History of Bay County, Michigan, with
illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men
and pioneers. Chicago, H. R. Page & Co. 1883
A copy of one or more of the
Biographies from 1883 History of Bay County can be obtained by sending $1.00 for
each biography along with a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) and the
person's name and page number to:
Bay City Branch Library
Center Avenue
City, Michigan 48706
ATTENTION - Reference Librarian
Biographical |
Page |
Ackermann, Justus |
180 |
Adams, C. L. |
152 |
Adams, F. D. |
125 |
Aiken, G. E. |
130 |
Aldrich, W. |
147 |
Allen, G. A. |
180 |
American Chemical Co. |
194 |
Anderson, Charles |
205 |
Andrews, M. M. |
99 |
Angus, Peter M. |
276 |
Anneke, Emil |
125 |
Anneke, E. E. |
125 |
Anscomb, Alonzo |
148 |
Aplin, Henry H. |
184 |
Archer, A. A. |
184 |
Armstrong, R. |
140 |
Arnold, F. G. |
149 |
Atkinson, E. |
156 |
Atwell, Thomas |
164 |
Atwell, Thomas |
236 |
Averell, Charles M. |
123 |
Avery, John H. |
49 |
Babcock, C. |
161 |
Babcock, J. W. |
169 |
Babo, C. |
126 |
Bahlhorn, J. C. |
162 |
Baikie, J. |
246 |
Barclay, J. S. |
74 |
Barie, A. |
207 |
Barklay, F. W. |
146 |
Barney, C. |
28 |
Barney, J. P. |
164 |
Barse, W. H. |
135 |
Bartlett, C. |
164 |
Bassett, E. H. |
123 |
Bassingwaite, J. E. |
142 |
Bate, A. |
133 |
Bateman, F. |
133 |
Bateson, R. |
200 |
Baxmann, C. |
256 |
Bay City Stone Company |
133 |
Beard, W. G. |
229 |
Beardsley, George C.
277 |
Beaton, John |
273 |
Becker, H. B. |
244 |
Becker, Albert H. |
244 |
Beckwith, Luther |
62 |
Beckwith, Benjamin F. |
117 |
Bedell, Oscar J. |
253 |
Bedell, Calvin E. |
252 |
Beebe, W. A. |
135 |
Beebe, James |
237 |
Behmlander, J. A. |
203 |
Belknap, Joseph H. |
245 |
Bennett, Germond F. |
143 |
Bennett, Edwin T. |
96 |
Benson, W. F. |
167 |
Benson, Samuel |
156 |
Bergen, Patrick |
234 |
Berger, Louis |
155 |
Bertch, Louis |
130 |
Beutel, W. |
168 |
Beyer, Adam |
263 |
Baialy, M. J. |
136 |
Billings, Albana G. |
257 |
Birch, Albert |
264 |
Birdsall & Baker |
50 |
Birney, James G. |
68 |
Birney, Judge J. |
69 |
Birney, H. |
130 |
Blackman, Charles A. |
205 |
Bligh, Theodore M. |
117 |
Bligh, Mrs. C. M. |
117 |
Blodget, Horace |
265 |
Bloomfield, Charles J. |
163 |
Bohn, John A. |
164 |
Booth, August J. |
157 |
Booth, O. W. |
139 |
Boston, George |
207 |
Boucher, Desire |
208 |
Bourezour, Quesebe |
164 |
Bourn, Seth |
199 |
Bousfield, A. E. |
132 |
Bousfield, R. E. |
132 |
Bousfield & Co. |
132 |
Boutell, Gilbert |
239 |
Boutell, Daniel |
135 |
Boutyette, Henry |
130 |
Braddock, H. D. |
134 |
Braddock, E. B. |
133 |
Braddock & Bateman |
133 |
Braddocks, The |
134 |
Bradford, James N. |
200 |
Bradford, Charles |
240 |
Bradley, N. B. |
83 |
Bradley, Edward |
278 |
Bradley, John E. |
279 |
Bradley, F. E. & Co. |
48 |
Bradley, N. B. & Sons |
49 |
Bradley, H. M. |
136 |
Bradley, Charles H. |
136 |
Bradley, Lumen M. |
254 |
Braman, Jesse A. |
201 |
Braumoeller, Conrad |
155 |
Brawn, De Witt C. |
162 |
Briggs, E. E. |
146 |
Brigham, John Sr. |
201 |
Brigham, Aaron G. |
202 |
Brigham, John Jr. |
202 |
Brigham, Samuel L. |
202 |
Briscoe, R. J. |
50 |
Brock, Martin W. |
151 |
Brown, Darwin |
168 |
Brown, Frederick E. |
149 |
Brown, Lafayette N. |
164 |
Brown, Peter |
253 |
Brown, Samuel M. |
265 |
Browne, Frederick P. |
98 |
Brunner, August |
206 |
Buchanan, J. G. |
131 |
Buckingham, A. E. |
153 |
Buckley, John |
268 |
Bullock, John |
268 |
Bump, Orrin |
99 |
Bump, Charles M. |
99 |
Burch, Geo. F. |
158 |
Burnham, S. E. |
206 |
Burton, Baptist |
154 |
Burr, DeWitt |
266 |
Burr, Eugene |
202 |
Burrington, Capt. Riley M. |
151 |
Burroughs, E. E. |
143 |
Butterfield, G. W. |
238 |
Cady, George G. |
204 |
Callaghan, Patrick |
203 |
Callender, W. E. |
108 |
Calvin, Daniel S. |
157 |
Cameron, John R. |
204 |
Campau, F. X. |
129 |
Campau, Henry |
199 |
Campbell, George |
137 |
Campbell, Henry M. |
49 |
Campbell, James |
202 |
Campbell, Robert J. |
148 |
Campbell, S. S. |
65 |
Card, Wilder B. |
159 |
Cardy, David B. |
204 |
Carney, Richard G. |
147 |
Carney, Thomas, Sr. |
75 |
Carney, William E. |
152 |
Carrier & Co. |
50 |
Carrier, Edwin G. |
50 |
Carrier, H. |
130 |
Carriere, Emery |
156 |
Carscallen, George |
245 |
Carter, Walker |
155 |
Casey, Freeman G. |
156 |
Cate, Charles W. |
152 |
Catlin, A. D. |
132 |
Catlin, Israel |
72 |
Catlin, W. B. |
131 |
Catlin, William |
76 |
Catlin, William P. |
151 |
Chamberlin, H. A. |
121 |
Chapman, Bidwell |
138 |
Charboneau, Pascal B. |
144 |
Charlan, John |
158 |
Charlton, Leonidas B. |
253 |
Chase, Homer P. |
202 |
Chillson, C. C. C. |
172 |
Church, Hubbard H. |
145 |
Chute, Bina |
273 |
Chute, Freeman |
139 |
Clark and Cobb |
130 |
Clark, D. P. |
206 |
Clark, Newcomb |
171 |
Clements, W. S. |
149 |
Cliff, Thomas H. |
271 |
Clouston, William R. |
246 |
Cobb, George P. |
122 |
Cole, Andrew J. |
248 |
Cole, Capt. Darius |
59 |
Cole, Elisha G. |
258 |
Cole, Frank |
247 |
Cole, John H. |
164 |
Collier, John H. |
164 |
Collins, C. L. |
124 |
Collins, John F. |
161 |
Comstock, John |
163 |
Conklin, Benson |
158 |
Cook, William |
208 |
Cooke, Aaron J. |
105 |
Coon, John H. |
156 |
Corbin, C. F. |
179 |
Corbin, David |
179 |
Corbitt, James |
295 |
Coryell, James |
295 |
Cottrell, C. B. |
75 |
Courtwright, Alvin M. |
161 |
Courtwright, Daniel |
162 |
Coyle, Hugh |
206 |
Craft, W. O. |
180 |
Crampton, William |
129 |
Cranage, Thomas, Jr. |
119 |
Crane, Albert A. |
194 |
Culver, Lemon L. |
151 |
Culver, W. H. |
140 |
Cunning, Andrew |
149 |
Cupit, John W. |
236 |
Curren, John |
159 |
Currey, Daniel R. |
143 |
Curry, C. M. |
129 |
Cusson, Edward |
154 |
Cusson, Joseph |
137 |
Daglish, Dr. William |
116 |
Daily, Michael |
29 |
Daly, Andrew |
163 |
Danforth, James C. |
207 |
Davidson, James |
162 |
Davidson, Capt. James |
194 |
Davidson, William C. |
207 |
Davis, Jerome B. |
277 |
Day, Solomon |
154 |
Dease, Charles W. |
150 |
Decker, Horace |
246 |
Decker, James J. |
277 |
Decorte, Edward |
151 |
Decorte, Joseph |
163 |
De Courval, J.P. |
236 |
Dell, Joseph |
256 |
Delaud, Capt. Leander |
139 |
Demars, John B. |
238 |
Denison, E. B. |
119 |
Denkhaus, Henry |
130 |
Detroit, Mill |
50 |
Devlin, Joseph E. |
162 |
Diehl, Charles |
264 |
Dingman, William |
244 |
Dolsen, Chapin & Co. |
50 |
Dougherty, John F. |
131 |
Dow, Henry S. |
118 |
Drago, Charles |
158 |
Drake, John |
77 |
Drake, S. |
123 |
Drummond, Peter |
279 |
Dunbar, E. L. |
109 |
Dunham, Nathaniel |
149 |
Dunplanty, Frank |
162 |
Eddy, Avery and Eddy |
49 |
Eddy Bros. & Co. |
50 |
Eddy, Charles A. |
122 |
Eddy, John F. |
49 |
Eddy, Joseph |
233 |
Eddy, S. |
51 |
Eddy, Warren H. |
154 |
Elliot, Joseph |
160 |
Elliott, Daniel D. |
257 |
Elliott, John H. |
257 |
Emery & Garland |
132 |
Emery, Henry F. |
236 |
Emery, Hiram A. |
203 |
Emery, J. G. |
132 |
Emery, Nicholas |
200 |
Engelhardt, Michael |
233 |
Erwin, Dr. R. W. |
137 |
Essex, J. T. |
233 |
Essex, Ransom P. |
233 |
Evans, William D. |
253 |
Eymer, George |
259 |
Farquharson, John |
248 |
Fay, W. L. |
78 |
Featherly, John W. |
140 |
Fogert, John |
266 |
Folker, Amos |
236 |
Ferguson, George H. |
278 |
Ferris, Thomas |
156 |
Finn, Frederick C. |
163 |
Fisher, C. D. |
95 |
Fisher, Spencer O. |
183 |
Fisk, E. E. |
238 |
Fisk, Legrand H. |
239 |
Fitch, E. S. |
142 |
Fitch, William |
273 |
Fitzhugh, Charles C. |
68 |
Fitzhugh, Dr. D. H. |
68 |
Fitzhugh, Frank |
68 |
Fitzhugh, William D. |
68 |
Folsom and Arnold |
50 |
Ford, C. S. |
168 |
Ford, George |
149 |
Forsyth, O. F. |
123 |
Fowler, E. M. |
122 |
Fox, Thomas |
160 |
Fox, Joseph S. |
158 |
Fox, William |
149 |
Francis, Capt. Gregory |
146 |
Francis, Griffith H. |
203 |
Frank, Ernst |
123 |
Fraser, Hugh A. |
144 |
Fraser, James |
66 |
Freeland, Alonzo B. |
155 |
Freeman, Chester H. |
61 |
Fuller, Ferdinand |
259 |
Fuller, Warren B. |
199 |
Furman, Lemuel |
160 |
Gaffney, John |
240 |
Gaffney, William |
229 |
Galaneau, Thomas |
157 |
Galarno, William |
148 |
Gallagher, Francis |
273 |
Gallagher, James |
244 |
Garber, John B. |
237 |
Garland, M. |
132 |
Garrison, John |
263 |
Gates, Dr. E. H. |
121 |
Gates, S. G. m. |
48 |
Gayllainow, Louis |
198 |
Gies, John |
247 |
Gifford, Henry A. |
153 |
Gilbert, L. A. L. |
139 |
Gilbert, Nelson R. |
152 |
Gilkey, Evander B. |
168 |
Gillett, H. M. |
124 |
Glaser, Charles |
198 |
Goeschel, Louis |
126 |
Golden, John |
199 |
Gordon, Joseph |
152 |
Gordon, William |
150 |
Gorie, Geo. L. |
245 |
Gorrie, William L. |
246 |
Grabowsky, S. |
130 |
Gray, James |
141 |
Gregory, Homer |
162 |
Gregory, John |
149 |
Green & Stevens |
51 |
Green, James A. |
51 |
Green, Capt. Jerry F. |
150 |
Green, Sanford M. |
60 |
Green, W. B. |
263 |
Green Wm. M. |
181 |
Grier, T. C. |
62 |
Griffin, L. H. |
130 |
Grimore, James |
258 |
Groat, Jacob M. |
277 |
Grow Bros. |
124 |
Gullette, Louis |
233 |
Gustin, Frederick K. |
124 |
Haering, Frederick C. |
141 |
Hagadorn, A. F. |
203 |
Hall, Fred E. |
236 |
Hall, George M. |
236 |
Hall, J. R. |
236 |
Hallock, Daniel |
264 |
Hamet, O. F. |
121 |
Hamilton and McGregor |
48 |
Hamilton, Joseph |
158 |
Hamilton, Philip S. |
141 |
Hamme, Frederick |
161 |
Hammond, William D. |
206 |
Hancock, Samuel |
156 |
Hanlon, Peter |
272 |
Hannah, George |
206 |
Harder, J. M. |
130 |
Harding, Thomas K. |
131 |
Hargrave, E. J. & Son |
51 |
Hargrave, E. J. |
51 |
Harmon, Charles E. |
204 |
Harquell, J. L. |
96 |
Harrier, Robert |
134 |
Harris, Luman S. |
246 |
Harrison, George |
180 |
Hart, B. B. |
73 |
Hart, Julius B. |
73 |
Hartranft, J. B. |
131 |
Hastings, Thomas W. |
170 |
Hatch, Herschel H. |
63 |
Hatton, William H. |
273 |
Hawgood, Capt. H. A. |
201 |
Hawkins, Thomas P. |
182 |
Hay, Butman & Co. |
50 |
Hayward, W. B. |
264 |
Haywood, J. |
168 |
Hazen, James S. |
246 |
Hazen, Josephus B. |
266 |
Heike, John |
153 |
Heinzmann, C. |
78 |
Helbig, G. |
155 |
Hellmuth, Henry |
160 |
Hemmingway, William |
254 |
Hemstreet, George A. |
157 |
Henriot, Peter A. |
159 |
Heumann, Chas. C. |
145 |
Hiesordt, Dr. F. D. |
142 |
Hess, Henry |
263 |
Hess, Samuel D. |
148 |
Hewitt, Calvin A. |
149 |
Hill, William A. |
258 |
Hinchey, Alonzo |
159 |
Hine, Gustave |
146 |
Hine, Theodore |
153 |
Histed, Rev. Thomas |
265 |
Hitchcock, J. R. |
49 |
Hodder, W. J. |
273 |
Hogle, James S. |
152 |
Hogle, James W. |
263 |
Holley, John H. |
158 |
Holly, Frederick H. |
150 |
Hollywood, John |
148 |
Hooper, E. J. |
145 |
Hoover, Josiah |
141 |
Hopler, Henry W. |
243 |
Hopp, Ferdinand |
162 |
Horn, Augustus |
243 |
Hotchkiss, L. L., & Co. |
53 |
Hough, John A. |
207 |
Howard, George L. |
207 |
Howe, Alexander |
253 |
Howell, N. |
133 |
Hubbs, Benjamin W. |
153 |
Huckius, Joseph D. |
141 |
Hudson, Joseph |
233 |
Huff, Adam |
151 |
Huff, Stewart A. |
149 |
Hufnagel, Michael |
203 |
Hughes, Daniel |
154 |
Hulbert, Dr. H. B. |
142 |
Huskens, Cornelius |
239 |
Hutchinson, Warren N. |
154 |
Hyman, Abraham |
129 |
Jackson, G. K. |
144 |
Jackson, J. D. |
132 |
Jacobson, Jous |
252 |
Jay, C. A. |
122 |
Jean, Doniaick |
200 |
Jean, Paul D. |
208 |
Jennings, Silas |
269 |
Jennings, William George |
269 |
Jennison, Charles E. |
76 |
Jewell, Leonard |
148 |
Johnson, Charles M. |
279 |
Johnson, F. |
52 |
Johnson, Swan |
201 |
Johnston, Edward |
279 |
Johnston, J. Madison |
138 |
Jones, David |
244 |
Jones, Hiram T. |
277 |
Jones, John |
239 |
Jones, Philip H. |
244 |
Kaichen, Samuel |
124 |
Kaiser, Frederick A. |
249 |
Karter, John |
159 |
Katthain, Benno A. |
145 |
Kealy, Richard |
140 |
Keen, William |
147 |
Keeney, George W. |
259 |
Keith, Alfred |
152 |
Keith, Captain William |
128 |
Kelley, John |
155 |
Kellogg, Oscar F. |
131 |
Kelly, Thomas |
153 |
Kelton, Ephraim J. |
168 |
Kelton, John M. |
168 |
Kempter, George F. |
160 |
Kennedy, Daniel J. |
147 |
Kenney, Thomas |
130 |
Kent, Andrew |
246 |
Keppel, George |
151 |
Kerr, Capt. James |
203 |
Keystone L. & S. Mfg. Co. |
52 |
Kiesel, John George |
247 |
Kilduff & Wright |
131 |
Kilduff, Patrick |
148 |
King, George A. |
277 |
King, Capt. George W. |
167 |
King, Rebecca |
181 |
Kingston, Susan Trado |
274 |
Kinney, Orrin |
137 |
Kittredge, C. L. |
125 |
Klemm, Conrad A. |
201 |
Knaggs, Freedom W. |
159 |
Knaggs, J. W. |
124 |
Knecht, Caspar |
264 |
Knecht, Louis |
264 |
Knight, Nathan |
233 |
Knoblauch, Jacob |
148 |
Koch, Henry |
153 |
Kohler, John |
204 |
Kolb & Westover |
169 |
Kolb, Frederick |
169 |
Kolb, George |
169 |
Kraner, Henry |
256 |
Kusch, Carl G. A. |
199 |
Kusch, Paul R. T. |
199 |
Laderach Bros. |
52 |
Laetz, Charles G. |
163 |
Lafevre, Frank |
148 |
La Fleur, Anthony |
144 |
La France, Peter |
131 |
Laing, James M. |
50 |
Landon, Dr. Henry B. |
145 |
Lanford, George |
236 |
Langdon, G. |
246 |
Lankenaw, Frederick W. |
200 |
Lapham, William P. |
153 |
Laporte, Nerisse |
162 |
Laraway, Harry |
147 |
Laroche, Alexander |
205 |
Leadbetter, J. R. |
150 |
Lefebvre, John M. |
266 |
Leinberger, J. A. |
280 |
Leng, Robert |
167 |
Lentz, John |
269 |
Leser, J. J. |
152 |
Lester, Capt. T. G. |
201 |
Lewis, C. E. |
52 |
Lewis, George |
100 |
Lewis, Harrison |
203 |
Lewis, Henry S. |
203 |
Lewis, Samuel J. |
148 |
Like, James E. |
154 |
Lindner, Henry |
229 |
List, John Adam |
170 |
Littauer, S. |
124 |
Little, Capt. H. C. |
138 |
Little, John H. |
201 |
Lord, George |
77 |
Louks, W. H. |
150 |
Lount, Ira A. |
126 |
Love, William D. |
149 |
Lovejoy, Andrew |
266 |
Lutz, John M. |
161 |
Lutzke, Henry |
163 |
Luxton, Thomas |
131 |
Lynch, W. H. |
130 |
Lynes, Samuel D. |
151 |
Lynn, Edward J. |
150 |
Lyon, Alfred P. |
128 | |
M through Z

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