunday and Wednesday, 7 p.m.


Presbyterian Mission-Twenty-fourth and Marsac streets.





First Universalist Church-Rev. S.H. ROBLIN, pastor.  Corner of Seventh street and Madison avenue.  Services at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.  Sunday school, 12 m.  Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.






Au Sable Lumber Co., 508 Phoenix block.  Incorporated January 23d, 1883.  Capital, $40,000.  E.T. CARRINGTON, secretary and treasurer.


Bancroft, Thompson Co., 303 Center avenue.  President, Fred A. BANCROFT;  vice-president, Wm. H. BUTLER; secretary and treasurer, John W. THOMPSON.


Bay City Brewing Co., corner Water and Twenty-second streets.  Incorporated January 1st, 1884.  Capital $50,000.  C.E. YOUNG, president;  W.D. YOUNG, vice-president;  J.B. MORITZ, secretary and treasurer; L. MORITZ, superintendent.


Bay City Brick, Tile and Terra Cotta Manufacturing Co., 205 Center avenue.  Incorporated in 1886.  Capital $25,000.  George H. SHEARER, trustee.


Bay City Building Co., 508 Phoenix block.  Incorporated May 22, 1886.  Capital $75,000.  Wm. WESTOVER, president;  E.T. CARRINGTON, secretary and treasurer.


Bay City Club, southeast corner Sixth street and Washington avenue.  Organized 1886.  Capital $5,000.  F.P. BROWNE, president;  C.H. BRADLEY, first vice-president; J.W. CUPIT, second vice-president; J.B. CORWIN, secretary; John MULHOLLAND, treasurer.


Bay City Canning Co., Essexville.  Incorporated March 1889.  Capital, $20,000, Alfred MOSHER, jr., president; Benjamin BURBRIDGE, vice-president;  J.F. WHITTEMORE, secretary, treasurer and general manager.


Bay City Gas Light Company, 808 Washington avenue.  Incorporated 1868.  James CLEMENTS, president; C.R. WELLS, secretary and treasurer.


Bay City Iron Co., corner First street and Madison avenue.  Incorporated 1869.  Capital, $21,150.  B.F. RAY, president;  John LINDSAY, vice-president; J. POUND, secretary and treasurer.


Bay City Street Railway Co., 808 Washington avenue.  Incorporated 1865.  Jas. CLEMENTS, president;  Wm. CLEMENTS, treasurer;  E.A. COOLEY, secretary.


Bay County Electric Light Co., corner Ninth and Saginaw street.  Incorporated July 24, 1889.  Capital, $50,000.  Wm. SMALLEY, president;  W.H. TOUSEY, vice-president; B.E. WARREN, treasurer; Frank ARMSTRONG, secretary and manager.


Bay County Ice Company, foot Center avenue.  Incorporated January, 1887.  Capital $20,000.  Alexander ZAGELMYER, president;  Paul ZAGELMYER, vice-president;  Frank ZAGELMYER, secretary and treasurer.


Bay County Milk Association, 1008 Washington avenue.  Incorporated August, 1885. Capital, $4,320.  E.R. PHILLIPS, secretary and manager.


Bay City Omnibus Co., 904 Saginaw street.  President, F.E. TYLER; vice-president, W.J. DAUNT; secretary and treasurer, E.M. SHARP.


Bay Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), West side Michigan avenue between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth.  Treasurer, S.M. GREEN;  secretary, Dana B. RICHARDSON.


Bay View Boom Co., 6 Bank block.  Incorporated February, 1881.  Capital, $10,000.  Stewart B. WARREN, president;  W.O. LEWIS, secretary;  B.E. WARREN, treasurer.


Bousfield & Co., foot S. Center street.  Incorporated 1881.  Capital $125,000.  President, A.E. BOUSFIELD; vice-president, R.E. BOUSFIELD; secretary and treasurer, C.J. BOUSFIELD.


Boy Line and Fire Boat Co., foot Fifth avenue.  Incorporated February 23, 1889.  Capital, $60,000.  Richard ARMSTRONG, president and treasurer;  Wm. N. ARMSTRONG, secretary.


Briscoe R.J. Mill and Lumber Co., Corner Twenty-third and F.& P.M.R.R.  Incorporated December, 1888.  Rufus J. BRISCOE, president;  S.L. BRISCOE, secretary and treasurer.


Crump’s Manufacturing Co., corner Henry and Tenth streets, West Bay City.  Incorporated February 13, 1884.  Capital, $10,000.  Shelly G. CRUMP, president;  Rousseau O. CRUMP, secretary;  Shelly C. CRUMP, treasurer.


Fraser House Co., 401 Center avenue.  Incorporated 1882.  Capital, $82, 500.  President, J.F. EDDY; treasurer, H.P. MERRILL;  secretary, E.B. DENNISON.


Gustin R.P. Co., 909 Adams street.  Incorporated April 3, 1889.  Capital, $30,000.  Charles E. COOK, treasurer;  Harry K. GUSTIN, president;  Frank J. BUCKLEY, secretary.


Hargrave, Haven & Co., 708 N. Water street.  Incorporated 1888.  E.C. HARGRAVE, president;  Emery J. VANCE, secretary and treasurer.


Industrial works, corner of Eleventh and Water streets.  Incorporated 1873.  Capital, $150,000.  James CLEMENTS, president;  C.R. WELLS, secretary and treasurer.


Irvine John Greenhouse Co., east side Farragut between Ninth and Tenth streets.  Incorporated December, 1887.  Capital and surplus, $18,000.  D.C. SMALLEY, president;  Frank S. PRATT, secretary and treasurer.


Kittredge Shoe and Leather Co., 207 Center avenue.  Incorporated March 2, 1889.  Capital, $5,000.  President, Honore de LADURANTAYE; secretary and treasurer, M.H. KITTRIDGE.


Les Cheneaux Island Resort Association, 302 Phoenix block.  Incorporated December 29, 1888.  A.E. BOUSFIELD, president;  C.H. BRADLEY, vice-president;  Will P. WALTER, secretary and treasurer.


Local Security Building and Loan Association, South Bay City.  John BRISKE, president;  James POTTER, secretary;  H.A. BOITEU, treasurer.


McDonnell Hardware Co., 1001 North Water street.  Incorporated March 8, 1890.  Paid up capital, $70,000.  President, A. MCDONELL; vice-president, H.A. MCDONELL;  treasurer, F.D. MCDONELL; secretary, Geo. STA?DACHER;  manager, S.P. MCDONELL.


McEwan Bros. & Co., Saginaw river, foot of McEwan.  Capital stock, $90,000.  Alexander MCEWAN, president;  John MCEWAN, secretary and treasurer.


McKinnon Manufacturing Co., 220 to 228 North Water street.  Incorporated 1884.  Capital stock, $50,000.  J.D. MCKINNON, president;  H.D. MCKINNON, secretary.


Michigan Box Co., Fremont avenue and F.&P.M.R.R.  A.E.F. WHITE, president;  W.H. FREY, secretary;  M.J. BEARDSLEY, treasurer.


Michigan Pipe Co., corner of Lord and Henry streets.  Incorporated 1880.  Paid up capital, $100,000.  Henry B. SMITH, secretary and treasurer.


Michigan Salt Association, Cottrell block.  Incorporated January 19, 1881.  Capital, $200,000.  Thomas CRANAGE, secretary.


Miller W.H. & Co., 1010 North Water street.  Incorporated February 13, 1888.  Capital, $70,000.  Wm. H. MILLER, president;  R.V. MUNDY, vice-president;  Edward WILLIAMSON, secretary and treasurer.


Mitchell Transportation Co.  Incorporated March 28, 1888.  Capital, $90,000.  Wm. MITCHELL, president;  J.W. MCINTOSH, secretary.


Reid Towing and Wrecking Association, Cottrell block.  Incorporated March 5, 1888.  Capital $100,000.  James REID, president;  Wm. H. REID, secretary;  W.D. YOUNG, treasurer.


Rifle Boom Co., 508 Phoenix block.  Incorporated 1870.  Capital, $80,000.  Henry W. SAGE, president;  E.T. CARRINGTON, secretary and treasurer.


Robinson Salt and Lumber Co., South Water, foot of Thirty-seventh street.  George C. MYERS, president;  Thos. J. MCCLENNAN, vice-president;  George H. ROBINSON, secretary and treasurer.


Riverside Storage Co., 905 North Water street.  Incorporated May 5, 1890.  Capital, $10,000.  C.E. JENNISON, president;  F.L. GILBERT, vice-president;  Wm. F. JENNISON, secretary and treasurer.


Romer, Lovell & Co., 307 Center avenue.  Incorporated February 15, 1888.  Capital, $50,000.  President, Clifford F. LOVELL; secretary and treasurer, Orrin BUMP.


Savings, Building and Loan Association of Bay City, 308 Phoenix block.  W. I. BROTHERTON, president;  J.W. CUPIT, vice-president;  M.M. ANDREWS, treasurer;  C.L. COLLINS, attorney.


Stover, Larkin & Co., 121 Harrison street.  Incorporated February 1, 1888.  Capital, $12,000.  President, R.V. MUNDY;  vice-president, F.H. STOVER;  secretary and treasurer, W.E. LARKIN.


Walworth & Neville Manufacturing Co., corner Lord and Henry streets.  President, W.F. WALWORTH; vice-president, P.W. PAYNE; secretary and treasurer, J.C. NEVILLE.


Warren-Lewis Lumber Co., 6 Bank block.  Incorporated August 24, 1888.  Capital $40,000.  S.B. WARREN, president;  W.O. LEWIS, vice-president;  B.E. WARREN, treasurer.


Woods Opera House Co. (limited), corner Sixth street and Washington avenue.  Capital, $20,000.  President, W.H. TOUSEY;  secretary, Geo. H. YOUNG;  treasurer, B.E. WARREN;  manager, J.J. BUCKLEY.





Bay City Public Library, southwest corner Sixth and Adams, Board of Trustees-Mayor Orville A. WATROUS, President, James SHEARER, A.J. COOKE, Chester L. COLLINS, Rev. W.W. LYLE, Archibald MCDONELL, Amos M. SWITZER, Mrs. A.F. PARSONS, Librarian.  Thirteen thousand volumes.  36,000 circulation during 1889.  Open from 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p.m., standard time.





Odzial Czarnecki (Polish).  Armory in Welter’s hall, corner Nineteenth and Farragut streets.  Joseph WELTER, captain; John STAHOWICZ, 1st Lieutenant;  Chas. WELTER, 2d Lieut.


Peninsulars Company C, Third regiment, Michigan State troops.  Mustered into state service April 13, 1874.  Sixty-five members.  Armory in Assembly hall, opera house block, corner Washington avenue and Sixth street.  Captain, Clark HAIRE;  second lieutenant, S.P. CRANAGE;   orderly sergeant, Wm. MCDOWELL;  quartermaster, L.W. BRECKER.





Bay City Times (evening) daily and Sunday, established January 1, 1889.  Times Publishing Co., publishers, 919 N. Water street.  Terms, fifty cents per month, by mail and carrier.


Bay City Tribune.  Office Tribune building, 905 to 909 Saginaw street;  E.T. BENNETT, publisher and proprietor.  Established April 5th, 1873.  Issued every morning, except Mondays, at $6 per year, or 50 cents per month, by carrier; $6 per year also by mail.  Circulation, 3,500.  The Weekly Tribune is issued every Thursday, $1 per year by mail.


Le Patriote, Weekly (French) LeRoux & Maucotel, publishers and proprietors.  Established 1879.  Independent.  Issued every Thursday at $1.50 per year.  Circulation 2,600.  Office McEwan Block, 914 North Water street.


Michigan Freie Presse (German Weekly).  Office 911 North Water street, up stairs.  Edward BAUMHIER, publisher.  Established October, 1878.  Issued every Thursday at $2 per year.  Circulation 2,800.


The Evening Press, 905 Saginaw street.  Published by the Press Publishing Co., Sol. M. GOLDSMITH, business manager.  Established June 1879.  Published every evening except Sunday.  Subscription 50 cents per month.  Circulation 2,800.





Broadway Park, west side of Broadway, between Thirty-fourth and South Center streets.


Carroll Park, Center and Park avenues, about one mile east of the Bay county court house.


Center avenue parks are located on the corners of Jefferson street and Center avenue.


Madison Park, east side of Madison avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets.


Washington Park, east side of Washington avenue, between First and Second streets.





Detroit, Bay City & Alpena Railroad-From Alger to Alpena, connecting with the Michigan Central Railroad at Alger for Bay City.


Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad-The main line extends from Toledo, O., to Ludington, Mich., 278 miles.  Bay City division from Bay City to Saginaw, 13 miles; trains continuous to Toledo and Detroit.  General offices, East Saginaw.  City ticket office, Fraser House.  Passenger and freight depots corner of Fifth avenue and Jefferson street.  The Portsmouth or South Bay City depot is located at South Center street.  The Port Huron division from Bay City to Port Huron, is 104 miles.  The Sand Beach division, from Port Huron to Sand Beach, is 87 miles.  The Almont division, from Port Huron to Almont, 34 miles.


Michigan Central Railroad-The general offices, Detroit.  Passenger depot, foot of Jackson street.  Ticket office in Phoenix block, corner of Center and Washington avenues.  Freight depot corner of First and Water streets.  The Bay City division, from Bay City to Detroit, is 108 miles long.  The Mackinaw division, from Bay City to Mackinaw City, is 182 miles.  The Bay City and Jackson division, from Bay City to Jackson, is 115 miles in length.  This road also operates the Bay City Street and Transit Railway at night.





Bay City Street Railway Company-Office, 808 Washington avenue.  James CLEMENTS, president;  William L. CLEMENTS, treasurer; E.A. COOLEY, secretary.  Cars run from South Center street to the Michigan Central depot on Water and Third streets, and out Center avenue to Trumbull street, down Center avenue to Washington avenue, thence to Michigan Central Railroad depot and Essexville;  also from Center avenue on Washington avenue, Twelfth street and Bowery, to Twenty-third street.











Joseph W. SMITH, superintendent. Office, High School building.





High School-Southwest corner Madison avenue and Eleventh street.  Fred D. SHERMAN, principal;  Fred E. WOOD, science;  Harriet L. TAYLOR, English;  Martha P. MERVIN, Latin;  Corallyn ALLYN, mathematics;  Mrs. Beatie L. STONEBRAKER, modern languages;  Adeline HOLMES, ninth grade;  Lillian M. SHAW, history;  May E. BARNES, English and drawing;  L.O. BROADWELL, commercial.


Dolsen School-East side Sherman between Third and Fourth streets.  Susie HOLMES, principal;  Mamie MCKIM, Nellie SIMON, Lulu FRANK, Amma GIBSON, Ida BABO, M. CROTTY, Kate O’HARE, Emma HARDING, Huldah A. GRA?, Minnie GARDNER.


Eighth Ward-Josie KNOBLAUCH, principal;  Mrs. Clara A. THOMAS, Margaret LYONS, Eugenia TOUGH.


Farragut School-Between Grant, North Farragut, Ninth and Tenth streets.  Ida UEBERBORST, principal;  Cora MCCOMBS, Jane CLARKE, Minnie J. GIBSON, Nellie NEWKIRK, Bertha WELLS, Mrs. R.E. BREWSTER, Mrs. Ella ELLSWORTH, Margaret MCRAE, Nellie ATKINSON, Minnie SUTHERLAND, Bella FRANK, Margaret SMITH, Estelle FOOTE.


Fifth Ward School-Fitzhugh, between Twenty-first and Twenty-Second streets.  Jennie A. THOMPSON, principal;  Bella DONALDSON, Mary F. PARKER, Maggie CHESNEY, Minnie CAHILL, Maggie ADAMS, Mattie GREEN, Nettie ROGERS, Jennie BLAINE.


Firth Ward Ungraded School-Corner Sixteenth and Fitzhugh streets.  Burton C. COAMPBELL.


First Ward Ungraded School-J.W. RUSTLING.


Fremont Avenue School-Corner Broadway and Fremont avenue.  Helen MCGREGOR, principal;  Mary MCGREGOR, Jennie LOGAN, Grace MCLEON, Nellie HILL, Louise SECOR, Mary PHILLIPS, Carrie RUTLEY, Georgia BARKER, Fannie MERRILL.


Seventh Ward School-Northeast corner Broadway and Thirty-eighth streets.  Rhoda L. SAYLES, principal;  Louise BRIDGMAN, Flora MCLEAN, Kittie KELLY, Ada MERRILL, Hattie CLARK, Edith WILLIAMS.


Sherman School-East side Sherman, between Woodside avenue and First street.  Alice BECKER, principal;  Martha DEVLIN, Sybil ARCHER, Rosa T. BURNS, Mary ROBINSON, Angie E. HERN, Algiva VERITY, Mrs. Mary TEXTOR.


Woodside Avenue School-North side Woodside avenue, 4 east of Trumbull street.  Mrs. Mary C. STANTON, principal training school;  Lena M. CARTER, critic teacher.


Special Teachers-Penmanship, L.O. BROADWELL; music, Lizzie RUTLEDGE; drawing, Emma S. SMALL.





Devlin’s Business College-218 North Jefferson.


International Business College, Washington avenue, opposite Postoffice.


Parochial School of the German Evangelical (Trinity) Church-Broadway, between Thirty-second and Thirty-third streets.  Superintendent, Rev. Gustav E. BERGEMANN.


Parochial School of German Lutheran (Bethel) Church-Adjoining church, corner Madison avenue and Eighth street.  D. VOGEL, Principal.


Parochial School of Lutheran (Emanual) Church-Corner Tenth and Sheridan streets.  Rev. J.H. PARTENFELDER, Superintendent; J.H. HELMREICH, Principal.


St. Boniface (German) Catholic School-North side of Eighth street between Lincoln and Birney streets.  Under charge of the Sisters of St. Dominic.


St. James Catholic School-Southwest corner of Fourteenth and Jackson streets.  Under direction of the Sisters of Charity.


St. Joseph School-Corner of Grant and Third streets.  Under the direction of the Sisters of St. Dominic.


St. Stanislaus Catholic School (Polish)-Southeast corner of Grant and Twentieth streets.  Under direction of the Sisters of St. Francis.





Ancient Order of Hibernians


Meets first and third Friday of each month at A.O.H. hall, Bank block, Center avenue.  John DONOVAN, president;  Thos. MASTERSON, vice-president;  James HURLEY, treasurer;  J.V. HURLEY, recording secretary;  M.P. CONNELLY, financial secretary.


Ancient Order United Workmen


Officers elected yearly in December


Center Lodge, No.120-Oranized February, 1882.  Meets every Monday evening at hall, corner of Fourteenth and Water streets.  J.D. CAMERON, M.W.;  James LIGHT, foreman;  J.M. BEARDSLEY, Overseer;  J.W. MOUNT, recorder;  Robert RIDLEY, financier;  John KEDDIE, receiver;  A.B. JENNINGS, Guide;  W.B. REAGAN, I.W.;  A. MEENSEN(?), O.W.


Excelsior Lodge, No.52-Organized August 10, 1878.  Meets every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows’ hall, Cranage block.  Frank PROCHASKA, P.M.W.;  W.T. BALLAMY, M.W.;  W.H. NICKLESS, G.F.;  W.G. MERRITT, recorder;  Wm. SEMPLINER, receiver;  Frank RICHARDSON, O.;  (?) LANDAU, F.


Select Knights, Legion No.11 (uniform rank).  Meets every first and third Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ hall, Cranage block.  Wm G. MARCELLUS, P.C. and treasurer;  D.L. ZACH, Commander;  Frank PROCHASKA, vice-commander;  Thos. EVANS, lieutenant commander;  P.A. SEELEY, recorder;  Wm. HARRISON, financier.


Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks


No.88-Meets the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month at K. of P. hall, 401 Center avenue.  J.C. WEADOCK, E.R.;  H.E. BRAWNER, E.L.K.;  W.J. DAULT, E.S.K.;  Daniel MANGAN, E.E.K.;  E.M. SHARP, secretary;  C.H.DEVLIN, treasurer.


Chosen Friends


All Lodges Elect Officers end of December


Fidelity Council No.2-Organized 1880.  Meets at St. George’s hall, Bank block, the second and fourth Wednesdays in each month.  W.H. CRAWFORD, C.;  Mrs. Bertha ANTHONY, V.C.;  F.A. NICHOLS, secretary;  L. ANTHONY, treasurer.



Daughters of Rebecca


Almira Lodge No.102-Instituted March 24, 1887.  Meets at Odd Fellows’ hall second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.


Excelsior Lodge No.30-Meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Astor House block, northwest corner Harrison and South Center streets.  Tillie ABRAMS, N.G.;  Belle KEMPTER, V.G.;  Kate HENDRIE, recording secretary;  M.A. DOWNING, per. secretary;  Mrs. Wm. HOVEY, treasurer.


Grace Lodge-Meets first and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month in Odd Fellows’ hall, Cranage block, Center avenue.


Lavina Lodge, No.62-Organized 1882.  Meets second and fourth Fridays of every month at hall, corner Fourteenth and Water streets.  Mrs. Wm. DAVIS, N.G.;  Mrs. W.S. CORWIN, V.G.;  Mrs. Annie CRAIG, sec.;  Henry WATERS, permanent sec.;  Mrs. R.M. SHERWOOD, treas.;  Mrs. Henry WATERS, warden;  Mrs. Annie LASEKBROOK, conductor;  James MCFARLAND, R.S.N.G.;  Mary MCFARLANE, L.S.N.G.;  R.M. SHERWOOD, R.S.V.G.;  A.B. OLIN, L.S.V.G.;  Mrs. Charlotte COUTHARD, L.G.;  B.S. HOTCHISS, O.G.;  L.E. OLIN, chaplin.



Grand Army of the Republic


U.S. Grant Post No.67-Meet at their hall, 702 and 704 Washington avenue, every Thursday at 7:30 p.m.  Geo. P. COBB, commander;  Robt. CALHOUN, sen. vice-commander;  Jason MANDLEY, jun. vice-commander;  L.G. WILCOX, adjutant;  R.W. ERWIN, surgeon;  W.W. LYLE, chaplain;  Geo. H. KEATING, quartermaster;  Charles STRONG, officer of the day;  H.R. COREY, officer of the guard;  Geo. W. BUTTERFIELD, sergt. major;  Jno. W. SHEARER, Q.M. sergt.



Grand United Order of Odd Fellows


Peninsular Lodge No.2814.  Meets first and third Friday in each month, at 8 p.m.  St. George’s Hall, Bank block.  T.C. JOHNSON, N.G.;  A.F. POWELL, V.G.; D. FAIRFAX, treasurer;  C.T. WHITE, permanent secretary.





Independent Order B’nai B’rith-Bay City Lodge No.178.  Organized 1872.  Meets every alternate Sunday at Averill block, Center avenue.  Louis OPPENHEIMER, President;  Ignatz PICK, vice-president;  John MOSES, secretary;  Samuel LITTAUER, treasurer.  Trustees- L. ANTHONY,  Wm. SEMPLINER, Samuel ROSENTHAL.



Knights of Labor


Assembly No.2746-Meet at McCauley hall, 401 Belinda street, every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock.  Wm. MARCOUX, M.M.;  H.H. PLATT, R.S.


Assembly No.2131-Meets every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Camerie’s hall on Harrison street.


Assembly No.2635-Meet every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at their hall in Bank block, on Center avenue.



Knights of the Maccabees


Eden Tent, No.525-Regular review every Wednesday evening at 7:30, at the hall corner Twelfth and Washington avenue.  Frank J. OUELLETTE, R.K.;  Geo. W. ROSS, commander.


Gaethe Tent No.207-Meets in I.O.B.B. hall, Averell block the second and fourth Thursdays in each month.


Liberty Tent No.36-Regular review on second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at K. of P. hall, Center and Adams street, E.E. CORLISS, R.K.;  Jas. A. WELLS, commander.


Maccabee Lodge, No.177, S.B.C.T.-Meets every first and third Tuesdays of each month, at their hall in South Bay City.


Unity Tent-Organized July,  1890.  Meets each Thursday evening in Galarno’s hall, corner Woodside avenue and Belinda street.  P.C., Wm. GALARNO;  C.P. MCAULIFF;  Lt. C., Geo. WANLESS;  R.K., A.H. HEMPSTEAD;  F.K., Charles ZEULSDORF;  Pres., C.P. HEMPSTEAD;  Sergeant, John LIVINGSTON;  Phys., S.E. GUSTIN;  M. at A., James MCCARTEN;  1st M. of G., Geo. CARSON;  2d M. of G., James PECORD;  Sentinel, James WORTZ;  Picket, F. STORUM.


Valley Tent, No.94-Regular meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month in G.A.R. hall, Washington avenue opposite post office.  A.R. BAKER, R.K.;  Dr. C.H. BAKER, commander.



Knights of Pythias


Bay City Lodge, No.23-Organized 1867.  Meets in K. of P. hall, corner of Center avenue and Adams street.  S.L. BRIGHAM, C.C.;  H.A. FRASER, P.C.;  W.H. FERRIS, V.C.;  L.E. JOSLYN, P.





Union No.1-Meets first and last Wednesday evenings of each month in their hall, 614 N. Water street.  Robert CAMPBELL, president;  Dennis PETERS, treasurer;  Matt. ZIMMERMAN, secretary.





Bay City Commandery, No.26, K.T.-Meets at Masonic hall, Center avenue, Friday evening of every month.  L.A. PRATT, E.C.;  F.O. GILBERT, Gen.;  T.W. MCLEAN, prelate;  A.L. STEWART, sr. warden;  Eugene FIFIELD, jr. warden;  L. GOESCHEL, treasurer;  F.L. WANDS, recorder.


Bay City Council P. of Jerusalem, A.A.S.R.-Meets at Masonic hall, Center avenue, third Saturday evening in each month.  C.J. BOUSFIELD, M.E.S.P.G.M.;   Eugene FIFIELD, G.H.P.D.G.M.;  Wm A. PENNEY, M.E.S.G.W.;  A.A. KNOPFEL, M.E.J.G.W.;  A. BROUGHTON, V.G.S.K. of S. and A.;  F.O. GILBERT, V.G.T.


Bay City Lodge, No.129, F. & A.m.-Meets at Masonic hall, Eddy block, Center avenue, first Wednesday evening in each month.  Geo. ANNAND, W.M.;  Isaac GILBERT, S.W.;  Eugene FIFIELD, J.W.;  A.L. STEWART, treasurer;  F.O. GILBERT, secretary.


Bay City Council, No.53, R. & S.M.-Meets at Masonic hall, Center avenue; regular assemblies second Monday in each month.  E.R. BABCOCK, T.I.M.;  George ANNAND, D.M.;  E. FIFIELD, P.C. of W.;  Louis GOESCHEL, treasurer;  E.E. BURROWS, recorder.


Blanchard Chapter, No.59, R.A.M.-Meets at Masonic hall, Center avenue, first Thursday evening of every month.  C.J. BOUSFIELD, H.P.;  E.E. BURROUGHS, secretary.


Joppa Lodge, F. & A.M., No.315-Meets at Masonic hall Center avenue, first Tuesday evening of every month.  Alfred P. LYON, S.W.;  E.M. SHARP, secretary.


McCormick Grand Lodge of Perfection, A.A.S.R.-Meets at Masonic hall, Center avenue, first Saturday evening in each month.  F.O. GILBERT, T.P.G.M.;  A.L. STEWART, G.H.P. Dept. G.M.;  Eugene FIFIELD, V.S.G.W.;  Geo. ANNAND, V.J.G.W.;  C.H. POMEROY, G. orator;  Louis GOESCHEL, G. treasurer;  A. BROUGHTON, G. secretary, K. of S. and A.


Portsmouth Lodge, No.190, F. & A.M.-Meets Monday evening on or before the full moon, at their hall in Astor House block.  W.E. LARKEN, W.M.;  W.H. CHAPMAN, secretary.


Saginaw Valley Chapter of Rose Croix, A.A.S.R.-Meets second Saturday in each month at Masonic hall, Center avenue.  Edgar M. SHARP, M.W. and P.M.;  Eugene FIFIELD, M.E. and P.K. Sr. W.;  S.R. BIRCHARD, M.E. and P.K. Jr. W.;  Temple EMERY, M.E. and P.K. G.;  Louis GOESCHEL, R. and P.K. treasurer;  A. BROUGHTON, R. and P.K. secretary.


Sharon Chapter O.E.S., No.20-Regular meetings third Friday evening in each month at their hall in Kennedy block.


Bay County Masonic Mutual Benefit Association-Organized May 1878.  Annual meeting second Wednesday in May at Masonic hall, Center avenue.  E.M. SHARP, president;  F.O. GILBERT, vice-president;  George LEWIS, treasurer;  A.L. STEWART, secretary.



National Union


Bay City Council No.184-Meets first and third Tuesdays of each month, at Devlin Hall, 218 N. Jefferson St.  Walter STEINHOFF, president;  T.J. COOPER, vice-president;  C.H. DEVLIN, Ex. p.;  L.P. SPERRY, speaker;  H.S. MCCULLOUGH, sec.;  W.O. CLIFT, treasurer.



Odd Fellows


All Lodges Elect Officers end of December.


Odd Fellows’ Hall-Cranage Block, cor of Center avenue and Adams street.


All Lodges meet as above unless otherwise stated.


Bay Lodge, No.104-Meets every Friday evening.


Custer Canton, No.28 (Patriarchs Militant)-Meets first and third Thursday in each month at K. of P. Hall, Concordia block, northeast cor. of Center avenue and Adams street.  Felix YOUNG, commander;  G.E. SOVEL, lieutenant;  A.B. OLIN, ensign;  W.R. HAERING, clerk;  T.F. HEINE, accountant;  James MCFARLANE, P. Com.


Eden Lodge No.260-Meets every Tuesday evening at hall, corner of Fourteenth and Water streets.  A. GORDON, N.G.;  John ECKER, B.G.;  James MCFARLANE, secretary;  B.D. HOTCHKISS, recording secretary;  A.B. OLIN, treasurer.


Humboldt Lodge, No.154 (German)-Meets every Monday evening.  Fred KRAUSE, N.G.;  W.R. HAERING, B.G.;  Chas. BUBLITZ, R.S.;  L. WEBER, P.S.;  John FAGERT, treasurer.


Kanonda Encampment, No.36-Meets second and fourth Wednesday in each month.  James MCGLYNCH, C.P.;  B.J. ORR, Sr. W.;  J.H. O’BRIEN, scribe;  Felix YOUNG, P.S.;  J.P. TOSSELL, treasurer.


Valley Lodge, No.189-Meets Thursday evening of each week, at 7:30 o’clock, at hall in Kennedy block, Portsmouth.



Order of the Iron Hall


Branch No.247-Meets at St. George’s hall, Bank block, on Center avenue, the first and third Tuesdays of each month.  Wm. F. HARRIS, C.J.;  Charles WILLIAMS, V.J.;  J.R. ANTHONY, secretary;  A. BATE, treasurer.


Branch No.753-Meets St. George’s hall, Bank block, second and fourth Mondays in each month.  John MOSES, C.J.;  J.L. HILAKER, V.J.;   Joseph HEWITT, secretary;  W.A. PETTAPIECE, treasurer.


Sisterhood Branch No.608-Meets at the residence of Mrs. Amos PARKE, 218 Adams street, the first and third Wednesday of each month.


Sisterhood Branch, No.748-Meets at the residence of Mrs. Hiram HAWKINS, corner Thirty-fifth street and Polk, first and third Mondays of each month.



Order of the Red Cross


Valley Commandery No.7-Meets every second Thursday at hall corner of Fourteenth and Water streets.  John J. ROBERTS, past commander;  Joseph H. BOSTON, commander;  Miss Emma MOLES, lieutenant commander;  W.J. ATKINSON, treasurer;  Mrs. J.H. BASTOW, prelate;  Miss Margaret KIED, sergeant;  W.H. WILLETT, guard;  Oscar BRUSH, sentinel;  W.J. ATKINSON, grand commander state of Michigan.


Royal Adelphia



Elliott Conclave, No.32-Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at G.A.R. hall, Washington avenue.  W.H. FOSTER, commander;  D.F. CAMPBELL, secretary.


Bay Council No.37-Organized November 27, 1877.  Meets at G.A.R. hall first and third Mondays of every month.  R.V. MUNDY, R.;  Eugene FIFIELD, P.R.;  C.H. DEVLIN, V.R.;  W.H. MILLER, O.;  E.P. ROWE, secretary;  M.M. ANDREWS, treasurer.


Clive Council No.827-Meets at Arcanum hall, Harrison street, first and third Thursdays in each month.  Oscar WALLIN, regent;  A.W. FISHER, V.R.;  S.E. CAMPBELL, R.;  E.E. REYNOLDS, secretary;  Dr. James CLARK, treasurer;  F.X. CAMPAU, collector.



Royal League


Utopia Council No.48-Organized 1888.  Meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at 218 North Jefferson street.  H.S. MCCULLOUGH, archon;  C.H. DEVLIN, vice-archon;  L.P. SPERRRY, scribe;  W. LANDAU, collector;  Wm. O. CLIFT, treasurer.



Sons of Veterans


John A. Rawlins Camp No.46-Organized December 20, 1887.  Meets every alternate Friday at G.A.R. hall.  H.C. THOMPSON, captain;  David WILKINSON, first lieutenant;  John UPELL, second lieutenant;  Geo. WILKINSON, chaplain;  Bert CHRISTIAN, first sergeant;  W. F. MEISEL, quarter-master sergeant;  J.H. RUSSELL, sergeant of the guard;  J.F. KITTLE, color sergeant;  Albert GAGE, musician;  Earl C. WELLS, corporal of the guard;  Wm. STRONG, camp guard;  Wm. LASKY, picket guard.


Women’s Relief Corps No.97, auxiliary to U.S. Grant Post No.67-Meetings first and third Tuesday afternoons of each month, G.A.R. hall.  President, Laura M. COBB;  senior vice-president, Lettie POTTS;  secretary, Martha MCCABE;  treasurer, Grace HOHNSON;  chaplain, Jannett MASTEN;  conductor, Agnes SPRAGUE;  guard, Ida SECOR;  assistant conductor, Minnie STEINER;  assistant guard, Mary E. WILEY.





Arbeiter Unterstuetzung Verien-German (Workingmen’s Benevolent Society)  Organized 1866.  Incorporated February 27, 1871.  Meets second and fourth Sundays of each month at Arbeither hall, corner of Seventh and Johnson.  John SCHINDEHETTE, president;  C. KEISTER, vice-president;  G.H. SCHINDEHETTE, recording secretary;  Fred MAGER, secretary;  (?) GUDSCHINSKY, treasurer;  John DOMBEY, janitor.


Bay City Barbers Union-Joseph BARBER, president;  Fred PERO, vice-president;  Edward DEUDLER, secretary;  Harry BETZ, treasurer.


Bay City Business Men’s Association-Organized 1889.  Meet first Tuesday in each month.  C.R. HAWLEY, president;  C.D. VAIL, vice-president;  Frank PRATT, attorney and secretary.


Bay City Club-Organized 1886.  Capital $5,000.  Monthly directory meeting first Tuesday of each month, at their rooms in opera house block, at 8 o’clock.  Membership limited to 200.  President, F.P. BROWNE;  first vice-president, C.H. BRADLEY;  second vice-president, J.W. CUPIT;  secretary, J.B. CORWIN;  treasurer, John MULHOLLAND.


Bay City Equal Suffrage Association-Organized May 1887.  Meet every alternate Monday evening, in G.A.R. hall, Washington avenue, between Center avenue and Sixth street.  Mrs. D.P. HOLMES, president;  Rev. S.H. ROBLIN, vice-president;  Mrs. B.L. STONEBRAKER, secretary;  Mrs. M.J. DELL, treasurer;  Mrs. M.S. KNAGGS, corresponding secretary.


Bay City Rifle Club-Organized 1889.  W. JONNISON, president;  Levi P. OLDFIELD, vice-president;  E.F. FLUES, secretary and treasurer.


Bay City Trades Council-Meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at St. George’s hall.  M.P. CONNELLY, president;  Wm. BISHOP, vice-president;  Robt. ROC?OW, treasurer; S.S. DOYLE, recording secretary;  Jos. LESSARD, financial secretary.  Composed of delegates from all local organized labor.


Tribune Mutual Aid Association-Meet on call of president.  Annual meeting on first Saturday in March.  President, Chauncey GREGORY;  vice-president, Cornelius EDWOODS;  secretary, M.P. CONNELLY;  treasurer, George CALLAHAN.


Bay City Typographical Union, No.81-Organized 1883.  meet at St. George’s hall in the Bank block, on the first Sunday of each month.  President, Eugene CUMMINGS;  Vice-president, J.E.W. SAUNDERS;  recording secretary, Jason WATERMAN;  financial and corresponding secretary, J.A. HAPKINS;  treasurer, Fred WHARTON.


Bay County Agricultural Society-Meets at president’s office.  C.B. CHATFIELD, president;  E.T. BENNETT, secretary;  E.R. PHILLIPS, treasurer.


Bay County Bar Association-This association embraces every lawyer in Bay county.  Meets in the court house on call of the president.  H.H. HATCH, president;  A. MCDONELL, vice-president;  Frank S. PRATT, secretary.


Bay County Bible Society-Meets monthly at Y.M.C.A. rooms.  A.C. HAVEN, president;  Brent HARDING, secretary;  R.E. GEDNEY, treasurer.


Catholic Knights of St. George (Polish military society)-Meet fourth Sunday in each month at the Polish school house, corner Grant and Twenty-first streets.  John WOZNIAK, captain;  John SCHULZ, first lieutenant;  Frank BIS, second lieutenant.


Catholic Mutual Benefit Association-Organized 1880.  Meet at A.O.H. hall, Bank block, Center avenue, each Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock.  Officers:  Michael KINNEY, president;  D.D. SAVAGE, recording secretary;  John DONOVAN, financial secretary.


Cigar Makers’ International Union, No.184-Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month, at St. George’s hall, Bank block.  Executive meetings every Saturday at 5 o’clock p.m.  Louis LELLAIR, president and treasurer;  Paul DELACHE, F.S.;  L. HODGINS, corresponding secretary;  James BOURNE, recording secretary.


Concordia Mutual Fire Insurance Co.-Located at Frankenlust.  Number of members, 400.  John G. LACKER, president;  John G. WEGGEL, secretary.


Fireman’s Mutual Benefit Association-Meets fourth Wednesday in every month at Fire Department headquarters, 917 Washington avenue.  George THOMPSON, president;  Patrick MCAULIFFE, vice-president;  H.J. WINTERHALTER, secretary;  Wm. WANLESS, financial secretary.


Hebrew Ladies’ Auxiliary Society-Meets first Sunday in January, April, July and October in Vestry room.  Rev. Wolf LANDAU, president;  Mrs. H. OPPENHEIM, vice-president;  Mrs. L. ANTHONY, secretary;  Mrs. A. HYMAN, treasurer.


Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society-Meets first Sunday in each month in the I.O.B.B. hall, Averill block, Center avenue.  Mrs. F. BRECKLER, president;  Mrs. R. KORN, vice-president;  Mrs. L. ANTHONY, financial secretary;  Mrs. B. LEWINSTEIN, treasurer.


Hebrew Unterstuetzungs Verein-Meets in the I.O.B.B. hall, Averill block, Center avenue, every alternate Sunday.  S. ROSENTHAL, president;  A GRABOWSKY, vice-president;  Robert MEYER, secretary;  I.W. BRECKLER, treasurer.


Ladies’ Auxiliary to Y.M.C.A.-Meet at the rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association.  Mrs. G. COBB, president;  Mrs. J. STEINHOFF, vice-president;  Mrs. M.M. ANDREWS, secretary;  Mrs. Dr. HULBERT, treasurer.


Lafayette Benevolent Society (reorganized)-Meets first and third Tuesdays in each month, at hall on east side of Washington avenue, between Second and Third streets.  I. OBEY, president;  John BATIAS, vice-president;  Joseph CUSSON, secretary;  Narcisse LAPORTE, treasurer.


Painters’ Union No.83-Organized 1888.  Meets every Monday evening in carpenters’ hall, Bank block.  Attached to federation.


Polish National Society No.12 (branch of Polish National Alliance)-Meets first Monday in each month, at Walter’s hall, corner of Eighteenth and South Farragut streets.  Joseph WELTER, president;  Joseph RYDLEWICZ, vice-president;  Wm. H. PRYBESKI, corresponding secretary;  John NOWICKI, financial secretary;  Frank GLAZA, treasurer.


Royal Templars of Temperance, Bethesda Council No.13-Organized 1879.  Meets every Tuesday evening.  L.R. RUSSELL, S.C.;  Mrs. D. ROBINS, V.C.;  Mrs. H.C. ROSENBURY, recording secretary;  C.E. ROSENBURY, treasurer.


St. George’s Society of Bay City-Organized August 22, 1876.  Meets second and fourth Monday of every month at their hall, Bank block.  John SAUNDERS, president;  Wm. W. ELMER, first vice-president;  Robert A. HALL, second vice-president;  Charles WILLIAMS, financial secretary;  John R. BATE, recording secretary;  Fred A. NICHOLS, treasurer.


St. Johannes Unterstuetzungs Verein (German Benevolent Society)-Incorporated.  Meets in St. Boniface school house on the first Sunday of each month.  William MONTERMAN, president;  Adam KRAUSS, vice-president;  John SCHEPFERMANN, treasurer;  Rudolph KRAUSS, secretary.


St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Benevolent Society-Meets first Sunday of each month at Lafayette hall.  Joseph LEFEVRE, president;  Louis CORMIER, vice-president;  C. PROUX, secretary;  I. OBEY, corresponding secretary;  J.L. HEBERT, treasurer.


Sawyers and Filers’ Union No.3,510-Meets every second Friday evening, corner of Twenty-third street and Broadway.  Attached to Federation.


United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners No.129-Meets every Thursday evening, 8 p.m. at Carpenter’s hall, Bank block, Center avenue.  Benj. STEVENS, president;  Thos. MARTIN, vice-president;  James THOMPSON, secretary;  Francis LEE, financial secretary;  Robert ROCHOW, treasurer.  Attached to Federation.


Woman’s Association of Charity-Old Ladies’ Home-Located on the corner of Fourth and Monroe streets.  Incorporated November 1886.  President, Mrs. N.B. BRADLEY;  first vice-president, Mrs. F. FITZHUGH;  second vice-president, Mrs. S.G.M. GATES;  third vice-president, Mrs. H. EMERY;  secretary, Mrs. F.E. BRADLEY;  treasurer, Mrs. C.H. DEVLIN.


Woman’s Charitable Union-Organized March 19, 1883.  Mrs. D.C. SMALLEY, president;  Mrs. John SAVAGE, vice-president;  Mrs. Wm. KEITH, secretary;  Mrs. Luther BECKWITH, treasurer.


Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, South Bay City-Mrs. M.E. RANDALL, president;  Mrs. R. WOODHAMS, vice-president;  Mrs. E.H. BEEBE, corresponding secretary;  Mrs. M. CHRISTIAN, recording secretary;  Mrs. Albert MILLER, treasurer.


Woman’s Christian Temperance Union-Meet in Y.M.C.A. parlor.  Mrs. J.R. PARISH, president;  Mrs. John HOLLYWOOD, first vice-president;  Mrs. F. CAMP, recording secretary;  Mrs. C.H. RHODES, corresponding secretary;  Mrs. H.C. ROSENBURY, treasurer.


Young Men’s Christian Association, 715-717 Adams-E.C. HARGRAVE, president;  T.J. COOPER, vice-president;  J.E. LEMON, recording secretary;  M.M. ANDREWS, treasurer;  Homer BLACK, general secretary.





Boy Line of Steamers-Between East Saginaw and Bay City.  Handyboy and Postboy.  Office foot of Fifth street.


Boy Line and Fire Boat Company-Capt. R. ARMSTRONG, president.  Office foot of Fifth street.


Bay City and Au Gres Line-Propeller C.A. FORBES.  Leaves Bay City Monday, Wednesday and Friday and returns alternate days.  Office in rear of 911 North Water street.


Saginaw Bay Towing Association-Benjamin BOOUTELL and P.C. SMITH.  Office 1215 North Water street.


Bay City and Alpena Line of Steamers (daily)-Metropolis and Arundell. Darius COLE, manager.  Office and dock between Fourth and Fifth streets, in rear of 911 North Water street.


Captain P.C. Smith Towing Company-Tugs Peter Smith, S.S. Rumage, Sarah Smith and Ella Smith.


Saginaw River Towing Association-Richard ARMSTRONG, president;  Rolla GLOVER, collector.  Office at foot of Center avenue.


Saginaw Transportation Company-Propellers Sanilac and Lora runs between Saginaw and Cleveland.  Dock in rear of 911 North Water street.  R. MAXWELL, agent.





Michigan Postal Telegraph Company-Richard Y. CADMUS, manager.  719 North Water street.  Office open from 7 o’clock a.m. till 11 o’clock p.m.  Sunday hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and 4 to 5:30 p.m., city time.


Western Union Telegraph Company-T.J. COOPER, manager.  811 North Water street.  Office open from 7 o’clock a.m. till 1 o’clock a.m., standard time.


Michigan Bell Telephone Company-W.D. GREENE, manager.  Union block, foot of Center avenue.





Bellevue-On Saginaw Bay, northwest of Bay City.


Oak Grove-On Saginaw Bay, one and one-half miles north of Essexville.


Oa-at-ka Beach Summer Resort-Three and one-half miles north of Bay City, on Saginaw Bay.


Point Lookout-Forty miles from Bay City, on Saginaw Bay.  I.C. THOMPSON, manager.


Wenona Beach-On Saginaw Bay, east of and adjoining Oa-at-ka.  Wenona Beach Co., proprietors.





Ancient Order Hibernian Hall, Van Denbrook block, Center ave., between Adams st. and Washington ave.


Andrzyeswski Hall, n e corner Twenty-second st. and Madison ave.


Arbeiter Hall, 600 North Johnson st.


Arion Hall, n w corner of Fourth and Farragut sts.


Armory Hall (Peninsular Co.), s w corner of Ninth st and Washington ave.


Assembly Hall, Opera House block.


Astor House block, n w corner Harrison and South Center sts.


Averell block, n side Center ave. between Water and Saginaw sts.


Bailey and Orton block, s w cor. of Fourth ave. and Water st.


Bank block, s e corner of Center and Washington aves.


Baumgarten block, s e corner of Center ave. and Adams st.


Bay County Court House, n s of Center ave. between Jefferson st. and Madison ave.


Bay County Jail, s e corner Center ave. and Jefferson st.


Bentley block, n w corner of Polk and Thirty-second sts.


Birney block, w s Water st. between Fourth st. and Fifth ave.


Bloedon block, n s Center ave. bet. Water and Saginaw sts.


Bresler block, 905, 907 Saginaw st.


Bridge block, n w corner Water and 3d sts.


Bunnell block, n s 3d bet. Saginaw st. and Washington ave.


Brunner block, e s Saginaw st. bet. 5th and Center aves.


Campbell block, e s Water st. bet. 4th st. and 5th ave.


Campbell House block, s e cor. Water and 3d sts.


Central block, n e cor. Center and Washington aves.


City Hall, e s Saginaw st. bet. 5th and Center aves.


Concordia block, n e corner Center ave. and Adams st.


Cottrell’s block, w s Water st. opposite Fraser House.


Cranage block, s s Center ave. bet. Washington ave. and Adams st.


Crapo building, n w corner Washington and Center aves.


Crystal Hall, 112 Washington ave.


Denning block, n w corner 4th and Water sts.


Eddy block, s s Center ave. between Adams and Jefferson sts.


Engineer’s Hall, 912 N. Water st.


Firemen’s Hall, (old Town Hall) n e cor Taylor and 34th sts.


Fraser House block, s e cor Center ave. and Water st.


Galarno block, s w cor Woodside ave. and Belinda st.


G.A.R. hall, 702-704 Washington ave.


Gates and Fay block, w s Water st. bet 7th and 8th sts.


Good Templars’ hall, Kennedy block, South Bay City.


Griswold block, w s Water bet 5th and Center aves.


Heumann block, n s Center bet. Saginaw and Washington ave.


Hine block, 516 to 522 Washington ave.


Industrial Works block, s w cor 11th and Water sts.


Jennison block, n e cor Water st. and 5th ave.


Kaiser block, s e cor Water st. and 4th ave.


Kennedy hall, n w cor Water and South Center sts.


Knights of Labor hall, n e cor 31st and Harrison sts.


Knights of Pythias hall, 401 Center ave.


Kosciusko hall, 108 Washington ave.


McCauley’s hall, 401 Belinda st.


McCormick block, e s Water bet Center and 5th aves.


McDermott block, n w cor 6th and Adam sts.


McEwan block, w s Washington ave. bet Center ave. and 6th st.


Masonic block, n e cor 3d and Saginaw sts.


Masonic hall, Eddy block, Center ave.


Maxwell block, w s Water bet 2d and 3d sts.


Tierney block, s e cor Saginaw st. and 5th ave.


Munger block, s e cor Saginaw st and Center ave.


New Campbell block, s w cor Third and Saginaw sts.


New Griswold block, s s Center ave. bet Saginaw st and Washington ave.


New McEwan block, s s Center ave. bet Saginaw st. and Washington ave.


Norrington block, e s Water bet 5th and Center aves.


Nunn’s Hall, 813 Williams st.


Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cranage block, Center ave.


Odd Fellows’ Hall, n e cor 14th and Water sts.


Paine block, w s Water bet Center ave. and 6th st.


Phoenix block, s w cor Center Washington aves.


Public Library building, s w cor Adams and 6th sts.


Root block, Center ave. bet Adams and Jefferson sts.


St. George’s Hall, Bank block.


Schindehette block, s e cor 4th ave. and Saginaw st.


Shearer block, n e cor Water st. and Center ave.


Shearer block, n w cor Center ave. and Adams st.


Shiler’s hall, 501 23d st.


Simon block, s s Center ave. bet. Saginaw and Water sts.


St. George’s hall, s s Center ave. bet. Washington ave. and Adams.


Smith & Hart’s block, n w corner 4th ave. and Water.


Stewart block, n w corner Center ave. and Saginaw st.


Taylor & Rose block, s w corner 3d st. and Washington ave.


Tribune Building, 905 to 909 Saginaw st.


Trombley block, n w corner Monroe and 3d sts.


Union block, w s Water st. foot of Center ave.


Union building, n w corner Washington and 5th aves.


Van Denbrook block, s s Center ave. bet Washington ave. and Adams st.


Van Emster block, 304 and 306 12th st.


Walton hall, 715 Adams st.


Warren block, e s Washington ave. bet. Center ave. and 6th st.


Watson block, w s Water st. foot of Center ave.


Woods Opera House, s e corner Washington ave. and 6th st.


Zirwes Hall, e s Saginaw st. bet. Center ave. and 6th st.


















Government Bldg.


DeWitt C. BRAWN, Deputy Collector of Customs.





Lewis Hospital-1207 Broadway.  LeRoy LEWIS, MD, Supt.; Mrs. M.K. LEWIS, Asst. Supt.


Mercy Hospital-Howard s e cor 15th.  Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy.





American Land Co. (Limited)-200 6th.  Incorporated Jan 1, 1902.  Capital, $1,000.  Calvin G. THORNTHWAITE, Sec and Treas.


American Relief Society-201 Phoenix Blk.  Incorporated May 1900.  Israel RUELLE, Pres; Athur D. BAILEY, Sec. and Treas.


Bay Cities Consolidated Railway Co.-236 N. Water.  J.C. WEADOCK AND M.P.HERATY, Receivers; M.P. HERATY, Pres; E.S. DIMMOCK, Genl. Mngr.


Bay City Boat Club (Essexville)-Organized September 1894.  Incorporated June 1896.  Capital $2,500.  E. Wilson CRESSEY, Pres; G.W. AMES, Vice-Pres; S.P. CRANAGE, Sec; L.M.R. BRADLEY, Treas.


Bay City Boiler Co.-1300 N. Madison ave.  Incorporated 1899.  Capital $5,000.  John LINDSAY, Pres; Grant MORRISON, Sec and Tres; B.F. RAY, Mngr.


Bay City Brewing Co.-1108 S. Water.  Incorporated January 1, 1884.  Capital $100,000.  Walter D. YOUNG, Pres; W.A. YOUNG, Vice-Pres; J.B. MORITZ, Sec and Treas.


Bay City Building Co.-508 Phoenix Blk.  Incorporated 1886.  Capital $75,000.  Orrin BUMP, Pres; E.T. CARRINGTON, Sec and Treas.


Bousfield & Co.-Cor Harrison and Cass ave.  Incorporated 1881.  Capital $125,000.  A.E. BOUSFIELD, Pres; R.E. BOUSFIELD, Vice-Pres; C.J. BOUSFIELD, Sec and Treas.


Boutell Transportation Co. The-1201 N. Water.  Incorporated 1890.  Capital $150,000.  Benjamin BOUTELL, Pres and Mngr.


Boyce Coal Co.-W s Pine 2 n of Saline, Essexville.  Incorporated November 1899.  Capital $10,000.  A.A. BOYCE, Pres; Gregory J. BOYCE, Sec and Treas.


Broas, Galloway & Co.-204-206 Center ave.  Incorporated 1889.  Capital $15,000.  J.J. BROAS, Pres; J.C. WEADOCK, Vice-Pres; L.L. BROAS, Sec and Treas.


Campbell-Brown Lumber Co.-1509 S Water.  Capital $25,000.  George M. BROWN, Pres; Arthur R. CAMPBELL, Vice-Pres; Henry M CAMPBELL, Sec and Treas.


Colt Land Co. (Limited)-809 Adams.  Incorporated 1892.  G. Henry SHEARER, Chairman; J.B. SHEARER, Sec; John MULHOLLAND, Treas.


Crapo Building Co. (Limited)-Office 404 Crapo Blk.  Incorporated 1889.  Capital $80,000.  George H. YOUNG, Sec. and Treas.


Crystal Water Co. (Limited) The-Cor S Water and 16th.  Incorporated 1892.  Capital $20,000.  A.E. BOUSFIELD, Chairman; Aaron J. COOK, Treas; S.D. HAWTHORNE, Sec and Mngr.


Eddy-Sheldon Co.-N Water foot of Belinda.  Incorporated June 1894.  Capital $200,000.  Selwyn EDDY, Treas; C.L. SHELDON, Vice-Pres; F.E. PARKER, Sec and Treas.


Elm Lawn Cemetery Co.-Office at cemetery.  Incorporated December 1890.  A.E. BOUSFIELD, Pres; J.F. EDDY, Vice-Pres; J.B. SHEARER, Treas; G.H. SHEARER, Sec; Horace P. WARFIELD, Supt.


Fraser House Co. (Limited)-208 Center ave.  Incorporated 1882.  Capital $82,500.  Newell A. EDDY, Chairman; Mrs. Annie F. McEWAN, Sec and Treas.


Fraser-McEwan Co. (Limited)-208 Center ave.  Incorporated July 1, 1897.  Capital $40,000.  A.F. McEWAN, Chairman; Allan McEWAN, Sec and Treas.


Gage Robert Coal Co.-302 Shearer Bros Blk.  Incorporated March 1900.  Capital $80,000.  Robert GAGE (Jackson, Mich), Pres; Charles CORYELL, Vice-Pres and Mngr; E.J. VANCE, Sec; Frank WURCH (Jackson, Mich), Treas.


Garland M. Co. The-Cor 26th and S. Water.  Incorporated March 1894.  Capital $25,000.  M. GARLAND, Pres; Mrs. M. S. GARLAND, Vice-Pres; H.M. GARLAND, Sec and Treas.


Gustin, Cook & Buckley-1001-1007 N. Water.  Incorporated April 3, 1889.  Capital $30,000, paid in.  H.H. GUSTIN, Pres; Charles E. COOK, Vice-Pres; Frank J. BUCKLEY, Sec and Treas.


Hammond Harry N. Seed Co. (Limited)-1018-1022 Adams nr 3rd.  Incorporated July 1, 1901.  Capital $40,000.  Harry N. HAMMOND, Chairman; Phillips H. GAGE, Sec and Treas; s. Alan WILSON, Supt.


Hampton Transportation Co.-1201 N. Water.  Incorporated.  Capital $50,000.  Benjamin BOUTELL, Pres and Mngr.


Hecla Portland Cement and Coal Co.-506-508 Crapo Blk.  Incorporated July 1901.  Capital $5,000,000.  Julius STROH (Detroit, Mich), Pres; U.R. LORANGER, Sec; E.H. PARKER (Detroit, Mich), Treas.


Industrial Works-Cor 11th and N. Water.  Incorporated 1873.  Capital $150,000.  W.L. CLEMENTS, Pres; C.R. WELLS, Sec and Treas; E.B. PERRY, Supt and Engineer.


Jennison Hardware Co. The-901-903 N. Water.  Incorporated 1894.  Capital $100,000.  Charles E. JENNISON, Pres; Wm F. JENNISON, Vice-Pres; George B. JENNISON, Sec and Treas.


Kneeland-Bigelow Co.-S Water bet 19th and 21st.  Incorporated May 30thm 1901.  Capital $100,000.  D.M. KNEELAND, Pres; C.A. BIGELOW, Sec and Treas.


Lambert John P. Co.-721-723 N. Water.  Incorporated November 1, 1901.  Capital $8,000.  John P. LAMBERT, Pres; Lewis P. COUMANS, Vice-Pres; Henry P. CARTWRIGHT, Sec and Treas.


McDonald Grain Co.-504 Crapo Blk.  Incorporated December 9, 1899.  Capital $5,000.  John N. McDONALD, Pres; John A. McDONALD, Sec and Treas.




Bay City Public Library-City Hall.  Board of Trustees, Mayor Wm. CUNNINGHAM, Pres ex-officio; Chester L. COLLINS, Orrin BUMP, John A. STEWART, Wm. I.BROTHERTON, Jacob DARDAS.  A.J. COOKE, Librarian. 23,000 volumes.


Bay County Bar Library-417-418 Shearer Bros’ Blk.  Established January 1899.  L. G. BECKWITH, Sec and Treas; Jean SHEWARD, Librarian.




Peninsulars, Company B, Third Regiment, Michigan National Guard-Mustered into State service April 13, 1874.  Sixty Members.  Armory cor Washington ave and 9th.  A.H. GANSSER, Capt; C.H. DUMONT, 1st Lieut; L.G. BECKWORTH, 2nd Lieut; C.C. CUTHBERT, 1st Sergt; C.L. WALK, Pres; J.H. ANIIS, Vice-Pres; L.G. BECKWITH, Clerk; A. H. GANSSER, Treas; Ed JOHNSON, Sergeant-at-Arms.





Arbeiter Unterstuetzungs Verein-Organized 1866.  Incorporated February 27, 1871.  Reorganized December 1901.  Meets second and fourth Sundays of each month in Arbeiter Hall, cor 7th and N. Johnson.  Henry FEHRENBACH, Pres; Wm. MONTERMAN, Vice-Pres; H.A.L. UHTERMALEN, Rec Sec; Joseph LOTTER, Cor Sec; Solomon WILHELM, Treas.


Arch Confraternity of Sacred Heart (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at 614 S. Farragut.  Matthew JANOWICZ, Pres; John LASKOWSKI, Sec; Jacob DARDAS, Treas.


Bay City Board of Trade-404 Phoenix Blk.  Organized March 18, 1898.  Selwyn EDDY, Pres; Benj BOUTELL, Vice-Pres; H.E. TREMAIN, Treas; James E. BROCKWAY, Sec.


Bay City Boat Club-Foot of Pine, Essexville-Organized September 1894.  Incorporated 1896.  Capital $2,500.  E. Wilson CRESSEY, Pres; G.W. AMES, Vice-Pres; S.P. CRANAGE, Sec; L.M.R. BRADLEY, Treas.


Central Trades Council-Composed of delegates from al local labor organizations.  Meets first and third Tuesday of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water. A.O. HEINE, Pres; Gilbert LAROCQUE, Vice-Pres; George H. RICH, Fin Sec; A.H. GANSSER, Rec Sec; Wm. MARCOUX, Treas.


Cigarmaker’s International Union No. 184-Meets second Tuesday of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water.  Executive meetings every Saturday at 4pm.  Charles KNAPP, Pres; Thomas JASKEY, Vice-Pres; Albert DEMING, Fin and Cor Sec; Devene MOULD, Treas and Rec Sec.


Entract No. 35, Von De Plattdeutschen Gilden-Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 200 Columbus ave.  Henry BUTTE, ex-Master; Charles SCHULTZ, Master; Herman LUTZKE, Sec; Charles LANGE, Treas; Dr. Louis PLESSNER, Phys.


Family Protective Union No. 157-Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month in AOUW Hall.  John MOON, Pres; Thomas GREELEY, Sec; A.P. POLK, Treas.


Firemen’s Mutual Benefit Association-Meets quarterly at Fire Commissioners’ Office, City Hall.  Wm. ALLEN, Pres; J.C. FREEMAN, Rec Sec; Henry STARK, Fin Sec; Thomas K. HARDING, Treas.


Journeymen Barbers’ Union No. 13-Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water.  E.J. HUTTON, Pres; W.G. STACEY, Vice-Pres; M.C. DEREMER, Cor and Fin Sec; C.A. COWAN, Treas.


Knights of St. George (Polish)-Meets third Sunday of each month at the Polish schoolhouse, cor Grant and 21st.  Frank LANDOWSKI, Pres; Thomas MATUSZEWSKI, Sec.


Lady Arbeiter Society-Meets first and third Sundays of each month at Arbeiter Hall, cor 7th and N. Johnson.  Mrs. Christine LUTZKE, Pres; Mrs. Catherine RICKERT, Vice-Pres; Mrs. I. VANDREY, Treas; Mrs. Amelia GRESCHOW, Sec.


LCBA Branch No. 595-Meets on alternate Wednesday evenings in St. John’s School Hall, for Hudson and Pine, Essexville.  Mrs. Thomas GARIEPY, Pres; Mrs. Lizzie GUINDON, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Mary WARD, Treas; Mrs. Mary DeCOURVAL, Sec; Mrs. Mary LaFOUNTAINE, Past Pres.


Marine Cooks’ Association-Meets every second and fourth Saturdays of each month at Trades Council Hall, 912 N. Water.  Herbert L. RUSSELL, Pres; Albert L. LINDSAY, Vice-Pres; Thomas J. McCANN, Rec Sec; Charles J. MOZEALOUS, Fin Sec; Paul PREMO, Treas.


Musician’s Protective Union No. 127, AF of M-Organized January 1, 1901.  Meets second Sunday of each month in hall, 804 N. Water.  Nicholas HERRICK, Pres; John DEREMER, Vice-Pres; Lovell SPAULDING, Sec; E.O. HARTIG, Treas.


National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch No. 187-Meets first Tuesday of each month in Postoffice Bldg. at 7:30pm.  Frank De NIR, Pres; R.A. CAMPBELL, Sec; Richard JEWELL, Treas.


National Longshoremen’s Association of the United States, Branch No. 25-Meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in their hall, 708 N. Water.  John CORRIGAN, Pres; Charles KENT, Vice-Pres; Wm. HAGGERTY, Sec; Ernst PETERS, Treas.


Oswiata Society (Polish)-Meets the first Sunday of each month at Harmonia Hall, cor 18th and Farragut.  Anton E. CICHOCKI, Pres; John ZIELINSKI, Sec; Ignatz SCHULTZ, Treas.


Prohibition Alliance-Meets at GAR Hall, Washington ave, first Monday of each month.  S.D. HAWTHORNE, Pres; E.M. LITCHFIELD, Sec.


Retail Butchers’ Society-Meets in Obey’s Hall, 408 5th, on call.  W.E. TAPERT, Pres; Jacob F. BOES, Sec; Joseph PRIMEAU, Treas.


Retail Clerks’ Association No. 75-Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water.  Charles A. WINEGER, Pres; F.C. SIMON, Vice-Pres; A.H. GAUSSER, Fin and Rec Sec; Wm. MARCOUX, Treas.


Retail Grocers’ Association of Bay Cities-Meets on call in Odd Fellows’ Temple.  Edward WEST, pres; E.C. LITTLE, Sec; G.A. FULLER, Treas.


Sacred Heart of Jesus (Polish)-Meets every fourth Sunday after the first of each month at 700 S. Farragut.  George W. KABAT, Pres; Michael ROZEWSKI, Sec; Michael MEYER, Treas.


Saginaw Valley Dental Association-Meets first Saturday in each month alternately in Saginaw and in Bay City.  Irvin MYERS, Saginaw, Pres; Samuel STRAUTH, Bay City, Vice-Pres; C.F. POTTER, Bay City , Sec; E.T. LOEFFLER, Saginaw, Treas.


St. Aloyzy Society (Polish)-Meets the third Sunday of each month in schoolhouse, cor Grant and 21st.  Edward STACHOWICZ, Pres; Anastasius HMARA, Sec.


St. Andrew’s Society-Organized January 1890.  Meets second Friday of each month in GAR hall, Washington ave.  Wm. CUNNINGHAM, Pres; John J. CAMERON, 1st Vice-Pres; John G. BUCHANAN, 2nd Vice-Pres; J.A. WILSON, Sec; Alexander CULBERT, Treas.


St. Casimir Society (Polish)-Meets every second Sunday of each month in school house, cor Grant and 21st.  John PIASICKI, Pres.


St. Hedwig’s Society (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Piechowiak’s Hall, 1309 Central, W. B.C.  Anton PIECHOWIAK, Pres; Paul PIECHOWSKI, Sec.


St. John’s Benevolent Society-Meets first Sunday of each month after high mass in St. Boniface Hall, 8th between Lincoln ave and Birney.  Julius KOSS, Pres; Jacob MAUS, Vice-Pres; Henry FEHRNBACH, Sec; Charles WEBSTER, Treas.


St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Benevolent Association-Meets first Sunday of each month at CMBA Hall.  Patrick GRANT, Pres; Theodore ARCHAMBAUD, Vice-Pres; Stanislaus GAUTHIER, Rec Sec; Charles GAYNER, Cor Sec; J. GUINDON, Treas.


St. Joseph’s Society No. 1 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Polish school house, cor Grant and 21st.  Joseph STASZYNSKI, Pres; Joseph STACHOWICZ, Sec.


St. Joseph’s Society No. 2 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at John Leppek’s Hall, cor 33rd and Fraser.  Ignatz BUZALSKI, Pres.


St. Louis de Gonzague-Meets last Thursday of each month in Carpenters’ and Joiners’ Hall, Center bet Water and Saginaw.  George PLOOF, Pres; Alex ST. LAURENT, Vice-Pres; Elzear LeROUX, Sec; Felix CAMPBELL, Treas.


St. Mary’s Catholic Benevolent Association-Meets third Sunday of each month at St. Joseph’s Church, cor Grant and 2nd.  Emma ST LAURENT, Pres; Olive LaPORTE, Vice-Pres; Anna RABIOR, Sec; Emma LaCROIX, Treas.


St. Michael’s Society (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Polonia Hall, 924 Michigan ave. Kaspar SPRIGADAN, Pres.


St. Stanislaus Kostka No. 1 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at the Polish Hall.  John JOZWIAK, Pres; Michael MICHALAK, Sec.


St. Stanislaus Kostka No. 2 (Polish)-Meets second Sunday of each month at Andrzejewski’s Hall, 1029 S Madison ave.  John WESTWAL, Pres.


Sokol Polski (Polish Athletic Club)-Meets the first Sunday of each month at Polonia Hall, 924 Michigan ave.  Anton E. CICHOCKI, Pres; Thomas SLACHCIKOWSKI, Sec; Frank SCHRAMM, Treas.



Teamsters’ Union No. 9-Meets at Trades Council Hall on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8pm.  George WARREN, Pres; James WHITE, Vice-Pres; Edward J. SIMONS, Sec and Treas; Daniel DELANEY, Rec Sec.


Typographical Union No. 81-Organized 1883.  Meets first Sunday of each month in Trades Council Hall, 914 N. Water.  Wm P. KELLY, Pres; Jeremiah HURLEY, Vice-Pres; E.J.A. BAUDIN, Rec Sec; E.G. GEAUDIN, Fin Sec; W.A. CLARKE, Treas.


United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Local Union No. 116-Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 in hall in Averell Blk., 109 Center ave.  John E. HARWOOD, Pres; Fred REMENDER, Vice-Pres; Erwin G. GATES, Fin Sec; John J. MILLER, Rec Sec; Charles SIEFERT, Treas.


Woman’s Christian Temperance Union-Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at homes of members.  Mrs. Emma I. BELKNAP, Pres; Mrs. Susan B. CAMERON, Sec; Mrs. W. MILLER, Treas; Mrs. Edith SLATE, Cor Sec.


Young Men’s Christian Association-715-717 Adams.  Herman MEISEL, Pres; E.W. PORTER, 1st Vice-Pres; Charles M. HART, 2nd Vice-Pres; A.G. SALSBURY, Treas;

David A. TRUMPOUR, Rec Sec; Charles A. DAY, Genl Sec.


Young Woman’s Christian Association-Root Blk, 407 Center ave.  Organized May 1891.  Mrs. Margaret SMITH, Pres; Mrs. W.C. PENOYER, Vice-Pres; Miss Emily COLLINS, Rec Sec; Mary ANGEVINE, Genl Sec; Jessie ANDREWS, Treas.




Bay City Democrat (Weekly)-309 9th.  Established 1891.  George WASHINGTON, Publr and Propr.


Bay City Journal-Established January 29, 1898.  Published every Thursday by the Bay City Times Co., 709 N. Water.


Bay City Times-Press (Evening)-Daily and Sunday.  Established 1879.  Bay City Times Co. Publrs, 709 N. Water.


Bay City Tribune (Morning)-Daily except Monday.  Established April 5, 1873.  SNYDER & McCABE Propr, 801 N. Water.


Michigan Freie Presse (German Weekly)-Established October 1878.  August LANKENAU, Editor and Propr.  Issued every Thursday at 924 N. Water.  Circulation 3,000.


Michigan Sugar Beet The (Weekly)-Established 1899.  Sugar Beet Publishing Co., Proprs.  816 Jefferson.


Prawda The (Polish Weekly)-312 Columbus ave.  Established 1885.  W.V. PRYBESKI, Publr.


Sunday Times-709 N. Water.  Established 1879.  Bay City Times Co., Proprs.





AOUW Halls, Cranage Block s w cor Center Ave and Adams, and 600 Garfield ave.

Andrzejewski Hall, 1029 S. Madison ave.

Arbeiter Hall, 600 N. Johnson

Arion Hall, 4th ave n w cor N. Farragut.

Armory Hall, s w cor Washington ave and 9th.

Astor House Block, Harrison n w cor Cass Ave.

Averell Blocks, 109-111 Center ave and 712-714 Washington ave.

Bank Block, Center ave s e cor Washington ave.

Baumgarten Block, 400 Center ave.

Beck Block, 809-811 Saginaw.

Birney Block, w s Water bet 4th and 4th aves.

Bresler Block, 715-717 Washington ave.

Bunnell Block, 205-207 3rd.

Campbell Block, n e cor Water and 5th aves.

Campbell House Block, N. Water s e cor 3rd.

CMBA Hall, n e cor Madison ave and 6th.

Central Block, Center ave n e cor Washington ave.

City Hall, n w cor Washington ave and 10th.

Columbian Hall and Roof Garden, N. Jackson s e cor 11th.

Concordia Block, 401 Center ave.

Cottage Hall, 701 N. Madison ave.

County Court House, n s Center ave bet Jefferson and Madison ave.

County Jail, Center ave s e cor Jefferson.

Cranage Block, Center av s w cor Adams.

Crapo Block, Washington ave n w cor Center ave.

Desmarais Hall, 1915 N. Madison ave.

Eddy Block, 404-406 Center ave.

Elk’s Hall, 406 Center ave.

Engineers’ Hall, 912 N. Water.

Essexville Town Hall, n s Woodside ave nr Belt Line RR.

Fay Block, 200-206 Center ave.

Federal Building, e s Washington ave bet 3rd and 4th ave.

Fraser Hall, 603 Lafayette ave.

Fraser House Block, Center ave s e cor N. Water.

Galarno Hall, 1621-1623 Woodside ave.

GAR Hall, 702-704 Washington ave.

Gospel Hall. 1620 Broadway.

Government Building, e s Washington ave bet 3rd and 4th avenues.

Grisdale Block, 1616 Broadway.

Griswold Block, 811-813 N. Water.

Harmonia Hall, 700 S. Farragut.

Heumann Block, 203-207 Center ave.

Hine Block and Hall, 506-522 Washington ave.

Hurley Block, 711-715 N. Water.

Hurley Hall, n e cor Washington and McKinley aves.

IOOF Hall, Broadway s w cor 32nd.

IOOF Temple, Washington ave bet 9th and 10th.

Jennison Block, N. Water n w cor 5th ave.

Kaiser Block, s e cor Water and 4th ave.

Kennedy Hall, Harrison n w cor Cass ave.

Knights of Pythias Hall, 406 Center ave.

Knights of the Maccabees Hall, 400-402 Belinda and 621 Harrison, s w cor Smith and Woodside ave, Essexville.

Kosciusko Hall, 108 Washington ave.

Lang’s Hall, 112 N. Water.

Leppek’s Hall, 2301 Fraser.

Library Building (old), 6th s w cor Adams.

Longshoremen’s Hall, 708 N. Water.

McCauley Hall, 400 Belinda.

McCormick Block, 806-808 N. Water.

McDermott Block, 6th n w cor Adams.

McEwan Block, 707-713 Washington ave.

Manoni Block, 3rd n e cor Saginaw.

Marble Hall, 1501 Broadway.

Masonic Hall, n e cor Broadway and 31st.

Masonic Temple, 6th n e cor N. Madison ave.

Maxwell Block, 1105-1111 N. Water.

Middle Ground, entrance from Cass ave and Lafayette ave bridges.

Moran Hall, 621-623 Harrison.

New Griswold Block, 210 Center ave.

New McEwan Block, 208 Center ave.

Norrington Block, 821-831 N. Water.

Obey Hall, 408 5th ave.

Odd Fellows’ Block, s s Woodside ave 3 e of Hart, Essexville.

Odd Fellows’ Hall, 14th n e cor N. Water and s w cor 32nd and Broadway.





Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. general offices Detroit.  Passenger and Freight Depot, 5th ave cor Jefferson.  The main line extends from Bay City to Onaway, 175 miles; Rose City division, Emery Junction to Rose City, 32 miles; Prescott division, Emery Junction to Prescott, 12 miles; Valentine Lake division, La Rocque to Valentine Lake, 26 miles; T. G.WINNETTE, General Freight and Passenger Agent, 216-217 Ridotto Bldg.


Michigan Central Railroad.  General Office, Detroit, Mich.  Passenger Station, First opposite Jackson; Freight Office, cor Water and First.  H.B. LEDYARD (Detroit, Mich), Pres; L.H.L. HOMMEDIEU (Detroit, Mich), Genl Supt; A.B. ATWATER (Detroit, Mich), Asst. Genl Supt; M.C. COYLE, Division Supt; B.B. MITCHELL (Detroit, Mich), Genl Freight and Traffic Mngr; O.W. RUGGLES (Chicago, Ill), Genl Pass and Ticket Agt; Joseph WHITING, Local Ticket Agt; David HURST, Local Freight Agt; A.J. BURT (Detroit, Mich), Auditor; J.R. DUTTON (Detroit, Mich), Purchasing Agt.


Pere Marquette Railroad.  General Office, Detroit, Mich.  Passengers’ Stations, cor 5th and Jefferson aves. and cor Cass and Jefferson aves.; Freight Depot, cor 5th and Jefferson aves.  Charles M. HEALD (Detroit, Mich), Pres; Charles MERRIAM (Boston, Mass), Sec and Treas; J.C. HOWARD (Detroit, Mich), Comptroller; H.F. MOELLER (Detroit, Mich), Genl Pass Agt.; A. PATRIARCHE (Detroit, Mich), Traffic Mngr; F.V. DAVIS (Detroit, Mich), General Freight Agt; J.K.V. AGNEW, Supt Grand Rapids District; W.D. TRUMP, Supt Saginaw District; Frederick W. STEPHENS (Detroit, Mich), Genl Counsel.





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