City Offices, Fisher block, Midland street.
Mayor-Wm. J. MARTIN
Recorder-W. H. PHILLIPS
Treasurer-Theodore E. BISSELL
Comptroller-James MCKNIGHT
Attorney-S.P. FLYNN
Marshal-Wm. J. DUNNIGAN
Harbor Master-Jos. BURNS
City Surveyor-Chas. GLASER
Street Commissioner-Samuel JOHNSON
Chief Fire Department-George F. RUSSELL
Common Council
First Ward-David PATTERSON, Chas. J. SMITH
Second Ward-John BOSTON, Geo. BOUCHARD
Third Ward-F.D. PEIRSON, Wm. H. LENNON
Fourth Ward-W.(?) DAVIS, R.O. CRUMP
Sixth Ward-Geo. A. ALLEN, Michael HAGARTY
Standing Committees-1890-91
Fire Department-BOSTON, KUSCH and LENNON
Sewers and Drains-DAVIS, PATTERSON and KUSCH.
Ordinance and By-Laws-ALLEN, CRUMP and PEIRSON.
Parks and Public Buildings-HUTSCHENREUTHER, BOUCHARD and SMITH.
Board of Education
First Ward-Jas. GREEN, J.B. POIRIER, jr.
Fourth Ward-A.A. DORLAND, R.C. TASKER.
Fifth Ward-Michael REIGEL, Otto KUSCH.
Sixth Ward-G.A. ALLEN, Harrison MILLER.
Board of Health
N.R. GILBERT, president; W.H. PHILLIPS, clerk; Robert LENG, R.C. TASKER.
Board of Public Works
F.L. WILSON, president; W.H. PHILLIPS, secretary; H. ?. THOMPSON, engineer; Geo. L. MOSHER, , D. MCLAUGHLIN.
Sage Library Board
Hon. S.O. FISHER, pres.; J.E. LEMON, secy.; John H. PLUM, F.T. CARRINGTON, H.S. INGERSOLL, Theo. F. SHEPARD, trustees.
First Ward, Robert LENG; Second Ward, Peter LIND; Third Ward, Theron A. MILLER; Fourth Ward, Albert SWEENEY; Fifth Ward, Conrad A. KLEMM; Sixth Ward, James L. DAVENPORT; Jas. A. MCKNIGHT, ex-officio.
Water Works Board
Thomas TOOHEY, pres.; W.H. PHILLIPS, secy.; G.F. WILLIAMS, Jacob LADERACH, Isaac PIERCE, F.P. COLE.
Justices of the Peace
Department Committee
Jas. T. EMERY, Chairman; William DAVIS, James A. REEVES, George F. RUSSELL, Chief Engineer and Superintendent of Telegraph.
Engineer of Steamer-James HAINING.
Hose Co. No. 1-Defiance
Southeast corner of Linn and Michigan streets. Edward COOK, captain; Fred FEIS, lieutenant; Peter BRUETTE, Chas. REINHARDT, Wesley SHOVER, pipemen; John AGANS, driver.
Hose Co. No. 2-Eureka
Northwest corner of 3d and Transit streets. Daniel ROSSBURY, captain; Thomas LOURIM, lieutenant; Louis HERRICK, C. GLEASON, Richard GILBART, pipemen; David D. GAY, driver.
Hose Co. No. 3-Active
West side Washington street near Au Sable. Adam KAISER, captain; Abraham FLETCHER, lieutenant; Fred ALLMAN, Geo. EICHORN, Edward ALLMAN, pipemen; Fred LOZELL, driver.
Fire Alarm Telegraph
Box No.
2-Fire department headquarters.
4-Water works.
5-Chief engineer’s house.
12-Opposite Standard Hoop Company.
13-State street, Fifth ward.
14-Corner Washington and Eighth streets.
15-Opposite Crump’s office.
16-Kolb school.
17-Arbeiter hall.
21-Corner Henry and Jenny streets.
23-Corner Linn and John streets.
24-Corner Midland street and Raymond avenue.
25-Cor. Kiesel and Jenny streets.
31-Corner South Union and Chilson avenue.
32-Corner Au Sable and Fulton streets.
33-Scutts’ Corner.
34-Denison school.
35-Opposite Wheeler’s office.
36-Corner Henry and South Union streets.
37-Foot of Midland street.
38-Corner River and hart streets.
41-Corner Second and Frank streets.
42-P.C. Smith’s store.
43-First ward school.
Marshal-Wm. J. DUNNIGAN
K. of P. Military Band-Headquarters Lewis block. Midland street. H.A. DEWITTA, leader.
Lumbermen’s State Bank-Incorporated 1882. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $50,000, S.O. FISHER, president; James DAVIDSON, vice-president; H.H. NORRINGTON, cashier. Midland cor Linn streets.
People’s Savings Bank-Incorporated 1888. Capital, $50,000. George L. MOSHER, president; John BOURN, vice-president; L.C. BUTLER, cashier. Midland cor Walnut streets.
Oak Ridge Cemetery (Protestant)-Saginaw and Au Sable road. Under control of the cemetery trustees. R. L?NG, chairman.
St. Joseph Cemetery (Roman Catholic)-Under control of St. Joseph’s Church. Saginaw and Au Sable state road.
Epiphany (Episcopal) Mission-Northwest cor. Transit and 4th streets. Sunday services, 7 p.m.
First Baptist Church-N. w. cor Dean and Ohio. Rev. C.H. MORLEY, pastor. Services, 10:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school from 12 to 1. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p.m.
First Methodist Episcopal Church-Northeast cor. Center and Ohio streets. Services 10:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School 11:30 a.m.
German Reformed Church-Au Sable northwest cor 2d street. Rev Isaac METZINGER, pastor. Services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 9 a.m.
Methodist Episcopal Church-Northeast cor. 4th and Transit street. Rev A.J. RICHARDS, pastor. Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school 12 m.
Presbyterian Church-Northeast corner Fulton and Linn streets. Sunday services 7:30 p.m. Thursday 7:20 p.m. Sunday school 3:30 p.m.
St. Johns German Lutheran-Alp southeast cor. Jane street. Rev. J.F. MAYER, pastor. Sunday service 10 a.m. Sunday school 9 a.m.
St. Johns Episcopal. First ward. Rev. Joseph ST. JOHN, rector. Sunday services 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school 3 p.m.
St. Johns (Roman Catholic)-Southwest cor Pine and Hudson streets. Sunday services, first mass 8 a.m.; high mass, 10:30 a.m.; vespers, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday school 3 p.m.
St. Mary’s Catholic-West side Walnut west of S. Union. Rev. J.G. SANSON, pastor; low mass, 8 a.m.; high mass, 10:30 a.m.; vespers, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday school 3 p.m.
Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Church-Southwest cor. Henry and Thomas streets. Rev. Peter LOFGREN, pastor. Sunday services, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 2 p.m. Weekly services, Thursday 7:30 p.m.
Sweedish Christian Church-East side South Dewitt street between East Jenny and East Thomas. Rev. C.A. HOLINGREN, pastor. Services 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school 3:30 p.m. Prayer meetings Wednesday evening 7:30.
West Side Academy Chapel (non sectarian)-Southwest cor. John and William streets. Prof. Walter SIMS, preacher. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school 11:30 a.m.
Westminster Presbyterian-Northwest cor Midland and Dewitt streets. Rev. Wm. P. MILLER, pastor. Services, 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 12 m.
Charles Martin Metal Co., near F. W. Wheeler & Co.’s office. Incorporated March 27,1889. Capital, $12,000.
Home Electric Company. Tenth street near Jackson. Incorporated 1887. Capital $50,000. S. O. FISHER, president; H.H. NORRINGTON, treasurer; F.D. PEIRSON, secretary.
Wheeler F.W. & Co. West side Washington near M.C.R.R. Incorporated January 11, 1889. Capital, $350,000. F.W. WHEELER, president;George F. WILLIAMS, vice-president; F.L. GILBERT, secretary; J.R. GOODFELLOW, treasurer.
Sage Library. Cor. Midland and Center streets. S. O. (?), president; Prof. J.E. LEMON, secretary. Mrs. M. F. OSTRANDER, librarian. Value about $50,000. Number of volumes 15,000. Number of patrons, 3,000. Monthly circulation about 3,000. Reading room free, with 100 papers and magazines.
Arbeiter Unterstuetzungs Verein-Organized 1870. Incorporated 1872. Membership 125, meets every other Sunday afternoon at Arbeiter Hall. Michael RIEGEL, president; J.G. FRANK, vice president; Julius KAISER, corresponding secretary; P.R.T. KUSCH, recording secretary; George RIEGEL, treasurer.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Meets second and fourth Sundays of each month, at Royal Areanum hall, Midland. James H. POTTS, chief engineer; John MCGLYNCH, first engineer; Gilbert PATTERSON, second engineer; Richard MARTIN, F.A.E.; George HORNING, S.A.E.; James B. CHARTERS, T.A.E.; Hiram H. FERL, guide; G.L. PARSHALL, chaplain.
Scandinavian Benevolent Society-Organized July 12, 1887. Meets in Odd Fellows Hall, the last Wednesday of each month. Peter LIND, chairman; F.W. SANDQUIST, vice chairman; C.A. SANDQUIST, secretary; A. SWEENEY, treasurer.
Switchman’s Mutual Aid Association. Meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at Odd Fellows hall, Fisher block. John CASSIDY, master; Wm. APLIN, vice master; Charles LASH, recording secretary; Edward MCLAUGHLIN, financial secretary; A. STRACHN, treasurer.
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Union No.322. Meets every Saturday evening over Perry’s drugstore, Midland street.
West Bay City Daily Post-Corner John and William streets. Walter SIMS, proprietor.
(First Ward, Banks)
Southeast cor. 2d and Bangor streets. Patrick LOURIM, postmaster.
(Third Ward, West Bay City)
North side Midland 3 west of Linn street. Luther EDINBOROUGH, postmaster.
(Fifth Ward, Salzburg)
North side State 1 west of State road. Michael RIEGEL, postmaster.
West Bay City Street Railway Co., S.O. FISHER, president; Wm. G. MAGILL, secretary; H.H. NORRINGTON, treasurer. Cars run from east end of Third street bridge west on Midland street to city limits, every five minutes. From same starting point, west on Midland street and south on Henry to Salzburg, every twenty minutes. Wenona Beach line, from east end of Third street bridge, west on Midland street to Henry street; thence through Banks to Wenona Beach, every twelve minutes.
Jeptha E. LEMON, Superintendent.
High school-Southeast corner of Midland and Center streets. Stella THORPE, principal; A.C. ROBERTS, Loretta CRISSMAN, Mary DOWDIGAN.
Corbin School-Southeast corner of Corbin and Fulton streets. Edith VAN ALSTINE, principal; Sara MCLAIN, Mina AYERS, Anna LAMSON, Flora LEROY, Madge VAN DUSEN.
Dennison School-Mrs. Carrie ANGELL, principal; Alice WILSON, Rena OSTRANDER, May FLYNN.
Fifth Ward School-First street between Moross and Selee streets. M.R. HARTWELL, principal; Anna THOMAS, Lou WHEELER, Affa WEATHERBY, Nettie NEAL, Mary DAVIS.
First Ward School-Fifth street, between Frank and Bangor. F.C. THOMPSON, principal; Alice MCKENZIE, Jennie KERR, Mary WEBSTER, Aggie OLMSTED, Jennie LINDSAY, Cora PATTERSON, Minnie KITCHEN, Miss DANENBAUM, Mary PETERS, Carrie BRAMAN, Mollie LOURIM.
Henry Street School-East side of Henry street at city limits.
Jenny Street School-Fannie LITTLE, principal; Susie WELTON, May GOLDIE, Nellie HAGERTY, Estelle WITT, May MCQUARRIE.
Kolb School-South of section line road between Main and Ninth streets. Edith DAVIS, principal; Nellie FORGER, Nellie DUKE, Alta LUDINGTON, Kittie MORRISON, Sarah PIERCE.
Sixth Ward School-John street between Cornelia and Porter streets. Anna SHERMAN, principal; Mollie DONOHUE, ??nnie CHAPMAN, Minnie MCMULLEN, Edith BROGAN, (?) EVANS, Mary ABERNETHY, Emma ABERNETHY.
Third Ward-Catherine street between John and Jane, un-graded. Charles W. HITCHCOCK, principal; Mrs. M??LS.
German Lutheran (5th ward)-West side of Selee 1 south of State street. Geo. J. APPOLD, principal.
West Side Academy-Southeast corner John and William streets. Prof. Water SIMS, pres.; Roswell E. HALE, secy.
Ancient Order United Workmen
West Bay City Lodge 134-Meets every Wednesday evening in Babo block. T.E. BISSELL, M.W.; P.C. SEELEY, G.F.; W.J. HAWKINS, recorder; W.J. COLWELL, financier; H.C. THOMPSON, receiver.
Good Templars
West Bay City Lodge, No.395-Meets Friday evenings in Norrington block, Linn street. C.T., A.L. COWLEY; vice T., Mrs. A. CLARK; secretary, Mrs. L. LEHIGH; F.S., J.C. POULTNEY; treasurer, Mrs. F. SMITH; marshal, F. RIVERS; chaplain, Alta RHODES; guard, Mrs. BOGGS; sentinel, F. SMITH.
Grand Army of the Republic
Burnett Post. No.278-Meets first and third Fridays of each month in G.A.R. hall, Midland street. J.J. CAMERON, com.; G.A. A..EN, sr. vice com.
Court Miranda, No.329-S. SHANDREW, chief ranger; J. GROGG, court deputy; S.W. BURTON, recording secretary; R. B. NEWELL, financial secretary; G.W. BUCK, vice chief ranger; A. FLETCHER, treasurer; J. AMOS, senior woodward; Henry REILS, junior woodward; C. COMMER, senior beadle; H. BETZ, junior beadle; C. HOUGH, past chief ranger; A.W. REID, chaplain; Dr. D.A. MCTAVISH, court physician.
Knights of Labor
District Assembly No.88-Meets every fourth Sunday of the month, at 2 o’clock, at their hall, Midland street.
Local Assembly No.2685-Meets each Thursday evening at their hall, Midland street.
Ship Carpenters and Calkers Assembly-Meets each Tuesday evening at their hall, Midland street.
Knights of the Maccabees
Bay Tent N.194-Meets first and third Thursday evenings, at K.O.T.M. Hall, First Ward. George RAY, comm.; H.E. DITZEL, R.K.
Phoenix Tent, No.36-Meets every Tuesday evening in Forester’s hall, corner Henry and John streets. John BOSTON, comm.; W.J. HAWKINS, R.K.
Wenona Lodge, No.256, F. & A. M.-Regular meeting on second Tuesday of each month in Masonic hall, West Bay City. C.N. WEBSTER, W.M.; J.A.SCOTT, secy.
Modern Woodmen of America
Valley Camp-Meets Saturday evenings at hall on Linn street. Venerable consul Dr. Jon A. MCDOWELL; Advisor, Chas. LE BARON; clerk, Lovell U. GRANT; banker, H.H. DOUGHTY; escort, John F. WALLACE; watchman, Geo. E. CLARK; sentry, Frank GARDNER; camp physician, Dr. W.C. DAVID; managers, one year, Alvin E. SHINDT; tow years, Isaac HEWITT; three years, Fred A. PECK.
Odd Fellows
Tillie Lodge Daughters of Rebecca, I.O.O.F.-Meets first and third Tuesday in each month at Bank block. Mrs. Maggie ELIGH, secretary.
Wenona Lodge No.221, I.O.O.F.-Meets in Bank block every Monday evening. E.O. TAYLOR, N.G.; T.M. HAWKS, secretary.
Order of Chosen Friends
West Side Council, No.44-Meets first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows’ hall. F.S. CURTIS, C.C.; Mrs. L.M. STEWART, V.C.; Mrs. C.E. ERB, secretary; Caroline E. FELTON, treasurer.
Royal Arcanum
Wenona Council, No.38, R.A.-Meet at their hall (?) block, first and third Fridays of every month. E. S. ?ANLIEW, P.R.; James A. SCOTT, R.; John WALSH, orator; Charles GLASER, P.R.; Luther B. EDINBOROUGH, secretary; J.A. MCKNIGHT, treasurer; Lafayette ROUNDSVILLE, collector; C.W. BRUCE, chaplain; G.H. FRANCIS, guide; ?emuel BACON, warden; E.S. VAN LIEW, rep. to G. council; J.W. HAUXHURST, M.D., med exam.; trustees, G.H. FRANCIS, Chas. GLASER, F. INGERSOLL.
Western Union Telegraph Co.-Office Fisher bloc, Midland street, P.H. PHILLIPS, manager.
Michigan Telephone Co.-W.D. GREENE, superintendent; C.A. GATES, manager. Office Postoffice block.
Allen block, s s Midland bet Linn and River.
Alpin block, n s Midland bet Walnut and Linn.
Arbeiter hall, w s State Road opp 7th.
Babo block, s e cor Midland and Linn.
Benson block, s s 2d c of Frank.
City offices, Fisher block.
Ferguson block, s s Midland bet Henry and Catherine.
First ward town hall, n w cor 3d and Transit.
Fisher block (opera house), Midland bet Walnut and Linn.
Fitzhugh block, s s Midland bet Linn and River.
Galaneau block, cor South and Au Sable.
Good Templars’ hall, s s Midland bet Linn and River.
Harmonia hall, n w cor Linn and Michigan.
Hurley block, n e cor Midland and William.
Jean block, cor 2d and Frank.
Kolb block, s s Midland bet Linn and Henry.
Kusch block, s s Midland bet Linn and Henry.
Lafayette hall, s s Midland bet Linn and Henry.
Laroche block, s s Midland bet Linn and River.
Lewis block, s w cor Midland and Henry.
Loose block, n e cor Linn and Midland.
Lourim block, s e cor 2d and Bangor.
Masonic hall, Mosher block.
Michigan Central railroad freight and passenger depot, e s River nr John.
Moots block, s w cor Midland and Linn.
Mosher block, n w cor Midland and Linn.
New Norrington block, w s Linn bet Midland and John.
Norrington block, n s Midland bet Linn and Henry.
Odd Fellows’ hall, Bank block.
Opera house, Fisher block, n s Midland bet Walnut and Linn.
Postoffice (Banks), s e cor 2d and Bangor.
Postoffice (Salzburg), n s State 1 w of State rd.
Postoffice (West Bay City), n e cor Midland and Linn.
Reinig block, s s Midland bet Linn and Henry.
Rose block, s s Midland bet Linn and Henry.
Sage block, s w cor Midland and River.
Sage public library, s e cor Midland and Center.
Scutt block, cor Smith and Au Sable.
Smith block, s e cor 3d and Bangor.
Toohey’s hall, s s John bet Henry and Catherine.
Trombley block, n w cor 2d and Sophia.
Tschauner block, s e cor Midland and Henry.
Van Alstine block, n e cor Midland and Walnut.
Vedder block, n w cor Midland and Walnut.
Westover block, n s Midland bet Linn and Henry.
First Ward-Embraces all that portion of sections fourteen and fifteen and a part of sixteen, from west end of Keystone(?) Mills from center of Saginaw river north to city limits.
Second Ward-Embraces all that portion of the city con???? in section sixteen not included in 1st ward, the east half of section seventeen, the north half of the north half of section twenty and all section twenty-one, north of enter line of Dunbar street in Litchfield’s addition to the village of Wenona, to railroad track and north of the north line of Dunbar street, if extended easterly, from the railroad track to the center of Saginaw river.
Third Ward-Embraces all that portion of the city continued in sections twenty and twenty-one north of the center line of Jane street, extending in a direct line east through Fitzhugh and Kiesel’s subdivision of the west half of the southwest quarter of said section twenty and the part of Lake City to the center of the Saginaw river, and not included in the 2d ward.
Fourth Ward-Embraces all that portion of the city continued in section twenty south of the center line of Jane street as described for the 3d ward, the north half of the north half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine and that part of the plat of Salzburg north of the center line of Ninth street, to the center of Saginaw river.
Fifth Ward-Embraces all that portion of the city continued in section twenty-nine, not included in the 4th ward, and all of section thirty-two.
Sixth Ward-Embraces that portion of land lying between the center line of Center street on the quarter line of section twenty and the west boundary line of section twenty and lying between the center line of North Union street and the north line of the 4th ward heretofore described, the entire northwest quarter of section twenty, and all that part of the southwest quarter of said section twenty lying north of
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