R. L. POLK & CO.'S
adv................advertisement n....................north, or north of
ab..................above n e cor..........northeast
ave................avenue n
s..................north side
bds................boards n w cor...........northwest
bel.................below opp................opposite
bet.................between propr..............proprietor
clk.................clerk res..................resides
s.....................s, or south of
cor................corner s e cor............southeast
e...................east, or east of s
s..................south side
e s.................east side s w cor...........southwest
w...................west or west of
mngr.............manager w
s................west side
names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers
Vachon Charles, laborer, bds French hotel
Vail Charles D (Vail & Eddy), res 614 6th
Vail Henry M, clerk Vail & Eddy, res 1419 5th ave
Vail Matilda A (wid George), res 316 N Jackson
Vail Miss Sadie O, clerk, bds 316 N Jackson
Vail Samuel J, bookkeeper Eddy, Avery & Eddy, bds 316 N Jackson
Vail Sarah, clerk J Sempliner, bds 316 N Jackson
Vail Wilber M, engineer, res 415 Jefferson
*Vail & Eddy (Charles D Vail, J Frank Eddy), hats, 100 Center
Vain Adam, fireman Pitts & Cranage
Valentine David, laborer, bds Elk hotel
Valentine George T, painter, bds 216 S Lincoln
Valentine George W, laborer, res 216 S Lincoln
Valentine Julia, bds 914 James
Valentine Miss Mary A, bds s e cor 34th and Taylor
Valur Joseph, sawyer Folsom & Arnold
Valur Stephen, sawyer Folsom & Arnold
Valiquette Napoleon, laborer, bds Lumberman’s hotel
Vallender Henry J, butcher, res s s 12th near Johnson
Vallender James T, butcher, res 211 McClellan
Vallender James S, bds H J Vallender
Vallender Maria, bds H J Vallender
Vallentine Amos, lumber inspector, bds 251 Adams
Vallentine James M, foreman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 251 Adams
Valley Miss Anna, dressmaker 1120 Taylor, bds some
Valley George, machine hand, bds 1120 Taylor
Vallier David, cook, res 1616 2nd
Vallier Cyprian J, foreman, res 509 Fitzgerald
Vallier Joseph, grocer 215 Atlantic, res same
Valour Stephen, laborer, res 508 Shearer
Van Alstine Hiram L, butcher G W Mansfield, res West Bay City
Vanauken Frank, bkpr Miller & Lewis, bds 716 Stanton
Van Auken Jesse, blacksmith S N Meeks, bds 514 Wilson
Van Booras Eli, laborer Rust Bros & Co
Van Camp Absolom, laborer, bds 2607 N Water
Van Campen Fred M, painter 207 Center, res 520 N Adams
Van Campen Nancy B (wid Wm), bds 606 N Jackson
Van Campen Susan (wid Ambrose S), res 606 N Jackson
*Vance Emery J, lumber 708 N Water, res 1501 Center
Vancore John, laborer Pitts & Cranage
Van Darlen Henry, laborer, res 2129 4th
Vanden Boom Cornelius, laborer, res 413 S Farragut
Van Den Brook Andreas, lime mnfr S Water foot of 23rd, res 302 23rd
Ban der Dusen James, coachman 701 Center
Vander Made Henry, laborer, res 417 S Farragut
Vander Pool Frank, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & co
Van der Wiel John, laborer, res 915 F Trumbull
Vandrey Henry, carpenter, res n s 4th 2 w of Trumbull
Vandrovitch Michael, laborer, res 714 15th
Van Dusen Albert, cooper Wm Peter, res 1111 N Madison
Van Dusen Alphonzo, laborer, bds 1111 N Madison
Van Dusen Frank, laborer, bds 2120 3rd
Van Dusen James, laborer, res 2120 3rd
Van Dusen Martin, laborer, bds 2120 3rd
Van Dusen Mrs Sarah, music teacher, bds 1114 6th
Van Dusen Wm, laborer, bds 2110 3rd
*Van Emster Florentine H J, Druggist 306 12th, res 304 same
Van Etten Mrs Florence E, bds 321 Jefferson
Van Every Walter, molder Industrial Works, res 400 19th
Van Gorder Frederick, laborer, bds 100 23rd
Van Gorp Frank, lab Eddy Bros & Co, bds 1112 Trumbull
Van Haaren Godfrey, laborer, bds 112 Parker
Van Haaren Peter, drayman, res 1301 2nd
Van Harren Wm, salt packer, res 217 Atlantic
Van Haft Henry, blacksmith Wm Crosbie, bds same
Van Hemel Agnes F, tailoress G Stoer, bds 1101 17th
Van Hemel Andrew F, fisherman, res 1101 17th
Vanhurk Annie, domestic 204 Adams
Van Kleeck James (Mann & Van Kleeck), res 1008 Harrison
Van Loon John, cooper, res 223 S Farragut
Van Meer Emma, domestic 723 Harrison
Van Meer Wm, fireman Birdsall & Barker, res 1609 Polk
Van Norman A J, laborer, bds Moulton house
Van Pasis Miss Louise, dressmaker, bds 1304 N Van Buren
Van Paris Peter, clerk W B Clark, res 1304 N Van Buren
Van Paris Miss Sophia, dressmaker Mrs J McCargo, bds 1500 2nd
*Van Sickle Givens E, pianos, organs, etc, res 918 N Madison
Vansky Jacob, laborer Pitts & Cranage
Van Slyke Henry, laborer, res 907 Stanton
Van Steenburgh Alonzo, patent medicines, bds 401 3rd
Van Syckle Givens E, Pianos, Organs, Music, Books and Stationery, Sewing
Machines, etc, 208 Center, res 918 N Madison
Van Syckle Raymond E, clerk G E Van Syckle, bds 918 N Madison
Van Tassel John, laborer H Birney, bds Commercial house
Van Tuile Mrs E C, dressmaker, bds Windsor house
Vanvarris Wm, laborer Pitts & Cranage
Vanvoorhees Elias H, laborer, res 805 21st
Van Voorhees Wm, laborer, res 1006 3rd
Van Wagner Andrew, laborer Michigan Pipe Works, bds 1122 N Madison
Van Wagner Samuel, laborer Michigan Pipe Works,res 1122 N Madison
Vanziwich Frank, laborer Eddy Bros & Co
Vandry Marcelle, cook, bds Madison house
Vaughan Jennie, domestic 816 Washington Ave
Vaughan John J, pedler, res n s 30th 1 w of Polk
Vaughan Joseph, laborer, bds 1013 McCormick
Vaughan Joseph S, second-hand furniture e s S Water 1 n of 30th, res w s
McCormick bet 30th &31st
Vaughan Wm, laborer Miller & Lewis
*Vaughan Wm A, Divisional Supt M C R R, Office m C R R Passenger Depot
Res 900 N Madison
*Vaughan Wm E, Physician and Surgeon, Office 105 Center (Room 6),
Res 909 Center
Vaughn Joseph, lab S McLean & Son & Co, res 1208 Marsac
Vaughn Margaret (wid Michael), bds 1208 Marsac
Veach Lyman F, druggest, res 513 Washington Ave
Viece Edward, laborer Murphy & Dorr
Veillare Emery, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res W Bay City
Veillare Frank, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res West Bay City
Velade Peter, laborer, res 400 32nd
Vemask John, laborer, bds 607 1st
Verity Miss Algiva, teacher Woodside Ave school, bds 2946 N Water
Verity Amasa B, engineer Bay City water works, res 2946 N Water
Verity Kenneth C, machinist Bay City Iron Co, res 123 Hart
Verner James C (Harman & Verner), res 502 N Jackson
Verney Charles F (Barlow & Verney), res 1008 N Farragut
Verney Daniel, laborer, bds 217 Mercer
Verney David, sawyer Dolsen, Chapin & Co
Vernon Thomas, clerk A B Wells, res 513 N Adams
Vernor George, laborer, bds White House
Veschia Thomas, laborer, bds Blanchet house
Vesina Peter A, grocer 118 Parker
Vest John, laborer F E Bradley & Co
Vesterman August, laborer, res s s 2nd 1 w of Park ave
Vetters John, laborer F E Bradley & Co
Veyett Frank, laborer, res 405 Fraser
Vezel Peter, laborer S G M Gates
Vice Martin, laborer Murphy & Dorr
Vickery Gardner, fireman, bds 118 Washingotn Ave
Vieau Joseph, bartender F Bison, bds Ottawa house
Vieceau Jean H, laborer, res 406 woodside Ave
Viette Thomas, laborer, res 600 18th
Vigilant Hose Co, s w cor Fitzgerald and Belinda
Villancourt Moses, laborer, bds Windsor house
Villeret Alphonse, laborer, bds 500 Saginaw
Villiemure Frederick, painter C C Stewart
Vilmure Alphonse, painter, res 214 N Sherman
Vilmure Henri, saloon 1313 N Adams, bds 1315 same
Vine James, engineer, res 923 1st
Vissell Peter, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Vixbrook John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Viznor Nelson, laborer, bds Blanchet house
Voelker Christopher, painter, res 208 S Sherman
Vogel Charles, lather, bds 205 N Jackson
Vogel John, laborer, res 205 N Jackson
Vogel John jr, lather, bds 205 N Jackson
Voight Wm, fireman Bousfield & Co
Voight Charlotte (wid Wm), bds 419 Washington Ave
Volk Frank, millwright, res 209 James
Volk John, laborer B H Briscoe & Co, res 923 Stanton
Volway August, laborer Butman & rust, res 606 S Madison
Von Kaenel Charles, barber Fraser house, res 225 N Jackson
Von Stratum Ida (wid Gottfried), res 401 4th
Von walthausen G L Frederick, Druggist and Chemist 401 Center, res
814 N Adams
Von Walthansen Mrs Sarah (wid Wm), res 705 4th
Von Walthausen Werner, druggist w s Johnson 2 s of Woodside ave, res sa
Vos August, laborer, res 404 S Farragut
Vosburgh Charles, vessel captain, res 1209 W Saginaw
Vosburgh Edward, vessel captain, bds 922 2nd
Vosburgh Loren G, vessel captain, res 922 2nd
Voss Frank, laborer, res 110 Duplante
Voss Jacob, carpenter Industrial works
Vreeland Thaddeus W, mach Smalley Bros & Co, bds 415 8th
Velgine Valin, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co
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