R. L. POLK & CO.'S
adv................advertisement n....................north, or north of
ab..................above n e cor..........northeast
ave................avenue n
s..................north side
bds................boards n w cor...........northwest
bel.................below opp................opposite
bet.................between propr..............proprietor
clk.................clerk res..................resides
s.....................s, or south of
cor................corner s e cor............southeast
e...................east, or east of s
s..................south side
e s.................east side s w cor...........southwest
w...................west or west of
mngr.............manager w
s................west side
names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers
Obrey Edward, carriagemaker, res 1102 Woodside Ave
Obrey John, blacksmith bds Park City hote
O’Brien Miss Anna J, bds 501 N Farragut
O’Brien Miss Elizabeth, bds 1217 N Jackson
O’Brien George E, lumber inspector, res 305 S Monroe
O’Brien Henry, cooper McDonald & Shearer, bds 1213 N Jefferson
O’Brien James, laborer Folsom & Arnold
O’Brien James W, machinist, bds Obey hose
O’Brien Jeremiah, res 501 N Farragut
O’Brien John, coachman 1114 5th
O’Brien John, machinist, bds 100 23rd
O’Brien John, saloon 1400 12th, res same
O’Brien Joseph, cooper McDonald & Shearer, res 1213 N Jefferson
O’Brien Joseph H, cooper McDonald & Shearer, res 1210 N Saginaw
O’Brien Miss Mary, bds 501 N Farragut
O’Brien Matthew, laborer, res 211 S Jackson
O’Brien Michael, laborer, bds 211 S Jackson
O’Brien Michael, saloon 205 3rd, res 1014 N Monroe
O’Brien Michael J, laborer, res 604 S Sheridan
O’Brien Miss Rosa, bookkeeper Washington & Rich, bds 501 N Farragut
O’Brien Timothy H, painter, bds 604 S Sheridan
O’Brien Wm, cooper McDonald & Shearer, bds 1213 N Jefferson
O’Bryan John J, switchman F & P M R R, res 1108 2nd
Ockrie Joseph, engineer, res 913 Bowery
O’Conner Edward, grocer 608 Center, res 614 same
O’Conner Maurice, foreman Industrial works, res 705 William
O’Conner Morris, bell boy Fraser house
O’Conner Patrick, fireman Andrew Cunning & Co, bds Shiler house
O’Conner Timothy, foreman, res 1705 Woodside Ave
O’Conner Timothy, laborer, res n s 21st 1 e of Fitzhugh
O’Day James, laborer, res 514 S Farragut
Odd Fellows Hall Cranage block Center
Odd Fellows Hall n e cor 14th and Water
Odette Alexander, laborer, res e s Madison 3 s of 33rd
Odette Charles, laborer Birdsall & Barker
O’Donell John, sailor, bds 1901 12th
Ochlert Rev John G, Pastor Evangelical Luthern Church, res 410 N Madison
Oexlette Alfred, laborer, bds Lumbermen’s hotel
O’Farrell Andrew, harnessmaker, res 1306 Marsac
Ofchasec John F, laborer McEwan Brow & Co
Offergelt John, laborer Bousfield & Co, res 1209 S Center
Oghe Leonard, res n w cor 17th and Monroe
Oghe Mrs Sophie, res s e cor Monroe and 17th
Ogodonopski Frank, teamster Birdsall & Barker
O’Hare Miss Catherine, teacher, bds 706 Barney
O’Hare John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co
O’Hare Nellie, domestic 601 N Van Buren
O’Hare Patrick, fireman Bay City Water Works, res 706 Barney
O’Hare Thomas, laborer, res 1121 Fraser
O’Hearn Edward, blacksmith, res 1208 N Saginaw
O’Hern Daniel, laborer, bds 515 2nd
Ohm Charles, mach McKinnon Mfg Co, bds Lawren house
Okan George, lab N B Bradley & Sons, res 509 S Farragut
Okan John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, bds 509 S Farragut
Okan Julius, fireman N B Bradley & Sons, res 521 S Madison
Okon Frank, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 1507 18th
O’Laughlin, see also O’Loughlin
O’Laughlin Frank, laborer, bds Kennedy house
O’Laughlin Henry, steward steamer Metropolis, bds Rouech house
Oldfield James H, machinist, res 823 James
Olfield Levi P, res n w cor 17th and Monroe
Oldfield Lucy (wid Aaron), res rear 214 18th
Old Ladies’ Home, Mrs L T Sanger matron, 521 N Sheridan
O’Leary Miss Anna, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds s s 8th bet
Washington ave and Adams
O’Leary Thomas F, trav agent, res 502 30th
O’Leary Wesley, teamster Perkins & Houghton, bds Lawren house
Olen Joseph, laborer Eddy Bros & Co
Oleson, see Olsen
Olin Abbie, bds 200 William
Olin Alfred B, salt supt N B Bradley & Sons, res 200 William
Olin Henry, laborer F E Bradley & Co, bds 128 Saginaw
Oliski John, laborer S G M Gates
Oliver Anna, domestic 233 Adams
Oliver John, baths 309 5th, res same
Oliver John M, lab L E Noyes & Co, bds Wolverton house
Oliver John P, clerk John Oliver, bds 309 5th
Oliver Robert, fireman Rust Bros & Co, res 311 Jennison Ave
Ollendorff Annette (wid Marcus), bds 816 Washington Ave
Olmstead Frank, porter Maltby, Brotherton & Co, bds 413 William
Olmstead Louis E, foreman McKinnon Mnfg Co, res 112 N Water
Olney O W, laborer, bds Lawren house
O’Loughlin, see also O’Laughlin
O’Loughlin Annie (wid Michael), boarding, res 306 Lord
Olsen Alexander, lab Birdsall & Barker, res 1219 Harrison
Olsen Christopher, laborer Pitts & Cranage
Olsen Oscar, laborer, res 501 S Monroe
Olsen Peter, sailor, res 252 N Water
Oltman Charles, laborer S McLean & Son & Co
O’Malley Miss Annie, seamstress, bds 218 Webster
O’Malley Margaret (wid Martin), res 218 Webster
O’Malley Michael, lumber inspector, bds 218 Webster
O’Malley Patrick, laborer, bds Portland house
O’Mara John, lumberman, bds Windsor house
O’Mara Michael, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water
O’Neal Euguene, livery, bds Ontario house
O’Neal John R, trav anget, res 905 9th
O’Neal Bernard, barber, bds Elk hotel
O’Neil Katie, domestic 1303 6th
O’Neil Thomas, laborer, bds 515 2nd
O’Neil Thomas, lab Rust Bros & Co, bds Union City hotel
O’Neill Albert, laborer, bds 423 Stanton
*O’Neill Eugene J, Veterinary Surgeon and Livery Stable 121 12th, bds
Ontario House
O’Neill Henry, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 423 Stanton
O’Neill John, laborer, bds 432 Stanton
O’Neill Joseph, bartender T Robertson, rooms Center
O’Neill Miss Mary, tailoress George Szyperski, bds 423 Stanton
O’Neill Richard B, assistant secretary Y M C A, bds 809 N Jefferson
O’Neill Robert, trimmer Pitts & Cranage, bds John Lego
O’Neill Wm, laborer, res 423 Stanton
Opera House, Westover block s w cor Center and Washington Ave
Opperman Reinhold, car driver, bds 1013 Taylor
Orlowaski Miss Frances, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 509 S Sherman
Orlowski Kasmere, laborer, res 509 S Sherman
Ormiston Wm M, engineer, bds Spears house
Ormston Wm J, carpenter, res 250 N Monroe
Orr Angus, laborer, res 1120 Taylor
Orr Brakie J, marble cutter Bay City Stone Co, res 920 12th
Orr Daniel engineer, res 1018 Harrison
Ortman Christopher, laborer, res 1304 Stanton
Ortman Emma, domestic 210 Washington
Ortman Frank, salesman, rooms 100 Washington Ave
Ortman Henry, laborer, bds 1304 Stanton
Orton Charles F (Orton & Reynolds), res Marquetter, Mich
Orton Miss Minnie, music teacher, bds 509 9th
Orton & Reynolds (Charles F Orton, John T Reynolds), Commission Lumber
W s N Water Opp 6th
Ortwein Henry, brewer Bay City Brewing Co, res 816 Howard
Osaovetzki Stanislaus, lab, res s e cor 28th and McCormick
Osborn Frank, cooper, res e s Stanton 2 n of 27th
Osborn John P, res e s Harrison bet 39th and 40th
Osborn W Edmund, elk, bds e s Harrison bet 39th and 40th
Osbourn Matthew, laborer, bds 314 Annie
Osginszki Stanislaus, laborer Butman & Rust
Osier Adolphus I, clerk W H Miller, bds 1317 Washington
Oski Stanley, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Osmun Miss Minnie, teacher Fremont school, bds Harrison
Ososki Frank, Groceries, Provisions and Meat Market s e cor Broadway and
34th, res same
Osterhout James T, lab Miller & Lewis, bds 1812 Broadway
Osterhout Merlin, laborer, bds 1812 Broadway
Osterhout Mrs Sarah, res 1812 Broadway
Ostrander Miss Etta, teacher Henry Street school
Ostrom Louis, laborer Birdsall & Barker
O’Toole Patrick, laborer, bds Cumberland house
Ott Ottom, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, bds 102 Parker
Ottawa House, Frank Bison Propr, n e cor 18th and Water
Oubry Della, dressmaker V M Curtis, bds 1410 3rd
Ouelette Charles L, carpenter M Lamont, res 1008 Johnson
Ouellette Alexander, sawyer, res 406 14th
Ouellette Charles, laborer, bsd Blanchet house
Ouellette Columbus, janitor Bay City roller rink, bds 210 Bowery
Ouellette Frank, machinist, res 210 Bowery
Ouellette James F, policeman, res 301 Fraser
Ouellette Miss Susan, clerk, bds 210 Bowery
Ouellette Winslow J, carpenter M Lamont, res 1108 11th
Ouimett Peter, laborer Rust Bros & Co
Oullette Frank, machine hand M Lamont, res s e cor 14th and Williams
Oven John, engineer, bds 1414 Adams
Owezarzyk John, laborer, res 831 Michigan Ave
Owczarzyk Peter, laborer, bds 831 Michigan Ave
Owen Charles E, res 506 8th
Owen Mrs C E, dressmaker 506 8th, res same
Owen John, amson bds Republic hotel
Owen John M, patternmaker Standard Machinery Co, res 212 N Grant
Owski Peter, laborer F E Bradley & Co
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