R. L. POLK & CO.'S




                        adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers



Kaatz Frederick, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Kachinski Julia (wid Jacob), res 828 Michigan Ave

Kaczmarek Andrew, laborer, res 415 Sheridan

Kaczmarek Jendroch, laborer, res 411 Sheridan

Kaczmarek George, laborer, res 912 S Farragut

Kader Wm, cigarmaker M Steinbauer, bds same

Kadynok Michael, fireman Birdsall & Barker

Kaekel John F, saloon 213 Harrison, res same

Kaenzen Anna, domestic 822 N Jackson

Kahelski Ladislaus, lab, bds n w cor 29th and R & P M R R

Kahelski Michael, lab, res n w cor 29th and R & P M R R

Kahelski Stanislaus, lab, bds n w cor 29th and R & P M R R

Kaichen Gharles, clerk, bds 808 13th

Kaichen Kaufmann, clerk S Kaichen, bds 808 13th

*Kaichen Samuel, wines and liquors 912 N Water, res 808 13th

Kain, see also Cain and Kane

Kain James, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co

Kain James, grocer 801 12th, res same

Kain Theodore, laborer, res 216 N Hampton

Kaiser charles J, mach Industrial works, res 200 N Lincoln

Kajdan Frank, laborer, res 819 S Farragut

Kalaski Jacob, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy

Kalaski Joseph, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy

Kaleski Joseph, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Kalies Miss Amelia, dressmaker E Hernemann, bds cor 12th and Madison

Kalies Christopher, laborer, res 603 12th

Kalies Gustave, butcher, bds 603 12th

Kalinowski Joseph, laborer, res 123 Bowery

Kalka Anthony, laborer, res n s 34th 3 e of McCormick

Kamischke John, laborer, res 710 S Farragut

Kamm Johanna, domestic 258 N Madison

Kamm Michael, carpenter, bds 210 N Jackson

Kamman Mrs Anna, midwife 1701 11th

Kamman Frank, res 2005 4th

Kamman Louis, contractor, res 1701 11th

Kandoski George, res 1622 Marsac

Kane, see also Cain and Kain

Kane James, carpenter M Lamont, bds Windsor house

Kane Jennie, chambermaid Campbell house

Kane John, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Kane John, hostler E E Burroughs, bds Moulton house

Kane Patrick, laborer E E Burroughs, bds Moulton house

Kane Theophilus, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Kanodle John, laborer, bds Shiler house

Kanouse Spence, engineer, bds Spears house

Kappan August, laborer, bds 807 Barney

Kappan Wm, laborer, res 809 Barney

Kappan Wm jr, laborer, bds 809 Barney

Karalus Melhior, laborer, res 1600 18th

Karezmirski Frank, lab, bds e s R & P M R R nr Bullock rd

Karl Antone, shoemaker, res 615 Farragut

Karmsen Ernestine (wid Wm), res 258 N Jefferson

Karpinski Paul, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Kaski August, junk, res 606 S Sherman

Kasmer John, cooper Birdsall & Barker

Kasperski Lorenza, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res e s F & P M R R near     Bullock road.

Katchinski Anthony, laborer, bds 213 Michigan Ave

Katchinski Frank, saloon s e cor 33rd and Webster, res same

Katroski John, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res 1620 Marsac

Katt Edward, laborer, res 612 S Madison

Katt John, laborer, res 1106 16th

Katt Minnie, domestic 1101 5th Ave

Katthain Benno, musician, res 415 6th

Kauffman Wm (P C Floeter & Co), bds Fordon house

Kaul Libbie, domestic 232 N Jefferson

Kaul Louisa, domestic 409 N Madison

Kaunts George, tailor A G Maas, bds 601 Washington Ave

Kavanagh John, carpenter, res 904 6th

Kawlkorski John, laborer, res 1507 18th

Kazijak Jacob, laborer, res 1500 19th

Kazmirski John, laborer, res 2402 Fraser

Kealy Edward, coremaker Industrial Works, res 232 N Van Buren

Kealy John, bds 232 N Van Buren

Kealy Kate (wid James), res 225 N Jefferson

Kealy Richard, bridge tender, res 229 N Jefferson

Keating George H, lumber inspector, res 910 N Monroe

Keating Humphrey, laborer, res 115 Fitzhugh

Kebath F, lumber piler Butman & Rust

Keddie John, foreman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 301 Bowery

Keegan Charles P, sailor, bds Republic hotel

Keen John, sailor, bds 401 N Monroe

Keenan Charles J, teamster Hitchcock & Bialy, res 108 35th

Keene Thomas, brakeman M C R R, bds 606 2nd

Keeney Ansel T, driver Bay County Milk Association, res Hampton, Mich

Keeviel John, baker, res 1100 11th

Keglo John, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Kehoe Mrs Annie (wid James G), res 1005 N Van Buren

Kehoe Peter, cattle dealer, res 922 S Madison

Keidel Mrs Barbara (wid George), res 1116 N Madison

Keidel Jacob, tinner @ H Miller, bds 1116 N Madison

Keillor Edward E, student, bds 1020 N Jackson

Keillor Mrs Maggie, dressmaker, res 1020 N Jackson

Keillor Wm, laborer, res 1020 N Jackson

Keiser Mary, domestic, bds 801 4th

Keister Charles, carpenter, bds 601 Jefferson

Keister Miss Otillia, teacher, bds 601 Jefferson

Keister Wm, bartender, bds 601 Jefferson

Keith Adelia (wid John E), res 906 Campbell

Keith Alfred, engineer F & P M R R, res 921 N Van Buren

Keith A Douglass, bookkeeper Bay City bank, bds 500 N Van Buren

Keith James, laborer, bds 804 Bowery

Keith John, grocer 908 N Water, res 1311 N Monroe

Keith Linus F, engineer F & P M R R, bds 921 N Van Buren

*Keith Wm, marine insurance and vessel agent 703 N Water, res 521 N    Grant

Keith Wm W, clerk Wm Keith, bds same

Keizer Thomas, edger Butman & Rust

Keizer Wm, laborer Butman & Rust

Keller James H, carpenter, res 508 Harrison

Keller Louisa, domestic 404 10th

Keller Mrs Louisa J, midwife, 508 Harrison, res same

Kelley, see also Kelly

Kelley Frederick, sailor, res 1000 James

Kelley George, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Helley Harriett (wid Thomas J), res 404 N Lincoln

Kelley Miss Hattie, dressmaker Mrs L F Wedthoff, bds 404 N Lincoln

Kelley James, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Kelley John, laborer S G M Gates

Kelley John, foreman Eddy Bros & Co, res 608 Barney

Kelley John jr, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, bds 608 Barney

Kelley Julia, tailoress T A Choals, bds 608 Marsac

Kelley Matthew, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 608 Barney

Kelley Patrick, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Kelley Timothy, laborer, res 608 Barney

Kelley Wm, laborer, bds 217 Mercer

Kelley Wm M, clerk, res 400 N Lincoln

Kellogg Frank, lab N B Bradley & Sons, bds 401 William

Kellogg Oscar F, carpenter A Bergeson, res 505 Broadway

Kelly, see also Kelley

Kelly Alfred, laborer, bds 201 Fitzhugh

Kelly Caroline (wid Owen), res 201 Fitzhugh

Kelly Miss Catherine, teacher, bds 701 Marsac

Kelly Miss Eva, telegraph operator, bds 201 Fitzhugh

Kelly James, ship carpenter, res 251 Saginaw

Kelly John, engineer, bds Conroy hote

Kelly John, laborer, bds Elk hote

Kelly John A, assistant city surveyor, bds 708 Adams

Kelly Joseph F, contractor, bds 701 Marsac

Kelly Miss Julia, bds 1514 Polk

Kelly Miss Lizzie, clerk Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 201 Fitzhugh

Kelly Margaret (wid Matthew), bds 302 Howard

Kelly Mary (wid Patrick), bds 506 13th

Kelly Matthew, engineer N B Bradley & Sons, res 302 Howard

Kelly Michael, sawyer, res 1514 Polk

Kelly Nelson E, glove mnfr 806 7th, res same

Kelly Robert, lab Ross, Bradley & Co, res 707 Fitzhugh

Kelly Thomas, contractor, res 701 Marsac

Kelly Washington, laborer Hitchcock & Baily

Kelly Wm, laborer Birdsall & Barker, bds 1514 Polk

Kelly Wm W, laborer, res 422 Ingraham

Kelsen Peter, saloon 622 Adams

Kemp Wm, teas, res 1007 N Grant

Kempter Goley F, engineer E J Hargrave & Son, res 813 Webster

Kempter Gottlieb T, engr Miller & Lewis, res 1213 Wilson

Kendall Reuben, printer Tribune, rooms 20 Cranage block

Kennedy Annie, cook Cumberland house

Kennedy Daniel, laborer, bds Moulton house

Kennedy Daniel J, res 909 S Center

Kennedy Hall (Kennedy block), n w cor Water and S Center

Kennedy House, Wm Kennedy propr, 222 Mercer, cor Dolsen

Kennedy James H, lab Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 321 S Lincoln

Kennedy Joseph, laborer, bds 401 Shearer

Kennedy Mary, domestic 241 N Madison

Kennedy Wm, Propr Kennedy House 222 Mercer, cor Dolsen

Kenney, see also Kinney

Kenney James, laborer, bds 108 Hart

Kenney Thomas, cattle dealer, res 1016 Johnson

Kenny Wm, teamster Hammond, Standish & Co, bds n e cor 3rd and Jefferson

Kent Miss Bettie, clerk Theodore During, bds 515 11th

Kent Charles, laborer, bds Lawren house

Kent Ellen (wid Thomas), res 308 S Sherman

Kent Margaret (wid James), res 316 S Sheridan

Kent Orlo T, clerk C H Nellis, res 308 24th

Kent Miss Rebecca E, teacher, bds 506 Adams

Kent Thomas, laborer Young Bros, res 316 S Sheridan

Kent Wm, engineer, bds Spears house

Kepete George, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Keppel George, grocer 1307 Michigan, res same

Keppel George, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Keppler Fredericka, domestic 1113 N Monroe

Kerkau August, laborer, res 1815 Broadway

Kerkau Frederick, laborer, res n w cor Stanton and 30th

Kerkan Frederick W, laborer, res 1106 Marsac

Kern John C, bkkpr L L Hotchkiss & Co, res W Bay City

Kern Nicholas J, foreman Pomery & whitney, res 1110 N Monroe

Kernstock Katie, domestic 709 N Grant

Kert Albert, carpenter, res e s Stanton opp 27th

Kerr Miss Annie, dressmaker A M Huff, bds cor Lincoln and 27th

Kerr Joseph, lumber dealer, rooms 609 Adams

Kersznowski Martin, laborer, res 518 S Sheridan

Keamer Peter, laborer Bousfield & So

Kesmer Philip, laborer G C Myers

Kester James, sawyer, res n s 30th 2 e of Stanton

Kester John, cooper Bousfield & Co, res 1007 32nd

Kester Louisa, domestic 407 N Madison

Kester Mary (wid John), bds 1007 32nd

Kettle Andrew, carp M Lamont, res e s 25th nr F & P M R R

Kettle J, loborer Wm Peter

Keys John C, carpenter, res 1509 11th

Keyser Wm, laborer M C R R, res West Bay City

Kiedanuk Michael, lab, res e s F & P M R R nr Bullock road

Kienbaum Gustave, carpenter, res 212 N Lincoln

Kiernan John P, land looker, res 911 Broadway

kierwin Gustav, servant 1114 6th

Kies Edgar, res 416 William

Keis George, bds 416 William

Kiester Miss Matilda, teacher Evangelical Lutheran school, bds 601 N


Kiester Wm F, bartender J A Wells, bds n w cor 7th and Jefferson

Kilduff Frank, clerk E O’Conner, bds 614 Center

Kilduff James, saloon 712 Saginaw, bds 423 N Monroe

Kilduff John, contractor, res 423 N Monroe

Jilmer Alfred, teamster Young Bros, res Center

Kilmer Elwin, carpenter, res 108 Center

Kilmer George W, train dispatcher M C R R, res W Bay City

Kinch Wm, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Kinderman August, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Kinderman Louis, laborer, res 808 Barney

Kinffen Linnie, domestic 918 N Madison

King Miss Agnes, bookkeeper, bds 238 N Madison

King Alfred M, lawyer, res 1110 Wilson

King Charles O, engineer, res West Bay City

King Eli, laborer, bds Moulton house

King Frank, porter Fraser house, res 512 Saginaw

King Fred L, captain tug Dickson, res West Bay City

King George, carpenter Bousfield & Co, res 309 35th

King George E, tugboat captain, res West Bay City

King George W, Owner tug boat “Dickson;” Office River Front bet 3rd

   And 4th, res West Bay City

King Henry, laborer, res e s Monroe 2 s of 33rd

King James R, millwright, res 405 James

King John, postmaster South Bay Sity, res Astor House blk

King John, laborer Birdsall & Barker

King John, bartender J McQuinn, bds 109 4th

King John, porter Lake house

King Lewis E, vessel captain, res 313 Howard

King Louis, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res 619 Barney

King Peter, carpenter, res e s McCormick 1 s of 32nd

King Robert L, mach McKinnon Mnfg Co, bds 1110 Wilson

King Wm, laborer Birdsall & Barker

King wm, sawyer S G Rice & Sons, bds 1110 Wilson

King Wm J, clerk G W King, bds West Bay City

Kinlock Asa, barber, bds Elk hotel

Kinlock Jessie, domestic Elk hotel

Kinney, see also Kenney

Kinney Dorr F, bookkeeper, res 1605 S Center

Kinney Michael (Kinney & Lambert), res 213 Adams

Kinney Orrin, res 1509 S Center

Kinney Mrs Sarah, tailoress, bds Taylor house

*Kinney & Lambert (Michael Kinney, John H Lambert), Hardware, Stoves,      Etc, N Water

Kinnucan james, engineer, bds Spears house

Kipert Wm, laborer, res 106 24th

Kirbey Bros (Charles R and Leonard W), Cigar Mnfrs Bentley Block cor 32nd

   And Polk

Kirbey Charles R (Kirbey Bros), res cor 36th and Polk

Kirbey Leonard W (Kirbey Bros), bds w s Stanton 2 s of 35th

Kirbey Martha C (wid Addison R), res w s Stanton 2 s of 35th

Kirby James, wheelsman stmr Metropolis, res W Bay City

Kircher Christoff, carpenter, res 1910 4th

Kirkey Frank D, teamster, bds 606 N Birney

Kirkland James (Fish & Kirkland), bds Forest City house

Kischner Frederick, fireman, res 216 N Jackson

Kiser Lee, fireman steamer Metropolis, res West Bay City

Kitson Sarah, cook, 241 Washington Ave

Kittle Elizabeth (wid John), bds 1108 Marsac

Kittle John W, laborer, bds 1108 Mrsac

Kittle Julius, laborer, bds 1109 Marsac

Kittredge C L, boots and shoes 806 N Water, bds cor 5th and Van Buren

Kitts John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Kitts John jr, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Kitts Miss Mary, stripper, Braddock & Bateman, bds w s Marsac 2 n of S


Kittson Annie, cook 318 Washington Ave

Klanki Edward, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Klann Henrietta (wid Ferdinand), bds 201 S Farragut

Klann Millie, domestic 510 N Jefferson

Klann Wm, sergant 1010 6th

Klaus Valentine, laborer, res 412 S Madison

Kleemann Charles, laborer, bds 905 Fitzhugh, res same

Kleemann Paul, grocer 905 Fitzhugh, res same

Kleesattel Ambrose, supt city parks, res 1006 N Monroe

Kleesattel Ambrose jr, bookbinder Hurley Bros, bds 1006 N Monroe

Kleesattel Emma, domestic 115 S Monroe

Klein Ernestine, domestic 219 Washington Ave

Kleppel Henry, laborer, bds 913 3rd

Klepaer Frederick, res 1106 11th

Klienschrod Michael, cigar mnfr s w cor 7th and Trumbull, res same

Kline Lewis T, machinist Standard Machinery Co, res w s Wilson bet 28th

   And 29th

Kline Peter, bds 115 Taylor

Klinger Charles, laborer S McLean & Son & Co, res s w cor 28th and F &

   P M R R

Klumph Charles H, wholesale coal, n w cor Center and Saginaw, res 318

   Washington Ave

Klumph Cyrus C, machinist Standard Machinery Co, res 306 Bowery

Klumpp Caroline (wid Gottlieb), res 217 Bowery

Klumpp Frederick, butcher Theodore Hine, bds 217 Bowery

Klumpp John G, teamster Bay City Beef Co, res 525 N Sherman

Klumpp Wm, bookbinder, bds 217 Bowery

Klumpp Wm C, clerk Bay City Beef Co, bds 217 Bowery

Knaack Henry, laborer, res 1522 Marsac

Knabe Anna, domestic 1214 8th

Knack Edward, lumber inspr Ross, Bradley & Co

Knaggs John W (Knaggs & Plum), res 813 N Sheriday

*Knaggs & Plum (John W Knaggs, Allen G Plum), General Insurance and

   Real Estate, Averell Block, 109 Center

Knapp Delia, cook Republic hote

Knapp Frank, laborer, bds 415 Shearer

Knapp George H, laborer, res 211 Fitzhugh

Knapp Miss Ida J, teacher Dolsen school, res 1014 3rd

Knapp John, laborer Detroit mills, res 415 Shearer

Knapp Louis, lab Folsom & Arnold, bds 415 Shearer

Knapp Margaret (wid Louis), res 415 Shearer

Knapp Wm, carpenter, res 1014 3rd

Knapp Wm A, bkkpr E J Hargrave & Son, bds 1014 3rd

Knasinski Joseph, laborer, res 1507 16th

Knight H C, well borer, bds Lawren house

Knights of Labor Co-operative Store, P N Peltier mngr, 614 N Water

Knoblauch George, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, res 2140 4th

Knoblauch George A, machinist Industrial works, bds 1110 N Madison

Knoblanch Jacob, brewer, res 1110 N Madison

Knodal Peter, foreman, res 1015 Campbell

Knolett Henry, lab M Lamont, res e s Monroe bet 15th and 16th

Knop Wm, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Knorpp Charles, baker, 913 3rd, res same

Knowlton Albert, sailor, bds 106 James

Knowlton Cyrus, laborer, res 110 Johnson

Knox Richard, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, bds 109 Skinner

Kobat George, laborer, res 919 William

Kobolski Mary, domestic 510 S Center

Koch Heinrich, cooper shop alley bet Monroe and Jackson, res 1122 N     Madison

Koch Henry jr, clerk R Ferris, res 1108 N Monroe

Koch Louis, bkkpr J B Campbell & Co, res 1122 N Madison

Koch Wm, clerk, bds 1122 N Madison

Kocks Mary, domestic Republic hotel

Koczuk Thomas, laborer, res 812 Michigan Ave

Koeber Matilda, domestic 314 Bowery

Koeppe Walter (Pratt & Koeppe), bds 1000 6th

Koeppler Joseph, mason, res s s 14th 1 w of Sheridan

Koffer John, laborer, res 1608 Marsac

Kofstky Joshua, foreman McEwan Bros & Co

Kohfeldt Joseph, laborer, res 408 S Madison

Kokoszienskie Mary, domestic Fraser house

Kolanek John, laborer, res 819 S Farragut

Kolanek Michael, laborer Rust Bros & Co, res 908 S Farragut

Kolanek Stanislaus, laborer, res w s Sheridan 1 n of 19th

Kolasa Stephen, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res e s Michigan ave 2 s of 26th

Kolb Wm, foreman Industrial Works, res 1210 15th

Kolmaiski Wm, laborer, res 505 S Van Buren

Kolp Emma, domestic 608 N Monroe

Kolski John, laborer, res 622 33rd

Komenski Jacob, laborer, res 909 S Farragut

Komenski John, laborer, res 909 S Farragut

Konezalski John, laborer, res 514 S Sheridan

Kopetz Joseph, laborer, res 715 16th

Korek Jacob, laborer, res s w cor 33rd and Webster

Koresky John, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Korn Charles, pedler, res 709 11th

Kosciusko Hall, 108 Washington Ave

Kosecka Annie, domestic 213 Adams

Kosecki Wm, laborer, res 819 19th

Koshmerski Joseph, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Koshmiski Mary, domestic 815 S Center

Kosiak John, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Koskeski John, laborer, res 817 18th

Bosnjak John, lab Birdsall & Barker, bds 812 Michigan Abe

Kosowski John, laborer, bds 509 S Sherman

Koss Jacob, laborer, res 407 James

Kostus Joseph, laborer, res 720 S Farragut

Kostusch Hohn, laborer, bds Henry Koth

Koth Henry, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, res w s Park Ave 1 s of Woodside


Kovalski Stanislaus, bartender A Przybylinski, bds 108 Washington Ave

Koviack Andrew, laborer Butman & Rust

Kovoski Joseph, laborer, res s s 33nd 1 w of Webster

Kowalezyk Andrew, laborer, res 711 Grant

Kowalski Martin, laborer res 809 Grant

Kowalski Valentine, laborer, res 823 S Sherman

Kowolsky Lawrence, fireman Birdsall & Barker, res e s F & P M R R nr Bullock


Kozinofski Anton, laborer, res w s Wilson 1 n of 33rd

Kozlawich Mary, domestic 1900 3rd

Kramer Isaac, tailor, bds 409 N Monroe

Krantz Frank, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Krass Philip, stonecutter, bds Lawren house

Krasse Frederick, laborer, bds 216 McCormick, McGrawville

Kraus August, laborer, res 301 Marsac

Kraus Charles, laborer, res 1003 Webster

Kraus Emil, laborer, bds 1003 Webster

Kraus John, laborer, bds 1003 Webster

Krause Adam, laborer, bds 135 North

Krause Albert, painter, bds 714 11th

Krause Frederick, saloon 701 Adams, res 1900 3rd

Krause Gustavus, clerk C Babo & Sons, bds 200 8th

Krause Hermann, clerk S Littauer, res 1201 11th

Krause Mattalina (wid Adam), res 135 North

Krause Rudolph, laborer, dbs 135 North

Kraushaar Charlotte (wid Henry), res 817 Washington Ave

Krauss Catherine, chambermaid Lake house

Krauss Wm, laborer, res 1017 16th

Krauter Frederick, plumber Tousey & Jennison, bds 417 William

Krawczak John, laborer, res 609 William

Krebleski Zenon, laborer, res 1223 Marsac

Kreft Mary, domestic 408 N Madison

Kreger Henry, laborer Mc Ewan Bros & Co, res 301 Atlantic

Kreger Gustave, clerk W Kreger, bds 200 S Madison

Kreger Wilhelmina (wid Wm), grocer 200 S Madison, res same

Kreighoff Oscar, barber, res e s Sherman bet 2nd and 3rd

Kreiselmeier Frank, cigarmaker, res 106 Johnson

Kremser Frank, laborer, res 1004 15th

Krenzin Frederick, laborer, res 907 Wilson

Kretschmar Louisa, domestic 249 N Madison

Kretschmer Elizabeth, domestic 1101 6th

Krevil Lizzie, domestic 414 N Jefferson

Krieg Catherine, milliner C H Sutliff, bds 614 Adams

Krieghoff Oscar, barber 104 3rd, and fruits and confectionery 1304

   Washington Ave, res 1108 N Sherman

Krier Herman, laborer, bds 411 Saginaw

Kriewall Katie, domestic 504 9th

Krisel Michael, carpenter, res 208 Polk

Krencke Edward, bookbinder 203 Center, res 902 12th

Kropacek Joseph, res 611 Howard

Kropski Valentine, laborer, res 719 Grant

Krotz Frederick, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Krouse Bertha, domestic 501 N Monroe

Krouse Kitty, waitress Grand Central hotel

Kruce Edward J, bkkpr Pomeroy & Whitney, res West Bay City

Kruczinski John, laborer, res s s 19th 1 e of Farragut

Kruge Frederick, watchman Butman & Rust, res 423 William

Kubiak Frank, laborer, res e s Stanton bet 34th and 35th

Kubiak Mark, laborer, res s s 26th 1 e of Stanton

Kuchem Gertrude, seamstress, bds 1016 Johnson

Kuder Mary (wid Charles), bds 1417 Marsac

Kuffell Stanley, laborer, res 719 16th

Kuhlow Fred, laborer, res 411 Saginaw

Kuhlow Frederick, laborer, bds 411 Saginaw

Kuhlow John, teamster, res 501 S Farragut

Kuhlow Wm, furniture 416 N Water, res same

Kuhn Miss Carrie, tailoress, bds 211 Stanton

Kuhn John, foreman N B Bradley & Sons, red 925 Bowery

Kukla Joseph, laborer, res 805 Grant

Kulaschewski Leo, laborer, res 413 S Van Buren

Kuntz George, tailor, bds 601 Washington Ave

Kunz Joseph, cabinetmaker, res 711 N Adams

Kunz Miss Lillie, tailoress A C Maas, bds 711 N Adams

Kunz Mary, tailoress Sirmyer & Edwards, bds 711 N Adams

Kunz Miss Rosie, tailoress A C Mass, bds 711 N Adams

Kurzrock Wm G, Saloon and Restaurant s e cor 13th and Water, res

   209 Bowery

Kusch Emil, machinist, res 213 S Van Buren

Kuse Wm, laborer, res 507 S Lincoln

Kusnierz Joseph, res 514 Madison

Kusnierz Michael, laborer, res 514 Madison

Kuss Anna (wid August), bds 520 S Van Buren

Kuss John, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Kussrow Frank, cooper, bds 1008 32nd

Kussrow Herman, laborer, bds 1008 32nd

Kussrow Jacob, laborer, res 1008 32nd

Kutell Anton, carp, res w s F & P M R R bet 25th and 26th

Kutells Mary, domestic 1001 9th

Kyle Wm C, Asst Mngr Saginaw Valley Underwriters’ Association 8 Munger

   Block, Center, bds Campbell house


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