R. L. POLK & CO.'S
adv................advertisement n....................north, or north of
ab..................above n e cor..........northeast
ave................avenue n
s..................north side
bds................boards n w cor...........northwest
bel.................below opp................opposite
bet.................between propr..............proprietor
clk.................clerk res..................resides
s.....................s, or south of
cor................corner s e cor............southeast
e...................east, or east of s
s..................south side
e s.................east side s w cor...........southwest
w...................west or west of
mngr.............manager w
s................west side
names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers
Cameron George, laborer, bds 702 24th
Cameron James D, laborer, res 1215 Marsac
Cameron John, carpenter, res 702 24th
Cameron John jr, laborer, bds 702 24th
Cameron John C, bkpr McDonald & Shearer, res 603 N Sheridan
Cameron John R, mail agent, bds 305 Bowery
Cameron Mrs Mary, res 305 Bowery
Cameron Melissa J, seamstress, res 1011 N MadisonCamp Mary (wid Frank), bds 407 8th
Camp Rollin A, operator W U Tel Co, bds 601 Adams
Camp Silas H, laborer Dirdsall & Barker, res 1612 Bullock road
*Campau Frank X, Dry Goods, Gents’ Furnishing and Wall Paper, 607
Harrison, res n w cor S Center and Polk
Campbell Albert H (col’d), lab G W Mansfield, bds 514 N Jackson
Campbell Avarest, clerk, bds 909 N Sheridan
Campbell Bernard, butcher, res s w cor 22nd and Tuscola plank road.
Campbell Block, e s Water bet 4th and 5th
Campbell Brock, laborer, bds 200 8th
Campbell Charles, driver H Birney, bds Moulton house
Campbell Christopher, bell boy Fraser house
Campbell Colin, sailor, res 410 Taylor
Campbell Daniel, mason, res s e cor 31st and Michigan
Campbell David F, lumber inspr Merrill & Campbell, bds n w cor 23rd and
Campbell Elsie E (wid Wm B), res 213 N Grant
Campbell Emil E, draughtsman Pratt & Koeppe, bds 709 N Sheridan
Campbell George, lumberman, res 814 N Sheridan
Campbell Henry M (S McLean & Son & Co), res 207 26th
*Campbell House, Charles A Jay Propr, s e cor 3rd and Water
Campbell House Block, s e cor Water and 3rd
Campbell House Saloon and Billiard Room, S W Hurson mngr, 1016 N Water
Campbell Hugh, lumber dir, bds Forest City house
Campbell Hames I, draghtsman Pratt & Koeppe, bds s e cor Michigan Ave
And 31st
Campbell John A, painter, bds 407 Barney
Campbell John C, carpenter, res 460 Nebobish Ave
Campbell Joseph, laborer, res 2127 3rd
Campbell Joseph B ( J B Campbell & Co), res 909 Sheridan Ave
Campbell Joseph H, clerk A Huff, bds 1704 Woodside Ave
Campbell J B & Co, (Joseph B Campbell, Mrs Mary H E Taylor), grocers 702
And 704 Washington
Campbell Maggie, domestic 920 N Madison
Campbell Mary, domestic 909 Center
Campbell Ovid P, grocers 815 3rd, res same
Campbell Ralph, laborer, res 1006 N Jackson
Campbell Mrs Rosana R, dairy 460 Nebobish ave, res same
Campbell Samuel E, physician 615 Harrison, res same
Campbell Sidney S, res 1704 Woodside Ave
Campbell Wm, planing mill, bds n w cor 23rd and Marsac
Campbell Wm, bds 913 Bowery
Campbell Wm J, bds 1704 Woodside
Campbell Wm M (Merrill & Campbell), res e s Bowery bet 19th and 21st
Campeau Moses, lab Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 201 Hart
Campion Joseph, lab, res Tuscola plank road nr Pine Ridge Cemetery
Canartney Michael, sailor, res 715 William
Canell Jeddy, laborer, res 508 Belinda
Canell Lafayette, sawyer, res 611 Dolsen
Cantok Jospeh, laborer Eddy Bros and Co
Caplin Joseph, laborer, bds Lumbermen’s hotel
Capontet Peter, laborer, bds Junction hotel
Cappell John, laborer, res 1914 3rd
Captain Wm, laborer Eddy Bros & co
Captain Wm, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & co
Carey George, laborer Industrial Wks, bds 208 James
Carey John, molder Industrial Wks, bds 208 James
Carey Matthew, clerk bds 510 Howard
Carey Patrick, machinist, bds Armstrong hotel
Carey Patrick A, molder, res 804 19th
Carey Robert I, boilermkr McKinnon Mnfg Co, res 208 James
Carey Thomas, fireman, res 510 Howard
Carl Norman W, saloon cor 39th and Harrison, Bds 302 38th
Carleton Miss Aimee, clerk F X Campau, bds cor 29th and Broadway
Carleton Alice, domestic C R Gates
Carlo Frank, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Carlson L, laborer Industrial Works
Carmal John, laborer McEwan Bros & co
Carnathan Andrew, elk C F Gibson, bds 716 13th
Carnell John, laborer, res 106 Duplante
Carnell Robert, horse trainer, res 515 Wilson
Carney Edwary, machinist, res 607 Shearer Ave
Carney Edwin E, lumber inspr N B Bradley & Son, bds 239 N Jefferson
Carney Frank, mason, bds 715 7th
Carney Henrietta (wid Richard J), res 239 N Jefferson
Carney Margaret, domestic Edward De’Corte
Carney Martin, bartender E Tierney, bds s e cor 7th and Water
Carney Mary, domestic Louis Moss
Carney Mary (wid Michael), res 318 S Lincoln
Carney Patrick, mason, res 715 7th
Carney Patrick jr, Justice of peace 17 Watson Block, bds 715 7th
Carney Richard G, postal clerk, res 33 N Madison
Carney Thomas, res 904 Washington Ave
Carney T E Abraham, lumber, inspr, res 508 N Grant
Carney Wm, bricklayer, res 507 William
Carney Wm E, lumber insp Union block, res 610 N Adams
Carpenter Andrew J, fireman Bay City Water Works, res 2948 N Water
Carpenter Peter, fireman Pitts & Cranage
Carpenter Thomas, laborer, res 615 22nd
Carpenter Thomas jr, laborer, bds 615 22nd
Carr Dabney T, bds 730 S Lincoln
Carr Frank C, saloon 1103 N Water, res 801 4th
Carr James, blacksmith, res 206 Belinda
Carr Jane (wid Jacob), bds e s Stanton 3 s of 26th
Carrier Mrs Anna, portrait painter, res 1714 18th
Carrier Hubert, Druggist and Jeweler 916 N Water, res 1211 N Monroe
Carrier Joseph, laborer, bds madison house
Carrier Louis, carpenter, res 713 McCormick, McGrawville
Carriere John T, bkkpr J Obey & co, res 1208 N Jefferson
*Carrington Edwin T, Sec and Treas Rifle Boom Co and Au Sable Lumber
Co; office 717 N Water, Cottrell Block, res West Bay City
Carrol Mary, domestic Fraser house
Carroll Rev Charles, pastor Fremont ave Baptist church res 600 Webster
Carroll Eugene S, machinist E S Fitch, bds 314 Wilson
Carroll George, bookkeeper, res 1111 11th
Carroll House, T Luxton propr, cor 32nd and Harrison
Carroll James, moulder, bds 100 N Water
Carroll John, salesman Hammond, Standish & Co, res 2109 Broadway
Carroll Park, 1 mile e of court house
Carroll Sanford, salt packer, res 314 Wilson
Carroll thomas, boilermaker National Boiler Works, bds American hotel
Carroll Wm W, laborer, bds 314 Wilson
Carrow Flemming, Oculist 105 Center, bds s e cor 4th and Van Buren
Carson George W, carpenter, bds 200 8th
Carsono George, blacksmith, res 1604 Woodside ave
Carswell John, laborer, bds Republic hotel
Cartan James H, supt Saginaw River Boom Co, bds Republic hotel
Carter Alice, domestic 909 6th
Carter Allen, carpenter, res 412 Saginaw
Carter Bridget (wid John), res 1003 Taylor
Carter Charles, mach hand Bousfield & Co, bds 1003 Taylor
Carter Edward (col’d), pressman, bds 611 Hampton
Carter Elijah, manager Spears house
Carter Emma, domestic 302 Adams
Carter Ina, domestic 920 N Van Buren
Carter James, carpenter, res 206 7th
Carter James, laborer, bds Moulton house
Carter Maltby, produce, res 1320 Broadway
Carter Martha, domestic 813 N Jackson
Carter Robert A, foreman Hitchcock & Bialy, res n w cor 36th and Ingraham
Carter Thomas, carpenter, res 515 Broadway
Carter Thomas, laborer, bds Patrick Rogers
Carter Walker (col’d), janitor High school, res 611 Hampton
Carton Miss Lena M, principal Woodside Ave school, bds Campbell house
Carvey Abram, sawyer H H Culver, res 211 Polk
Case Dudley W, bkkpr George Ford, bds 1312 Woodside Ave
Case Galen W, laborer, res 1117 N Jefferson
Case Isaac, sawyer, res 909 Taylor
Casey Owen, pedler, res 401 Barney
Caspar Hermon, lab McEwan Bros & Co, bds Phillip Sparr.
Caspar Louis, laborer, bds Phillip0 Sparr
Casper Augusta, domestic 1000 Center
Casper Charles, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, res 2109 4th
Cassau John, te4amster Birdsall & Barker, res 1608 Ingraham
Cassidy Clara, dressmaker Mrs L B Morrison, bds 1208 Saginaw
Cassidy James, mach hand B H Briscoe & Co, bds s s 22nd 1 e of Stanton
Cassidy John, vessel captain, res 1208 N Saginaw
Cassidy John, foreman Michigan Telephone Co, res 1122 Van Buren
Cassidy John, machinist George Ford, bds 1208 N Saginaw
Cassidy Joseph, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds Belinda house
Cassidy Joseph, laborer, bds 1103 2nd
Cassidy thomas, mach hand B H Briscoe & co, res s s 22nd e of Stanton
Cassit Vancent, laborer S G M Gates
Caster Nettie, domestic 1012 8th
Castonguay John B, harnessmaker, res 1221 Grant
Castoniet Henry, lumberman, bds 1314 N Adams
Cat August, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy
Cate Charles W, conductor M C R R, res 513 N Monroe
Cates George, housemover, res 1808 3rd
Cathcart Fred A, clerk F X Campau, bds Astor House
Cathcart John L, bkpr Maltby, Brotherton & Co, res 1001 14th
Catlin Abel C, sec and treas Standard Machinery Co, res 203 26th
Catlin Andrew, teamster, bds 2313 Fitzhugh
Catlin Isreal H, foreman hook and ladder city fire department, bds 255 Saginaw
Catlin Samuel M, policeman, res 1212 Taylor
Catlin Willis (Russell & Catlin), res 414 N Jefferson
*Caughlin John W, Physician 6 and 7 McEwan Bld’g (208 Center), res 235
Washington Ave
Causeley Andrew, edger Pitts & Cranage
Causley Eliza, saleslady Breckler & Lewinstein, bds W Bay City
Causley James, laborer, res 1212 N Saginaw
Cauzineau Mathias, laborer, bds madison house
Cavanagh Maggie, domestic 206 N Madison
Cavanaugh Joseph, laborer Wm B Rouse
Cavill Martha, domestic 712 10th
Cayton Willis, laborer, res 216 Fraser
Ceeder John, setter, res 825 William
Center Street Parks, cor Center and Jefferson
Central Block, n e cor Center and Washington Ave
Central Tea Store, Wm Joyce mngr, 908 N Monroe, res s w cor 14th and
Cesleski Jule, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Centers Armand, lumberman, bds Turgeon house
Chabot Mrs Mary J, notions 410 22nd, res same
Chackiski George, laborer Eddy, Avery & eddy
Chaffee Miss Carrie L, artist, bds 1515 N Johnson
chaffee John A, fireman Detroit Mills, res 1515 N Johnson
Chalett John, laborer, res 206 31st
Chambeau Joseph, laborer, bds 510 Belinda
Chamberlain Clara E, housemaid, bds 508 Saginaw
Chamberlain Mary, domestic 407 Washington Ave
Chamberlain Viola M, nurse, bds 508 Saginaw
Chamberlin Charles S, lumber inspector, bds 316 N Jefferson
Chamberlin Francis A (B H Martin & Co), res s e cor 9th and Jefferson
Chamberlin Frank H, agt Mrs F A Chamberlin, bds 316 N Jefferson
Chamberlin George, harnessmaker, res 203 Harrison
Chamberlin Harmon A, lumber inspr, res 316 N Jefferson
Chambers Mortimer A, vessel captain, res 817 Fitzhugh
Chambers Urslee, domestic 911 N Farragut
Chambow Joseph, sawyer Eddy Bros & Co
Champagne richard, sawyer, res 1201 16th
Champaigne Charles, sawyer Wm Peter
Chandler Arthur D, barber W J Smith, bds W Bay City
Chanel Dominick, saltmaker, res 1321 Van Buren
Chanel Orson, drayman, res 1325 Farragut
Chapin Arthur B (Dolsen, Chapin & Co), res Saginaw City
Chapin Henry E (Dolsen, chapin & Co), bds 422 Washington
Chapman Blanche (wid Bidwell), res 1314 Center
Chapman Wm, clerk F & P M R R, bds 506 30th
Chapski Bernard, tailor H Rosenberg, res 822 S Farragut
Charboneau Paschal, filer, res 1823 Broadway
Charbonneau Isadore, lab Detroit Mills, res 415 Ketchum
Charlan John, filer Birdsall & Barker, res 901 Bowery
Charlan Zeb, blacksmith cor Harrison and 33rd, res 1905 S Water
Charlebois eugene, foreman Detroit Mills
Charlebois Ulrich, laborer, res 305 Shearer
Charles Alfred, carpenter, res 704 Barney
Charles Charles, blacksmith 1108 N Saginaw, res 1113 same
Charon Adolph, laborer, bds Madison house
Charter Wm, laborer, res 1208 Broadway
Charters Robert, lumber inspr 6 Bank block, res 609 7th
Chartier Peter, laborer, res 211 S Madison
Chartrand Baptiste, bartender Lefevre house
Chartrand Oliver, laborer, res Fitzgerald nr McEwan’s Mill
Chase A Lincoln, tel opr F & P M R R, res n s S Center nr depot
Chase Henry L, superintendent planing mill and yard Miller & Lewis, res
901 Fremont Ave
Chasse Wm, teamster Pitts & Cranage, res Woodside Ave
Chateauneuf Ephraim J, sawyer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 316 Stanton
*Chatfield Clarence B (Gates & Chatfield), res 612 N Jefferson
Chatfield Warren A, salesman Gates & Chatfield, res 1212 Broadway
Chavenean Artime, laborer, bds Three Rivers hotel
Chehear Kluffy (wid Hubert), bds 1321 Webster
Cherbenan Henry, foreman E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground
Cherry Andrew, laborer Bousfield & Co
Cherry John, laborer, bds Portland house
Chesbrough Mrs Addie, bds 107 McCormick
Chesbrough Alonzo, vice-pres Second National bank, res Toledo, Ohio
Chesbrough Mrs Tillie, bds 107 McCormick
Chesse Aleid, teamster, res 404 Woodside Ave
Cheston August, laborer N B Bradley & sons
Chevalier Charles, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Chevalier Charles, fireman The Michigan Pipe Co, res 708 Ketchum
Cheverette Josephine, dressmaker, bds 609 13th
Chevratt Miss Julia, dressmaker Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 609 13th
Chezinski John, laborer, res n s 34th 3 e of Mc Cormick
Childs Franklin E, music teacher, res 923 N Grant
Chiler Meadie, Lion Bottling Works, res 121 Hart
Chiliski Enos, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co
Chiliski George, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co
Chimara John, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res 1023 33rd
Chisholm Archibald, laborer, bds 217 Mercer
Chisholm Archibald, fireman Eddy Bros & Co, res 701 Barney
Chislinski Jacob, fireman Birdsall & Barker, res cor 33rd and Taylor
Choals thomas A, merchant tailor 810 N Water, res 818 Fraser
Chosay Sophia (wid Louis), bds s s Bismark 3 e of Atlantic
Chrcanowski Stanley, laborer, res 719 Grant
Chrigie Mary, domestic Edwin Lashbrook
Christe Henry, laborer, res w s madison 2 n of 22nd
Christe Joseph, laborer, bds Henry Christe
Christian Joseph, blacksmith N B Bradley & Sons
Christian Timothy W, candy maker Pomeroy & Whitney, res 604 8th
Christian Wm E, artist 1021 Broadway, res same
Christmann Jacob, blacksmith, res 309 McCormick
Christopher Littleton (col’d), patternmaker McKinnon Mnfg Co, res 1107 11th
Chron ‘Thomas, vessel captain, res 422 William
Chronicle Block, w s Water bet 4th and 5th
Chudzinsky Bernhard, laborer, bds 1007 S Center
Chudzinsky George, clerk, bds 1007 S Center
Chudzinsky Stalny, laborer, res 1007 S Center
Chulte Therias, domestic 1005 3rd
Church Hubbard H, ship carpenter, res 1906 Woodside Ave
Churcott David, carpenter, res 2508 Fitzhugh
Churmel Edward, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co
Chute Fred, laborer, rooms 701 S Water
Chyler Joseph, edger, bds 820 Bowery
Circus Wm, laborer Eddy Bros & Co
Ciesielski John, laborer, bds 809 S Sherman
Ciesielski Joseph, laborer, res e s Sherman 1 s of 19th
Ciesielski Valentine, laborer, res 809 S Sherman
Ciesielski Wm, laborer, bds e s Sherman 1 s of 19th
Ciesiolka Michael, laborer, res 1214 17th
Cieslinski Jacob, laborer, res s w cor 33rd and Webster
Ciszewski Frank, res 523 S Van Buren
City Hall, e s Saginaw bet 5th and Center
Clago Mrs Catherine (wid Stephen), res 1312 Washington Ave
Clain Helen L (wid James), res 317 Jefferson
Clair Wm, painter Daunt & Sharp, bds 121 mercer
Clancy Elisha, laborer H H Culver
Clancy Joseph, laborer H H Culver
Clark Alonzo B, mach Eddy, Avery & eddy, res 423 Bowery
Clark Miss Anna, bds s e cor 31st and Michigan ave
Clark Aralza J, stevedore, res 522 Saginaw
Clark Charles, boilermaker Industrial works, res 508 Bowery
Clark Edward C, cashier F & P M R R, res 506 30th
Clark George, lab, res Tuscola plank road near driving park
Clark Miss Hattie, teacher Seventh Ward school, bds s w cor S Center and
Clark John, teamster, bds 1113 N Jefferson
Clark Lorenzo A, laborer F & P M R R, bds 1200 2nd
Clark Lucius L (Clark & Cobb), res 912 8th
Clark L A (Dolesn, Chapin & Co), res East Saginaw
Clark Moses, laborer, bds 2144 2nd
Clark Thomas, laborer, bds 108 16th
Clark Wesley, fireman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 107 N Jackson
*Clark Wm B, Grocer and Provisions, Flour and Feed, 1300 N Van Buren,
Res same
Clark Wm B, bookkeeper, res 407 Jefferson
Clark Willoughby e, blacksmith, res 212 Fitzhugh
*Clark & Cobb, (Lucius L Clark, Horace E Cobb), Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Furniture and Upholstered Goods, 721 N Water
Clarke James, physician s e cor 6th and Water, res 421 Taylor
Clarke Jane M, teacher public school, bds 121 Adams
Clarke John, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co
Claude Edouard, lumberman, bds Windsor house
Clearmont Moses, laborer Detroit Mills
Clemans Isaac T, res 322 Adams
Clement Joseph, laborer, res 905 Campbell
Clements Mrs Addis, saleslady Mrs A Phillips, bds 309 N Jefferson
Clements Henry C (James Clements & Son), res 408 N Van Buren
Clements james (James Clements & Son), pres Bay City Gas Light Co, res
Ann Arbor, Mich
*Clements james & Son (James and Henry C), wrought-iron pipe, tubing,
Casing, etc, Industrial Wks blk, N Water
Clements Wm L, mechanical engineer Industrial Works and treasurer Bay
City Street Railroad Co, res s w cor 8th and Washington
Clements Wm S, lumber inspr Union block, res 1014 11th
Clermont August, carpenter, res 817 S Water
Cliff Samuel, sawyer E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground
Clifford Edward F, mach hand Mengel & co, bds 922 Harrison
Clifford Frank H, mach hand Mengel & Co, bds 922 Harrison
Clifford George D, mach hand Mengel & Co, bds 922 Harrison
Clifford John F (Mengel & Co), res 922 Harrison
Clifford John F jr, woodenware, bds 922 Harrison
Clift Wm O, teller Bay national bank, res 510 N Grant
Cline Leonard L, adv solicitor Evening Press, bds Campbell house
Cline Martin C, molder Bay City Iron Wks, res 315 Adams
Close August, elk C O Heumann, bds 505 N Sheridan
Close Frederick, laborer S G M Gates, res 505 N Sheridan
Close Frederick jr, setter, res 405 S Madison
Close Louisa, dressmaker Mrs L B Morrison, bds 508 N Sheridan
Close Sophia (wid John), res 316 Adams
Clover Benjamin L, machinist, Butman and rust, bds 216 N Monroe
Clover Benton, machinist Smalley Bros & Co
Clover Griffith H, machinist, bds 216 N Monroe
Clover Mary (wid harry H), res 216 N Monroe
Clover Meade G, machinist Standard machinery Co, bds 216 Monroe
Clras Wm, laborer, bds 139 North
Cluck Joseph, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Cluck Michael, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Clute Melvin L, vessel captain, res 800 6th
Clute Wilbur H, manager and editor Saginaw Valley Star, bds 725 Campbell
Coash Lewis, laborer Birdsall & Barker, bds s w cor 32nd and mcCormick
Coash Nelson, laborer S McLean & son & Co, res 1310 Stanton
Coash Peter, turner, bds s w cor 32nd and McCormick
Coash Richard, laborer, bds s w cor 32nd and McCormick
Coash Thomas, laborer, bds s w cor 32nd and McCormick
Coatie David, laborer, res 132 mercer
Coats Alsa, drayman, res 319 N Lincoln
Cobb George P (McMath & Cobb), res 501 N Monroe
Cobb Horace E (Clark & cobb), res 515 N Grant
Cobb James, sailor, res 715 Campbell
Cobb Miss Mary A, clerk P O, bds 501 N Monroe
Cochall Stephen, hostler P Lafrance, bds 801 4th
Coffell John, sawyer Wm Peter
Cockney Joseph, porter Commercial hotel
Coffin Henry, millwright Birdsall & Barker, res 243 S Center
Coglarek August, laborer, res s s 34th 1 e of Stanton
Coglarek martin, laborer, res s s 34th 1 e of Stanton
Coglin Wm, sawyer Detroit mills
Cohen Charles J, cigar packer, res 204 N Van Buren
Cohn Benjamin, cigarmaker Root, Williston & Co, res e s Van Buren bet 10th
And 11th
Cohn David D, clerk L Anthony, bds Brunswick hotel
Cohn Maggie, cook Elk hotel
Coir Edward, laborer, res 201 Fremont Ave
Cokeley James, machinist, bds American hotel
Cokely Francis R, wholesale meat and Produce; office Forest City house, res 603 McClellan
Cokely Frank P, helper Standard Machinery Co, res 610 Fremont ave
Cokely Frederick, clerk, bds 603 McClellan
Cokely Samuel R, carpenter, bds w s Stanton between 32nd and 33rd
Colbath Miss Effa J, teacher, bds s s 35th 1 e of webster
Colbath Winthrop, engineer S G Rice & Sons, bds s s 35th 1 e of Webster
Colberg Emma, domestic 248 Adams
Colberg John, laborer, res 1112 Wilson
Colbourn Peter C, laborer, res 416 Saginaw
Colburn Benjamin, photographer 1006 N Water, res 506 N Jefferson
Colburn Charles B, photographer 500 3rd, res same
Colburn Wm W, photographer C B Colburn, bds 500 3rd
Colbush Fritz, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Cole Darius (Cole & Holt)
Cole Frank, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 306 William
Cole George, watchman Detroit mills, bds 306 Annie
Cole Harriet (wid Alexander), res 806 William
Cole Peter, laborer, bds 806 William
Cole Phobe, domestic 114 23rd
*Cole & Holt (Darius Cole, Ira F Holt), proprs Bay City and Alpena steamers,
D Cole mngr; office Maxwell’s dock bet 4th and 5th
Coleman Augustus, bartender Schucker & Hopp, res 1st bet Jackson and
Van Buren
Coleman Emily (wid Jared), bds 1404 5th Ave
Coleman Fredick, engineer, bds 1202 1st
Coleman Henry, laborer Bay City Gas Light Co, res 1215 N Madison
Coleman Henry, laborer, bds 515 2nd
Coleman Miss Mollie, dressmaker 807 N Jefferson, res same
Coleman Patrick, shoemaker, bds n e cor 33rd and Harrison
Coleman Samuel S, bds 1506 N Sheridan
Coleman Washington, filer, res 1506 N Sheridan
Colgan Wm, general store 217 Harrison, res same
Coligan Joseph, laborer, res 910 5th ave
Collard Frank, laborer G C Myers
Collett Ludwig, laborer, res 2138 3rd
Collie John, laborer Wm Peter
Collier George E, engineer N B Bradley & Sons, res 1007 Bowery
Collier Hubert, sawyer, res 721 Fitzgerald
Collier John H, lumber, res n w cor Broadway and 25th
Collier Joseph, laborer, bds 721 Fitzgerald
Collins Alexander, teamster, res 513 S Monroe
Collins Alexander, laborer ross, Bradley & co
Collins Chester L (Holmes & Collins), res 405 Grant
Collins Elizabeth (wid Cyrus), bds w s Stanton 1 n of S Center
Collins Frank H, inspr Water works, res 408 2nd
Collins George T, lab Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 320 Fraser
Collins James, laborer N B Bradley & sons, res 708 15th
Collins john, lab ross, Bradley & Co, res 320 Fraser
Collins Rev John (col’d), pastor Second Baptist Church, res E. Saginaw
Collins John, driver Joseph Mills, bds same
Collins John F, clerk, res 508 N Grant
Collins Lafayette, carpenter, res 408 2nd
Collins Patrick, fireman propeller Armdell, bds Cumberland house
Collins Wm H, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 320 Fraser
Colly Frank, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Colock Louis, laborer S McLean & Son & Co
Colson S, laborer Rust Bros & Co
Colt Fatio, lawyer, bds 406 7th
Colter Elizabeth, cook 218 Washington Ave
Columbia Joseph, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground
Columbia Locadie (wid Alexander), res Middle Ground
Columbus Alexander P, lumber inspector, res 1307 3rd
Colvin Arthur T, miller Gates & Chatfield
Colvin George, laborer, bds Conroy hotel
Colvion John, sailor, res 703 2nd
*Coman Lucien S, Druggist and Apothecary 301 Center, res 1113 Center
Combs John W, pile driver, bds 923 S Madison
Comenski Michael, laborer Butman & Rust
Comet Minnie, domestic 418 N Jackson
Comett Robert, baker, res 105 N Monroe
Comlin Martin, clerk J B McBride, bds 513 Fitzgerald
Commercial Hotel, Allen Sischo propr, n e cor 4th and Saginaw
Compau Louis, soap mnfr 1711 11th, res same
Compau Phillip, laborer, res 214 32nd
Compeau Victor, cooper Birdsall & Barker
Comstock Miss Eliva, bds 309 Polk
Con David, laborer, bds 515 2nd
Concordia Block, n e cor Center and Adams
Conderman Jay, bds 414 N Monroe
Condon John, gardener, res 1300 9th
Cone Charles O, lumberman, res 508 Fraser
Conelly Maggie, domestic 1302 Center
Coney Frank A, laborer, bds s w cor 8th and Adams
Coney Lillian, bds s w cor 8th and Adams
Coney Mrs Margaret (wid Thomas E), res s w cor 8th and Adams
Coney Robert S, shoemaker, bds s w cor 8th and Adams
Coney thomas, laborer, bds s w cor 8th and Adams
Congdon Wallace, engineer M C R R, bds 606 2nd
Conklin Benson, deputy U S marshal, res 507 N Farragut
Conklin Mrs Euphemia, bds 700 31st
Conklin George, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res Harrison
Conley Frank, hostler, bds Commercial hotel
Conley Sarah, bds 113 Broadway
Conlin Martin, teamster, bds 513 Fitzgerald
Conlin Michael, teamster Eddy Bros & Co, res 513 Fitzgerald
Conlin Stephen, laborer, bds 513 Fitzgerald
Conmey Joseph, mason, res 504 S Van Buren
Conmey Thomas, boots and shoes 610 N Water, res s w cor 8th and Adams
Connell James, setter F E Bradley & Co
Connell John, laborer, res 1218 N Water
Connelly Kate, domestic 258 Washington Ave
Connnelly Margaret (Connelly & Ghent), bds 1307 17th
Connelly Mary, tailoress, bds 338 nebobish Ave
Connelly Michael, wood carver M Lamont, bds American hotel
Connelly Michael, laborer, res 338 Neboish
Connelly Michael P, printer Evening Press, bds 1307 17th
Connelly Patrick, shoemaker, res 1307 17th
Connelly & Ghent (Margaret Connelly, Sarah Ghent), Bakers and Confectioners 1108 12th
Conner Wm, watchman 900 Fraser
Connolly christine, domestic 915 8th
Connolly Miss Mary, dressmaker Bancroft, Thompson & co, bds 1116 N Monroe
Connolly thomas, laborer, bds Shiler house
Connor Abram, stonecutter, bds obey house
Connor Miss Eliza J, teacher, bds 1310 11th
Connors Thomas, foreman Detroit Mills, bds Spears house
Conrad Miss Cornelia J, bds 801 2nd
Conrad Joseph, laborer F E Bradley & Co.
Conroy Ann H (wid Michael), res 806 Fitzhugh
Conroy Hotel, John Conroy Propr, 708 Adams
Conroy James, laborer, bds 806 Fitzhugh
Conroy John, Propr Conroy Hotel, 708 Adams
conroy Miss Mary, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & co, bds 606 11th
Conroy Michael, laborer Butman & Rust, res 614 21st
Conroy Patrick, laborer, bds 808 Fitzhugh
Conscarski John, laborer McDonald & Shearer, res 514 S Sheridan
Constantino Frederick, lab Rust Bros & Co, res 501 Broadway
Constantino Frederick, lab Rust Bros & Co, res 501 Broadway
Conway James, laborer Birdsall & Barker
Conway John W, inspector, T H McGraw & co
Conway Patrick, lab T H McGraw & Co, res 1907 S Water
Conway, Wm J, lumber inspector, res 308 8th
Cook Addison C, physican, bds 609 Washington Ave
Cook Archie, bolter Detroit mills, bds Spears house
Cook Charles, laborer, res 1410 Johnson
Cook Elihu, carpenter M Lamont, res 1300 Trumbull
Cook Frederick, servant 1214 8th
Cook Frederick, lab N B Bradley & Sons, res 505 Lincoln
Cook Frederick jr, laborer, bds 505 S Lincoln
Cook George, blacksmith J Mathieson, res 705 Washington ave
Cook George, propr Anscomb house, n e cor 3rd and Washington ave
Cook George, laborer, bds 1410 Johnson
Cook George S, lumberman, bds Campbell house
Cook Mrs Harriet (wid John S), bds Anscomb house
cook Henry, clerk R Ferris, res 1108 N Monroe
Cook James, laborer, bds 1410 Johnson
Cook John, fireman Birdsall & Barker, res cor 33rd and Taylor
Cook John, laborer, bds 505 S Lincoln
Cook Thomas, policeman, res 217 Fraser
Cook Wm, laborer, bds 1410 Johnson
Cooke Aaron J (See Bros & Cooks), res 258 N Madison
Cooke Joseph H (J H Cooke & co), res Detroit, Mich
*Cooke J H & Co, (Joseph H Cooke, Charles W Whitmore, of Chicago),
Grain and Commission Brokers, Robert L Robinson Mngr, 14 Watson block,
Cooklaw Michael, laborer F E Bradley & Co
Cool Alfred, clerk L A Cool, bds 221 S Water
Cool Mrs Delia (widow Jacob), bds 513 Adams
Cool James S, mngr L A Cool, res 221 S Water
Cool Mrs Louisa A, Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, James S Cool Mngr,
219 and 221 S Water, res same
Cooley Edgar A (Hatch & Cooley), res 508 N Van Buren
Cooley George, fireman H H Culver
Coon Charles, sawyer Birdsall & Barker
Coon Sarah, tailoress W E Teall, bds 211 Stanton
Coon Wm H, filer, res n w cor 37th and Ingraham
Coons Justus W, laborer, res 1019 21st
Cooper Frank, engineer, res n w cor Hampton and 5th
Cooper James, sawyer N B Bradley & Sons, res 214 Fraser
Cooper Thomas J, Mngr W U Telegraph Co, 811 N Water, res 601 N Grant
Coquette Henry, laborer S McLean & Son & co
Cora Peter, laborer, res 508 2nd
Corbin George, boilermaker, res 1809 12th
Corbishly Alert, printer, bds Lake house
Core Peter, laborer, res 508 2nd
Corman Patrick, shoemaker A Gutch
Corey Henry, farmer, res 610 23rd
Corey James, teamster Kinney & Lambert, bds cor Jackson and 16th
Corliss Mrs Catherine w, bds 517 N Van Buren
Cormier Louis, Propr Madison House, s w cor 1st and madison
Cormode Wm A, carpenter, res 901 S Madison
Cornish George W, lineman Swift Electric Light Co, res W Bay City
Cornish Harriet (wid Levi), res 807 William
Cornish John, laborer, res 2004 4th
Cornish Seneca W, teamster H Fox, bds 2109 Center
Cornwell Miss Ada, bds 251 N Van Buren
Cornwell Charles W, clerk A B Griswold, bds 251 N Van Buren
Cornwell Daniel, mngr J A Cornwell & Son, res 251 N Van Buren
Cornwell George A (J A Cornwell & son), res 251 N Van Buren
Cornwell Mrs Jemima A (J A Cornwell & Son), res 251 N Van Buren
*Cornwell J A & Son (Mrs Jemima A and George A), grocers, 522 Washington
Corriveau Louis, lumberman, bds Turgeon house
Corrigan Agnes, waitress Brunswick hotel
Corrigan John, patternmkr Industrial Wks, bds 306 Bowery
Corrigan Simon P, foreman Lake Ice Co, res 208 Stanton
Corrigan Walter, laborer, res 210 19th
Corville Nora, domestic 416 Saginaw
Corwin George A (McKeon, Henion & co), res Detroit, Mich
Corwin James, laborer Detroit Mills
*Corwin James B, District Agent Traverlers Life and Accident Insurance Co
Of Hartford, Conn, 9 Munger Block, res 514 N Jefferson
Corwin James B (Hill & corwin), res 1012 N Grant
Corwin Wm, barber 1102 N Water, res W Bay City
Coryell Charles, well borer, bds 114 23rd
Coryell Johnb, well borer, res 114 23rd
Goryen John, lime mnfr w s S Water bet 22nd and 23rd, res S center east of
coryen John, farmer, res s s S Center east of limits
Cosmoski Andrew, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Costello Daniel, laborer, bds Moulton house
Cooper Elmer E, engineer, bds 600 1st
Coss Julius, tailor, rooms 614 Woodside ave
Cote Frank, laborer F E Bradley & Co, res 907 S Madison
Cote John, laborer, res 706 William
Cote Joseph, laborer F E Bradley & Co
cote Joseph, edger Pitts & Cranage
Cote Joseph, res 610 Fraser
Cote Louis, laborer Butman & Rust, bds 610 Fraser
Cothard Wm, setter Hitchcock & Bialy
Cotter Richard, laborer, res 803 William
Cottrell Mrs Bettie R (wid Charles B), General Insurance and Conveyancer,
Union Block, Foot of Center, res 1012 8th
Cottrell’s Block, w s Water opp Fraser house
Coty Joseph, laborer, res 1317 N Adams
Couch Frank L, train dispatcher M C R R, res 236 N Jefferson
Couchon Albert, laborer, bds French hotel
Coughlan Arthur, painter, res 112 Center
Coughlan Emily (wid Wm), bds 317 S Sherman
Coughlin John d, engineer Michigan Pipe Co, res 1209 N Madison
Coulter Hiram, carpenter, res 504 14th
Coulter Wm H, carpenter, res 1515 11th
Coulter Wm T, clerk Wolverton house
Courtemanche Joseph S, barber O Courtemanche, bds Fevre house
Courtemanche Oliver, barber 807 N Saginaw, bds n w cor Jefferson & Center
Courtemanche Theophili, laborer, res 1010 Campbell
Coutermarche Victor, The Michigan Pipe Co, res 406 Annie
Courthard alexander, laborer, res 111 Broadway
courtright Daniel, carpenter, res 236 Adams
Courtright Mrs Elle, res 236 Adams
Courtright Morris L (Simonson, Gillett & Courtright) res 422 N Adams
Courtumanche victor, sawyer, res 411 Annie
Courvell Frank, laborer, res 507 1st
Cousins George E, compositor Tribune, bds Republic hotel
Cousins L W, laborer, bds 308 Stanton
Cousins Samuel, laborer, bds 308 Stanton
Cousins W Samuel, foreman, res 909 McCormick
Coutermanche Joseph, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co
couturier Joseph, carpenter, res 1920 woodside Ave
Covert James, foreman Young Bros, res 904 3rd
Covington Catherine &(wid George), res 518 S Farragut
Covington George, laborer, bds 518 S Farragut
Covington James, laborer, bds 518 S Farragut
Covyeow Daniel, sailor, bds 402 Annie
Covycow Miss Eliza, bds 2204 Water
Covycow George, engineer, res 2204 Water
Covyeow Ramiel, bds 2204 Water
Cox Miss Mary, bds 618 Adams
Cox thomas, intelligence office 818 N Water, res same
Cox wm, bds 1514 Polk
Cox Wm, mason, bds Park City hotel
Coyle Carrie, domestic 815 Center
Coyle Charles, lab McEwan Bros & Co, bds Elizabeth Coyle
Coyle Daniel J, letter carrier, res 115 S Farragut
Coyle Elizabeth (wid Robert) res s s Bismarck 4 e of Atlantic
Coyle Thomas, lab McEwan Bros & Co, bds Elizabeth Coyle
Coyne Delia, cook Obey house
Craft Harry, laborer, bds Elk hotel
Craft John H, sailor, res 905 Adams
Craig Abraham L, clerk Craig Bros, bds 501 William
Craig Andrew, blacksmith, bds American hotel
Craig Bros (George A and James), Grocers and Hay Balers 616 Bowery
Craig Daniel, machine hand B H Briscoe & co; bds 1323 N Jefferson
Craig Elizabeth, clerk, bds 501 William
Craig George A (Craig Bros), res 616 Bowery
Craig James, miller Gates & Chatfield
Craig James (Craig Bros) bds 501 William
Craig John, teamster Birdsall & Barker
Craig Miss Lizzie, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 501 Williams
Craig Mary (wid John), res 501 William
Craig Robert, porter Maltby, Brotherton & Co, res West Bay City
Craig Wm, traveling agent, bds Rouech house
Cramer Lawrence, blacksmith, res 1400 18th
Cramer Miss Minnie, bds 302 N Farragut
Cramer Thomas, carpenter, bds 1400 18th
Crampton Charles, farmer, res e s Lincoln ave n of S Center
Crampton Eliza (wid John), res 907 Polk
Crampton George S, carriagemaker, res 400 2nd
Crampton Kitty R, dressmaker Mrs Merritt, bds e s Lincoln bet 31st and 32nd
Crampton Mary (wid Cook), bds 913 N Sheridan
Cranage Block, s s Center bet Washington ave and Adams
Cranage Samuel P, lumber, bds 615 Center
*Cranage Thomas jr (Pitts & Cranage), res 615 Center
Craney Frank, saltmaker, bds 1207 Grant
Craney John, machine hand, res 1419 Marsac
Craney Thomas, patentee, res 1207 Grant
Crash Elsie, domestic 1504 2nd
Grave Joseph, laborer, res 1301 N Madison
Graven Elmer, mason, res 810 Fitzhugh
Craves Frederick, lumber inspector, bds 104 S Van Buren
Crawford John, elk Eddy Bros & Co, bds 422 Washington Ave
Crawford Mattie, bds 422 Washington Ave
Crawford Wm, salesman, Fraser house
Crawford Wm H (Sprague & Co), res 422 Washington Ave
Crawford Willis H, laborer 509 4th
Crawley Charles, molder, res 118 N Van Buren
Creeley Wm, boilermaker, res 213 S Madison
Crego John, laborer Miller & Lewis
Crego Joseph, laborer Miller & Lewis
Crensene Frederick, laborer Miller & Lewis
Crickett Patrick, engineer, res 1405 Webster
Crickett Thomas, student bds 1405 Webster
Crimmins Frank, engineer M C R R, bds 606 2nd
Crissie Henry, laborer John Young
Crissup Charles (col’d) second cook propeller Arundell
Crissy Sidney R, train dispatcher M C R R, res W Bay City
Croar Michael, laborer, bds 102 parker
Croboski James, laborer E J Hargrave & Son
Croft John, laborer, res s s 2nd 5 e of Trumbull
Crogan james, laborer, bds Moulton house
Crone August, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water
Crone Charles, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water
Cronell Leonard, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co
Crook Nellie, domestic 909 Center
Crosbie Wm, Wagon, Buggies, Mill Carts and General Blacksmith 1018
N Saginaw, res same
Crosky Peter, fireman Murphy & dorr
Cross Ella S, mngr C H Sutliff, bds 622 N Jefferson
Cross Emma, bds 307 11th
Cross Eugene (col’d) fireman S G M Gates, res w s Trumbull 2 s of 2nd
Cross Frederick, saloon, res 1900 3rd
Cross James, blacksmith Bay City Street R R Co, res 2419 S Water
Cross Lucy, domestic 236 N Jefferson
Croteau Annie, domestic Alexander Dolson
Crothers James R, res 807 Fitzhugh
Crothers Matthew J, filer G C Myers res s e cor 35th and Webster
Croto Charles, laborer, res 105 18th
Crotter Richard, laborer Rust Bros & Co
Crotty Miss Bridget, seamstress, bds 108 Hart
Crotty Henry, books 810 N Water, rms cor 8th and Adams
Crottty James, foreman, res 108 Hart
Crotty Miss Mary, teacher, bds 108 Hart
Crouse John, laborer S McLean & Son & Co
Crowder George, laborer Wm Peter
Crowher Margaret domestic, 913 N Monroe
Crowley Charles, brakeman, bds Spears house
Crowley Dennis, grocer 108 Fitzhugh, res same
Crowley hannah (wid Michael), res 808 William
Crowley John P, lab, Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 808 William
Crowley Mary E, domestic 500 N Van Buren
Crowther Frederick, plumber, bds 417 William
Crowther George A, laborer, res 417 William
Crump Miss Catherine, bds 609 Polk
Culbert Alexander, bookkeeper Pitts & ‘Cranage, res 815 N Monroe
Culbert Mary A (wid Duncan), bds 815 N Monroe
Culbig John, laborer Miller & Lewis
Cull Herbert H, carver, bds Obey house
Cullen Miss Catherine, milliner Mrs C Shephard, res West Bay City
Cullen Miss Kate, telephone operator, bds 309 S Monroe
Cullen Margaret (wid Patrick), res 309 S Monroe
Cullen Maggie, telephone operator, bds 309 S Monroe
Culver Aden J, lumber inspector, bds 924 N Monroe
Culver Angeline (wid Descom), bds 900 Center
Culver Frank L, law student, bds 924 N Monroe
Culver Miss Harriet, bds 910 Center
Culver Horace H, shingle mnfr e s S Water nr 29th, res 1404 5th
Culver J W, bds rouech house
Culver Leman L, lumberman, res 924 N Monroe
Culver Wilmer H, bds 924 N Monroe
Cumberland House, Charles Mozealous Propr, 1206 N Water
Cummings Alphonso, manager Wm Peter, res 246 Adams
Cummings Charles, carpenter, res 817 S Water
Cummings Eugene, comp Saginaw Valley Star, res West Bay City
Cummings Margaret, domestic 818 Saginaw
Cummings Thomas, scaler Birdsall & Barker, res n s S Center e of Michigan
Cunning alexander, clerk Andrew Cunning & Co, bds 211 McCormick
Cunning Andrew (Andrew Cunning & Co), res 211 Mc Cormick
*Cunning Andrew & Co, (Andrew Cunning), Lime Mnfrs and Dealers in
Coal, Wood, Stone, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Fire Brick and Clay, S Water
Ft of 24th
Cunning Miss Lizzie, bds 211 McCormick
Cunningham Bridget, domestic 413 S Monroe
Cunningham Edward, laborer, res 715 19th
Cunningham John D, elk Second National bank, bds 911 6th
Cunningham Joseph, foreman S G M Gates, res w s N Water foot of 7th
Cunningham Martin, fireman Pitts & Cranage, res 1318 Johnson
Cunningham Robert S, dentist n w cor Center and Adams, res 911 6th
Cunningham Wm, Physician 911 6th, res same
*Cupit J Wm, lumber, res 1114 8th
Curley Miss Annie, bds 107 Skinner
Curley Henry, mason, bds 109 Skinner
Curley John, laborer, res 109 Skinner
Curley John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co
Curley Michael, grocer 414 19th, res same
Curley Warren, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 109 Skinner
Curran James, coachman 404 10th
Curran John, salt maker Eddy Bros & Co, res 126 Mercer
Curren Frank, laborer Wm Peter
Currey Caleb M, Sewing Machines 810 N Water, res 908 Washington ave
Currey Daniel R, insurance, res 914 6th
Currey Wm H, bookkeeper Tousey & Jennison, bds Rouech house
Currey Wm W, ins agt, res w s Stanton bet 27th and 28th
Currey John, laborer, res 411 31st
Curry Samuel, teamster Merrill & Campbell, bds 814 30th
Curtis Charles, watchman stmr Metropolis, res W Bay City
Curtis Miss Hattie, bds 210 5th
Curtis Miss N E, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, res cor 8th and Monroe
Curtis Victoria M (wid Modeste(), dressmkr 210 5th, res same
*Curtiss Charles D, with T H McGraw & Co, res 709 N Grant
Curvan Frank, laborer Bay City Iron Co
Cush John, edger Butman & Rust
Cush Joseph, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Cushway Charles, engineer, res 409 Shearer
Cusmies james, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy
Cusmies Michael, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy
Cusson Edmund, laborer Eddy, Avery & eddy
Cusson Edwin, foreman, res 1318 Jefferson
Cusson Frederick, bartender M Peltier, bds same
Cusson Joseph, foreman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 225 Saginaw
Cussorow Jacob, laborer Miller & Lewis
Custom House, e s Saginaw 1 s of 5th
Custom House office, R Glover, deputy collector, s e cor 5th and Saginaw
Custro Herman, laborer Miller & Lewis
Cuthbert Charles, farmer, res e s Tuscola Plank road 1 n of 12th
Cuthbert Horace G, laborer, bds 1509 Broadway
Cuthbert Lance, laborer B H Briscoe & Co
Cuthbert Lincoln, laborer, bds 1509 Broadway
Cuthbert Maggie E, domestic 221 Bowery
Cuthbert Mary (wid Richard), res 1509 Broadway
Cuthbert Ulysses S G, cigarmaker Root, Williston & Co, bds 1509 Broadway
Cuthbertson Mary, domestic Campbell house
Cwiklinski Stanislaus, laborer e s Sherman 1 s of 16th
Cyganek Joseph, laborer 1101 22nd
Cymore Joseph, sawyer, bds Lumbermen’s hotel
Cyr Alfred, laborer, bds Lumbermen’s hotel
Cyr Joseph, cook, bds Lumbermen’s hotel
Czerwinski Frank, laborer, res rear 718 15th
Czesnikowski Frank, laborer, res 702 Michigan ave
Czubaja Micheal, laborer, res 413 S Van Buren
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