Thomas A. E. Weadock, present mayor of Bay city, was born at Ballygarret, Ireland, January 1, 1850. His parents emigrated to America in 1850, and settled at St. Mary's, Ohio, where his father died in 1863, and his mother in 1876. His early education was acquired at the district and union schools in St. Mary's. In 1871, having earned some money at school teaching, he entered the law school of Michigan University, where he graduated Bachelor of Laws, March 26, 1878, and was admitted to the bar on the Supreme Courts of Michigan and Ohio the same year.
In 1874 he began practicing law at Bay City, Mich., and soon after married Mary E. Tarsney, of East Saginaw, in this state.
In 1877 he was appointed prosecuting attorney for Bay County by Judge Green, and served with credit to himself until 1879. In 1880 he was elected a member of the American Bar Association.
As a lawyer he had a good practice, and his reputation for ability, industry and integrity is excellent.
In politics he has always been a Democrat; but previous to his nomination for mayor he had never been a candidate for any political office.
Ireland, her history, and the oppressions she has suffered, have always interested him. At the organization of the Bay City Land League he was elected president, and has held that office since by successive elections. He was a delegate to the Irish National Convention at Chicago, and he is president of the St. Patrick’s Society.