R. L. POLK & CO.'S




                        adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers



Dacey Elizabeth, domestic 216 N Madison

Dadies Joseph, laborer Industrial Works

Dafney Jeremiah, laborer, bds 217 Mercer

Daftney John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Daga Bertha, domestic Ontario house

Daglish Albert, real estate 207 Polk, res 202 Fremont Ave

Dahagar Louis, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Daikens Luey, domestic 107 McCormick

Dailey Charles M, clerk, bds 1303 Washington Ave

Dailey Michael, res 1303 Washington Ave

Dalecki Frank, cigarmaker P J Dalecki, bds 2000 Broadway

Dalecki John, saloon 2000 Broadway, res same

Daley John, section foreman, res 2230 4th

Daley Joseph, laborer Wm Peter

Daley Nellie, waiter Wolverton house

Daley R, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Daley Theresa E, cook Portland house

Dalhke August, laborer The Michigan Pipe Co

Dallaire Adelaide (wid Ramon), res 122 Hart

Dalosure James, sawyer Rust Bros & Co, res James

Dalton maria, domestic 413 N Farragut

Daly Andrew P, filer Folsom & Arnold, res 418 Fitzgerald

Daly Daniel L, laborer, bds Moulton house

Daly Francis, engineer Cyrus Hiller, res 506 Lord

Daly Wm, machinist Smalley Bros & Co, res 128 Saginaw

Dammer Miss Elizabeth, bds n e 34th 2 e of McCormick

Dammer Frank, laborer, bds n e 34th 2 e of McCormick

Dammer Martin, laborer, res n e 34th 2 e of McCormick

Danenbaum Belle, saleslady H Danenbaum, bds same

Danenbaum Gus, clerk H Danenbaum, bds same

Danenbaum Helen, saleslady H Danenbaum, bds same

Danenbaum Henry, dry goods 914 N Water, res n w cor 5th and Washington

Dangeatz Louis, laborer, res 313 S Madison

Daniel Michael, laborer, bds 608 Howard

Daniels David, fireman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 901 William

Daniels Ludwik, Merchant Tailor, 717 N Water opp, Fraser House, res

   203 S Monroe

Danscreau Frank, clerk J Valline, res s s Bismarck, 3 e of Atlantic

Danzinger Abraham L, clerk Rosenfield & Danzinger, bds Rouech house

Danzinger Oscar (Rosenfield & Danzinger), bds Rouech house

Dardas Jacob (J Dardas & co), res 705 S Farragut

Dardas jacob & Co (Jacob Dardas, Joseph Zielinski), grocers 701 S Farragut

Dardas John, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 721 S Van Buren

Darger Herman, bookkeeper Bay City Brewing Co, bds s e cor Webster and


Dargis Frank, salesman Forsyth & Holcombs, res 1101 2nd

Darie Wm, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Darling George F, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 212 Mercer

Darling James E, engineer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 209 Mercer

Darling Samuel, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Darlington Charles, blacksmith J Williamson, res 312 17th

Darragh Daniel, laborer, res 102 Longtin

Dary Charles, caulker, res w s Woodside Ave 2 s of Parker

Dary John, caulker, res w s Woodside ave 2 s of Parker

Dashney Francis, carpenter, res s w cor 35th and Fraser

Dashney Joseph, lab Ross, Bradley & Co, res 1221 Michigan

Datrisac Anthony, laborer, res 803 Woodside Ave

Daugherty, see Dougherty

Dauman George, fisherman, bds Turgeon house

Daunt Wm J (Daunt & Sharp), res 1217 N Jackson

*Daunt & Sharp (Wm J Daunt, Edgar M Sharp), Carriage Mnfrs 1113 Washington Ave

Dauterman Miss Mary, tailoress A C Mass, bds 409 8th

Davenport Eugene (Merrill & Davenport), rms 206 3rd

Davey Miss Nellie, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds 407 Adams

David Gusta, domestic Spears house

Davidson August, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Davidson James, lumberman, res 228 N Van Buren

Davidson Wm, molder, bds American hotel

Davis Charles, laborer S McLean & Son & Co, bds Cumberland house

Davis Edward L, clerk M C R R, res West Bay City

Davis Henry, house mover, res w s Fitzhugh 1 n of 33rd

Davis Isaac, pedler, res 2316 Fitzhugh

Davis James, engineer Birdsall & Barber, bds 1308 Polk

Davis John, letter carrier, res n w cor 15th and Van Buren

Davis John H, machinist Bay City Iron Co, res 1213 Farragut

Davis Joseph, machinist, res 1209 Bowery

Davis Miss Mattie, milliner, bds Rouech house

Davis Nellie (wid John M), housekeeper 106 Fraser

Davis Noble, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res 1402 Adams

Davis Thomas, teamster Pitts & Cranage, bds 1402 Adams

Davis Wm, teamster Pitts & Cranage, res 1408 Adams

Davis Wm J, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res Park City hotel

Davison Charlotte (wid Archibald), res 111 12th

Davison Margaret (wid Alexander), res 115 12th

Dawn Frank, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Dawson David, laborer, bds 1614 3rd

Dawson Henry, sailor, bds Republic hotel

Dawson James, painter, res 708 Ketchum

Dawson John, steamer captain, bds Rupublic hotel

Dawson Wm E, sawyer, bds 1614 3rd

Day Charles T, res 606 Adams

Day Elias H, hostler F Mosse, bds American house

Day Eliza (wid Norris), bds 606 Adams

Day Horace E, hackman, bds Portland house

Day Melvin, brakeman, bds 606 Adams

Day Soloman, res 509 N Jackson

Deadman Frederick, conductor, bds Spears house

Deadser Hermon, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Deal Henry, helper Bay City Iron Co, bds Delinda house

Deamer Frank F, lumber piler, res 2016 4th

Dean George M, engineer J Roberts, res West Bay City

Dean Julius, engineer, bds Elk hotel

Dearborn Wm H, millwright, res 1201 Broadway

Deault Napoleon, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Debats Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds 1510 Michigan

Debats Martin, laborer, res 1011 33rd

Debner Michael, laborer, res s s 26th 1 e of Michigan Ave

Debo Michael, laborer, res 301 Howard

Debow Dudley C, pedler, res 1008 Campbell

DeBruin John, carpenter, res e s McLellan 2 s of 12th

DeBruin Martin, carpenter, bds John DeBruin

Decavie George, butcher, res N Water near city limits

Dechan Peter J, carpenter, res 1218 N Madison

Dechant Joseph, fireman, res 1411 N Jefferson

Dechant Napoleon, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Decker Nettie (wid Peter), bds 250 N Water

DeCorte Edward, contractor, res 907 Campbell

Decorte Joseph, laborer, res 1121 N Madison

Decoteaux George, laborer, bds 510 Belinda

Defoe John L, apprentice C C Gustin, bds West Bay City

Defoe Joseph, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, res 613 Shearer ave

DeForest Harry E, lumber inspector, bds 208 23rd

DeForest Sarah L (wid Stephen S), res 208 23rd

Defrain Augustus, cooper Folsom & Arnold, res 505 Fitzgerald

Defrain Augusts jr, cooper, bds 505 Fitzgerald

Degg Joseph, laborer, res 212 31st

Deiderick Herman, laborer, bds 2010 4th

Deigon Ellen (wid Thomas), res 700 3rd

Deisley George, laborer, res 910 1st

Deitzel August, dyer, res 410 saginaw

Deitzel Etta, dyer, bds 410 Saginaw

Dejardin Emory, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Dekeil Felix, ship carpenter, res 112 Parker

De Krielan John, florist C Breitmeyer, bds 615 Trumbull

De Ladurantaye Honore, clerk C L Kittridge, bds 1601 Woodside Ave

De Land Leander S, sailor, res w s Webster 2 s of 29th

De Landelle Antoinette, dressmaker, bds Park City hotel

Delaney John, flagman M C R R, bds Mackinaw house

Delany Daniel R, wagonmaker, 119 12th, res 108 N Monroe

Delarie Napoleon, pedler, res 1009 N Madison

De Laroche Armsdee, laborer, bds 27 Mercer

Delaski George, laborer Eddy Avery & eddy

Delaski John, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Delaski Joseph, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Delevan Catherine, domestic 507 N Van Buren

De Lisle John, laborer, bds 615 19th

De Lisle Joseph, laborer, res 615 19th

De Lisle Joseph jr, laborer, bds 615 19th

Dell Miss Dora m, teacher Farragut school, bds 1013 11th

Dell Miss Emma I, teacher, bds 1310 11th

Dell Joseph, farmer, res 1310 11th

Delmas Augustus, section foreman F & P M R R, res s s S Center 1 w of F

   & P M R R

Delong Robert, sailor, bds Madison house

Delor Charles, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Delor John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & co

Delosier James, sawyer, res 816 James

Delzell Frank W, canvasser, bds 417 Jefferson

Delzell Thomas A, city recorder, res 419 N Van Buren

Demar George, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Demaretz Frederick W, carpenter, res 519 Bowery

Demarre Claude, laborer, bds French hotel

De Mars John, laborer, res 205 Birney

Demars John B, carpenter, res n s Center 1 e of limits

De mars Joseph J, woodworker I A Shannon res 720 William

Demars Miss Mary, bds n s Center 1 e of limits

Demeritz Magtgie, domestic Zirwes Hotel

Deming Albert, laborer, bds 903 Polk

Deming Frank, turner, bds 903 Polk

Deming Mary (wid Wm), res 903 Polk

Deming Sarsfield, mach hand Dousfield & Co, res 903 Polk

Deming Wm, mach hand Bousfield & Co, res 903 Polk

Dempster Wm H, bookkeeper Bay City Iron Co, res 1313 Jefferson

DeMuir Archibald, laborer, bds 217 Mercer

Deneker Mrs Mary, res 213 6th

Denio Frank, supt letter carrier, res 320 N Jackson

Denio George F, bookkeeper, res 216 N Sheridan

Denison Albert R, teamster Pitts & Cranage, bds 1009 9th

Denison Elias B, real Estate and Rental Agent 208 Center, res 1201 same

Denison Ellis F, student, bds 1009 9th

Denison T Riley, res 1009 9th

Denkeiser Jacob, clerk W E Tapert, bds Eagle hotel

Denkhaus Henry, saloon 812 Saginaw, res 705 2nd

Denkhaus John, deliverer R Ferris, bds 706 2nd

Denmark Joseph, laborer, bds park City hotel

Denn Michael, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Denney Joseph H, bkpr John Young, bds 809 N Jefferson

Dennis Catherine, tailoress, bds 1000 3rd

Dennis Charles, hackdriver H Birney, bds Moulton house

Dennis Delia, waitress Windsor house

Dennis Edmund, blacksmith, res 1027 21st

Dennis Elizabeth, tailoress, bds 1000 3rd

Dennis Ellen, tailoress, bds 1000 3rd

Dennis John, carpenter, bds 1000 3rd

Dennis Joseph, carpenter, res 1000 3rd

Dennis Robert, carpenter, bds 1000 3rd

Dennis Wm, carpenter, bds 1000 3rd

Dennison Albert, laborer, res 417 Barney

Dennison John, boilermkr Industrial Works, res 506 13th

Denny Carrie, dressmaker, bds 609 Adams

Deno Anthony, teamster Birdsall & Barker, res 307 32nd

Deno Ida, domestic Mrs A OLoughlin

Deno Wm jr, fireman Pitts & Cranage, res 1403 N Jefferson

Densham George, grocer 1600 Broadway, res same

Denton Charles, agent, bds 601 Washington ave

Denwine Leda, domestic 224 N Madison

Denzi Caroline, domestic 814 N Farragut

Denzinger Albert, shoemaker bds Rouech house

Denzinger Oscar, shoemaker bds Rouech house

Depaemelaere John, laborer, res 113 Duplante

Deplante Xavier, porter LeFevre house, res 612 Woodward

De Prekel Charles, laborer Folsom & Arnold

De Prekel Felix, carpenter Bay City Dry Dock, bds 3323 N Water

De Prekel Frank, lab Folsom & Arnold, bds 3323 N Water

De Prekel Peter, carp Bay City Dry dock, res 3323 N Water

Derby Wellington, laborer, bds 905 Washington ave

Dering charles, laborer, res 205 N Hampton

Dering Frank, laborer, bds 207 N Hampton

Derrick Charles, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Derrick Frederick, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Derry Charles, ship carpenter Bay City Dry Dock

Derry John, ship carpenter Bay City Dry Dock

Desforges John, sailor, bds Jefferson house

Desham Andrew, cooper Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Deslauries Antoine, boarding house 1315 N Adams, res same

Desmarais George, clerk Thomas Bergevin

Detuncer Michael, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Deudorski S, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Deuring Sophia, domestic 1501 Center

Deusing Hermann, lumber inspector, res 1108 9th

Deveaux Jules, laborer, bds 201 Annie

Devers Miss Hattie, finisher Bousfield & Co, bds 910 Taylor

Devers Miss Maggie, finisher, bds 910 Taylor

Devers Wm J, laborer, res 910 Taylor

Devers Wm J, laborer, res 910 Taylor

Devine Peter, bds 1405 Woodside Ave

Devlin Cyrus H, propr Devlins Business College, 218 N Jefferson, res same

Devlin Joseph E, filer, res 1114 Woodside ave

Devlin Miss Martha, teacher Sherman school, res W Bay City

Devlins Business College, C H Devlin propr, 218 N Jefferson

Devy Richard, butcher, res w s Woodside ave 3 s of Parker

Dexter Ira L, filer Pitts & Cranage, res 923 Harrison

Deziley Edward, foreman, res 506 Shearer

Deziley Henry, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Deziley Lemuel K, laborer, bds 506 Shearer

Deziley Owell, laborer Folsom & Arnold, bds 506 Shearer

Dibble E E, fisherman, bds Lake House

Dicey Charles E, laborer Industrial Works, bds 610 11th

Dicey George, foreman Industrial Works, res 610 11th

Dicker David, laborer, bds Blanchet house

Dickie George E, well borer, bds 401 Taylor

Dickie robert B, carpenter, res 401 Taylor

Dickinson Eugene A, clerk Johnson & Co, bds 522 S Center

Dickinson Miss Minnie E, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 901 4th

Dickinson Richard P, carp, bds e s Stanton bet 32nd and 33rd

Diehl Charles, engineer, res 207 Williams

Diem charles H, engineer, res 622 Wilson

Diemer Wm, meat market 800 12th, res same

Dier John, fireman Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Dier Peter, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Dier Thomas, laborer Dolsen, chapin & Co

Dietze Moritz, machinist Industrial Works, res 307 Howard

Dignac Alexander, clerk, bds 1312 Washington Ave

Dileski John, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Dill Joseph, fireman Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Dimmick Charles, watchman H H Culver, res 211 Polk

Dinan Mary, domestic s e cor 6th and Monroe

Dinehart Wm H, huckster, bds Lake house

Dingman Wm, millwright Murphy & Dorr, bds George Richey

Dingo Hermann, laborer, bds Conroy hotel

Dinnan Nancy, cook D Leplante

Dinnan rosa, waitress Cumberland house

Discher Albert, laborer Miller & Lewis, res 1201 Stanton

Discher Wm, laborer, res 1018 McCormick

Dislay George, trimmer Pitts & Crange

Dissell John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Divins Wm, well digger, bds Madison house

Dixon Benjamin, foreman Dolsen, Chapin & co

Dixon Charles H, clerk Bialy & McDonell, bds 1001 Center

Dixon John, laborer Industrial Works, bds 401 S Jackson

Dixon Maggie, cook Forest City house

Dixon Mary (wid James), res 412 Stanton

Doan Albert, fireman, bds Spears house

Doan George, lab The Michigan Pipe Co, bds 512 Belinda

Doan James E, painter, res e s Lincoln 2 n of 18th

Doan Joseph, laborer, bds 512 Belinda

Doan Richard, laborer, res 512 Belinda

Dobinski Kiezmir, laborer, res 817 Grant

Dodds Francis H, lawyer 401 Center, bds 600 N Jefferson

Dodds J, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, bds 215 William

Dodge Carlton S, tailor 816 N Water, res 305 S Madison

Dogde Miss Matilda, dressmaker Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 212 Lincoln Ave

Dodge Wm, setter Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Doe James, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, res 210 Mercer

Doe John, Propr Lumbermens Hotel, 1222 N Saginaw

Doe Joseph, lab B H Briscoe & Co, res 805 19th

Dogle E, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Dohlki August, laborer, res 143 North

Doil Owen, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Dolaghan Henry, engineer, res 513 Howard

Dolaghan Peter, clerk, bds 513 Howard

Dolak John, laborer, res 1402 15th

Dolan Dennis, policeman, res 419 S Monroe

Dolan John, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co

Dolan Margaret, operator, bds 916 Saginaw

Dolan Mary, dressmaker 916 Saginaw

Dolan Michael, laborer, res 916 Saginaw

Dolney John, laborer, res n s S Center nr Michagan Ave

Dolsen Alexander, watchman Dolsen, Chapin & co, res 302 Dolsen

*Dolsen, Chapin & Co (John L dolsen, Arthur B Chapin, Robert B Dolsen, L A

   Clark, Mrs Helen Wood), lumber, salt, staves and heading mnfrs, 2901 N

   Water nr City Water Works

Dolsen Daniel, teamster Dolsen, Chapin & co, bds kennedy house

Dolsen Francis, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & co, res 609 Dolsen

Dolsen John L (Dolsen, Chapin & Co), res 1600 Center

Dolsen Julia (wid Daniel), bds 713 Fitzgerald

Dolsen Landen, student, bds 1600 Center

Dolsen Miss Mattie L, bds 1600 Center

Dolsen Robert B (Dolsen, Chapin & Co), res n w cor 5th and Johnson

Dolsen School, e s Sherman bet 3rd and 4th

Domagalski Anthony, lab Gates & Chatfield

Domdey Bertha, domestic 241 N Jackson

Domdey Miss Mary, dressmaker E Heinemann, bds e s Munro bet 10th & 11th

Dominie Louisa, waiter Madison house

Domminoski John, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy

Domminoski Stephen, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy

Domoe John, laborer Rust Bros & Co, res 820 Bowery

Dompierre Charles, carp Bay City dry docks, res 205 Annie

Donahue Edith, domestic 1015 N Jackson

Donahue Philip, laborer res 1218 Water

Donardski Anton, laborer, bds 706 33rd

Donardski John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, res 706 33rd

Done Frederick, hostler Tyler & Sherman, bds Forest City house

Dong Clements, carpenter, res 1804 3rd

Donnelly Miss Catherine, bds 314 Belinda

Donnelly James, bds 314 Belinda

Donnelly Mary, domestic 818 N Trumbull

Donnelly thomas, laborer, res 314 Belinda

*Donnelly Thomas B, Merchant, Tailor 806 N Water, res 500 N Monroe

Donohue Patrick, laborer, res 1006 Fraser

Donohue Peter, laborer N B Bradley & sons

Donohue Robert, inspector of sewers, res 408 S Jackson

Donoir Maxim, drayman, res w s Monroe 1 n of 21st

Donovan Edward N, cigarmaker Braddock & Bateman, res West Bay City

Donovan John, mason, res 609 13th

Donovan John, fireman Murphy & Dorr, res s e cor 34th and Taylor

Dophunais August, millwright, res 312 Dolsen

Dopking Flora, dressmaker Mrs C Burnham, bds Campbell house

Dopking Wm, expressman, res 307 11th

Dorduski Anna, domestic 515 S Center

Dorduski John, laborer, res s s 33rd 1e of Stanton

Dorduski Martin, laborer, res 700 33rd

Dorduski Mary, domestic 300 S Center

Dorduski Stanley, laborer, res 712 33rd

Dorduski Strephon, laborer, bds 33rd 1 e of Stanton

Dorduski Thomas, laborer, bds s s 33rd 1 e of Stanton

Dorian Frank, laborer, res 1605 Woodside

Dorian Frank jr, laborer, bds 1605 Woodside Ave

Dorian John, laborer, bds 1605 Woodside Ave

Dorian Wm, laborer, bds 1605 Woodside Ave

Dorion Annie, dressmaker, bds 930 Bowery

Dorion Anna, domestic 923 N Grant

Dorion Evariste, blacksmith 930 Bowery, res same

Dorion Felix, barber 930 Bowery, bds same

Dorion Godfrey, clerk, bds 930 Bowery

Dorion Joseph, agent, res 114 Mercer

Dork Joseph F, Meat market 615 Bowery, res same

Dorman Alexander C, carp M C R R, res 609 Washington ave

Dorr Temple E (Murphy & Dorr), res East Saginaw Mich

Dorrien Wm, cook, bds 1221 N Jackson

Dorrington Charles, blacksmith, res 312 17th

Dougherty Catherine (wid Henry), res 1007 Webster

Dougherty Hugh, mach hand Bousfield & co, bds e s Webster bet 31st and


Dougherty John H, clerk Henry Selleck, res e s Webster bet 31st and 32nd

Dougherty Mary, domestic Conroy hotel

Dougherty Wm H, engineer H H Culver, bds 1007 Webster

Douglas John C, lumber mnfr, res 509 N Munroe

Douglass Mrs Jane A, nurse, res rear 814 Adams

Douphinois Theodore, laborer, res 710 Fitzgerald

Dow Emery, sawyer Dolsen, chapin & Co

Dow Seraphine, sawyer, res 908 Broadway

Dowd Henry, mason, res 115 Jackson

Dowdell Edward, watchman, bds 2607 N Water

Dowdell Wm, inspector, res 1021 Campbell

Dowling James B, bookeeper N B Bradley & Sons, bds 215 William

Dowling Joseph, plasterer, res 921 Bowery

Downing George H, cigarmaker Braddack & Bateman, res 519 Harrison

Downing Mrs Mary A, packer Braddock & Bateman, res e s Harrison 2 n of     35th

Doyle Charles, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Doyle Daniel, laborer, bds 111 Fraser

Doyle James, laborer, res 1003 23rd

Doyle Jahn, laborer, res 611 Wilson

Doyle Miss Julia, dressmaker P Hamilton bds 111 Fraser

Doyle Owen, laborer, res 522 S Farragut

Doyle Patrick, sawyer N B Bradley & Soins, res 820 Howard

Doyle Sylvester J, cigarmaker root, Willston & Co, res 303 Fitzhugh

Doyle Wm, laborer, res 111 Fraser

Draggo Joseph, ship carpenter, res 912 Fitzhugh

Draggo Rosa (wid Louis), bds 912 Fitzhugh

Drago Albert, photographer, bds 409 Stanton

Drago Charles, deputy sheriff, rs 608 Saginaw

Drago Frank, teamster N Y Hide Co, bds 608 Saginas

Drago Henry, sawyer Wm Peter

Drago Louis, ship carpenter, res 413 Stanton

Drago Wm, clerk A J Ashley, bds 323 Adams

Drake Ezra W, accountant frt dept M C R R, bds 1200 Grant

Drake George, shoemaker 512 N Water, res same

Drake Miss Ida M, bkkpr S Drake & Co, bds 610 Jefferson

Drake Miss Jessie B, bookkeeper, bds 610 N Jefferson

*Drake John, General Insurance; Office 6 Central Block, res 1001 Center Ave

Drake Miss Rose, bds 610 N Jefferson

Drake Samuel (S Drake & Co), res 510 Jefferson

Drake S & Co, (Samuel Drake), Fancy and Staple Grocers 400 Center cor


Draper Edward J R, elk H C Rosenbury, res 116 N Sherinan

Dregeau Henri, laborer, bds 106 N Water

Drepanier Louis, laborer, res 130 Mercer

Dresler Hannah, bds 522 N Jackson

Dreson August, fireman, res 309 S Madison

Drews Bertha, domestic Green Tree hotel

Drolet Victor, Meat Market 613 3rd, res same

Dronin Frederick, laborer, res 912 James

Drouere alexander, laborer, res s e cor Monroe and 33rd

Drown Edson, engineer, res 416 Saginaw

Drubel Emery, teamster, res 1702 N Sheridan

Dryer Albert, laborer, bds 1103 35th

Dryer Ernst, laborer, bds 1103 35th

Dryer Franz, laborer, bds 1103 35th

Dryer Frederick, laborer, res 1103 35th

Dryer Maria (wid August), bds 1103 35th

Drzewicky Joseph, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Duaby Richard, laborer, res 208 S Monroe

Dubey Grace, bds 315 10th

Dubie Richard, bell boy Fraser house

DuBois Winfield, first engineer steamer Metropolis, res West Bay City

Dubower David, laborer, res e s Wilson 1 n of 33rd

Duby John, clerk, bds LeFevre house

Duby Joseph J, elk Rosenfield & Danzinger, bds 716 William

Duby Justin, laborer, bds Lumbermens hotel

Duby Mary, dressmaker V M Curtis, bds 208 S Monroe

Ducey John, laborer, bds Kennedy hosue

Duchain, see also Duschan

Duchain Joseph, fireman Pitts & Cranage

Duchain Wm, trimmer Pitts & Cranage

Duchane John, laborer S F M Gates, res 1412 12th

Duchane John jr, laborer S F M Gates bds 1412 12th

Duchane Wm, laborer S F M Gates

Ducharme Levi, laborer Wm peter, res 206 Broadway

Duck Henry, laborer, res 818 William

Duckett Edmond, clerk J P Le Roux, bds Lefever house

Dudack Catherine, domestic 507 N Monroe

Dudek Annie, domestic 323 Bowery

Duford David, laborer Detroit Mills, bds 506 Belinda

Duford John, laborer Dolsen, Mills, bds 506 Belinda

Duford Joseph, shoemaker, res 506 Belinda

Dufren Anthony, carpenter Bay City Dry Dock, res 110 Bismarck

Dugas Arthur, painter, bds madison house

Dugra Alexander C, laborer, bds Junction hotel

Dugra Joseph, engineer McDonald & Shearer, res 1306 N Saginaw

Dugra Walter J, elk American Ex Co, res 914 N Sheridan

Duhch Sarah, chambermaid Campbell hosue

Dukarski John, laborer, res 803 S Farragut

Dukarski Joseph, laborer, res 525 S Farragut

Dukarski Valentine, clerk, res 717 S Farragut

Dukarski Wm, clerk Gedney Bros

Dukloski Mary, domestic 505 N Monroe

Dulong Anna, domestic 713 9th

Dulong Frank, porter Maltby, Brotherson & Co, res 209 N Farragut

Dulude Bernhard, salt maker, res 1212 Fitzhugh

Dumas Frederick, carpenter, res n e cor 33rd and Madison

Dumas Henry, carpenter, res n w cor Monroe and 33rd

Dumas Joseph, laborer, res n w cor 35th and Bowery

Dumas Louis, laborer, res n s 33rd 1 w of Monroe

Dumbraski Annie, domestic fraser house

Dumbrowski Matthew, laborer, res 826 Michigan Ave

Dumbrowski Michael, laborer, res 1501 12th

Dumdey John C, laborer, res 208 N Monroe

Dumeney Alfred, laborer, res e s Johnson 2 n of Bullock rod

Dumontier Philippe, cook Windsor house

Dunarsky Andrew, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Dunarsky Anthony, laborer Birdsall & Barker

*Bunbar Erastus L, supt and sec Water Wks, res 1200 4th

Dunbar James, lab S McLean & Son & Co, res 409 Taylor

Dunham Frank W, chimneysweep, res 1605 3rd

Dunham Nathaniel, Pine Lands, Lumber and Logs 803 N Water, res 1114


Dunham Wm E, painter Bousfield, Perrin & Co, res 1306 Webster

Dunham Wm N, bookkeeper N Dunham, bds same

dunigan John, bartender P Beith, bds same

Dunker Louis, clerk Goeschel & Hodgkins, res 323 9th

Dunlap Robert, foreman, bds Eagle house

Dunlavey Michael, gardener, res 1419 10th

Dunn Daniel S, clerk Washington & Rich, res 406 7th

Dunn Miss Ella, seamstress R Fitchel, bds e s Taylor bet 29th and Fremont Ave

Dunn George, foreman, res 909 William

Dunn James, laborer,bds Madison house

Dunn John, laborer, res 904 Fraser

Dunn Maggie, milliner, bds 501 Fraser

Dunn Miss Martha, clerk, bds 114 Adams

Dunn Reuben, helper George Ford, bds 501 Fraser

Dunn Robert, sawyer Detroit mills, bds 308 Annie

Dunn samuel, wood dealer, res 303 Atlantic

Dunn Wm, blacksmith, res 501 Fraser

Dunn Wm, laborer, bds Moulton house

Dunna Frederick, laborer Wm Peter

Dunning James C, dispatcher M C R R, bds 915 N Jackson

Dunsby Margaret, domestic 400 10th

Duphina August, millwright McEwan Bros & Co

Duplacy Alfred, lab N B Bradley & Sons, res 710 Fraser

Dwyer & Co (Daniel Dwyer, Horace F Munyan, Oscar F Braddock), meat

   Market 523 Harrison

Dyer Thomas, laborer, bds 217 Mercer

Dyer Peter, fireman Vigilant Hose Co No 2, res same



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