R. L. POLK & CO.'S




                        adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers.



Babcock Charles, engineer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 216 N Madison

Babcock Edward C, painter, res 1609 5th Ave

Babcock Edward V, painter, res 508 N Jackson

Babcock George R, clerk Bay City bank, bds 508 N Jackson

Babcock Julia, domestic 248 Washington Ave

Babo Miss Alice, teacher Dolsen school, bds 923 3rd

Babo Augustus (Charles Babo & Sons), res West Bay City

*Babo Charles (Charles Babo & Sons), and County treasurer, Court House, res 921 3rd

Babo Charles A, (Charles Babo & Sons), bds 921 3rd

*Babo Charles & Sons (Charles, Charles A and Augustus,) Grocers 923 3rd

Babo Miss Ida, teacher Dolsen schook, bds 923 3rd

Babstmann George, shoemaker, res 400 S Sheridan

Bachman Ashtoff, laborer, res 2131 3rd

Bachman Theresa, domestic 900 Center

Backelien Joseph, laborer Miller & Lewis

Backlen August, laborer, res 710 26th

Bacon Alfred, gardener, res 213 S Farragut

Bacon Alfred, coachman 713 9th

Bacon Elverton, mason, res 1113 Stanton

Bacon John C, fireman Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res n s 3rd 1 w of Park Ave

Bacon Salvina N (wid Homer H), res 417 Barney

Bagley Joseph, confectioner, dbs 17 Cranage block

Bagley Joseph, clerk T M Swetland, bds same

Bahlhorn Joseph C, painter n e cor 5th and Saginaw, res W Bay City

Bailey Albert, laborer, res 416 Barney

Bailery Charles H, barber 1206 S Water, res s e cor 24th and Broadway

Bailey Henry, foreman Ross, Bradley & Co, res 215 Fitzhugh

Bailey John, laborer Folsom & Arnold, bds 2607 N Water

Bailey John F, teamster, res 111 Bowery

Bailey Wilber N, engineer Pomeroy & Whitney, res 415 N Jefferson

Bailey & Orton Block, s w cor 4th and Water

Baird Alexander, filer Mc Ewan Bros & Co, res 168 McEwan

Baird Miss Ella, bds 168 McEwan

Baker Allen R, bds 815 5th Ave

Baker Charles H, physician 607 N Madison, res same

Baker Charles N, mach hand B Briscoe & Co, bds 1014 Webster

Baker Charlotte (wid Castle), res 815 5th Ave

Baker Clara, cook 911 Washington Ave

Baker Conrad, carp, res 114 S Sheridan

Baker Emery P, sawyer Hichcock & Baily, res 2311 Fitzhugh

Baker Frances A, tailoress W N Teall, bds 1014 Webster

Baker George, mach hand B H Biscoe & Co

Baker George, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 2607 N Water

Baker George V, laborer, res 1014 Webster

Bakery Henry, truckman M C R R, res 157 North

*Baker James, City Excavator, Office and res n w cor 22nd and Lincoln Ave

Baker, James H (col’d), barber 1017 N Water, res 226 N Atlanta

Baker James J, laborer, res n w cor 22 and Lincoln

Baker John, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Baker John e, student, bds 302 N Farragut

Baker Joseph, teamaster Birdsall & Barker, res n w cor Fraser and S Center

Baker Mary (wid Calvin), bds 208 S Monroe

Baker Milton J, teamster, bds n w cor Fraser and S Center

Baker Richard, propr Belinda house 605 Belinda

Baker Mrs T E (wid John), bds Fraser house

Baker Wm, stevedore, res 400 Washington Ave

Baker Wm, laborer, bds J J Baker

Balance F, laborer Bousfield, Perrin & Co

Baldwin Charles, foreman, res 201 S Madison

Baldwin Frederick E, miller McDonald & Shearer, res 508 9th

Baldwin John N, tanner, res 1604 8th

Balen James D, real estate 2 Griswold block, res same

Balkow Charles, baker Hamme & Co, bds 1114 Campbell

Ball Edward, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Ball Mary (wid George), dressmaker 504 Washington Ave, res same

Ball Wm, laborer S McLean & Son & Co.

Ballamy Wm T, clerk James McCabe, res 621 Birney

Ballance Frank J, mach hand, res n s 35th 1 e of Stanton

Ballance Wm C, laborer, res n s 35th 1 e of Stanton

Ballantine Allen (wid John), res 1608 Woodside Ave

Ballatine John, carpenter, dbs Spears house

Ballentine Amos J, inspr G K Jackson, res Adams

Ballentine David, steward “Peter Smith,” rms 1009 N Madison

Ballhorn Louis, laborer, res 313 Howard

Ballinger George, hostler Anscomb house

Ballor James, carpenter, res 202 Mercer

Ballou Mollie F (wid Dexter), res 814 N Farragut

Bambard Francis, dbs 1401 3rd

Bambard Frank, porter stmr Metropolis, res W Bay City

Bambard Henry, clerk Meeker & Adams, bds n e cor Lincoln and 3rd

Bambard Henry A, deliveryman 1401 3rd

Bambaugh Ida, domestic, 1013 N Farragut

Bammel Andrew, carp J Bammel, res 806 13th

Bammel Joseph, planing mill 406 N Water, res 408 13th

Bancroft Frederick A (Bancroft, Thompson & Co), res 501 N Madison

*Bancroft, Thompson & Co (Frederick A Bancroft, John W Thompson, Estate of Nelson S Butler), Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Notions, 303 and 305 Center and 806 Washington Ave.

Bandy August, laborer S McLean & Son & Co.

Banfield Edith, tailoress B Belworthy, dbs W Bay City

Bangers Peter, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res @ Bay City

Bank Block, s e cor Center and Washington Ave

Banker John M (Potter & Banker), res 1317 Webster

Bar Lena (wid Michael), res 1010 18th

Barager Malcolm, laborer, res 897 4th

Baran Michael, laborer, res w s Grant 1 s of 18th

Barber George W, millwright, res 915 1st

Barber James B, machinist, res n w cor 26th and Broadway

Barber Jane (wid David), res 415 6th

Barber Miss Jennie, bds 415 6th

Barber Oliver, druggist 1001 Bowery, res same

Barber Robert, fireman, res 415 6th

Barber Wm, lab Detroit Mills, res w s Park ave bet 2nd and 3rd

Barber Wm, setter W B Rouse

Barber Wm R, foreman Saginaw Balley Star, res 415 6th

Barbow Edward, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Barbow John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Barcelo Eugene, wks Robert Le Roy, bds cor 3rd and Monroe

Barcelo Henry, clerk M Hill, bds 615 3rd

Barcelo Hyacinthe M, physician 613 3rd, res same

Barcey Alexander, shipcarpenter, res cor Atlantic and Parker

Barcey Annie, domestic Wm A MCEwan

Barcey George, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, bds Alexander Barcey

Barcey Miss Mary, bds Alexander Barcey

Barcey Wm, carpenter, res 903 Campbell

Barclay Frederick W, tug captain, res 1015 N Sherman

Barclay James S, res 521 N Van Buren

Barclay Lymon, vessel captain, res 211 Stanton

Baribeau John, laborer, res 323 Howard

Barieo Frank, bell boy Fraser house

Barkell Nicholas, vessel captain, res 211 Stanton

Barker Columbus C (Birdsall & Barker), res 901 Harrison

Barker David, foreman E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground

Barker Edward P, sawyer Birdsall & Barker, bds 1800 Broadway

Barker Mary E, cook R H Blakeslee, rms 109 Center

Barker Willis H, lab Birdsall & Barker, bds 1800 Broadway

Barlow Robert (Barlow & Verney), res 1012 N Farragut

Barlow & Verney (Robert Barlow, Charles F Verney), House Movers 1008 N Faragut

Barn J, laborer S G M Gates

Barnard Barnard, clerk, res 500 Bowery

Barnard Caroline, milliner, bds 500 Bowery

Barnard Henry, engineer, res 314 25th

Barnes A T, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, res 819 Bowery

Barnes Daniel, sailor, res 407 Scott

Barnes John, salt packer, bds Belinda house

Barnes Miss Nellie, teacher Bay City academy, rooms 818 N Madison

Barnes S N, laborer, bds Moulton house

Barney Channcey J, farmer, res 2109 2nd

Barney Elton, laborer, res 2111 2nd

Barney Mrs Malinda, bds 231 Washington

Barney Moses J, saloon 1117 S Water, res 607 Broadway

Barney Philip, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 1804 Woodside Ave

Barney Wm R (col’d), barber W J Smith, res 919 N Jackson

Barnier Randolph, laborer, res 415 Shearer

Baron Michael, Jab N B Bradley & Sons, res w s Monroe 3 s of 33rd

Barrett Edward S, engineer, res 414 Marsac

Barrett Mary, domestic Anscomb house

Barrett S Frank, driver American Exp Co, res 415 Adams

Barrett Thomas, laborer, bds Madison house

Barron Elizabeth, cook Grand Central hotel

Barron Nathaniel, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Barrow Desrey, ship carpenter Bay City dry docks

Barry Mrs Sarah, milliner Mrs A Phillips, bds 317 N Jefferson

Barse Thomas, teamster Eddy Bros & Co

Bartel August, res 2122 2nd

Barthoune Frederick, laborer, bds 708 Taylor

Bartlett Clark, sawyer F E Bradley & Co, res 500 Fraser

Bartlett Hiram, saw repairer, res 501 Fitzgerald

Bartlett Joseph, laborer, res 1410 Johnson

Bartlett Lyman L, sawyer F E Bradley & Co, res 516 Fitzhugh

Bartlett Wm, jointer H H Culver

Bartlett Wm, laborer Detroit mills

Bartling Henry, lab F E Bradley & Co, res 215 S Jackson

Bartling Louis, laborer, res 204 S Sheridan

Bartlitt John B, clerk Windsor house

Barto Jacob, laborer, bds 1300 Michigan

Barton Edgar W, clerk Vail & Eddy, bds 1419 5th

Barton John M, sawyer Butman & Rust, res 314 18th

Bartoszewski Mary, stripper Root, Williston & Co, bds 806 Michigan Ave

Bartoszewski Peter, laborer, res 806 Michigan Ave

Bartz John, laborer, bds 2110 3rd

Bartz John F, laborer res 2110 3rd

Baruk James, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Baseman E, edger Pitts & Cranage

Basingthwaite Edward, res 410 12th

Basingthwaite Edward J, lumber inspr, bds 410 12th

Basingthwaite John L, bookkeeper Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 410 12th

Baskewipse John, laborer Birdsall & Baker

Basier Simon, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Bass Fountain (col’d), cook steamer Metropolis, res 205 Adams

Bassett Edwin H, res 315 10th

Bassett Ira, machinist, res 709 14th

Bassett John, fireman Detroit mills, res 309 Dolsen

Bassett Minnie, dressmaker, bds 408 S Jackson

Bassett Wm W, books 815 N Water, rms 501 N Van Buren

Bastow John, molder McKinnon Mnfg Co, bds 1012 11th

Bastow Joseph H, michinest Industrial Works, res 407 S Jackson

Bastow Reuben, amch Smalley Bros & Co, res 605 12th

Bastow Thomas W, waiter Rouech house

Batcheller Andrew C, cooper, res 417 S Center

Bate Abraham (Bay City Stone Co), res 909 8th

Bate John R, stonecutter Bay City Stone Co, bds 909 8th

Bateman Frank (Braddock & Bateman), res 215 S Center

Batzer August, laborer, res 404 S Van Buren

Batzer Frederick, laborer, bds 404 S Van Buren

Batzer Gotlieb, laborer, res 200 S Sheridan

Batzer John, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Batzlaff Henry, laborer, res 421 S Lincoln

Baulau Caliss, lumberman, bds Turgeon house

Baulau Clafase, lumberman, bds Turgeon house

Baulau Mahaise, lumberman, bds Turgeon house

Baumann John J, laborer, res near McEwan’s mill

Baumbach Albert, painter 119 12th, res Arbeiter hall

Baumbach Ernest, carp, res n w cor 4th and Trumbull

Baumel Antonie, mason, res 220 S Sherdan

Baumgarten Block, s e cor Center and Adams

Baumgarten Charles M, lumber inspr, bds D Baumgarten

Baumgarten Daniel, grocer, res n e cor Center and Adams

Baumgarten Edward L, bookkeeper, bds D Baumgarten

Baumheier Edward, Propr Michigan Freie Presse, 26 Watson Block, bds Republic Hotel

Bauxner Henry, laborer Eddy, Abvery & Eddy

Bauxner Wm, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Bay City Academy, H B Scott propr, 818 N Madison

*Bay City Bank (Capital and Surplus, $2000,000), Wm Peter Pres, George       Young Vice-Pres, George H Young Cashier, 200 Center

Bay City Base Ball Grounds, s s Woodside ave, bet Johnson and N Farragut

*Bay City Beef Co (Gustavus F, Louis F, and Edward F Swift), Chicago       Dressed Beef and Privisions 1008 N Adams

*Bay City Brewing Co, C E Young Pres, W D Young Vice-Pres, John B      Mortiz Sec and Treas, Louis Mortz Supt, s e cor 222nd and Water

Bay City, Caseville & Scbewaing Line, Lames Roberts Agent

Bay City Driving Park, Tuscola Plank road nr 23rd

*Bay City Dry Dock, on Saginaw river foot of Atlantic

Bay City Flour Mills, McDonald & Sherer Proprs, 1222 N Water

*Bay City Furniture Mnfg Co, H P Merrill Pres, W H McEwan Sec, T E     Webster Treas, Ira A Lount Supt, Lord opp Michigan Pipe Co

*Bay City Gal Light Co, Lames Clements pres, Charles R Wells sec and      treas, office Industrial Works block

Bay City Green Houses, John Irvine Propr, es Farragut bet 9th and 10th,     Office 810 Washington Ave

*Bay City Iron Co, B F Ray Pres, J Lindsay Vice-Pres, J Pond Sec and      Treas, Founders and Machinists, cor 1st and Madison

Bay City Public Library, Miss Julia A Robinson Librarian, 708 Washington


Bay City Roller Rink, A E Smith propr, s w cor 9th and Washington Ave

Bay City Saw Works, Beurmann & Schulenburg Proprs, 705 S Water

Bay City Stone Co (James H Tennant, Edwin Pryer, Abraham Bate), Mnfrs

   Of Monuments, Tombstones, etc, Dealers in Marble and Granite, n e cor

   8th and Water

*Bay City Street Railroad Co, James Clements Pres, W L Clements Treas,      Edgar A Cooley Sec, s w cor 11th and Water, foot of S Center

Bay City Trading Association, n e cor 12th and Washington

*Bay City Tribune (daily and weekly), E T Bennett propr, 905 Saginaw

*Bay City Water Works, 2941 N Water

* Bay City & Alpena Steamers, Cole & Holt proprs, Maxwell’s Dock bet 4th     and 5th

Bay County Court House, n s Center bet Jefferson and Madison

*Bay County Jail, s e cor Center and Jefferson

Bay County Milk Association (Limited), A S Munger Pres, E R Phillips Sec, 

   Wm Westover Treas, 812 Washington Ave

*Bay County Savings Bank, Alexander Folsom pres, G Henry Shearer vice-    pres, John Mulholland treas, 808 Washington Ave

*Bay National Bank, Byron E Warren Pres, John F Eddy Vice-Pres, F B     Brown Cash, 300 Center cor Washington Ave

Baynard Gilbert (col’d), saltmkr N B Bradley & Sons, res 823 Fitzhugh

Baynard G, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Bazilia Medore, bds 1213 Fraser

Beach Ambrose S, div supt M C R R, res 249 N Jefferson

Beach Artemas, photographer, bds 608 N Farragut

Beach Lyman F (Mason & Beach), res 513 Washington Ave

Bean Robert, laborer, bds 500 Saginaw

Bean Vina, domestic 408 N Van Buren

*Beard, Brigham & McMath (Wm G Beard, John Brigham, Jr., Wm G     McMath), Abstract of Title, Reas Estate and Loans, 1 Union Block

*Beard, Brigham & Tasker (Wm G Beard, John Brigham Jr, Reuben C     Tasker), Insurance Agents, 1 Union Block

Beard George (George Beard & Son), res 241 Saginaw

Beard George & Son (George and Harry J), carpenters, 241 Saginaw

Beard Harry J (George Beard & Son), res 241 Saginaw

Beard Wm G (Beard, Brigham & Tasker and Beard, Brigham & McMath, and     city treasurer), res 403 12th

Beardslee Jeremiah B, warehouseman F & P M R R, res 809 3rd

Beardsley Frank H, bookkeeper, res 1110 S Center

Beardsley James A, Books, Picture Frames, News Depot and Stationery

   617 Harrison, res same

Beardsley Milton J, sec and treas B H Briscoe & Co, res 706 N Sherman

Beardsley Wm, clerk, bds 617 Harrison

Beardsley Wilson G, tinner W E Larkin & Co, res w s Stanton 2 n of S Center

Beathem Wm, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Beanbien Alma, cook Pine River house

Beaubien Charles, bartender F Carr, res 407 3rd

Beaubien Edward, Propr Pine River House 605 3rd

Beaubien Henry, lab S McLean & Son & Co, res w s Monroe 2 s of 33rd

Beuchamp John, bartender Mason house

Beaudett Charles, clerk U L Beaudett, res s s Fitgerald 2 e of Shearer

Beaudett Uldarie L, grocer 911 Campbell, res same

Beaudie E, laborer Detroit mills

Beaudin Adolphe, printer Le Patroite, bds 408 22nd

Beaudin Alfred M, reporter Tribune, res 412 22nd

Beaudin Felice, printer Le Patriote, bds 408 22nd

Beaudin Miss Jennie, clerk, bds 408 22nd

Beaudin Miss Mary, bds 410 22nd

Beaudin Michael, janitor, res 408 22nd

Beaudin Miss Phyliss, printer, bds 408 22nd

Beaudin Miss Tillie, clerk Rose, Lewis & Co, bds 408 22nd

Beaudry George, clerk F Elbinger, res 709 3rd

Beaudry Max, laborer, res 713 Fraser

Beaudry Michael, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Beaumont Mary (wid Thomas) bds 320 Fraser

Beausejour Elzear, steward, res 715 Campbell

Beausejour Eusebe, blacksmith, res 716 William

Beausejour Joseph, T, clerk S Kaichen, res 1612 3rd

Beausejour Ulric T, tailor, res 506 Lord

Beausho Louis, laborer H H Culver

Beaustrein Wm, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Beauvais Fred, mill hand, res 1214 N Water

Beaver Lake Co ( G F Ambrose pres, J L Ambrose vice-pres, Charles E     Ambrose sec and treas), lumber mnfrs and dealers; office with G F     Ambrose & Co, Van Buren crossing M C R R

Beck August, clerk T M Swetland, res 809 Saginaw

Beck Henry, cabinetmaker, res 200 S Sherman

Beck Jacob, upholsterer 811 N Saginaw, res same

Beck Jacob jr, upholsterer Jacob Beck, bds same

Beck Mary, domestic 913 N Lincoln Ave

Beck Mrs Mary, res 1217 Wilson

Becker Miss Alice, teacher Sherman school, bds 1210 N Van Buren

Becker Enos, agent, res 1206 N Sherman

Becker Horace, laborer, res 1014 N Van Buren

Becker Mrs Lilian, music teacher, bds 1206 N Sherman

Becker Peter, laborer, bds Cumberland house

Beckett Michael, laborer Detroit mills, res 1322 Grant

Becktel Chester, clerk Lake house

Becktel Frederick, bartender Lake house

Becktel Horace (Becktel & Son), bds Lake house

Becktel John O ( Becktel & Son), Lake house

Becktel Mrs Sarah (Becktel & Son), bds Lake house

Becktel & Son (John O and Horace), Proprs Lake House n e cor 5th and


Beckwith Alice G (wid Luther), res 613 N Van Buren

Beckwith Antonette (wid Benjamin F), res 709 N Farragut

Beckwith Luther, lawyer Bank block

Bedell Cynthia (wid Albert), res 309 Polk

Bedor Frederick, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Beebe Charles, laborer, rooms 821 Barney

Beebe Edward H, sawyer, res 414 Fremont Ave

Beebe George C, druggist 109 Harison, res 410 Polk

Beebe Gordon, laborer, res 2209 Fraser

Beebe James, land looke, res 715 Barney

Beebe Lucy (wid Jonathan L), bds 1002 Campbell

Beebe Wm A (W A Beebe & Co), res 510 S Center

*Beebe W A & Co (Wm A Beebe, Joseph J Forcier), Wholesale Dealers in     Fresh and Salt Fish, Dredgers and Brick Mnfrs, Aster House Block

Beebe Wm H, clerk steamer Metropolis, res Detroit, Mich

Beecraft Amasa, bartender, res 1613 3rd

Beecraft Benjamin, laborer, bds Elk Hotel

Beecraft Wm A, laborer, bds Elk Hotel

Been Robert, laborer S G M Gates

Beers John, laborer S G M Gates, res 224 N Sheridan

Beers Joseph, salt packer S G M Gates, bds Belinda house

Beetham John, laborer, bds 820 Howard

Beetham Wm, laborer res 810 Howard

Behlmer Henry, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds Fordon house

Beidel Herman, laborer, res 228 N Sharidan

Beier August, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water

Beier Frank, laborer, res 216 Fitzhugh

Beith House, Peter Beith Propr, 510 N Water, res same

Beith James, bartender P Beith, bds same

Beith Peter, Saloon and Hotel 510 N Water, res same

Belanger Frederick, laborer, bds Peter Lamontagne

Belcer Andrew, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Belinda House, Richard Baker propr, 605 Belinda

Belgers John, laborer Detroit mills

Bell George, laborer, beds Multon house

Bell James, switchman F & P M R R

Bell Wm J, compositor Tribune, rooms 20 Granage block

Bellair Lena, domestic 240 N Jefferson

Bellair Leon, city circulator Saginaw Valley Star, res 308 18th

Bellair Leon jr, carpenter, res 308 18th

Bellamy Wm T, cler, res 621 N Birney

Bellar Joseph, gardener, res 406 Woodside Ave

Belleville Louis, fruits 400 Woodside Ave, bds Mackinac hotel

Bellord Peter, lab McDonald & Shearer, rms 920 N Water

Belmore Henry, clerk, bds Fordon house

Belmore Phillip, laborer, rooms 205 Annie

Belmort Louis, blacksmith, res 124 Hart

Belov August, lab Michigan Pipe Co, res s s North 1 w of Park Ave

Belworthy Barto, tailor 813 N Water, res 715 N Monroe

Belworthy Samuel, porter J AL Ambrose, rms n w cor Center and Adams

Bemlander Christian, butcher A Wald, bds Putnam house

Bence Alonzo, traveling agent, res 318 Lord

Bender Samuel, hide dealer, bds 109 S Madison

Bendish Christian, laborer, res 817 Wilson

Bendowski Stephen, laborer, res 720 S Farragut

Benham Henry H, machinist, res 912 9th

Benner Wm, watchman, bds 301 Marsac

Bennett Albert, lab Detroit mills, res 705 Ketchum

Bennett Alexander, riverman, res 1009 N Jackson

Bennett Andrew, lab Wm Peter

Bennett Catherine (wid Philo D), bds 608 N Madison

*Bennett Edwin T, Propr Bay City Trubune, Evening Press and     Lumberman’s Gazette 905 to 909 Saginaw, res 608 N Madison

Bennett Fanny, dresmaker, bds 115 Birney

Bennett Frank S, elk J H Cooke & Co, bds 246 N Jefferson

Bennett George, painter, bds 611 N Madison

Bennett Gerald, laborer, bds Moulton house

Bennett Germond F, with T H McGraw & Co, res 313 S Center

Bennett Henry, steamer captain, res 212 Adams

Bennett Henry H, barge captain, res 246 N Jefferson

Bennett Herman, vessel captain, res 1003 12th

Bennett Louisa, domestic 704 N Grant

Bennett Richard, laborer, bds Cumberland house

Benoit James, laborer, bds 1000 19th

Bens Miss Della, teacher Dolsen school, bds s s Woodside Ave bet Dolsen     and Belinda

Bens Harmon W, foreman Eddy Bros & Co, res 1707 Woodside Ave

Bens Harmon W jr, clerk, bds 1707 Woodside Ave

Bens Miss Mary, teacher Dolsen school, bds 1707 Woodside Ave

Benson Adelbert, laborer bds 321 Williams

Benson Julia, domestic 706 N Sherman

Benson Peter, laborer Birdsall & Barker, bds 216 McCormick, McGrawville

Benson Samuel, laborer, res 321 Williams

Bentley Block, n w cor Polk and 32nd

Bentley Bros (Murray G and Frank E), Proprs Block House and General

   Store, Bentley Block

Bentley Frank E (Bentley Bros), res Block house

Bentley Murray G (Bentley Bros), res Block house

Benway Alexander, teamster, bds w s Taylor 2 n of 32nd

Benway Charles, laborer, bds w s Taylor 2 n of 32nd

Benway Fanny (wid Frank), res w s Taylor 2 n of 32nd

Benway Leade, domestic, bds w s Taylor 2 n of 32nd

Bercot Auguste, gardener n w cor Bullock road and F & P M R R, res same

Bercot Frank, laborer, res 419 Ingraham

Bercot Joseph, gardener Auguste Bercot, bds same

Berek Ferdinand, laborer, res 417 S Van Buren

Berg Andrew, laborer E S Fitch, res 313 18th

Berg Andrew jr, laborer, bds 313 18th

Berg Bernhard, pedler, bds 310 S Farragut

Berg Mrs Rebecca, res 310 S Farragut

Bergan Carl, laborer, bds 612 S Madison

Berge Frank, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Berger Catherine (L Berger & Co) res 520 Bowery

Berger Lewis (L Berger & Co) res 520 Bowery

Berger L & Co (Lewis and Catherine), awnings, tents, etc, 520 Bowery

Berger Max, grocer 500 Washington Ave, res 715 N Water

Bergeson August, screen door mnfr 414 Saginaw, res w s Stanton bet 25th

   And 26th

*Bergevin Ephraim, Grocer, Meat Market and Liquors 518 Belinda, res


Bergevin Louis, grocer 514 3rd, res same

*Bergevin Thomas, Grocer, Flour, Feed and Grain, Tabacco, Cigars, Wines

   And Liquors 1100 and 1102 Campbell cor Johnson, res same

Berling Frank, jeweler 512 N Water, res 1008 3rd

Bernard Miss Carrie, milliner H E Hiliker

Bernard Joseph, sawyer, bds Lumbermen’s hotel

Berner George, laborer S McLean & Son & co

Berner Louis, brewer Bay City Brewin Co, res s e cor Marsac and 22nd

Berhard Bernhard, elk Bancroft, Thompson and Co, res 500 Bowery

Bernthal George, Carpenter, bnds 307 6th

Bernway John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Berry James W, watchmaker P Foote, bds same

Berry Thomas, bds Montreal house

Bersler F, rooms 13 shearer Bros block

Bert James, student bds 233 Adams

Bertch Albert, clerk Louis Bertch & Son, bds 1911 Center

Bertch Charles (Louis Bertch & Son), bds Rouech house

Bertah Miss Emma, teacher Farragut school, bds 1911 Center

Bertch Julius E, bkkpr Louis Bertch & Son bds 1911 Center

Bertch Louis (Louis Bertch & Son), res 1911 Center

*Bertch Louis & Son (Louis and Charles), Dealers in Fresh, Salt and

   Smoked Meats, 112, and 114 Center

Berthiaume Miss Clara, dressmaker Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds West

   Bay City

Berthold Angelina, clerk Leazczynski Bros & Menczarski, bds 309 Howard

Berthold Annie, laundress C Flax, bds same

Berthold Annie (wid George), saloon 309 Howard, res same

Berthold Joseph, butcher G Hine, bds 309 Howard

Besha Miss Agnes, dressmaker Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bed West Bay


Besnaett George, laborer, res 501 S Van Buren

Best__,photograher, bds 816 Washington Ave

Betcone David, brakeman M C R R bds 606 2nd

Betcone James D, laborer, bds American hotel

Betther Andrew, laborer, res 520 S Van Buren

Betzlav Charles, laborer, res 114 Fitzhugh

Betzlav Louis, laborer, res 114 Fitzhugh

Beurmann Lawriston, (Beurmann & Schulenburg), res 311 S Van Buren

Beurmann & Schulenburg (Lawriston Beurmann, Julius Schulenburg),

   Proprs Bay City Saw Works 705 S Water

Beusteren Wm, laborer Eddy Bros, bds 302 N Jackson

Beuthin Charles M, foreman J Wilhelm, res 1008 N Jackson

Bialy Abraham D, cooper, bds n e cor Morsac and 28th

Bialy Lucretia M (wid Abram M),res n e cor 28th and Marsac

Bialy Mendel J (Hitchcok & Bialy), res 303 Ingraham

Bialy Robert C (Bialy & McDonell), res 1003 5th

Bialy & Mc Donell (Robert C Bialy, Archibald McDonnell), hardware 1001

   N Water

Biarski George, laborer, bds Lawrence Diarski

Biarski Joseph, laborer, bds Lawrence Biarski

Biarski Lawrence, laborer, res s s North 4 w of Park Ave

Biddle Herman, fireman S G M Gates

Bienemann Christian, laborer, res s w cor 27th and Marsac

Bienenstein Andrew, merchant tailor 812 Saginaw, bds Republic hotel

Bies Charles, butcher L Wolf, bds 240 N Jackson

Bigelow Louisa (wid George), bds 404 Belinda

Bigger Andrew, fireman, bds 415 Annie

Bigger Wm, laborer, res 415 Annie

Biglow Isaac L, salt maker, res 513 Marsac

Bigoski Andrew, edger Wm Peter

Bilinski John, laborer, res 709 Webster

Bilinski Joseph, clerk, res 1406 18th

Bilinski Martin, laborer, res 720 Grant

Bilinski Samuel, sectionman F & P M R R

Biller Louis, pedler, bds 220 S Sherman

Biller Robert, pedler, res 220 S Sherman

Billington Wm, cooper Murphy & Dorr, res 210 Fitzhugh

Bimba Zera, laborer, res 114 Johnson

Bimelander Christ, butcher, bds Portland house

Binette Francis X, laborer, bds 615 Barney

Binette Joseph, laborer, res 615 Barney

Birch Robert, drayman, rooms 315 Shearer

Bird Archibald H, laborer E F Rouse, bds 1318 Marsac

Bird Miss Catherine, dressmaker 1318 Marsac, bds same

Bird John, laborer, res e s Michigan Ave opp 31st

Bird Margaret (wid Benjamin), res 1318 Marsac

Bird Wm, laborer, bds Moulton house

Bird Wm, stevedore, bds 818 N Water

*Birdsall Benjamin B (Birdsall & Barker), res 232 N Jefferso

Birdsall Hosea, truckman M C R R, res 336 Nobobish Ave

*Birdsall & Barker (Benjamin B Birdsall, Columbus C Barker), lumber and

   Salt mnfrs head of Harrison

Birney Block, w s Water between 4th and 5th

*Birney Henry (Burn & Birney), Omnibus Line 908 Saginaw, res 418

   N Van Buren

Birney James, attorney, office Birney block 921 N Water, bds Fraser house

Bishop Andrew, laborer, res 813 S Sherman

Bishop Rev Edwin R, Pastor Trinity Esiscopal Church, res 812 N Grant

Bishop Herbert, laborer Miller & Lewis

Bishop John, laborer, res 409 S Van Buren

Bishop Peter, laborer, res 922 Fitzhugh

Bishop Wm, machine hand, res e s Stanton 3 s of 26ht

Bishop Wm J, car repairer F & P M R R, res 1314 N Saginaw

Biskopski John, laborer, res n s 34th 4 e of McCormick

Bisnette George, teamster Ross, Bradley & Co

Bison Felix, laborer, bds Ottawa house

Bison Frank, Propr Ottawa House n e cor 18th and Water

Bison Joseph, laborer, bds Ottawa house

Bissell Prosper D, farmer, res Tuscola plank road nr toogate

Bissonnette Anthony, clerk Joseph Valliers

Bite Cyrelle, laborer, bds Ottawa house

Bizewaski Michael, saloon 615 S Farragut, res same

Blachet Miss Emma, bds 112 Belinda

Blachet George, laborer, bds 112 Belinda

Blachet James, laborer, bds 112 Belinda

Blachet John, laborer, bds 112 Belinda

Blachet Joseph, laborer, bds 112 Belinda

Blachet Napoleon, laborer, res 112 Belinda

Blachet Peter, laborer, bds 112 Belinda

Black Charles, res 216 N Jackson

Black Miss Helen, dressmaker, bds 102 N Jefferson

Black Laue, res 2-1 S Madison

Black Miss Margaret A, dressmaker, bds 103 N Jefferson

Black Michael, laborer, bds Armstrong hote

Black Oliver J, plumber, bds 103 N Jefferson

Black Robert J, plumber, bds 103 N Jefferson

Black Miss Violet, bds 604 12th

Blackbourn Joseph, laborer Wm Peter

Balackburn Ernest, laborer, res 908 James

Blackburn James, laborer, bds Lake house

Blackburn John, laborer, bds Lake house

Blackburn Peter, fireman E J Hargrave & Son

Blackburn Robert, laborer, bds Lake House

Blackburn Robert, teamster Perkins& Houghton, res West Bay City

Blackmer Edson, boilermaker, res 706 18th

Blacktop John, laborer, res 107 N Jefferson

Bladecki Joseph, laborer, res 514 S Jackson

Bladeski Anthony, laborer, bds s s 17th 2 e of Monroe

Bladeski Martin, laborer, res s s 17th 2 e of Monroe

Blagejevoski Frank, laborer, res 1212 Jennison Ave

Blain Miss Jeanie B, teacher 18th st school, bds 919 Broadway

Blaine Arthur, laborer G C Myers

Blaine Charles, laborer, bds 1001 Stanton

Blaine Christopher, lab, res 221 McCormick, McGrawville

Blaine Henry, teamster Birdsall & Barker, bds 221 McCormick, McGrawville

Blair Adolphus, bds 1209 Taylr

Blair Jeremish N, laborer, res 210 31st

Blair Matthew, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Blair Napoleon, fireman Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Blake David, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Blaker Anna (wid John), bds 218 Adams

Blakeslee Frederick H, restaurant 109 Center, rooms same

Blakeslee Walter, B, teamster Clark & Cobb, res 700 N Madison

Blanchard Charles, cutter E F Rouse

Blanchard Charles, sawyer H H Culver, bds 920 Fraser

Blanchard Elizabeth (wid Enos) bds 905 9th

Blanchard Jeremiah, packer H H Culver

Blanchard Joseph, engineer, bds Campbell house

Blanchard R T , lumberman, bds Windsor House

Blanchard Samuel, laborer, res 920 Fraser

Blanchard Wm, sawyer H H Culver

Blanchet George, propr Blanchet House 1222 Jefferson

Blanchet House, George Blanchet propr, 1222 Jefferson

Blanchett Miss Georgiana, seamstress, bds 1405 Woodside Ave

Blanchett Joseph, engr prop Arundell, bds Campbell house

Blase James, laborer Miller & Lewis

Blaser Gabriel, cabinetmaker H C Rosenbury, res 2116 3td

Blazejesky Frank, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Blesnak John, laborer, res 708 18th

Bliesener Wm, laborer, res 119 North

Blinkey Sandy, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Blint Caroline, domestic, res 609 N Madison

Block Augusta, domestic Fraser house

Block House, Bentley Bros proprs, Bently block

Block M, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Blodgett Arthur J, clerk S Drake & co, bds 818 Adams

Bloedon Block, n s Center bet Water and Saginaw

Blohm John, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, res 101 Parker

Blondin Adolph, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co.

Blondin Alexander, lab Folsom & Arnold, res 2604 N Water

Blondin Clarissa (wid Louis), bds 1404 Johnson

Blondin Dominick A, Musician, Furnishes Music for Balls, Parties, etc, bds      Cumberland house

Blondin Louis, laborer Detroit Mills, res 1404 Johnson

Blondin Theophile, laborer, res 116 Longtin

Bloomfield Charles J, bill poster and billard hall 713 N Water, res 1215 12th

Blouin Oliver, grocer 1104 Campbell, res 1106 Campbell

Bluditski Joseph, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Bluemke Wm, lab Eddy Avery & Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 245 N Jackson

Blum Frank G, upholsterer See Bros & Cooke, res 209 N Monroe

Blush Edward, laborer, rooms 1108 N Jackson

Blyth James, laborer, bds 1320 Trumbull

Board of Water Works, city building

Bobinski Paul, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Bodar Frederick, laborer, res 602 Fitzhugh

Bodenstein Miss Frederica, teacher Dolsen school, bds 622 N Jefferson

Bodki Henry, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Bodwear Adolphus, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Bodwin Vetall, blacksmith rear s w cor Belinda and Woodside Ave

Boehm Max, lab S McLean & Son & Co, res 103 Staton

Boes Jacob, butcher G W Mansfield, rooms 115 3rd

Bogert Charles A, physician 101 N Jefferson, res same

Bohn Albert F, engineer, res 508 Shearer

Bohn John, laborer, res 103 Barney

Bohn Robert, carpenter M Lamont, bds 105 Stanton

Boice Miss Mamie, dressmaker A M Huff, bds S Center

Boileau Joseph, laborer, bds Ottawa house

Boise Albert, laborer, bds 2501 Fitzhugh

Boise Jacob, laborer, res 2501 Fitzhugh

Boise Miss Mary, bds 2501 Fitzhugh

Boisseau John B A, laborer, res 713 Fraser

Boissonnault Alphonse, laborer, bds Madison house

Boiteu George F, shoemaker H A Boitueu, res 711 Taylor

Boiteu George C, musician, bds 711 Taylor

Boiteu Henry A, Boots and Shoes 209 Harrison, res 404 Polk

Boiteu Lester J, cooper, res 209 Freemont

Boitois John, fireman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, bds 901 William

Bokowski George, laborer, res 814 15th

Bokowski Joseph, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Bokuski Anton, laborer, bds 411 31st

Bokuski Martin, laborer, res 411 31st

Boland Wm, laborer, bds Armstrong hotel

Boles James, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Bomea Matilda, domestic, bds 406 23rd

Bond Frederick, laborer, bds Republic hotel

Bondy L, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Bone Elizabeth, domestic Fraser house

Bonem Benjamin, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, res 913 James

Bonjeaux A, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Bonjeaux Emil, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Bonnem Levi, barkeeper, bds 607 Broadway

Bonner Adolphis, laborer, res 1215 Fraser

Bonner Joel, laborer, res 916 James

Bonner Joseph, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, res 918 James

Bonnette Clark, vlerk Romer, Lovell & Co, res 507 N Van Buren

Bonser John E, compositor Trubune, res 1321 Water

Booblets Ernest, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Booblitz Charles, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Booblitz Gustavus, laborer G C Myers

Boody House, Claude Heme Propr, n w cor 23rd and Bowery

Booker Peter, engineer, res n w cor 35th and Fitzhugh

Booth Henry T, blksmith, res Tuscola plank road nr tollgate

Borchard Augusta, domestic 112 S Farragut

Bork Ferdinand, laborer C A Bresler, res 1419 16th

Bork Wm, laborer, res 200 S Sheridan

Borowisk Joseph, laborer, res s w cor 21st and Cheridan

Borris Albert, lumberman, bds Jefferson house

Borrow Alexander, salt maker, res 215 Broadway

Borrow Wm, drayman, res 112 Bowery

Borrow Wm jr, laborer, res w s Bowery 1 n of 35th

Bortles Wm, teamster Pitts & Cranage, res 1406 Adams

Bosley Dabid, mason, res 519 N Farragut

Bossieau A, laborer Rust Bros & C0

Bossner Nicholas, laborer, bds Elk Hotel

Bostwick Edward P, clerk Hammond, Standish & Co, bds Rouech house

Bothe August J, elk Romer, Lovell & Co, res, 215 N Farragut

Botsloff Wm, laborer, res 314 S Monroe

Botzliff Louis, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Bouchaid Catherine, tailoress Sirmyer & Edwards, bds West Bay City

Bouchaid Miss Florence, tailoress A C Mass, bds West Bay City

Bouchard Louis, laborer, bds w s Monroe 1 s of 33rd

Bouchard Louis, shoemkr H A Boiten, res w s Monroe 1 s 33rd

Boucheir Nelson, ship carp, bds Park City hotel

Boucher, Andrew, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Boucher Alexander, ship carp, res 209 Belinda

Boucher Levi D, trav Charles Supe, bds Brunswick hotel

Boucher Octavius, laborer, Wm B Rouse

Bouchier Louis jr, laborer Wm B Rouse

Bouchier Victor, laborer Wm B Rouse

Bouchon B, laborer Butman & Rust

Bouden Alexander, laborer, bds French hotel

Boudiette Samuel, shoemaker John Slade, bds Belinda house

Boudoin Adoloh, laborer, res 608 21st

Boudran Joseph, fireman, res 2402 N Water

Bouge John, deputy sheriff, res 212 6th

Boujean Albert, laborer, bds 419 Fitzgerald

Boujean Emil, laborer, res 419 Fitzgerald

Bourasse John, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Bourasse Telesphore, lumberman, bds Windsor house

*Bousfield Alfred E, vice-pres and treas Bonafield & Co, res 1200 Center

Bousfield Charles J, see Bousfield & Co, rooms 508 Harrison

Bousfield Edward F, pres Bousfield & Co, res East Saginaw

*Bousfield, Perrin & Co, John F Eddy pres, Alfred M Perrin vice-pres, Robert

   Ebousfield sec and treas, mnfrs woodenware 1024 Harrison

Bousfield Robert E, sec and treas Bousfield, Perrin & Co, res 301 34th

*Bousfield & Co, Edward F Bousfield Pres, Alfred E Bousfield Vice-Pres

   And Treas, Charles J Bousfield Sec, Woodenware Mnfrs: Office and Works

   Foot of 34th

*Boutell Benjamin (Mitchell, Boutell & Co and Mitchell & Boutell) res 913

   N Madison

Bouthwitz Edward, bookkeeper, bds 610 N Van Buren

Boutine Charles, cigarmaker, res 1008 N Jackson

Boutreau Julius, laborer, Bolsen, Chapin & Co

Bourtreur House, Johanna Boutreur Prop, 510 Lord

Boutreur Johanna, propr Boutreur house, res 510 Lord

Boutreur Julia, domestic Boutreur house

Boutreur Lena, domestic Boutreur house

Boutreur Vinus, clerk Boutreur house

Boutyett Richard, clerk, res 1601 3rd

Bova Frederick, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Bova Louis, laborer, res 303 N Lincoln

Bova Louis jr, laborer, bds 202 N Lincoln

Bova Thomas, laborer, bds 202 N Lincoln

Bovia Peter, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Bowen Albert, laborer The Michigan Pipe Co, res 103 Barney

Bowen James, lumberman, res 504 N Grant

Bowery St School, e s Bowery bet 12th and 13th, Miss Rose Burns teacher

Bowlby Emanuel, machine hand B H Briscoe & Co, bds 1007 N Jackson

Bowman Wm, teamster McEwan Bros & Co

Bowra Charles, boilermkr Nat Boiler Wks, res 222 Bowery

Bowra Henry, boilermkr McKinnon Mnfg Co, bds 222 Bowery

Bowyer James W, engineer Miller & Lewis, res 906 Taylor

Box Frederick, copyist, bds Anscomb house

Boyce Jacob, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Boyce Joseph G, truckman M C R R, res 1117 N Lincoln

Boyd Alexander, painter, res 2149 5th Ave

Boyd Frederick, artist, bds Brunswick hotel

Boyd James, blacksmith, bds American hotel

Boyden Wm W, laborer, bds 311 Fitzgerald

Boyer Sarah, domestic 1515 3rd

Boyes Nellie (wid Hiram), res 402 Saginaw

Boyes Richard B, lumber scaler, res n s 7th 1 e of Johnson

Boyle James, laborer, res 1100 N Van Buren

Boyle John, marble polisher Bay City Stone Co, res 1213 Bowery

Boze Mrs Mary, res 403 Broadway

Brabant Frank, coachman J F Eddy, res 803 10th

Brabow Joseph, carpenter, res 220 N Jefferson

Brabow Rosanna, dressmaker, bds 220 N Jefferson

Bracker August, lab McEwan Bros & Co, rms 108 Parker

Bradburn George, res 1910 Woodside Ave

Bradburn Wm, cooper, bds 1910 Woodside Ave

Braddock Asahel C, res 503 Harrison

Braddock Asahel N, machinist, res 608 Fremont Ave

Braddock Edward B (Braddock & Bateman), res 303 S Center

Braddock Henry A, bookkeeper J & G K Wentworth, res 701 Harrison

Braddock Newton, machinist Standard Machinery Co, res 608 Fremont Ave

Braddock Luther W, bds 1302 6th

Braddock Oscar L (Dwyer & Co—Munyan & Braddock), res 312 34th

Braddock Wm, reporter Saginaw Valley Star

Braddock Wm E, cigarmaker Braddock & Bateman, bds 303 S Center

*Braddock & Bateman (Edward B Braddock, Frank Bateman), Citar Mnfrs

   600 and 602 Harrison

Bradey Bernard, mach The Michigan Pipe Co, res 2129 2nd

Bradey Bernard M, laborer, bds 2129 2nd

Bradey James, hotel Tuscola plank road nr driving park

Bradfield Fred W, bookkeeper Forsythe & Holcombs, res W Bay City

Bradford Archibald, clerk, rms 12 Cranage block

Bradford Frank G, steam fitter J A Styninger, bds 921 N Water

Bradford James N, machinist Smalley Bros & Co

Bradford Maria (wid Charles), rms 12 Cranage block

Bradford Preston A, mach Smalley Bros & Co, res 912 13th

Bradley Mrs Andrew J, res n w cor S Center and Polk

Bradley Andrus C, foreman Merrill, Fifield & Co, bds 909 5th

Bradley Caroline, domestic 239 Adams

*Bradley Charles H, Lumber Inspector over Bay City Bank, res 818 N Farragut

Bradley Elemor E (N B Bradley & Sons and Ross, Bradley & Co), res 314


Bradley Frederick E (F E Bradley & Co), res 600 Washington

Bradley Frederick W (N B Bradley & Sons and Ross, Bradley & Co), res

   Res 1010 6th

*Bradley F E & Co, (Frederick E and Russell M Bradley), Mnfrs and Dealers     in Lumber, Salt and Shingles 401 N Water

Bradley Henry M (Bradley & Finn), res 259 N Madison

Bradley Jacob, carp, res n w cor S Center and Fitzhugh

Bradley L M R, bookkeeper F E Bradley & Co, bds 600 Washington Ave

Bradley Marshall F, fisherman, res 701 N Van Buren

*Bradley Nathan B (N B Bradley & Sons and Ross, Bradley & Co), res s e

   Cor 15th and Howard

*Bradley & Finn (Henry M Bradley, Frederick C Finn), Plumbers, Steam

   And Gas Fitters, Plumbers’ Supplies, Gas Fixtures, Iron, Brass and Copper

   Goods, 811 Adams

Bradt Oliver, roofer, res 512 N Farragut

Brady Hattie, domestic 106 18th

Brady Patrick, sawyer Miller & Lewis, res 213 Fremont Ave

Brady Peter, blacksmith, bds Spears house

Brady Philip, laborer, bds Madison house

Brady Thomas, laborer, res e s Howard bet 17th and 18th

Braetenstein Peter, bartndr Wm Maloneym, res 1010 N Jackson

Braim Isaac R, elk Hawley & Fitzgerald, res 404 S Jackson

Braman Charles F, city comptroller, res n e cor S Center and Webster

Brand Anna (wid Charles), grocer 216 23rd, res same

Brand John, laborer, bds 102 Parker

Brand Theodore, clerk Anna Brand, bds 216 23rd

Brandemore Edward, carpenter, res 511 William

Brandimore Christopher, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res 1317 N Adams

Brandimore Christopher, lab Ross, Bradley & Co, res 918 S Madison

Brandimore George, lab Pitts & Cranage, bds 1317 N Adams

Brandimore Mary A (wid John), bds 1412 Adams

Brandt Julius, cooper, res 615 Fitzgerald

Braswell Thomas, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Braumoeller Conrad, watchman, res 223 S Madison

Brawn Arthur, harnessmaker 212 3rd, rms Bank Block

Brawn DeWitt C (Hollywood & Brawn), res 1113 Sherman

Bray Leon, laborer, res 2406 N Water

Brazell Robert, laborer, bds Kennedy House

Braziel Kate, domestic 313 S Center

Braziel Thomas, fireman, bds 907 Campbell

Brazil John, teamster, res 111 Belinda

Brazill Joseph A, engineer Bay Co Milk Association, res 315 Fitzgerald

Brazzell Camille, saloon Half Way House nr Rouse’s Mill

Bream Katharine, domestic 207 Harrison

Brebster John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Brechtal Louise, cook Spears house

Brechtel Herman, lab Pitts & Cranage, bds 608 Woodside Ave

Brechtel Louis, lab Pitts & Cranage, res 608 Woodside Ave

Breck T M, bookkeeper, bds Lake house

Breckel August, laborer Wm B Rouse

Breckler Isaac W, bookkeeper Breckler & Lewinstein, bds 616 Saginaw

Breckler Joseph (Breckler & Lewistein), res 614 Saginaw

Breckler & Lewinstein (Joseph Breckler, Bennett Lewinstein), clothing,

   808 and 822 N Water

Bredehoeft Caterine, domestic 901 4th

Breen John, drayman, res 2142 Center

Brehmer Louis, barakeman, res 1208 Farragut

Breitenstein Peter, laborer, bds 1006 N Jackson

*Breitmeyer Charles, Florist 616 Trumbull, res 615 Bren Oscar, engineer,     res 708 Taylor

Brenette Alexander, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Brennah John, under sheriff Bay county, bds county jail building

Brennan Martin, Sheriff Bay County, Office County Jail, res same

Brennan Richard, fireman, bds Martin Brennan

Brenner Frederick, engineer, bds Spears house

Brenner Wm, brewer Bay City Brewing Co, res s e cor Marsac and 22nd

Brerios Maryzana, domestic 108 Washington Ave

Breske Andrew, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Breake Louis, laborer S McLean & So & Co, res 118 Taylor

*Bresler Charles A, hides 113 4th, res 218 Washington Ave

Bresler Henry, elk Breckler & Lewinstein, bds 616 Saginaw

Bresler Jennie, domestic 308 10th

Breslin Peter, laborer, res 1329 Van Buren

Bresom Elijah, laborer Bousfield & Co

Bresom Joseph, teamster Bousfield & Co

Bresom Oliver, sawyer Bousfield & Co, res cor 32nd and Wilson

Bresson John, lab F E Bradley & Co, bds 1314 N Adams

Brewer Frank, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Brewer Henry, laborer Wm B Rouse

Brewater Mrs R E, teacher Farragut school, res 711 N Monroe

Brezinski Mary, domestic Fraser house

Brick Miss Johanna, bds 1419 10th

Brick Wm, gardener, res e s Johnson 1 s of 12th

Bridge Block, n w cor Water and 3rd

Bridge Edward, lumber inspector Ross, Bradley & Co

Bridges Charles O, foreman, bds Obey House

Bridgman Miss Louise M, bkpr Gedney Bros, bds 210 Washingtron Ave

Brierley Adam, engineer F E Bradley & Co

Briggs Andrew, laborer, bds 519 Bullock road

Briggs Miss Blanche, bds 519 Bullock road

*Briggs Eugene E, oils, res 1302 6th

Briggs Harlow, laborer, res 709 Barney

Briggs J W T, vessel Captain, bds Lake house

Briggs Percival, coachman 1009 Washington Ave

Briggs Roland, laborer, bds 519 Bullock road

Briggs Wm, farmer, res 519 Bullock road

Brigham John jr, (Beard, Brigham & Tasker and Beard, Brigham & McMath)

   Res W Bay City

Bright Edwin, machine hand, bds 504 Wilson

Bright Tberry, laborer, res 504 Wilson

Bright Thomas B, fireman Andrew Canning & Co, res 504 Wilson

Brill Frederick, cabinetmaker, res 111 Saginaw

Brinckman Joseph, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Brinkman John, laborer, res rear 409 Taylor

Brisbow Burt, laborer, bds 2406 N Water

Brisbow George, laborer, bds 2406 N Water

*Briscoe Benjamin H, vice pres B H Briscoe & Co, res 1866 9th

*Briscoe B H & Co, A E F White Pres, Benjamin H Briscoe Vice-Pres, Milton

   J Beardsley Sec and Treas, Box Mnfrs cor Fremnont ave and R & P M R R

*Briscoe Rufus J, lumberman, res 410 N Grant

Brisebois Charles, teamster Folsom & Arnold, bds 2607 N Water

Brisebois Frank, laborer Folsom & Arnold, bds 613 Dolsen

Brisebois George, engineer Folsom & Arnold

Brisebois Thomas, fireman Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 613 Dolsen

Brisebois Wm, laborer, bds 612 Dolsen

Briske John, grocer, res 305 32nd

Briske Mrs Rosa M (Briske & Forcia) res 305 32nd

*Briske & Forcia (Mrs Rosa M Briske, Silas Forcia), Grocers, Saloon and

   Steamship Agenta 301 32nd

Brissette Alexander, meat market 609 3red, grocery 615 same, res 609


Brissette Paul, clerk A Brissette, bds 609 3rd

Brisson Elijah, laborer, bds s w cor 32nd and Wilson

Brisson Miss Hattie, bds s w cor 32nd and Wilson

Brisson Joseph, laborer, bds s w cor 32nd and Wilson

Brisson Louis, mach hand res w s Wilson 1 s of 32nd

Brisson Oliver, sawyer, res s w cor 32nd and Wilson

Bristo John, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Britain Thomas E, barkeman, res 1201 N Johnson

Brittain James, conductor, res 1504 2nd

Brittain Matthew, brakeman, res 1616 2nd

Britton Oscar T, laborer, bds 701 Polk

Britton Theodore, confectioner, res 701 Polk

Britton Wm H (Niblack & Britton), bds 202 Fremont Ave

Brizozoski Frank, laborer, res 606 18th

Broadway Park, bet 34th and S Center, Broadway and Marsac

Brock Bavid R, well borer Birdsall & Barker, res 1411 Polk

Brock George H, Propr Lawren House 418 N Water

Brock Wm M, well borer Birdsall & Barker, res 601 Bullock road

Brock Wm H (col’d) cook, res 1416 14th

Brockmeyer John, laborer, res 1309 Marsac

Brockway Henry C, elk H H Taylor, rms 6 McDermott block

Brockway Edward, laborer Gates & Chatfield

Broderick Edward, glove cutter, bds 1312 12th

Broderick George, laborer F E Bradley & Co, res 1000 19th

Broderick John, laborer F E Bradley & Co, res 1000 19th

Brodgeat E, laborer Pitts & Crang=age

Brofey George, laborer, bds Moulton house

Brogie Enos, laborer, bds 1404 Adams

Bromfield John, eld Eddy & Vail, bds 517 Washington Ave

Brondall Charles, laborer, bds 500 Saginaw

Brookmire John, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Brookmire Peter, mason, res 1014 31st

Brooks Annie (col’d) fruits, s w cor 5th and Center, rms same

Brooks Caroline (col’d), fruits, rms 914 N Water

Brooks Henry W, farmer, bds 2136 4th

Broomfield John, bookkpr Vail & Eddy, bds Washington Ave

Bross John, laborer Wm Peter

Bross Joseph, laborer Wm Peter

Brotherton Willard I (Maltby, Brotherton & Co), res n w cor 6th and Farragut

Broughton Alfred, Ticket Agent F & P M Ry, Office Fraser House Block

   Rooms 14 Shearer Bros’Block

Broughton John D, clerk F & P M R R, res 816 Fitzhugh

Brouphe David, laborer, bds Park City hotle

Brown Ada, domestic J T Taylor

Brown Alexander, res 112 Center

Brown Annie, clerk Foster & Post, bds 609 Adams

Brown Mrs Annie, domestic 1122 N Sheridan

Brown Bernard, laborer M Lamont, bds n e cor 12th and McClellan

Brown Charles T, vessel captain, res 211 34th

Brown Miss Clara, teacher Dolsen school, bds 517 N Jackson

Brown Clara J, dressmaker 313 32nd res same

Brown Miss Cora, teacher Dolsen school, bds 218 N Sherman

Brown Darwin, sawyer Eddy Bros & Co

Brown De Witt C, bookkeeper, res 1113 N Sherman

Brown Edward, laborer, bds Ontario house

Brown Edward W, clerk M Garland, res 1012 14th

Brown Eliza, tailoress, bds 119 S Lincoln

Brown Miss Emma, teacher, bds 517 N Jackson

Brown Eunice A (wid George B), res 509 Fremont Ave

Brown Frank, laborer, bds 2400 Fraser

Brown George, sailor, bds 1107 Johnson

Brown George W W, billiards, res 600 N Monroe

Brown Hugh, res 609 Adams

Brown Issac (col’d) drayman, res 413 Fraser

Brown Jacob, trimmer Pitts & Cranage, res 406 Adams

Brown James, sailor, bds 1107 Johnson

Brown John, foreman, res 2400 Fraser

Brown John, laborer Wm Peter

Brown John, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co

Brown John, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy

Brown John, Propr American Hotel 200 Washington Ave

Brown John B, laborer, res 608 Taylor

Brown John D, carpenter M Lamont, res s e cor 12th and McClellan

Brown John H, wines, liquors and cigars n e cor Saginaw and Center, res

   1001 N Van Buren

Brown John M, laborer, res 712 S Farragut

Brown John P, laborer, res 709 Grant

Brown John W, laborer, bds 608 Taylor

Brown Joseph, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Brown Joseph, laborer Wm Peter, res 119 S Lincoln

Brown Miss Kittie, clerk Morgan & Smith, bds 1107 Johnson

Brown Lafayette N, laborer Eddy Avery & Eddy, res 213 N Sherman

Brown Marion, machine hand Bousfield & Co, bds 2400 Fraser

Brown Martin W, janitor, bds 307 Shearer

Brown Mary tailoress C S Dodge, bds 119 S Lincoln

Brown Mary (col’d, wid Wm), res 918 Fraser

Brown Napoleon B, foreman S G Rice & Sons, res 1417 Marsac

Brown Oscar, fireman Miller & Lewis

Brown Thomas, laborer Wm Peter, bds 119 S Lincoln

Brown Thomas, laborer, bds Ontario house

Brown Thomas, shoemaker 202 3rd, res West Bay City

Brown Thomas A, laborer, bds 608 Taylor

Brown Wm, laborer, res n e cor 34th and Webster

Brown Wm, laborer, bds 119 S Lincoln

Brown Wm H, bookkeeper S G M Gates, res 2117 5th

Brown Wm H, saloon cor Polk and 22nd res 313 32nd

Browne Fred’k E, stenographer Hatch & Cooley, res 112 3rd

Browne Frederick P, Cashier Bay national Bank, res 701 N Lincoln

Brownell Charles A, printer, res 919 N Van Buren

Brownson Andrew, painter, res 412 McClellan

Brownson Mrs Esther, bds 1008 N Monroe

Brownson Wm S, millwright, res 1008 N Monroe

Browzoski Martha, domestic, 818 Saginaw

Bruchmann August, laborer, bds Republic hotel

Brucker Charles, plasterer, res 309 19th

Brucker Edward F, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 309 19th

Bruett Nelson, tinner Bialy & McDonell, res West Bay City

Bruichee George, shoemaker A Andres, res Portsmouth

Brum Frank, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Brunell James, laborer, bds Armstrong hotel

Brunner August, clerk C Brunner, res 812 Saginaw

Brunner Charles, grocer 810 Saginaw, res 401 Washington Ave

*Brunswick Hotel The, W.P Root Propr, 1008 Washington Ave

Brus Mitchell, clerk Birdsall & Barker, bds Taylor house

Brusoe John, laborer R F Bradley & Co

Brustmaker Peter H, cigarmaker Atkinson & Whitlock, bds American house

Bryant August, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Bublitz August, laborer, res w s Marsac 3 s of 27th

Bublitz Charles, laborer, res w s Marsac 2 s of 27th

Buchanan Belle, cashier Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds 114 N Adams

Buchanan John G, propr Moulton house s w cor Saginaw and 4th

Buchanan Mrs Lou J, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds 114 Adams

Buchanan John G, propr Moulton house s w cor Saginaw and 4th

Buchanan Miss Lou J, clerk Bancraft, Thompson & Co, bds 114 Adams

Buchanan Mrs Mary, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, res 114 Adams

Buchanan Miss Minnie, bds 114 Adams

Buchkowski Frank, clerk, Bay City Trading Association, res 100 Washington


Buchkowski Thomas, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Buchork Joseph, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Buck Alma (wid Justus), bds 708 Bowery

Buck Annie (wid Sylvester C), bds cor 38th and Harrison

Buck Homer E (Buck, Leighton & Co), res 708 Bowery

Buck, Leighton & Co (Homer E Buck, Joseph Leighton, Orrin Bump), produce,

   114 and 116 3rd, cor Saginaw

Buckingham Albert E, carpenter and builder 508 Washington Ave, res 1000


Buckingham Mrs Julia E, tinware 508 Washington Ave, res 1000 N Grant

Buckland Charles C, painter, res 1204 Grant

Buckley Frank J, bookkeeper Bradley & Finn, bds 253 N Madison

*Buckley John, mngr Bay City Opera House, res 253 N Madison

Bucknole Fred C, cook Lawren house

Buda Paul, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, res 819 S Farragut

Budnick John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, bds 406 S Sherman

Budreu Joseph, res 315 Wilson

Bughner James, laborer, res 2307 Woodside Ave

Bugold Philip, sawyer, bds Lumberman’s hotel

Bukowski Anthony, laborer, res 722 Grant

Bukowski Edward, tailor H Rosenberg, bds 1119 15th

Bukowski Jacob, saloon 1001 S Madison, res same

Bukowski Joseph, saloon 523 S Van Buren, res same

Bukowski Martha, tailoress H Rosenberg, bds 1119 15th

Bukowski Stephen F, tailor H Rosenberg, res 1119 15th

Bull John, teamster Eddy Bros & Co

Bullard James M, shoemaker 246 N Water, res same

Bulley Joseph, lab Pitts & Cranage, res 1315 N Jefferson

Bulow Angust, laborer, res s e cor 14th and Sheridan

Bump Charles M, teller Second National bank, res 912 N Van Buren

Bump Orrin (Buck, Leighton & Co), Cashier Second National Bank, res

   S e cor 5th and Trumbull

Bundguh Rose, domestic 702 10th

Bundy Gilbert, fireman, bds 1307 N Adams

Bundy Jacob, laborer, res 1307 N Adams

Bundy Louis, laborer, bds 1307 laborer, bds 1307 N Adams

Bundy Minnie, dressmaker, bds 1307 N Adams

Bundy Susan, dressmaker, bds 1307 N Adams

Bunezkoski John, laborer, res 1112 17th

Bunnell Block, n s 3rd bet Saginaw and Washington

Bunting John A, vessel captain, res 410 24th

Buoske Bernhard, laborer, res 700 Taylor

Burbridge Benjamin, Contractor and Builder and Dealer in Mantels and

   Grates 508 Washington Ave, res n e cor 5th and Lincoln

Burehardt Emil, barber, 910 12th, res same

Burdette Frank, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Burdick Miss Cora, bds 816 Fitzhugh

Burdick Henry H, clerk F A Schleiper, res 508 Adams

Burdick Nancy (wid Coryeon), bds 508 Adams

Burdick Wm E, bds 122 N Madison

Bureau Joseph, bartender, bds 413 35th

Bureau Louisa (wid Louis), res 413 35th

Bureau Napoleon, cooper, bds 413 35th

Burgess Anges S (wid James), res n s 39th 1 e of Harrison

Burgess Alfred C, laborer Boushfield, Perrin & Co, bds n s 39th 1 e of Harrison

Burgess Preston S, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy, res e s Elizabeth 1 n of S Center

Burgo John E, pile driver, res 501 Trumbull

Burgo Mary (wid Anthony), bds 501 Trumbull

Burgrov August, laborer, bds Boutreur house

Burjosin August, carpenter, res 410 Stanton

Burk Eli, boilermaker, res 813 William

Burk James, sailor, res 415 Bolsen

Burk Mary, cook, bds 1118 N Jefferson

Burk Michael, stevedore, bds Anscomb house

Burke Andrew, vessel captain, res 804 Fraser

Burke Charles C, laborer E S Fitch, res e s Water bet 13th and 14th

Burke David, vessel captain, res 124 Mercer

Burke Elizabeth (wid George, bds 213 N Grant

Burke James, sailor, bds 219 Fraser

Burke Miss Laura, dressmaker A Wasiclaw, bds 219 Fraser

Burke Lucinda (wid Oliver), res 219 Fraser

Burke Margaret, domestic 419 Washington Ave

Burke Wm, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 219 Fraser

Burket Emanuel, laborer, res 1111 N Madison

Burkhardt Emma, waitress Burnswick hotel

Burkhardt Frank, tinner A Walther, bds 604 N Jackson

Burkhardt Michael, flagman F & P M Ry, res 604 N Jackson

Burkhardt Minnie, domestic 235 N Jefferson

Burling Frank, watchmaker, res 2009 3rd

Burn Frederick, clerk L S Coman, bds 601 Adams

Burns Philip F, clerk L S Coman, rooms Central block

Burne John, compositor Tribune, res Van Buren bet 11th and 12th

Burnett Frederick, bds 1608 Irgraham

Burnett Wm, machinist George Fored, res 913 N Sheridan

Burnham Abraham, teamster Young Bros, res 3rd

Burnham Mrs Agnes (wid Leonard), res 1011 N Madison

Burnham Avery, teamster J Roberts, res 1011 N Adams

Burnham Mrs. Catherine, dressmkr 1011 N Adams, res same

Burns Andrew, servant 1203 5th

Burns Mrs Angeline, bds 912 N Trumbull

Burns Annie, domestic Fraser house

Burns Miss Elizabeth, seamstress, bds 512 Fitzgerald

Burns Ella, domestic 701 S Lincoln

Burns Miss Ellen, bkpr McCauley Bros, bds 512 Fitzgerald

Burns Miss Ellen, bkpr McCauley Bros, bds 512 Fitzgerald

Burns Frank W (Burns & Birney), res 207 5th

Burns Miss Gertrude, seamstress, bds 512 Fitzgerald

Burns Hugh, laborer, res 912 N Trumbull

Burns James A, molder Bay City Iron Co, res 1001 22nd

Burns Joseph S, drayman, res 1314 7th

Burns Margaret, domestic 1000 N Jefferson

Burns Miss Margarett, seamstress, bds 512 Fitzgerald

Burns Margaret M, domestic 400 N Jackson

Burns Mrs Mary, res 1000 N Jackson

Burns Mrs Mary, res 1000 N Jefferson

Burns Mary A (wid Barney) res 512 Fitzgerald

Burns Miss Nancy, bds 1208 N Farragut

Burns Nellie, domestic 908 N Jackson

Burns Philip, laborer bds 1314 7th

Burns Robert, blacksmith, bds Lumberman’s hotel

Burns Robert, laborer R Meister & Son, res Lincoln

Burns Miss Rose, teacher Bowery Street school, bds 512 Fitzgerald

Burns & Birney (Frank W Burns, Henry Birney), undertakers 207 5th

Burnstein Rev Philip, pastor Shari Zedeck Congregational Church, res 250

   N Van Buren

Burrett Alpheus, lumber, res 215 24th

Burrington Elizabeth, clerk Morgan & Smith, bds 1100 3rd

Burrington Ralph R, bookkeeper, bds 1100 3rd

Burrington Riley M, tug captain, res 1100 3rd

*Burroughs Edwin E, Livery and Boarding Stable n w cor 5th and Saginaw

   Res 911 N Jackson

Burrows Fay, brakeman, res 1604 Johnson

Burrows F, laborer, bds Elk Hotel

Burrows Herbert, tmstr Eddy Bros & Co, bds 1604 Johnson

Burrows Isaac M, filer Folsom & Arnold, res 1604 Johnson

Burt A, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Burtch George F, engineer Birdsall & Barker, res 501 26th

Burtch Jacob, laborer Wm Peter

Burton Biptist, supt Pitts & Cranage, res 1213 Washington

Burton Billings, sawyer, res 1109 Marsac

Burton Miss Eva, bds 1109 Marsac

Burton Frank H, bookkeeper James Clements & Son, bds 1509 3rd

Burton Mary (wid John) res 111 Skinner

Burton Mary, cook Lefevre house

Burton Miss May, tchr Seventh ward school, bds 1109 Marsac

Burton Richard, sawyer Murphy & Dorr

Burton Richard A, trav Malthy, Brotherton & Co, bds Campbell house

Burton Thomas H, salesman Pitts & Cranage, res 514 N Monroe

Burton Wm H, sec and treas Michigan Fire Lighter Co, res 1511 3rd

Burton Wm S, watchman Bay City Iron Co, bds 1301 N Madison

Burton Miss Wilma, teacher Fremont school, bds 1109 Marsac

Burtzell Emil, laborer, bds American hotel

Bush Adelbert E R, insurance agent Union block foot Center, res 619

   N Birney

Bush A J, laborer Detroit mills

Bush David, laborer G C Myers

Bush Edward A, teamster, res 1805 S Water

Bush Edwin, laborer S McLean, Son & Co

Bush Edwin, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co

Bush John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Bush Joseph, laborer, F E Bradley & Co

Bush Peter, engineer M R R, bds 606 2nd

Bushey Edmond, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 600 Fitzhugh

Bushey Louis, laborer, res 1213 Fraser

Bushey Frank, machine hand E F Rouse

Bushey Nelson, laborer, res 600 Fitzhugh

Bushnell Rebecca, domestic 423 Jefferson

Bussiere Dieudonne, laborer, res 206 Atlantic

Bushy Joseph, laborer, bds Lumberman’s hotel

Butcher Joseph, fireman Detroit mills

Butger Henry, laborer, res 412 S Van Buren

Buthem J, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Buthem Wm, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Butler Nelson S (estate of) (Bancroft, Thompson & Co).

Butler R A, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Butman Myron (Butman & Rust), res Saginaw City

*Butman & Rust (Myron Butman, Amasa Rust), Lumber and Salt Mnfrs 522     S. Water

Butterfield Charles H, House Painter, Decorator and Kalsominer 1008

   14th, res same

Butterfield George W, clerk Bay County Milk association, res s s Center 2 e

   Of limits.

Button Henry, laborer Murphy & Dorr, bds George Richey

Button Ranse, fireman, bds Spears house

Button Richard, fireman, bds Spears house

Buzalski Ignatz, grocer, res 810 Grant

Byerley Adam H, engineer F E Bradley & Co, res 215 N Monroe

Bylow Francis, carpenter, res 309 32nd

Bylow Frank, artist 909 32nd bds same

Byrne Rev James, asst pastor St James Catholic church, res 115 S Monroe

Byrne John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res Galarno’s additon, Woodside


Byrns John, lumber inspector Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 105 Fitzhugh

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