BAY CITY DIRECTORY.        1886                                           



Postmaster—Frank L Westover.

Assistant Postmaster—W D Richardson.

Mailing Clerk—Charles F Pierce.

Distributing Clerks—Mrs Ellen Hallock, Miss Mary A Cobb, Miss Nellie McDermott.

Letter Carriers—No 1, Frank Denio, res 320 N Jackson; No 2, John J Seagers, res 522 7th; No 3, James E Whitney, res 521 Webster; No 4, Nelson E Kelley, res 806 7th; No 5, Daniel J Coyle, res 115 S Farragut; No 6, John Jachimovdich, res 320 S Van Buren.






Carroll Park, situated on Center street and Carney road, about one mile from the Court House.

Center Street Parks, corner of Center and Jefferson streets.

Washington Park, east side of Washington, between First and Second streets.

Madison Park, east side of Madison, between Ninth and, Tenth streets.





Green Ridge Cemetery (German Lutheran)—Southwest corner of Tuscola Plank road and Twelfth street. Edward Eickemeyer, proprietor. Residence, 307 Sixth. George D. Seaman, Sexton.

Pine Ridge Cemetery—East side of Tuscola Plank road, opposite east end of Twelfth street. Hon James Birney, proprietor. Office, Chronicle J3uilding, Water street. George D Seaman, Sexton; resides in cemetery.

St James Cemetery (Roman Catholic)—Ridge road, one mile east of Tuscola Plank road. Under control of St James Church. .John D Horan, Sexton.

St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Cemetery—Louis J Causley, Sexton.

Hebrew Burial Ground—East of and adjoining Pine Ridge Cemetery. George D Seaman, Sexton.




Bay City, Caseville and Sebewaing Line. Boat leaves dock,. foot of Center street,, daily, 9 a m. James Roberts, Agent.

Saginaw River Line of Steamers. Boat leaves every two hours. Office foot Center street. James Roberts, Agent.




                     South Bay City Ladies’ Library—J A Beardsley, Librarian. East side of Harris, at   
                         Postoffice. Seven hundred volumes.



Peninsulars—Company C, 3d Regiment Michigan State Troops. Mustered
                                  into service April 13th, 1874
. Sixty-five members. Captain, R S Pratt
                                      First Lieutenant, J A McKay; Second Lieutenant, Clarke Haire. Armory,

Walton Hall, Adams street.




 Bay City Tribune—Office Tribune Building, 905 to 909 Saginaw street. E T Bennett, Publisher and Proprietor. Established April 5th, 1873. Issued every morning (except Monday), at $6 per year or 60 cents per month by carrier;; $6 per year by mail. Circulation, 1,500. The Weekly Tribune is issued every Thursday at $1 per year.
Courrier—Published every Saturday at Rose Block. John

L Harquell, Editor and Proprietor. Terms, $1.50 ~


Patriote (Weekly, French)—H A Pacaitd, Publisher and Proprietor. Established 1879. Independent. Issued every Thursday; *1.50 per year. Office McEwan Block, 914 North Water street.

Lumberman's Gazette—Office 905 Saginaw street. E T Ben­nett, Publisher and Proprietor. Established July, 1872. Issued every Wednesday. Circulation, 2,180. Subscrip­tion, $3 per year.

Michigan Free Presse (German)—Office 805 North Water street. Edward Baumheier, Publisher. Established October, 1878. Issued every Thursday at $2 per year·. Circulation, 1,500.

Saginaw Valley Daily Star—F M Fogg, Manager. Office 209

Fifth street. Subscription, $6 per year.

The Evening Press—0ffice 905 Saginaw street. E T Donnett, Publisher and Proprietor. Established June, 1879. Published every evening (except Sunday). Independent in politics. Subscription, 50 cents per month. Circulation, 2,390.


                                 Bay City Hospita1—Norman Johnson, notary and Treasurer. 215 5th.



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