R. L. POLK & CO.'S
adv................advertisement n....................north, or north of
ab..................above n e cor..........northeast
ave................avenue n
s..................north side
bds................boards n w cor...........northwest
bel.................below opp................opposite
bet.................between propr..............proprietor
clk.................clerk res..................resides
s.....................s, or south of
cor................corner s e cor............southeast
e...................east, or east of s
s..................south side
e s.................east side s w cor...........southwest
w...................west or west of
mngr.............manager w
s................west side
names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers
Raab Wm, laborer, bds Zirwes hotel.
Rabadue Mitchell, laborer, res 113 40th
Rabideaux Boniface, laborer, res 928 Fitzhugh
Rabideaux Leander, laborer, res e s Fraser 1 n of 21st
Rabidoux Remuel, laborer, res 1914 Woodside ave.
Rabidue Camile, drayman, res 906 Bowery
Rabidue Joseph, laborer Butman & Rust, res 206 Broadway.
Rabine John, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy
Rubioe John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co.
Rabior Rose (wid Gabriel), bds 1204 Jefferson
Raby Anthony, laborer, res 208 18th
Raby August, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Raby Charles, laborer, bds e s S Water 1 s of 23d
Raby Damien, laborer Rust Bros & Co, res e s S Water 1 s of 23d
Raby Emil, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, res 208 19th
Raby Samuel, laborer, bds e s S Water 1 s of 23d
Raby Victor, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 208 18th
Raby Wm D, laborer, res 213 Harrison
Rachwitz Wm, laborer, res 2004 3d
Rackey Miss Annie, bds 521 Ketchum
Rackey Augustus, res 521 Ketchum
Rachey Victoria, domestic Harlow Briggs
Radamacher John, Mason, res 2107 Broadway
Raddeg Frederick, laborer, res 114 Fitzhugh
Radick Gottlieb, laborer Rust Brs & Co, res 13th
Rade Frederick, laborer, res 1114 15th
Rademacher Caroline (wid Heinrich), bds 705 4th
Radford Mrs Eliza, boarding house, 118 Washington Ave.
Radford Issac, sewing machines, res 118 Washington Ave.
Radford Jesse W, machinist Smalley Bros & Co, bds 118 Washington Ave.
Radford Louisa A, bds 118 Washington Ave
Radford Miss Minnie A, saleslady Mrs. J C Hawkesworth, bds 118 Washington Ave.
Rae Mrs Annie, bds n w cor Center and N Farragut
Rae Miss Maron, bookkeeper W E Tapert, bds 907 Center
Rafferty Charles, carpenter, res 1200 Trumbull
Rafter Rev Thomas, pastor St James' Catholic church, res 115 S Monroe
Ragan Lizzie, bookkeeper L H Griffin, bds 809 N Jefferson
Ragen John, gorcer, bds 608 William
Ragen Patrick, grocer, res 608 William
Ragin Warren, teamster Ross, Bradley & Co, res 403 James
Rahs John, laborer McEwan Bros & Co.
Raines Arthur, cigarmaker, res 214 S Monroe
Ralph Joseph, lumber piler, res 901 William
Rambow John M, laborer, bds 123 North
Rambow Lizzie, waitress Brunswick hotel
Rambow Louisa (wid John) res 123 North
Ramine Frink, laborer G C Myers
Ramm Charles, printer Freie Presse, bds 411 N Jefferson
Ramm George, laborer, res 411 Jefferson
Rampeau Frederick, laborer Butman & Rust
Ramsdell Agnes (wid James), res 809 S Water
Ramsdell Minerva, bds 809 S Water
Ramsey Charles S, laborer, bds Lawren house
Rancour Charles, carpenter Bay City Dry Docks, res 2317 Woodside ave
Rancour George, laborer, bds 2313 Woodside ave.
Rancour Richard, laborer, bds 2301 Woodside ave.
Randall Arthur G, inspector G K Jackson, res 1013 N Grant
Randall Charles W, blksmth Charles Mount, res 709 Marsac
Randall Stuart J, teamster James Clements & Son, bds e s Marsac
bet 27th and
Randolph Barney, laborer Detroit Mills
Rapelje George, shoemaker A Taylor, res WEst Bay City
Rarutz Joh, laborer N D Bradley & Sons
Rarzyk Mari, domestic 209 Adams
Rase John, laborer, res 309 Atlantic
Ratajczak Domonick, laborer, res 910 S Madison
Ratajczak Ygnac, laborer, res n s 19th 2 w of Van Buren
Ratcliff Joseph, fireman, res 109 Fitzhugh.
Ratelle Caesar, laborer, bds 111 Skinner
Ratelle Charles, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 111 Skinner.
Ratelle Gilbert, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 111 Skinner.
Ratelle Louis, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 111 Skinner.
Rathbun John, laborer Bay City Street R R Co, bds Carroll house.
Rathka Charles, tailor, res 115 S Sherman
Rathka Holda, domestic Edwin Lashbrook
Rathke August, laborer, bds 807 Wilson
Rathke Charles, laborer, bds 807 Wilson
Rathke Rudolph, laborer, res 807 Wilson
Rathwell Martha, chambermaid Campbell house.
Ratty Wm, res 1412 3d
Raur Timothy, laborer, bds Lawren house.
Rawlings George W, musician 25 Munger block
Rawlings Mrs Mary, bds 1112 Center
Ray Alice, domestic 701 N Lincoln
Ray Benjamin F, pres Bay City Iron Co, res 619 N Madison
Raygan Delia, domestic Fraser house.
Raymond Edmund, laborer, bds Union City hotel.
Raymond Ira, laborer Bousfield, Perrin & Co.
Raymond John, millwright Bousfield, Perrin & Co, res 1308 Polk
Raymond Manfred, laborer Bousfield, Perrin & Co.
Raymond Marshall, laborer Bousfield, Perrin & Co.
Raymond Matthew, machine hand, bds 1308 Polk
Razdorf John, laborer, res 800 Michigan ave.
Razdorf Mary (wid-----), res 800 Michigan ave.
Read, see Reed and Reid.
Ready Ernest M, lawyer, res 1121 Taylor
Ready Hurdis M (Wright & Ready), Justice of the peace, res South Bay City
Ready Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, bds 202 Fitzhugh
Reagan, see also Regan
Reagan Eliza, clerk, bds 809 N Jefferson
Reaume Charles, tool sharpener, res 920 N Jackson
Reaume Frank, student Winsor Scofield, bds 920 N. Jackson
Reaume Max, salesman, res 518 S Jackson
Rebior Mary, artist, bds 1118 N Jefferson
Rechlin Augusta, packer Pomeroy & Whitney, bds 233 N Van Buren
Rechlin Gustav, salesman Tousey & Jennison, res 233 N Van Buren
Reclifski Alexander, laborer Butman & Rust
Reclifski Clement, lumber piler Butman & Rust
Reclifski John, laborer Butman & Rust
Recofsko Mary (wid Simon), bds P Marchefski
Reder Frank, laborer, res 1029 S Madison
Redman James, laborer, bds 515 2d
Redmond Edward, clerk Nat Tea Co, bds 411 Adams
Redmond James, stsevedore, bds Anscomb house
Redmond John, clerk, bds 411 Adams
Redmond John A, shoemaker 808 Saginaw, res 411 N Adams
Redspaw Joseph, laborer, res e s Howard bet 17th and 18th
Redwards August, laborer S McLean & Son & Co
Redwenz AUgust, laborer, res 201 Fremont ave.
Redwitz Charles, laborer, res 809 Campbell.
Redy James, res 1008 Bowery.
Redy John, lumberman, res 819 Broadway
Reed, see also Reid
Reed, Clement, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Reed David, conductor M C R R, bds 606 2d
Reed David A, clerk, bds 313 Jennison ave.
Reed Mrs Elmira, inmate Old Ladies' Home
Reed Margaret, domestic Fraser house
Reed Mary (wid George J), res e s Stanton 1 n of 27th
Reed Nellie, domestic Fraser house.
Reed Mrs Phoebe (wid Simeon R), bds 1009 Washington ave.
Reed Wm, res 313 Jennison ave.
Rees Charles P, accountant, res 507 Wilson
Regan, see also Reagan,
Regan Cornelius, driver Cataract Hose Co, res same.
Regan John (P Regan & Son), res 608 William
Regan Patrick (P Regan & Son), res 608 William
Regan P & Son (Patrick and John), grocers 403 11th
Rehmus Frederick, pedler, res 304 S Monroe
Reichenbach Wm, car cleaner F & P M R R, res 112 Hart.
Reid, see also Reed
Reid George, tinner Bialy & McDonell, bds Forest City house
Reid Henry, barber 106 Washington ave, bds American house
Reid Rev James, principal High School, rooms 509 9th
Reid James L, engineer, res 319 Howard
Reid John, farmer, res s s 22d 1 e of Johnson
Reid WEsley, millwright, res 1601 Johnson
Reid Wm, slatmaker Butman & Rust, res 817 Fraser.
Reigler Gottlieb, laborer, res 1513 Polk
Reigler Leonard, laborer, bds 1513 Polk
Reilley Miss Carrie G, teacher 18th st school, bds 241 Adams.
Reilley Crawford S, student, bds 241 Adams
Reilley Edgar J, lumber inspector, bds 241 Adams
Reilley John s, log scaler, res 241 Adams
Reilly, see also Riley
Reilly George, painter, res 204 Adams.
Reilly John C, carpenter, res 1920 Woodside ave.
Reinecke Frederick, salt packer, res 513 Ketchum
Reis Christian, janitor Arion hall, res n w cor 4th and Farragut
Reis Marion, domestic Arion hall
Reistenburg Frederick, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Relaski Frank, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Remer Miss Mary E, bds 101 N Jefferson
Remmel Adolphus, laborer, bds 415 Ketchum
Remus August, teamster Lake Ice Co, res 315 Wilson
Remus Frederick, pedler Root, Williston & Co, res 304 S Munro
Renaud Louis, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res s s Bismarck 3 e of Atlantic
Renaud Olive, domestic 521 N Grant
Renshler Eva, dressmaker Mrs J MccCargo, bds 1318 Adams
Renshler Jacob B, carp Pitts & Cranage, res 1318 Adams
Renz Miss Mary, dressmaker E Heinemann, bds cor 17th and Farragut.
*Republic Hotel, George Schindehette Propr, 918 Saginaw.
Reschki Frank, blacksmith, res s s North 4 e of Trumbull.
Rescue Hose Co, Edward Atkinson captian, 206 N Water
Reske Frank, meat mkt 2002 Broadway, res Stanton nr 34th
Resmer John, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Resmer Joseph, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Restau Andreas, laborer, res near 322 S Madison
Restau Carl, sawyer, res 211 N Lincoln
Resteiner John, laborer, res Tuscola Plank road near driving park.
Restner Peter, laborer, Wm Peter.
Retelle Phillis (Wid Peter), res 111 Skinner
Retelle Louis, laborer, res 714 Fitzgerald
Rettick Wm, laborer, res s s 1st 2 e of N Jefferson
Retting Sophia, cook Lake house.
Retz Frederick, laborer S G Rice & Sons
Reuter Henry, bartender J Nusselt, bds same.
Revour John, brakeman, res 1118 N Jefferson
Rexer Gottleib, inspecter Foss & Leiter.
Reynolds Alexander, box maker, bds 600 1st
Reynolds Bernard, blacksmith, bds Cumberland house.
Reynolds Charles, laborer, res 1033 33d.
Reynolds Elbert E, boookkeeper Gates & Chatfield, bds 607 Fremont ave.
Reynolds Emma (wid Wm), res 1006 Adams.
Reynolds, Eugene H, boots and shoes 105 Harrison, res 607 Fremont ave.
Reynolds, Fletcher H, Groceries and Provisions 105 Harrison, res 607
Fremont ave.
Reynolds Ira, housemover, res 302 S Lincoln
Reynolds Miss Jennie, teacher Fremont school, bds 607 Fremont ave.
Reynolds John, laborer, bds Shiler house.
Reynolds John J, laborer, res 1909 4th
Reynolds John T (Orton & Reynolds) res 206 10th
Reynolds Robert, laborer, bds 1208 Marsac
Reynolds Robert H, engineer L H Griffin, res 600 1st
Reynolds Ulysses S G, painter, bds 600 1st
Rezmer John, laborer, res 814 16th
Rhoda Charles, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, res 108 Parker.
Rhodes Charles E, jeweler 813 N Wate, res 1209 12th
Rhodes Henry, lab Smalley Bros & Co, bds 250N Water
Rhodes Mary, domestic Wm Kennedy.
Rhodes Willis E, truckman M C R R, res West Bay City
Rice Edward E, advertising solicitor Evening Press, res 1009 N Grant
Rice Jane (wid James), res 920 N Van Buren
Rice John E (S G Rice & Sons), res 401 S Center
Rice John I, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, res 409 Ketchum
Rice Solomon G (S G Rice & Sons), res Cincinnati, Ohio
*Rice S G & Sons (Solomon G, John E and Wm F Rice),
Box Mnfrs
foot of 40th
Rice Wm F (S G Rice & Sons), res Cincinnati, Ohio
Rich George H (Washington & Rich), bds 260 N Van Buren
Richards Andrew, sawyer Wm Peter.
Richards Annie, dressmaker, bds 522 S Sheridan
Richards Edward, laborer Folsom & Arnold.
Richards Elizabeth, domestic Moulton House
Richards Eugene, laborer, res 609 Fitzgerald
Richards Jennie, dressmaker, bds 522 S Sheridan
Richards John, saloon n e cor Grant and 19th, res same
Richards Lewis L, comp Evening Press, res 522 S Sheridan
Richards Louis, sailor, res 101 22d
Richards Mrs Margaret (wid Francis), bds 613 Saginaw
Richards Sarah A (wid Thomas J), res 815 Saginaw
Richardson Alexander, saloon 1013 Washington ave, res same.
Richardson Alfred, laborer G C Myers
Richardson Arthur, coachman 820 Monroe
Richardson Charles D, clerk Robert McLaughlin, res 2001 Broadway
Richardson Frank H, miller McDonald & Shearer, res 204 Washington ave.
Richardson James, boilermaker National Boiler Works, bds 250 N Water
Richardson Matthew, watchman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 314 19th
Richardson Robert, clerk L Bertch, bds 1911 Center
Richardson Robert, tmstr Eddy Bros & Co, bds 109 Skinner
Richardson Warren D, asst postmaster, rums 611 N Farragut
Richardson Wm H, clerk Robert McLaughlin, bds s e cor 33d and Broadway
Richardson Wm W, lumber inspector Bank blk, res 1408 5th
Riche V, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Richey George, boarding house Middle Ground
Richey Oliver B, vet surgeon, res w s McCormick 1 s of 32d
Richey Stewart D, cooper, res e s Marsac 2 n of 28th
Richie, see also Ritchie.
Richie John, lumber inspector, rooms 807 N Jefferson
Richik Michael, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Richley Joseph H, 'bus driver, res 511 N Farragut
Richlicki John, laborer, res 622 33d
Richlie Anna, dressmaker Hrs L F Wedthorr.
Richlie JOseph, 'bus driver H Birney, res Farragut bet 7th and 8th
Richmond Edward, pedler Root, Williston & Co, res West Bay City
Richter August, laborer, res 109 S Sherman
Richter Peter J, blacksmith s w cor 23d and Water, res w s McCormick 2 s of 25th
Rick John, laborer, res rear 1709 11th
Ricker John, foreman, res 320 S Sherman
Ricks George, bolter H H Culver
Rictor August, laborer F E Bradley & Co.
Ridiker Miss Jennie, varnisher Bousfield & Co, bds 1018 Taylor
Ridiker John, sawyer Bousfield & Co, res 1018 Taylor
Ridiker Miss Nellie, finisher, bds 1018 Taylor
RIdley Robert, mach Industrial works, res 414 S Farragut
Riedel Henry, lumber piler, res 1916 4th
Riegler Leonard, mach hand Bousfield & Co, bds Polk bet
Bullock road and 40th
Ries CHristian, janitor Arion hall
Rieski Michael, laborer, res 404 32d
Rife George, laborer, bds 1105 N Van Buren
RIfe Goerge C, laborer, res 1006 N Jackson
Rifle Boom Co, E T Carrington sec and treas, office 717 N Water (Cottrell
RIgler Godlip, laborer T H McGraw & Co.
Rigney Michael, laborer Folsom & Arnold
Riker Ephraim, fish dealer, res 206 N Madison
Riker Viola, dressmaker Mrs V Foote, bds 905 4th
Rikert Martha, milliner C H Sutliff, bds 2323 Woodside ave.
Riley, see also Reilly
Riley Miss Ann, res 402 Annie.
Riley Dennis F, driver Bay City Street R R Co, bds 723 Harrison
Riley John, fireman, Folsom & Arnold, rooms 515 3d
Riley Miss Margaret, res 402 Annie
Riley Nellie, teacher, rooms 515 3d
Riley Patrick, laborer, rooms 515 3d
Rimes John, laborer, res 1412 3d
Rimond Delfish, laborer Detroit mills.
Rimpau Frederick, laborer, res 912 22d
Rinalski Joseph, saltmaker, res 1023 Fitzhugh
Rinalzki Stanislaus, laborer, res 813 Fraser
Ringwood James, livery 1112 N Saginaw, res W Bay City
Rinz John, laborer, res 601 S Farragut
Risebrough Ella, dressmaker Mrs L B Morrison, bds 205 3d
Riesbrough James, physician Bay City hospital, res same.
Risebrough Mrs James, matron Bay City hospital
Risebrough John, nurse Bay City hospital.
Riska Frank, laborer, res e s Fraser 1 s of 33d
Ristau Louis, saloon, res s w cor Grant and 18th
Risto Albert, sawyer Pitts & Cranage.
Risto Mary, domestic 619 N Sherman
Ritchie, see also Richie
Ritchie Mrs Lucy, cook Anscomb house.
Ritchie Veris, laborer, bds Three Rivers hotel
Ritchlie Louis, fireman Detroit mills
Rittenour Herman, foreman Rust Bros & Co, res 612 Howard
Ritter Daniel L, cooper, res 112 N Madison
Ritter Wm, laborer Eddy, Avery & Co, res 521 N Sherman
Ritterbush Paul, laborer, res 700 Barney
Rittlewska Clements, laborer, res 1023 S Madison
Rivard Gilbert, laborer, bds 401 Belinda
Rivard John, laborer, bds 401 Belinda
Rivard Leander, laborer, res 401 Belinda
Rivard Mary (wid Wm), res 917 Bowery
Rivers Jane, domestic Astor house.
Rivet CHarles, laborer, bds 221 S Lincoln
Rivet Denis, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, bds 1204 Jefferson
Rivet Denis A (Rivet & Walker), res 221 S Lincoln ave.
Rivet Glista (wid Peter), res 1108 Webster
Rivet Jane, domestic, bds 1108 Webster
Rivet Nelson, laborer, bds 1108 Webster
Rivet & Waller (Denis A Rivet, Francis C Waller), blacksmiths
n s 6th bet Saginaw and Water.
Rivett Camille (C Rivett & Bro), res n e cor 1st and Adams
Rivett C & Bro (Camille and Telesfaro), blacksmiths 701 Saginaw
Rivett Frank, laborer Miller & Lewis, res 705 Taylor
Rivett Peter A, steward, res 1416 Marsac
Rivett Telesfaro (C Rivett & Bro), res n e cor 1st and Adams
Rivette Alcid, bell boy, bds 1204 Jefferson
Rivette Alice (wid Charles), res 1214 Jefferson
Rivette Charles, hostler Tyler & Sherman, bds Forest City house
Rivette Miss Lucy, clk Mrs C Shepharad, bds 1204 Jefferson
Rivette Rosa, waitress Obey house
Rivley Miss Fannie, dressmaker, 401 11th, bds same.
Rivley John, blacksmith, res 401 11th
Rix George R, bolter, res 613 Polk
Roach, see als Roche
Roach Michael, watchman Pitts & Cranage, res 1209 Farragut
Roach Thomas, laborer, bds 306 Nebobish ave.
Roade Gustave, laborer, res 415 James
Robbins David H, lab F E Bradley & Co, res 501 N Adams
Robbins Miss Franke, dressmaker Mrs C E Owen, bds 305 S Madison
Robbins Jesse, clerk Leavens Bros, bds 501 Adams
Robbs Myra, domestic 1003 N Madison
Robdou Moses, laborer, res 412 Belinda
Robel Charles, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co.
Roberge Joseph, carpenter, res 105 Dolsen
Robert Andrew, laborer, bds Park City hotel
Robert Arminigle, laborer, res n s 2d 3 e of Jefferson
Robert Marshall, turner, res s w cor 32d and McCormick
Robert Maxime, blacksmith, res 217 Longtin
Roberts Albert, teamster Birdsall & Barker.
Roberts ANdrew, laborer, res 612 Saginaw
Roberts Catherine, cook, bds 1514 14th
Roberts Daniel, lumberman, bds Windsor house.
*Roberts James, Coal, Wood, Hoops, Shingles and
Commission, Dock foot Center, res
1713 5th
Roberts Jennie E, clerk, bds 1514 14th
Roberts John E, clk Grand Union Tea Co, res W Bay City
Roberts John J, lab S McLean & Son & Co, res 1514 14th
Roberts Thomas W, barber 211 Harrison, res same.
Robertson Miss Alice, clerk, bds 105 Fitzhugh
Robertson Charles, watchman Rust Bros & Co, res 512 Bowery
Robertson John, captin stmr Metropolis, res Marine City, Mich.
Robertson John, teamster, bds 105 Fitzhugh
Robertson Matilda (wid Wm), res 105 Fitzhugh
Robertson Thomas, saloon 704 Saginaw, res same.
Robet Parmelia, cook Three Rivers hotel
Robetaille Joseph, sawyer, res 1403 2d.
Robidoux Caesaire, res 606 Fitzgerald
Robidoux Miss Hattie, bds 1405 Woodside ave.
Robillard John, laborer, res 308 Belinda
Robinson Alfred, tinner Bialy & McDonell, bds W Bay City
Robinson Charles jr, pipeman Catarct Hose Co, rooms same.
Robinson Charles W, lab Detroit mills, res 1109 N Van Buren
Robinson Miss Flora, teacher, bds 401 S Center
Robinson Francis, laborer Wm Peter, bds 513 S Lincoln
Robinson George, foreman Joseph Mills, bds same
Robinson Ida, domestic sw cor Broadway and 24th
Robinson Miss Isabelle, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds cor
Ingraham and 39th
Robinson James, constable, res 200 McLellan
Robinson John M, lab E J Hargrave & Son, bds Laren house.
Robinson Miss Julia A, librarian public library, bds 517 Washington ave.
Robinson McKenzie B, shipping clerk S G Rice & Sons, bds 401 S Center
Robinson Miss Mary, bds Fordon house.
Robinson Michael, carpenter, res 513 S Lincoln
Robinson Nellie L, housekeeper 1415 S Water
Robinson Robert, 2d engnr stmr Metropolis, res W Bay City
Robinson Robert, laborer Murphy & Dorr, res 502 30th
Robinson Robert S, traveling agent, bds Campbell house
Robinson Wm, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Roblin Rev S Herbert, pastor Universalist Church, bds 901 4th
Roche, see also Roach.
Roche Miss Annie, bds 1209 Farragut
Roche Frank, well borer, bds 1209 Farragut
Roche Wm, saloon 1200 N Water, res same.
Rochelle Flavia, domestic Hubert Carrier
Rochen Isaac, blacksmith, E J Hargrave & Son.
Rochow Robert, carpenter M Lamont, res 105 Stanton
Rock John, saloon 204 N Monroe, res same.
Rockefeller Ellsworth, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds 601 Johnson
Rockefellow Henry, carpenter 601 N Johnson, res same.
Rockett Wm, laborer Eddy Bros & Co.
Rocks Frederick, laborer, bds 1018 McCormick
Rockwell Miss Jennie, teacher, bds 1714 18th
Rockwell Rosa A (wid David), bds 1714 18th
Rocoe Charles, laborer, res 909 22d
Rodgers James, lab Butman & Rust, bds Three Rivers hotel.
Roedel John, laborer Gates & Chatfield.
Roenicke Charles F, Grocieries and Saloon 411 S Madison, res same.
Roetel John, laborer, res 1208 12th
Rogers Albert C, fireman Detroit mills, res 313 24th
Rogers Charles G, lumberman, res 1107 6th
Rogers Daniel C, watchmaker Edwin Wood, bds Brunswick hotel
Rogers David, laborer, res 1207 N Madison
Rogers Miss Florence, res 101 Barney
Rogers Gilbert, lab S McLean & Son & Co, res 1012 Webster
Rogers James M, carpenter, res 611 Marsac
Rogers John, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water.
Rogers John (Rogers & West), res 609 N Jackson
Rogers Patrick, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, res 811 N Sheridan
Rogers Wm R, fireman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 621 Howarad
Rogers & West (John Rogers, Wm West), shoemakers 915 N Water
Rohde Augustus, jobber Rust Bros & Co
Rohl Frederick, machine hand M Lamont, res 805 11th
Roin Joseph, lumberman, bds Turgeon house
Rolibeck Charles, pantryman propeller Arundell
Roll Etta, domestic 817 Washington ave.
Roman Morris, real estate, res 408 N Jackson
Romenski John, fireman Butman & Rust
Romer Frederick R, bds 414 N Sherman.
Romer Jesse F (Romer, Lovell & Co), res 414 N Sherman
Romer John, teamster Bialy & McDonell, bds 2023 3d.
Romer Lisette (wid Otto J), res 2023 3d.
*Romer, Lovell & Co, (Jesse F Romer, Clifford F and
Frederick L Lovell), Dry Goods 307 and 309 Center
Romer Wm A, teamster, bds 2023 3d.
Rood Daniel, laborer, res 201 Mercer.
Rood Day, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & CO.
Rood George M, land looker, res 1702 5th ave.
Rooney Patrick, hostler, bds Commercial hotel.
Root Carlos E (Root, Williston & Co), res West Bay City
Root Dexter A, sawyer, res 1219 Wilson
Root Henry W, lumberman, bds Windsor house
Root Melvin A, music res 407 Center
*Root Wayland L, Banker and Broker 817 N Water, res 106 S Monroe
Root Wm P, Propr The Brunswick Hotel 1008 Washington ave.
Root Willis P, clerk Brunswick hotel
*Root, Williston & Co (Carlos Root, George A and Horace M Williston)
Mnfrs Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Pop and Cider Vinegar, Wholesale
Retail Dealers and Bottlers Finlay's Toledo Lager 213 N
Roozenburg Peter, carpenter, res 923 S Farragut
Rorke John, laborer, bds 1112 N Jackson
Rosa George, saloon 200 12th, res same.
Rosa Miss Margaret, bds 200 12th
Rosachacky Stanley, laborer, res 1503 16th
Rosantratar August, laborer, res 712 Grant
Rose CHarles D, clerk John Rose, bds 612 N Van Buren
Rose John, gardener, res 314 Taylor
Rose John, horse dealer, bds Commercial hotel
Rose John, jeweler n e cor Water and Center, res 621 N Van Buren
Rose John jr, laborer, bds 314 Taylor
*Rose, Lewis & Co (Merrit A Rose, George Lewis, Labra M Persons);
general store cor S Water and 30th
*Rose Lucian F, Real Estate and Money Loaner, Office 306 5th, res 820
Washington ave.
Rose Merrit A (Rose, Lewis & Co), res 1001 Broadway.
Rose Peter, blacksmith, res 416 Stanton.
Rofe Rollin, clerk Maltby, Brotherton & Co, res 413 William
Rose Wm A, lumber inspector 11 Cranage Block, bds Campbell house
Rosenall Herman, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water.
Rosenberg Barend, pedler, res 409 N Monroe
Rosenberg Dora, domestic 701 Center
Rosenberg Hermann, Clothing, Gents' Furnishnig Goods
and Merchant Tailor 1004 N Water, res Rochester, N Y.
Rosenburg Anthony, laborer Wm Peter.
Rosenbury Charles E, mngr Mrs H C Rosenbury, res 1400 Woodside ave.
Rosenbury Mrs Harriet C, New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves and
Crockery 209
and 211 3d, res 1400 Woodside ave.
Rosenfield Henry (Rosenfield & Danziger), res Chicago, Ill
Rosenfield & Danziger (Henry Rosenfield, Oscar Danziger),
boots and shoes 820 N Water
Rosengart Frank, res 829 S Farragut
Rosenkrans Herman F, clerk Andrew Mendriski, res 413 N Madison
Rosenteator August, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Rosenthal Samuel, saloon s e cor 7th and Washington ave, res same
Rosinski Annie, domestic 316 S Center
Roski John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Roski Joseph, laborer Wm Peter.
*Ross, Bradley & Co, (Lola M Ross, Nathan B, Elmer E and Fred W Bradley),
Daniel A Ross Mngr, Planing Mill, LUmber, Lath and Shingle
Dealers; Office
409 15th, Mill s e cor 15th and Fraser
Ross Daniel A, mngr Ross, Bradley & Co, res 401 Fraser.
Ross Fred C, trav agent Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 401 Fraser
Ross George W, foreman Ross, Bradley & Co, res 108 Fraser
Ross John, student, bds 240 Washington ave.
Ross Katie, domestic 204 8th
Ross Lola M (Ross, Bradley & Co), res 401 Fraser
Ross Wm, Dealer in All Kinds of Hardwood Lumber,
Office and Res 240 Washington ave.
Rossman Frank (Seligman & Rossman), res 1862 8th
Rossman Jesse, clerk H Rosenberg, bds 1862 8th
Rostover Joseph, setter S McLean & Son & Co
Rostover Lawrence, setter S McLean & Son & Co
Roth Gottlieb, tailor S V Wilkin, res n e cor Park ave and 12th
Roth Joseph, laborer, res 240 N Monroe
Rother Franz, Furniture, Furniture Repairing and Carpenter
n w cor 31 st and Polk, res n s 31st 1 w of Polk
Rothmal Levan, molder, res 1107 3d
Rothmere Louis, helper Bay City Iron Co.
Rothwein Henry, laborer, res 816 Howard.
Rouech August E, stsenographer Pratt & Gilbert, res 507 N Farragut
*Rouech Azell N, propr Rouech House and Temperance Billiard Hall,
Restaurant and Lunch Counter 104 and 106 5th.
Rouech Miss Carrie, bds Rouech house
Rouech Frank, laborer Birdsall & Barker.
Rouech George H, clk A N Rouech, res 418 Washington ave.
Rouech Henry, clerk Rouech house.
Rouech House, A N Rouech Propr, 104 and 106 5th
Rouech Miss Josephine, bds Rouech house.
Rouech Louis, laborer T H McGraw & Co.
Rouech Miss Mary, bds Rouech house.
Rouse Edwin F, box mnfr cor 23d and F & P M R R, res 1818 19th
Rouse Frank, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res 1406 39th
Rouse James M, bds Wm B Rouse.
Rouse Louis, laborer, bds s w cor 39th and Polk
Rouse Napoleon, laborer, bds Union City hotel.
*Rouse Wm B, lumber mnfr n s Woodside ave nr East Bay
City limits, res n s Woodside ave nr mill
Rouse Xavier, laborer, bds s w cor 39th and Polk
Rousseau Ernest, laborer Detroit mills.
Roussy Alexander, laborer, rums 415 Ketchum
Rowe Miss Cora, milliner, bds 920 Woodside ave
Rowe Miss Ella, dressmaker, bds 920 Woodside ave
Rowe Frank, clerk, bds 920 Woodside ave
Rowe Miss Margaret, bds 920 Woodside ave
Rowe Wm, carpenter, res 920 Woodside ave
Rowell John, drayman, res 1214 Johnson
Rowley Ellett T, filer, res 208 N Jefferson
Roy Augustin, brickmaker, bds Portland house.
Roy Edmund, laborer, res 213 Fitzhugh
Roy Emery, clerk J B Campbell & Co, bds Banks
Roy Henry, laborer, bds 213 Fitzhugh
Roy John M, Mngr National Tea Co, res West Bay City.
Roy Leon, laborer, res 115 Longtin
Rozengart John, laborer, res 1105 22d
Rozinski Charles, trimmer E J Hargrave & Son.
Rozinski John, laborer, res 623 33d.
Rozinski Michael, laborer, E J Hargrave & Son.
Rozinski Nicholas, laborer, bds n s 34th 4 e of McCormick
Ruane Anna, domestic 1102 Center
Ruane Michael, laborer, bds 306 Nebobish ave.
Ruble Charles, laborer, res 514 S Van Buren
Ruble Frank, laborer, bds s s 33d 1 e of Webster
Ruble Joseph, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, bds s s 33d 1 e of Webster
Ruble Regina, cook 418 Washington ave.
Ruby Mrs Mary, bds 210 19th
Ruchon Eli, laborer, res 601 Howard.
Rudden John, laborer, res e s Park ave 6 s of Center
Ruehle George, clerk G R Fox, bds w s Madison bet 13th and 14th
Ruelle Israel (I Ruelle & Co), res 1208 Wilson
Ruelle I & Co, (Israel Ruelle, Philip W Gardiner). New and Second-Hand
Furniture, Crockery and Glassware 119 Harrison.
Ruhstorfer Joseph, laborer, res 208 31st.
Rum Lizzie, domestic 600 N Jefferson
Rumm George, waiter steamer Metropolis.
Runster Reinhold, upholsterer Clark & Cobb, bds West Bay City.
Rupel Henry, bds 700 11th
Rupel Mrs Mary, res 700 11th
Rupel Wm, bartender, bds 700 11th
Rupley Elizabeth, laundress Anscomb house
Rupley Maggie, waitress Anscomb house.
Ruschinski Augusta, domestic 312 Fremont ave.
Rusha Eli, laborer Wm Peter
Russell Bertram, laborer, bds 600 1st
Russell Burt F, laborer Nickless & Hart, bds Madison house.
Russell Charles H, lab B H Briscoe & Co, res 923 Stanton.
Russell Elias, car cleaner F & P M R R , res 512 SEymour ave.
Russell George W, dairy 2150 3d, res same.
Russell Hiram A, lather, res 512 Lincoln
Russell James H, propr Grand Central hotel s e cor 3d and Saginaw
Russell James M, Barber, res 107 Washington ave.
Russell Jane (wid Francis), bds 910 5th ave.
Russell Miss Jeanette, bookkepper, bds 612 N Jefferson.
Russell Joseph, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co.
Russell Joseph, sawyer Wm Peter, res 911 13th
Russell Katie, domestic 1115 10th
Russell Lois R (Russell & Catlin), res 219 N Madison
Russell Mary, bds 520 Fraser
Russell Nettie, bookkeeper E A Spear, bds 612 N Jefferson
Russell Wm, hardware, bds 303 23d.
Russell & Catlin (Louis R Russell, Willis Catlin), gunsmiths 902 N Water.
Rust Amasa (Rust Bros & Co and Butman & Rust), res Saginaw City.
Rust Bros & Co (Amasa, John F and Charles A Rust), Lumber and
Salt Mnfrs 821 S Water.
Rust Charles A (Rust Bros & Co), res Saginaw City
Rust John F (Rust Bros & Co), res Cleveland, Ohio
Rutledge Miss Lizzie, tchr Dolsen school, bds 622 Jefferson.
Rutzen Henrietta (wid Ferdinand), bds 908 Wilson
Rutzen John, tailor, bds 1209 Marsac
Rutzen Lena, domestic 504 Marsac
Ryan Irene, domestic, bds 217 Polk
Ryan James, laborer, bds Kennedy house.
Ryan James, plasterer, res 701 11th
Ryan John, bartender M Ryan & Bro, bds 115 William
Ryan John, cooper Murphy & Dorr, rooms 213 S Water
Ryan John, mason, res 621 Fitzhugh
Ryan Joseph, drayman, res 217 Polk
Ryan Matthew, cooper Murphy & Dorr, res n e cor Johnson and Bullock road.
Ryan Matthew (Matt Ryan & Bro), res 117 William
Ryan Matthew & Bro (Matthew and Wm H), Saloon ("The Aquatic")
213 S Water
Ryan Michael, deputy sheriff, bds American Hotel.
Ryan Michael, laborer, res 614 Fitzgerald
Ryan Michael, laborer, res 603 Sheridan
Ryan Michael A, fireman Rescue Hose Co 200 Washington ave.
Ryan Patrick, laborer, bds Elk hotel
Ryan Patrick, plasterer, 205 N Monroe, res same.
Ryan Robert, tinner Forsyth & Holcomb's bds W Bay City
Ryan Silas, laborer, bds 409 S Farragut
Ryan Walter, sailor, bds 409 S Farragut
Ryan Wm, cooper, rooms 213 S Water.
Ryan Wm H (Matt Ryan & Bro), bds 213 William.
Ryan Wm, laborer, bds 113 Broadway.
Ryczek Andrew, laborer, res w s Sheridan 1 n of 21st
Ryczek George, clerk F R Cokely, res 411 S Sheridan.
Rydlewicz Joseph (Swontek & Rydlewicz), res 108 1/2 Washington ave.
Rye Katie, domestic 522 N Van Buren
Rynalski George, clerk C H Nellis, bds 1023 Fitzhugh
Rynazeski Wanrzyn, laborer, res 317 S Farragut.
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