R. L. POLK & CO.'S
adv................advertisement n....................north, or north of
ab..................above n e cor..........northeast
ave................avenue n
s..................north side
bds................boards n w cor...........northwest
bel.................below opp................opposite
bet.................between propr..............proprietor
clk.................clerk res..................resides
s.....................s, or south of
cor................corner s e cor............southeast
e...................east, or east of s
s..................south side
e s.................east side s w cor...........southwest
w...................west or west of
mngr.............manager w
s................west side
names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers
Zach Duane L, foreman F E Bradley & Co, res 211 N Madison
Zadzlan Michael, laborer, res 514 S Jackson
Zagelmeyer Alexander (Zagelmeyer Bros), res W Bay City
Zagelmeyer Bros (Alexander and Frank), Proprs Marine Ice Co, 715 Adams
Zagelmeyer Frank (Zagelmeyer Bros), rms 11 shearer Bros’ block
Zahirt August, shoemaker 709 12th, bds 210 N Jackson
Zaneilly Pascal, laborer, res 909 Fitzhugh
Zaramba Paul, tinner A Walther, bds n e cor 23th and Farragut
Zaremba John, music teacher 1502 22nd, res same
Zart August, shoemaker, bds 210 N Jackson
Zebeck Samuel, butcher, bds American hotel
Zech Gustave, laborer, res 1608 11th
Zemile P, laborer Wm Peter
Zemke Carl, carpenter, res 800 12th
Zeranska Laurie, domestic 511 N Van Buren
Zeranski Anna, domestic 517 N Van Buren
Zielinski Frank, laborer, bds 506 S Jackson
Zielinski John, lborer, res 506 S Jackson
Zielinski Joseph (J Dardas & Co), res 421 S Farragut
Zielinski Michael, laborer, res 2405 Fraser
Zielinski Staanislaus, res res 1019 S Madison
Zielinski Thomas, laborer, res 1019 S Madison
Zilsdorf Charles (Hamme & Co), res 1114 Campbell
Zimmer Matthew L, laborer, bds Madison house
Zimmerman John, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water
Zimmerman Louisa, domestic 2001 Center
Zion Evangelical Church, w s Monroe bet 10th and 11th
Zirwes Hall, e s Saginaw bet Center and 6th
Zirwes Hotel, Simon Zirwes propr, 708 Saginaw
Zirwes Simon, Propr Zirwes Hotel, 708 Saginaw
Ziszka Frances, domestic 1011 12th
Zube Albert, laborer Smalley Bros & Co, res 1209 16th
Zube John, laborer, res 420 Farragut
Zube Wm, molder Bay City Iron Co, bds 420 Farragut
Zuber Jacob, laborer, bds 1105 N Van Buren
Zurawski Simon, laborer, res 1109 16th
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for more Bay County names.
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