R. L. POLK & CO.'S
adv................advertisement n....................north,
or north of
n e cor..........northeast corner
n s..................north side
n w cor...........northwest corner
s.....................s, or south of
s e cor............southeast corner
e...................east, or east of s
s..................south side
e s.................east side
s w cor...........southwest corner
mnfg.............manufacturing w...................west
or west of
w s................west side
names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers.
Abart, Adolph, lab
McEwan Bros & Co., res 114 N Monroe
Abbott Miss Jennie, teacher, bds 1217 N Jackson
Abel John, laborer Folsom & Arnold, bds 2607 N Water
Abel Sebra, domestic 914 N Jefferson
Abel Wm, laborer, bds 2607 N Water
Ablowitz Abraham, clerk B Wolsky, res 517 N Monroe
Ablowitz Abraham D (Ablowitz Bros) bds 517 N Monroe
Ablowitz Bros (Abraham D and Julius), clothing 213 3d
Ablowitz Julius (Ablowitz Bros), bds 517 N Monroe
Ablowitz Samuel, pedler, res 517 N Monroe
Abram Lucretia (wid Sherlock), res 1509 Woodside Ave.
Abram Simon, painter, bds 1509 Woodside Ave.
Abrams Charles, restaurant 609 Harrison, res same.
Accles John, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co.
Acheson Isaac, sawyer Detroit Mills
Ackerman Christian, Baker 920 N Water, res West Bay City
Ackerman Frank J, clerk C Ackerman, bds West Bay City
Ackley Mary (wid Moses), bds 1202 Taylor
Acutt Randolph, laborer Pitts & Cranage
Adair John, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Adams Alfreda (wid Simeon W), bds 1017 N Farragut
Adams Charles L, salesman Forsyth & Holcomb's, res 1103 4th.
Adams Elsie, milliner H M Hartrauft, bds West Bay City
Adams Freeman D (Meeker & Adams), res 1017 N Farragut
Adams George, bds 1303 22d
Adams George, Laborer, res 1314 N Saginaw
Adams Miss Jennie, teacher, bds 1303 22d
Adams John, res 1303 22d
Adams John A, inspector, res w s Grant 2 s of Woodside av.
Adams John E, propr Green Tree hotel 401 Polk
Adams Joseph, saloon 611 Howery, res same.
Adams Mrs Lizzie, res 1208 18th
Adams Louis G, clotier, res 408 Washington
Adams Miss Maggie, teacher 18th street school, bds 1303 22d.
Adner Miss Mary, dressmaker, bds 101 Broadway
Affleck Agnes P, bds 501 William
Affleck George, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 312 S Van Buren
Affleck James, laborer N B Bradley & Sons
Affleck John, res 312 S Van Buren
Agar Jennie, domestic, 920 N Van Buren.
Ahler Herman, teamster, res 501 S Lincoln
Ahn Anna, cook 407 Washington Ave.
Aiehler Herman, teamster Andrew Cunning & Co.
Aiken Frank, painter, res 312 Adams.
Aiken George E, boots and shoes, res 605 N Grant
Aiken James E, laborer, res 512 23d.
Aiken Wm, saw repairer, 220 N Water, res 305 Broadway
Aikens Daniel, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, res 401 James
Aitkens Wm, bds 601 Bullock road
Akins John T, carp, res 707 22d.
Alarie Arthur, laborer, bds 1000 Fraser.
Alarie Charles, laborer, bds Union City hotel.
Alarie Ermine (wid Arthur), bds 1000 Fraser.
Alarie Godfrey, laborer Pitts & Cranage.
Alarie Hector, laborer, res 507 Broadway.
Alarie Joseph, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res 316 Fraser
Alarie Miss Josephine, dressmaker, bds 316 Fraser.
Alary Oliver, laborer S G M Gates.
Albert John H, wagonmaker 307 3d, res 2120 2d.
Albert Joseph, lumberman, bds Portland house.
Albert Joseph, laborer, res 700 Howard.
Albert Wm, laborer Detroit Mills.
Alberts Eda, domestic Charles Rosenburg.
Albertson Frank, laborer, bds Anscomb house.
Albrant Hugh, sawyer Butman & Rust, res 400
Albus Win, laborer, res 411 Shearer.
Aldrick Clara, dressmaker, bds 200 8th.
Aldrick Wells, carpenter, res 200 8th.
Aldridge Maria (wid Hiram), res 719 William.
Alexander George, butcher Theodore line, res 322 S Madison.
Alexander Hugh, laborer, res 415 Polk.
Alguire John J, engineer, res 306 29th.
*Alhambra Restaurant, Thomas Maguire propr, 204 to 208
Allen Alfred, laborer, res 113 18th.
Allen Amos A, woodworker Daunt & Sharp, res 1112 N Sherman.
Allen Betsy (wid Nathan), bds 807 N Jefferson.
Allen Charles E, printer James Gray, bds 807 4th.
Allen Eliza (wid John), bds 801 Fitzhugh.
Allen Mrs Emily, music teacher, bds 610 N Van Buren.
Allen Emma, domestic 900 5th ave.
Allen George, laborer, bds 2811 S Water.
Allen George A, carpenter, res 141 1 11th.
Allen George W, waiter F H Blakeslee, rooms 109 Center.
Allen Hester, bds 254 N Water.
Allen Inkermann S, painter, res 801 Fitzhugh.
Allen Jacob S, laborer, 601 Adams.
Allen James, sailor, bds 250 N Water.
Allen James, laborer, res 1108 N Jefferson.
Allen James W, molder Smalley Bros & Co.
res 124 N Madison
Allen John, clerk W B Clark,
bds same.
Allen John, grocer 254 N Water, res same.
Allen John, laborer, res 1221 N Jackson.
Allen John jr, vessel captain, bds 254 N Water.
Allen Joseph, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy, bds 281 1 S Water.
Allen Mary (wid Willis), res 807 4th.
Allen Mary A (wid Joseph), res 2811 S Water.
Allen Morris, engineer, bds 1715 1st.
Allen Robert, laborer, res 706 S Sherman.
Allen Samuel, mach Smalley Bros & Ca, bds 254 N Water.
Allen Sarah (wid John), res e s Park ave 5 s of Center.
Allen Stephen, farmer, res 300 Fitzhugh.
Allen Wallace, vessel captain, bds 254 N Water.
Allen Wm, laborer, bds 2811 S Water.
Allen Wm, molder Smalley Bros & Ca, bds 254 N Water.
Allen Wm, teamster McEwan Bros & Co.
Allen Wm, sailor, res 415 Fitzhugh.
Allen Wm, laborer, res 3209 N Water.
Allerie Josephine, cook Armstrong hotel.
Allnoch Wm E, lumber inspector, I Union block, res 221
Allnoch Wm E jr, tally boy, bds 221 Webster.
Allor Oliver, laborer Wm Peter.
Alpin Isaac, fancy goods 709 12th, res same.
Alpin Joseph, pedler, bds 709 12th.
Althouse Miss Libbie, bds 504 N Grant.
Altmark Abraham, mngr Mrs S Altmark, res 904 N Water.
Altmark Mrs Susie, dry goods 904 N Water, res same.
Alvert Antoine, lab N B Bradley & Sons, res 505 S Farragut
The Brunswick House
WM. P. ROOT, Proprietor.
1008 Washington Ave., - BAY CITY, MICH.
House is newly built and handsomely furnished throughout and
contains all modern improvements.
Centrally Located. Terms Moderate.
Alvert August, lab N B Bradley & Sons,
bds 505 S Farragut.
Ambrinski Adam, laborer Butman & Rust.
Ambrose Charles E, sec and treas Beaver Lake Co, bds 913 8th.
Ambrose Elizabeth M T (wid George H), res 915 8th.
Ambrose George F, pres Beaver Lake Go, res 1303 6th.
*Ambrose George F & Co
(George F
Ambrose), Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Van Buren crossing M C R R.
*Ambrose Josiah L, physician n w cor Center and
915 8th.
American Express Co, E B
agent, 909 Saginaw.
American Hotel,
Brown Propr, 200 Washington ave.
Ames George W, conductor, res 1506 2d.
Ammerman George R, clerk Merrill, Fifield & Co.
Amsk Win, laborer, res 1410 11th.
Anderson Alexander, laborer, res 621 Ingraham.
Anderson Alexander, saloon 203 3d, res n e cor 3d and
Anderson Andrew, laborer Butman & Rust, res 1908 3d.
Anderson Andrew H, lab L E Noyes & Son, res
Anderson Charles, laborer, res 422 26th.
Anderson Charles, laborer, bds 312 Stanton.
Anderson Charles, laborer, res 612 Ingraham.
Anderson Charles, laborer Birdsall & Barker.
Anderson Miss Christine, clk Mrs C Shephard, res 500 3d.
Anderson Ellen (wid Alexander), rooms 500 3d.
Anderson Johanna domestic 249
Anderson John, laborer, res 312 Stanton.
Anderson John B, carpenter, res 815 James.
Anderson John P, laborer Miller & Lewis.
Anderson Joseph, laborer, bds 312
Anderson Josephine, tailoress V E Teall, bds
Anderson Louis, carpenter, res 1906 3d.
Anderson Miss Louis, bds 404 10th.
Anderson Mattie, domestic rooms 216 3d.
Anderson Murray, engineer Butman & Rust, bds 101 Broadway.
Anderson Robert, laborer S McLean & Son & Co.
Anderson Robert B, teamster, res 1221 Stanton.
Anderson Miss Susan, tailoress, bds 1221 Stanton.
Andre James A (J A Andre & Co), res 119 N Van Buren.
Andre J A & Co (James A & Bertha C Andre), grocers 119 N Van Buren.
Andre Bertha C (J A Andre & Co), res 119 N Van Buren.
Andre Elias C, lumberman, bds 119 N Van Buren.
Andrejewski Lucas, laborer, res 723 16th.
Andres Anthony, shoemaker 702 N Watter, res 310 N Farragut.
Andres Lewis, lumberman, res e s Polk 2 s of 34th.
Andres Lizzie, domestic 518 N Farragut.
Andrea Nicholas, saloon 125 12th, res same.
Andrews Frank, laborer F E Bradley & Co.
Andrews Henry S, res 1105 2d.
Andrews John, vessel captain, bds Cumberland house.
Andrews Martha, chambermaid
Choice Wines, LIQUORS and Cigars,
At Charles Clave’s,
- -
811 SagInaw Street.
Andrews Martin M,
Cashier Second National Bank, res 1213 6th.
Andrews Nancy (wid Bushnell), 912 N Van Buren.
Andrews Wm A, clk Johnson & Co, res 1008 McCormick.
Andrejewski Frank, laborer, res 1112 17th.
Andrejewski Roch, fireman, res 1112 17th.
Andriezski John, laborer, res 416 S Madison.
Andrzejewski Adam, laborer, res 1029 S Madison.
Angel —,
1aborer McEwan Bros & Co.
Anger George, fireman Neptune House Co, bds Anscomb house.
AngerGeorge, blacksmith Daunt & Sharp, bds Forest City house.
Anger Joseph, laborer, bds 508
Angers Joseph (Angers & Laroche), res e s Belinda 2 n of Woodside ave.
Angers Peter, ship carpenter, res 413 Barney.
Angers Thomas, clerk, bds Belinda.
Angers &; Laroche (Joseph Angers, Louis Laroche), meat mkt 1701 Woodside
Annand George, forerman Merrill & Campbell, bds n w cor 23d and Marsac.
AnnekeEdward E (E &E E Anneke), bds 915 10th.
Anneke Emil E E Anneke res 915 10th.
& E E (Emi and Edward E, Lawyers and Dealers in Real Estate 3, 4
and 5
Cranage Block. (See
back cover.)
Anscomb House, George Cook propr, n e cor 3d and Washington Ave. Antaya
Adolph, clerk J S Hogle, res 808 3d.
Antaya Miss Agnes, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 909 N Sheridan.
Anthony Charles, fireman Butman & Rust, res 612 Howard.
Anthony George, laborer, bds Boutreur house.
Anthony Joseph R, clerk L Anthony, bds 407 Washington ave.
Louis, clothing 222 N Water, res 407 Washington.
Anthony Marcus, student, bds 407 Washington ave.
Anthony Marcus J, clerk L Anthony, bds 816 Washington av.
Anthouy Selina (wid James), boarding 816 Washington ave.
Antisdel James F, bds Fraser house.
Antisdel John
F, Propr Fraser house, a e cor Water and Center.
Antisdel John P, bds Fraser House.
Apenski John, laborer N B
Bradley & Sons.
Aplin Edward, teamster, bds 1004 Fraser.
Aplin Ira, laborer, res 1004 Fraser.
Arbeiter Halle, e a Johnson
bet 7th and 8th.
H. B.. Hulbert,
Makes a SPECIALTY of FINE WORK. (SIgn of Golden Lion.)
112 and 114 CENTER St.
Arbour Jerry, foreman, bds Lumbermen’s
Archambault Joseph, sawyer, res 315 Shearer.
Archer Albert A, engr The Michigan Pipe Co, res 127
Archer Reina, domestic 207
Archer Miss Sybil, teacher
Sherman school, bds
127 Hart.
Archibald Frank .J, tallyman, bds
Archibald John, lumber inspr C H Bradley, res 512 N Madison.
Arcoite Xavier, laborer, bds French hotel.
Arcomb Antoine. lumberman, bds Windsor house.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in
Office, 715
Adams St.,
Bay City, Mich.
Telephone Connection both at Office
and Ice House.
Napoleon, laborer, bds Union City hotel.
Ardouin Auguste, fireman, res 107 11th
Arft W Henry, laborer F & P M R R , res 206 N Sherman
Argle Wm, blacksmith n e cor 19th and Water, res 506 2d
Argue Wm J, laborer, res n s 21st nr William
Arion Hall, n w cor 4th and Farragut
Armbruster Maggie, domestic 1403 6th.
Armbruster Minnie, domestic 709 N Grant.
Armory Hall, e s Washington ave bet 6th and Center
Armour James, engineer, bds Lake house.
Armstrong Adam, drayman, res 310 Fraser.
Armstrong Albert, teamster, bds 809 3d.
Armstrong George, laborer, bds Armstrong hotel.
Armstrong Hotel, John Armstrong Propr, s e cor 16th and Broadway,
intersection of Water.
Armstrong John, Propr Armstrong Hotel s e cor Broadway and 16th,
intersection of Water.
Armstrong Mary A, (wid James), bds 1216 Trumbull.
Armstrong Richard, tug captain, res 1321 Broadway.
Arndt Charles, laborer, res 416 S Sherman.
Arnold Afonzo L, wood carver, res 2119 3d
Arnold August, baker 207 Harrison, res same.
Arnold Benjamin W (Folsom & Arnold), res Albany, N Y.
Arnold Frederick, baker 114 5th res same.
Arnold George, stevedore, res 708 2d.
Arnold Godfrey, baker F Arnold, bds same.
Arnold John, baker F Arnold, bds same.
Arnold John, laborer 1507 14th.
Arnold Maggie, domestic 813 N Sheridan
Arnold Mary domestic 1212 5th ave.
Arts Gerhardt, artist, lids 2019 Center.
Ash John, blacksmith Industrial works, res 41-2 Stanton.
Ashley Alvah J, grocer s w cor 9th and Adams, res same.
Ashley Azariah J, grocer 1220 11th, res 216 S Sherman.
Ash1ey Eber A, agent, bds 216 S Sherman.
Ashmun George, foreman, bds 211 Barney.
Ashmun Miss Mattie, bds 211 Barney
Ashmun Wm O, foreman, res 211 Barney.
Ashton Thomas, fireman Pitts & Cranage, res 316 Washington ave.
Asman Frederick, lab Miller & Lewis, bds 1912 Broadway.
*Asman John 0, provision broker, res 1912 Broadway.
Asman Walter J, clerk, bds 1912 Broadway.
Astor House Block, n w cor Harrison and S Center
Atchison Isaac, sawyer, bds Anscomb house.
Atkins David (W E Larkin & Co), res 815 Harrison.
Atkinson Edward (Atkinson & Whitlock), saloon 112
Washington Ave, res same.
Atkinson John, city fire department, bds 235 Saginaw.
Atkinson Katie, clerk, bds 235 Saginaw.
Atkinson Lucy, (wid Charles), res 609 N Jackson.
Atkinson Robert, grocer 202 N Water, res 235 Saginaw.
Atkinson Robert jr, boilermaker McKinnon Mnfg Co, bds 235 Saginaw.
Atkinson Wm J, mach Industrial wks, res 308 S Van Buren.
Fitzhugh, Jr. & Co.
Dealers in
Real Estate
Farming Lands a specialty. Office,
Atkinson & Whitlock
(Edward Atkinson, John Whitlock), cigar mnfrs 120 Washington ave.
Atlantic house, E B Ethier propr, n e cor Atlantic and
Atmose Julius, laborer, res s s 22d 1 e of Broadway.
Attic Leonard, laborer, res 421 Broadway.
Attie Wm H, laborer, bds 421 Broadway.
Atwood Emily (wid Jesse), bds 909 Center.
Aubruge August, laborer bds French hotel.
Aubry Bruno, wagonmaker Niblack & Britton, bds Wolverton house.
Aubry Edouard J, mngr Lafayette roller skating rink, 1006 Woodside ave.
Aubry Joseph 0 (Lamothe & Aubry), res 1410 3d
Aubry Oliver J, grocer, res 1410 3d.
Aubry Wilfred, laborer, bds Union City hotel.
Aubry Win, clerk Lamothe & Aubry, bds 1410 3d.
Audel Andrew, lab The Michigan Pipe Co, yes North.
Audet Joseph, laborer, bds Lumbermen’s
Auer George, laborer, res 135 North.
Auger Charles E, clerk Bialy & McDonell, res 609 Barnev.
Auger John, bds Wolverton house.
Auman George, laborer, res 2129 3d.
Aundreski Andrew, laborer Rust Bros & Co.
Aurora George, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy.
Au Sable Lumber Co, E T Carrington Sec and treas, 717 N Water
(Cottrell block).
Autterson John, laborer, bds Republic hotel.
Averell Block, n s Center bet Water and Saginaw.
Averell Charles M, vessel owner 109 Center,
800 same.
Averill John, coupe driver, res 614 Adams.
Avery Charles, mason, bds Forest City house.
Avery James, contractor, res 3213 N Water.
Avery James H, carpenter, res 405 Bullock road.
Avery Maurice, lab S G Rice & Sons, bds 405 Bullock road.
Avery Miles H, engineer Hitchcock & Bialy, res 411 Ingraham.
Avery Morris H, fireman Hitchcock & Bialy, bds 411
Avery Newell (heirs of) (Eddy, Avery & Eddy), res Detroit.
Ayotte Louis, laborer, bds 316 Fraser.
Ayotte Belard, laborer, res 310 Dolsen.
Ayrault John (M Ayrault & Co), bds 244 N Madison.
Ayrault Miles (M Ayrault & Co), res 244 N Madison.
Ayrault M & Co
(Miles and John Ayrault), Mnfrs Rye’s
Patent Elevating
Clothes Dryer, Rubber Bucket Chain Pumps, Tubing, etc, on F & P M R
R bet 10th and 11th.
Ayres Mrs George, milliner, bds 309 11th
Azure George H, farmer, res 801 Harrison.
Azure Samuel, bds 801 Harrison.
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