R. L. POLK & CO.'S
adv................advertisement n....................north, or north of
ab..................above n e cor..........northeast
ave................avenue n
s..................north side
bds................boards n w cor...........northwest
bel.................below opp................opposite
bet.................between propr..............proprietor
clk.................clerk res..................resides
s.....................s, or south of
cor................corner s e cor............southeast
e...................east, or east of s
s..................south side
e s.................east side s w cor...........southwest
w...................west or west of
mngr.............manager w
s................west side
names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers
Fagg Wm W, elk Merrill, Fifield & Co, res 410 N Jackson
Fairfax Dainel E (col’d), drayman, res 1420 8th
Fairfax Robert (col’d), res 1422 8th
Falanise Miss Trompe, bds 1214 4th
Fancher Charles R, propr Astor house, cor Harrison and S Center
Fanning Edward, carpenter, res s e cor 6th and Johnson
Fargo George, sec Longshoreman’s Union, res 609 2nd
Farkas Joseph, laborer, res 400 S Lincoln
Farley Fannie, car cleaner F & P M R R
Farley Peter, laborer, res s s Hart 2 e of Henry
Farragut School, bet Grant, Farragut, 9th and 10th
Farrell Matthew, machine hand M Lamont, res 1112 12th
Farrell Patrick, hostler E J O’Neil, bds 118 Washington
Farrington Noah, painter, res n s 29th 1 w of Broadway
Farwell Samuel, fireman, bds Cumberland house
Fassett Miss Alice, music teacher, bds 504 N Van Buren
Fassett Mary (wid George W), res 504 N Van Buren
Faucher David, laborer, res s s Bismarck 3 e of Atlantic
Faul Peter, laborer, res 903 Campbell
Faulkner John, laborer, bds Moulton house
Fay Arvilla E (wid Wm L), bds 715 N Madison
Fayette Francis, laborer F E Bradley & Co
Featherly Frederick B, bds 509 N Madison
Featherly Miss Grace B, bds 509 N Madison
Featherly John W (Featherly & Eddy), res 509 N Madison
Featherly & Eddy (John W Featherly, Warren H Eddy), farm inpts n s 6th 1 w
Of Saginaw
Federlein Carrie, cook 412 Washington Ave
Fedler Frank, laborer, res w s Webster 2 n of 34th
Feeley Martin, filer Bousfield & Co, res 2019 Broadway
Feeto Joseph, laborer Wm Peter
Feidenheimer Matthew, lab, bds e s McCormick 2 s of 26th
Feiffer John, groom res 315 Nebobish ave
Feite Henry, furniture, res 419 N Madison
Feldman jacob, butcher, res 112 Center
Felton Frank G, laborer Rust Bros & Co, res 406 19th
Felzek Jacob, laborer, res e s Michigan ave 1 s of 26th
Fennell Wm H, real estate, res 232 Washington Ave
Fenski Frank, laborer, res s s 26th 2 e of Broadway
Fenton Henry, deputy county register, res 1803 Center
Fereand Alfred, lumberman, res 1214 N Water
Fergus Charles, farmer, res s s S Center 2 east of limits
Ferguson Adam, res 917 Broadway
Ferguson Angus, stevedore, bds 522 Saginaw
Ferguson Daniel, laborer, bds Jefferson House
Ferguson George W, laborer, res s e cor 39th and Polk
Ferguson Hannah (wid Donald), res 1218 N Van Buren
Ferguson James, bartender H Lutzke, res W Bay City
Ferguson James W, Veterinary Surgeon; Palace Stables 6th and Saginaw,
Bds Forest City house
Ferguson Jennie, bds 803 S Water
Ferguson Jessie, cook Moulton house
Ferguson Johannah, cook Wolverton house
Ferguson John, plumber A Walther, bds Rupublic hotel
Ferguson Margaret, domestic e s Grant bet 6th and 8th
Ferguson Robert, laborer, bds Kennedy House
Ferguson Robert F, clerk W H Miller, res 1000 Broadway
Ferguson Wm, laborer, res rear 506 Belinds
Ferguson Wm, plumber, bds republic hotel
Ferguson Wm F, clerk Morgan & Smith, bds 917 Broadway
Fergut August, laborer Rust Bros & Co
Ferl Arthur P, printer Tribune job rooms, bds 910 3rd
Ferl Frank, machinist, bds 910 3rd
Ferl Minnie, artist, bds 910 3rd
Ferneau John, edger, bds 415 8th
Feroline Martin, coachman 419 N Jackson
Ferris Miss Annie, bds 807 2nd
Ferris Miss Emma, bds 807 2nd
Ferris Napoleon; engineer Murphy & Dorr
Ferris Reuben J, grocer 1309 N Monroe, res cor 1st and Munroe
*Ferris Richard, grocer 701 3rd, res 807 2nd
Ferris Thomas, carpenter, res 1410 6th
Ferris Walter, clerk, bds 1309 N Monroe
Ferris Wm, ship carpenter, res 611 N Sherman
Ferris Wm H, foreman McEwan Bros & Co, res 1834 9th
Feuerstack Frederick, carpenter, res 320 N Sherman
Feuerstack Louis, laborer, res 217 N Monroe
*Feyerabend Otto, Beer Hall, Restaurant, Cigars, & cig, 112 5th, res 222 N Jackson
Fiscal David, laborer, res 402 Stanton
Fical Miss Mabel, music teacher 402 Stanton, bds same
Fick John L, gardener, res 2153 Center
Fick Mary A (wid John C), bds 307 S Van Buren
Fidler Joseph, edger Wm Peter
Field Henry, laborer, bds Elk hotel
Fielding John, laborer Butman & Rust, bds 608 Howard
Fifield Eugene (merrill, Fifield & Co), res 5th bet Grant and Sherman
Filgraf Frederick, laborer, bds Moulton house
Filiatrault Edmund, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy
Filions Charles, laborer, bds French hotel
Filions Henry, laborer, bds French hotel
Filipiak George, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Filipiak John, laborer, res 901 S Farragut
Filzek Frank, laborer, res e s Michigan ave 2 s of 26th
Filzek John, laborer, bds e s Michigan ave 2 s of 26th
Fineron Miss Mary, seamstress, bds 225 N Jefferson
Finger Carrie, cook Jefferson house
Fingland James, laborer, res 912 16th
Fink Myer, clerk A Hyman, bds 817 Washington Ave
Finkenstaedt Frederick C, bookkeeper, rms 912 Van Buren
Finlen John, laborer, res 113 Bismarck
Finn Frederick C (Bradley & Finn), res 243 Adams
Finn John, cooper N B Bradley & Sons, res 809 James
Finnegan James, laborer, res 918 Wilson
Finnigan Luke, laborer, bds Lumbermen’s hotel
Firby Alferd, laborer, bds Madison house
Firemen’s Hall (old Town Hall), n e cor Taylor and 34th
First Baptist Church, s e cor Center and Madison
First Congregational Church, Rev W W Lyle Pastor, s e cor 6th and Van
First Presbyterian Church, e s Washington ave bet 9th and 10th
First Universalist Church, n w cor N Madison and 7th
fischer Elizabeth, res 209 William
Fischer Frederick, plumber Tousey & Jennison, res 209 William
Fischer Leonard, painter I A Shannon, bds 209 William
Fish Emma, domestic 229 N Madison
Fish Frank, laborer Folsom & Arnold
Fish George, vessel captain, bds Cumberland house
Fish Walter T (Fish & Kirkland), res 108 S Monroe
Fish & Kirkland (Walter T Fish, James Kirkland), Carpenters, Cabinet-
Makers, Mnfrs of Screen Doors, Ice Boxes and Refrigerators, 305 8th
Fisher Albert W, cigars and tobacco Astor House block, res 1020 31st
Fisher Annie, domestic 814 Adams
Fisher Miss Belle M, clerk, bds 1414 Webster
Fisher Charles, edger E J Hargrave & Son
Fisher Charles D, res 1414 Webster
Fisher Christopher, filer H H Culver, res 701 Webster
Fisher Engelbert R, [pedler, res rear 522 McClellan
Fisher Frank, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Fisher Herman, filer H H Culver
Fisher Ida, domestic 1320 Broadway
Fisher James, sawyer, bds 701 Webster
Fisher John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Fisher Miss Louisa, dressmaker 618 Adams, res same
Fisher Martin, laborer birdsall & Barker
Fisher Michael, laborer Wm Peter, res n s 34th 1 w of Marsac
Fisher Oscar, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Fisher Sarah, domestic 1014 Center
Fisher Thomas lab E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground
Fisher Wm, laborer Folsom & Arnold, bds 113 Broadway
Fisher Oscar, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Fisher Sarah, domestic 1014 Center
Fisher Thomas, lab E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground
Fisher Wm, laborer Folsom & Arnold, bds 113 Broadway
Fisher Wm L, engineer, res 309 Barney
Fisk Winfield S, filer, res 725 Campbell
Fitch Charles A, engineer E S Fitch, bds 106 N Madison
*Fitch Elijah S, Mnfr Fertilizing Salt and Wholesale Dealer in Pig Iron and
Ohio stoneware, n w cor 11th and Jefferson, res 238 N Madison
Fitch Henry, with E S Fitch, res 106 N Madison
Fitch J Wilmarth, trimmer Daunt & Sharp, bds 920 N Madison
Fitch Milo, harnessmkr J W Morrison, bds Campbell house
Fitchel Mrs Rose, dressmaker 109 Harrison, res same
Fitt Mrs Sophia, dressmaker Hawley & Fitzgerald, res cor 2nd and Sherman
Fitt thomas, baggagemaster M C R R, res 1200 N Sherman
Fitt Wm E, sealer M C R R, bds cor 2nd and Sherman
Fitzgerald Daniel, laborer Folsom & Arnold, res 301 Dolsen
Fitzgerald James, laborer, res 610 N Water
Fitzgerald John, boilermaker Industrial Works, res 808 15th
Fitzgerald John, deputy sheriff Bay County, bds 301 Dosen
Fitzgerald J Wm (Hawley & Fitzgerald), res Alpena, Mich
Fitzgerald Patrick, baggageman M C R R, res Johnson nr M C R R
Fitzgerald Robert, boilermaker National Boiler Works, bds 808 15th
Fitzgerald Wm, sailor, bds 808 15th
Fitzgibbon Gerald, shoemaker 922 N Water, res 914 1st
Fitzgibbons Thomas, teamster Evans Bros, res 254 N Jackson
Fitzhugh Charles jr, (Charles Fitzhugh Jr & Co), res 112 S Farragut
Fitzhugh Charles Jr & Co (Charles Fitzhugh Jr, Archibald McDonell), Real
Estate 5 Concordia Block
Fitzhugh Daniel D, bookkeeper Mitchell, Boutell & Co, res n e cor 19th and
Fitzhugh Daniel H, real estate Union block, bds 815 5th
Fitzhugh Frank, Real Estate Union Block, res 712 10th
Fitzhugh School, e s Fitzhugh bet 16th and 17th
Fitzhugh Wm H, city boiler inspr, res 730 S Lincoln
Fitzmaurice Thomas, laborer, bds Patrick rogers
fitzmaurice Timothy, laborer Detroit Mills
Fitzpatrick Margaret, tailoress Sirmyer & Edwards, bds 707 11th
Fitzsimons Joseph, laborer, res 704 S Sherman
Fitzwilliams Thomas H, fireman, res 721 McCormick
Fitzwilliams Wm, fireman Birdsall & Barker
Fladnoss Max, lumberman, bds Turgeon house
Fladung Dominick J, butcher, bds 1018 N Jackson
Fladung Jacob D, butcher A Brissette, res 1018 N Jackson
Fladung John B, painter C C Stewart, bds 1018 N Jackson
Fladung Joseph, laborer, res 1018 N Jackson
Fladung Joseph B, clerk J A Cornwell & Son, bds 1018 N Jackson
Flaherty John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, bds Armstrong hotel
Flajole Amelia, clerk, bds 606 Fitzhugh
Flajole John, boilermaker Nat Boiler Wk, res 6906 Fitzhugh
Flajole John jr, boilermkr Nat Boiler Wks, bds 606 Fitzhugh
Flannery Maria, domestic 411 9th
Flax Charlotte (wid George), laundry 207 Center, res same
Flegeltaub Abraham D, pedler, res 207 N Farragut
Flegger Paul, carpenter, res 2004 4th
Fleming Alexander A, laborer, res s w cor 35th and Stanton
*Flint & Pere Marquette Railway, Passanger and Freight Depots cor
Jefferson and 5th
Floeter Philip C ( P C Floeter & Co), res 1007 N Grant
*Floeter P C & Co (Philip C Floeter, Wm Kauffman), Architects and
Spuerintendents 8 Central Block
Flower Miss Alice, bds Rectory cor 2nd and Van Buren
Flower Rev Edward W, pastor St Barnabas Church, South Bay City, and
Missions West Bay City, res Rectory cor 2nd and Van Buren
Flower Miss Mary, bds Rectory cor 2nd and Van Buren
Flowers Penfield C, barber 114 N Water, res same
Fluker David A, agt Detroit Evening news, bds e s Park ave 4 s of Center
Flynn Mrs Isabella, res w s Taylor 1 n of 32nd
Flynn John, fireman, res 812 Webster
Flynn Miss Margaret, bds 812 Webster
Flynn Mary, domestic 616 Saginaw
Foale Wm (Foale & Hart), res 230 N Jefferson
Foale & Hart (Wm Foale, Charles M Hart), roofers 226 and 230 N Jefferson
Fobear George, laborer, res 314 Bowery
Foco Louis, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & co
Foerster Otto, bartender Ernst Frank, res 1008 N Jefferson
Fogarty Frank, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 807 Barney
Fogarty John, laborer, res 807 Barney
Fogarty John jr, cooper, bds 807 Barney
Fogerty Miss Mary, bookkeeper Kinney & Lambert, bds 213 Adams
Fogg Frank M, mngr Saginaw Valley Star, rooms 209 5th
Foley John, laborer, bds american hotel
Follis thomas, tallyman Foss & Leiter
Folsom Alexander (Folsom & arnold), pres Bay County savings bank, res
261 N Water
*Folsom & Arnold (Alexander Folsom, Benjamin W Arnold), lumber and salt
Mnfrs 2601 N water
Fonber Maier, pedler, res 237 N Van Buren
Fondroy Anna, domestic 823 N Farragut
Fone James, laobrer Dolsen, Chapin & co, res 2011 5th ave
Fone Jane (wid Charles), bds 2011 5th
Fontaine Adolph, grocer 910 Campbell, res 912 Campbell
Fontaine Miss Arsina, clerk Adolph Fontaine, bds 912 Campbell
Fontaine Louis, boots and shoes, res 1300 N Grant
Foot August, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, res 100 Bismarck
Foot Eli, laborer T H McGraw & Co
Foot Lyman, sawyer, H H Culver
Foote Charles, porter Brunswick hotel
Foote Charles E, teamster, res 612 Ingraham
Foote Colin W, sailor, bds 606 Howard
Foote Miss Hattie, teacher, bds 606 Howard
Foote Horace L, clerk P Foote, bds same
Foote John R, barber C Von Kaenel, res 215 3rd
Foote Lawrence E, laborer, bds 606 Howard
Foote Miss Nettie, teacher, bds 606 Howard
Foote Pe Yu, pawnbroker 215 3rd, res same
Foote Sarah A (wid Asa J), res 606 Howard
Foote Vina (wid Edwin L), dressmaker, res 905 4th
Foote Wm G, foreman Pitts & Cranage, res 406 9th
Forbes James, blacksmith Daunt & sharp, rooms 216 3rd
Forbes Jennie, domestic 1107 6th
Forbes Joseph, laborer, rooms 216 3rd
Forbush George H, grocer 513 Fremont ave, res 511 same
Forchurski Frank, laborer, res 830 Michigan ave
Forcia Frederick, carpenter, bds 517 Polk
Forcia Modes, carpenter, res 517 Polk
Forcia Silas (Briske & Forcia), res 1205 Wilson
Forcie Peter, carpenter, res n s 17th 1 e of Monroe
Forcier Frederick, carpenter, bds e s Wilson 3 n of 28th
Forcier Herculas, carp, res n w cor S Center and Lincoln ave
Forcier Joseph, vessel captain, res e s Wilson 3 n of 28th
Forcier Joseph J (W A Beebe & Co), res 426 S Center
Ford Belle H, teacher, bds 1301 Woodside ave
Ford Charles R, cooper, bds 310 Fraser
Ford Frederick, contractor Foss & Leiter, res 1400 Trumbull
*Ford George, Machinist, Blacksmith, Steam Forge and Engine Builder,
1201 N Water, res 1301 Woodside Ave
Ford George W, machinist Standard Machinery Co, bds 1031 Woodside ave
Ford Henry, laborer Wm B Rouse
Ford Lilla, domestic 2123 Center
Ford Miss Maggie, clerk Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 1301 Woodside Ave
Ford Henry, laborer Wm B Rouse
Ford Lilla, domestic 2123 Center
Ford Miss Maggie, clerk Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 1301 Woodside Ave
Ford Rose, domestic 1203 10th
Ford Wm, engineer, bds 100 23rd
Ford Wm G, machinist, bds 1301 Woodside ave
Fordon House, Mrs M R Fordon propr, 704 Adams
Fordon Mrs Margaret R, propr Fordon house 704 Adams
Forest City House, Gustave Heinzmann Propr, s w cor 6th and Washington
Forest Thomas, laborer, bds 809 N Jefferson
Forhaner Anna, domestic 1112 N Jackson
Forgett Augustine, laborer, res 503 Broadway
Forster Otto, clerk Ernst Frank, res 1008 N Jefferson
Forsyth Ransom, carpenter, bds 101 Broadway
*Forsyth & Holcombs (Oscar F Forsyth, Dan C and Emmet T Holcomb),
Wholesale and Retail Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Tin, Cooper and Sheet
Iron Work and Farm Impts 923 and 925 N Water
Fortier Camilla A, physician, res 611 S Water
Fortin David, carpenter, res 1611 Woodside
Fortin Joseph, confectioner 1619 Woodside ave, res same
Fortin Joseph A, elk Morgan & Smith, bds 1111 Washington
Foss Edgar B (Foss & Leiter), res 1817 Center
*Foss & Leiter (Edgar B Foss, John M Leiter), lumber, 1705 N Water
Foster Clark C (Foster, Post & Co), res East Saginaw
Foster Edward B, laborer, res 1007 N Madison
Foster Erwin (Foster, Post & Co), bds Campbell house
Foster Frederick, sailor, bds 500 Marsac
Foster Issac, lab Mitcher, Boutell & Co, res 1 st 2 e of Monroe
Foster Minor A, laborer, res 407 Harrison
*Foster, Post & Co (clark C and Erwin Forster, Nelson W Post), fancy goods
1002 N Water and 107 4th
Foster Richard F, bookkeeper Birdsall & Barker, res s s S Center 3 of
R R depot
Foster Soloman, vessel captain, res 500 Marsac
Foster Wm, laborer, bds 407 Harrison
Foster Wm H, clerk Clark & Cobb, res 243 N Jefferson
Foucan Augustine, laborer Thomas Bergevin
Foucau Noe, laborer, res 611 Shearer Ave
Foucoult Gregoire, laborer Detroit Mills
Fournier Charles, cigarmaker Atkinson & Whitlock, bds American house
Fournier Lucien, clerk A Loranger, bds Brunswick hotel
Fowler Frederick, laborer G C Myers
Fowler John L, engineer G C Myers, res 403 31st
*Fox Benjamin, oysters and fruit 823 Washington Ave, res same
Fox Charles, laborer T H McGraw & Co, res 1524 Polk
Fox Charles H, conductor, res e s Grant bet 6th and 8th
Fox C Louis, bookkeeper Charles Supe, res 504 N Monroe
Fox David, engineer, bds Spears house
Fox Frank, laborer McEwan Bros & Co
Fox Gustavns R, Crockery, Glassware and Wall Paper, 801 N Water, res
506 N Adams
Fox Henry, grade contractor, res 2109 Center
Fox Jacob G, plasterer, res 708 3rd
Fox John, laborer, bds Armstrong hotel
Fox Joseph S, engineer Nickless & Hart, res 1323 N Jefferson
Fox Thomas, foreman Murphy & Dorr res Middle Ground
Fox Wm, res 410 Center
Fralick Adam, laborer, res 1517 11th
Fralick D Allen, laborer, bds 1517 11th
Fralick George W, oil pedler, res 1513 11th
Framki Minnie, domestic 310 Bowery
Francia Gregory, vessel owner, res 260 N Van Buren
Francis Griffith H, lawyer 803 N Water, res W Bay City
Francis Jennie, copyist, bds 806 2nd
Franco Pierre, clerk M Manoni, bds 201 3rd
Francouer Jean, laborer H Carrier, res 608 Marsac
Frank Albert J, bartender Wm Wieland, bds same
Frank Ernst, tobacco, Cigars, Wines, Liquors, Insurance and Foreign
Passage Agent 819 N Water, res 500 N Grant
Frank Frederick, Propr Obey House, 408 5th
Frank Katie, domestic 302 N Farragut
Frank Miss Minnie A, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 423 Williams
Franklin Eli, laborer, bds 410 Belinda
Franklin House, Fritz Parnitzky propr, 1216 N Water
Fraser Allan, laborer, rooms 213 S Water
Fraser Block, s e cor Center and Water
Fraser Edward, laborer B H Briscoe & Co
Fraser Elizabeth, clerk Leszczynski Bros & Menczarski, bds 307 Dolsen
*Fraser House (The New), John F Antisdel Propr, s e cor Water & Center
Fraser Hugh A, foreman, res 1010 Broadway
Fraser John J (Engelgau & Fraser), res West Bay City
Fraser Miss Josephine R, clerk, bds 409 8th
Fraser Simon, tinsmith, res 614 21st
Fraski Michael, laborer, res 802 19th
Frawley Thomas, laborer, bds 500 Saginaw
Frazher Joseph, drayman, res 1700 Johnson
Frazier Adeline (wid Christopher), res 307 Dolsen
Frazier Edward, machinist, bds 307 Dolsen
Frazier Miss Elizabeth, clerk, bds 307 Dolsen
Frazier Lucy a, tailoress B Belworthy, bds 307 Dolsen
Frazier Wm, clerk, bds 307 Dolsen
Fredette Frank, laborer, res 210 Bbarney
Freebin John, laborer, res 808 Barney
Freeby Charles, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds Kennedy house
Freeby John, clerk, res 507 12th
Freeby Pauline, domestic 507 N Farragut
Freedy burt L, inspector Michigan Telephone co, bds Republic house
Freeland Adeline (wid Richard), bds 807 Broadway
Freeland Alonzo, painter, res 807 Broadway
Freeman Chester H, Attorney and Real Estate Agent, 1019 N Madison,
Res same
Freeman James, laborer ross, Bradley & co, bds 615 17th
Freeman Lawrence, laborer, bds 615 17th
Freeman Miss Perdita M, teacher public school, bds 1019 N Madison
Freer Cornelia (wid Wm), bds 716 Stanton
Freese Ann (wid Hiram), bds 419 N Monroe
Fref Sabina (wid George), res 604 N Jackson
Freiberg Charles, tailor 813 N Saginaw, res same
Fremo Frank, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy
Fremont Ave Baptist Church, s s fremont ave bet Taylor and Polk
Fremont Ave M E Church, s s Fremont ave bet McCormick and Wilson
Fremont Ave Rink Co (John Y McKinney, Duncan, McGregor, Henry L Chase,
Silas R Miller), proprs Fremont Ave Roller rink
Fremont Ave Roller Rink, Fremont Ave Rink Co proprs, n e cor Fremont ave
And S Water
Fremont School, s s 29th bet Marsac and Broadway
French Hotel, Exprine Pepin propr, 1200 Jefferson
French thomas E, coupe driver, res 1810 6th
Frey Joseph, laborer, res w s Park ave 3 s of Center
Friebe John, clerk Meeker & Adams, res 507 12th
Friebe John, laborer dolsen, Chapin & Co
Friedrich Albert, laborer, res 212 S Sherman
Friend John, laborer, res 1819 6th
Friend John jr, feeder, bds 1819 6th
Friend Miss Mary, clerk T M Swetland, bds same
Friese Elizabeth (wid George), bds Jefferson house
Friese John, cooper N B Bradley & Sons
frischki August, butcher, res 217 S Sherman
Friski Joseph, laborer Wm Peter
Frietz Jacob, butcher Theodore Hine, res Tuscola Plank road
Fritz Sarah, domestic 1112 N Jackson
Franckowiak Jacob, laborer, res 607 S Van Buren
Frondry Minnie, domestic 509 9th
Frorath Martin, stonecutter, res 2000 3rd
Frorath Wm, stonecutter, res 1315 Johnson
Froshac Michael, laborer McEwan Bros & Co
Frost Charles E, laborer, res 215 Stanton
Frost George, deputy sheriff, res 401 24th
Frost Henry, plasterer, res 209 S Madison
Frost Herman (Frost & Schrader), res 518 S Center
Frost James, sailor, bds 401 24th
Frost John, fireman Birdsall & Barker
Frost Mary J K, domestic e s Park ave 4 s of Center
Frost Wm, clerk, bds 401 24th
Frost & Schrader (Herman Frost, John Schrader), meat market 117 Harrison
Fry Miss Jennie, teacher, bds M Fry
Fry John, laborer Eddy Bros & co, bds M Fry
Fry Maria (wid Samuel), res n s Parker 2 w of Atlantic
Fry Wm, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, bds M Fry
Fude Fredrick C, coachman, res 309 S Lincoln
Fuger George, laborer, bds 201 Annie
Fuger Louis, laborer, bds 201 Annie
Fuko Felix, lab McEwan Bros & Co, res Fitzgerald nr Mill
Fulford Emma, domestic 602 N Madison
fulford Margaret, domestic s e cor 15th and Howard
Fulford Nancy, domestic 1303 5th
Fuller charles H, clerk, res 1606 2nd
Fuller Edwin C, clerk, bds 1606 2nd
Fuller Martin, bartender Wm Fuller, bds same
Fuller Wm M jr, res 406 13th
Fulton christina (wid Wm), bds 601 Broadway
Funnell Edward, butcher G W Mansfield, bds Anscomb house
Furdock Frank, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Furkus Charles, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Furman Francis, traveling agent, res 204 N Jackson
Furman Mrs F, dressmaker 204 N Jackson, res same
furman Miss Isadore, dressmaker, bds 204 N Jackson
Furman Lemuel (L Furman & Bro), res 204 N Jackson
Furman L & Bro (Lemuel and Wm), Mnfrs Pumps, Cisterns, Artesian Wells
And Wagon Jacks, 807 11th
Furman Wm (L Furman & Bro), bds 204 N Jackson
Furnier Charles, laborer, bds Elk hotel
Furnier Joseph, clerk Turgeon house
Furtain Frank, laborer, res 707 Barney
Fyfe James L C R, laborer, bds Moulton house
Fyning Timothy, coachman C M Averell, res 807 6th
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