1881 & 1882
Bay City, Michigan




ab                    above                                                   nr                     near

al                      alley                                                     n s                    north side

ave                   avenue                                                 n w cor             northwest corner

bds                   boards                                                 res                    resides

bel                    below                                                  opp                  opposite

col’d                colored                                                 s                       south, or south of

cor                   corner                                                  s e cor              southeast corner

e                      east, or east of                                      s s                    south side

e s                    eastside                                                s w cor             southwest corner

n                      north, or north of                                  w                     west, or west of

n e cor              northeast corner                                   w s                   west side





Uberhorst Louis, foreman T H McGraw & Co, res s s 38th nr Harrison

Ueberroth Christ, clerk A B Griswold, res e s Monroe bet 6th and 7th

Ueberroth Henry, carpenter M Lamont, res e s Monroe bet 6th and 7th

Ueberroth Leonard, mason, res e s Monroe bet 6th and 7th

Ulllmann Charles, butcher Louis Bertch, bds Forest City House
Underwood Edward, laborer, res n s 11th 4 w of Johnson

Underwood George, laborer, res s e cor 23rd and Kossuth

Underwood Hannah, domestic W R Wands

Underwood Philomen (wid Wm) bds 2 Pine

Union City Hotel, Jerry Lafleur & Bro proprs, 1509 S Water bet 19th and 20th

Urban George, laborer T H McGraw & Co, res w s Seward 3 s of 34th

Urban William, laborer T H McGraw & Co

Utley Joseph, laborer F E Bradley & Co




Vail Charles D (Eddy & Co), res 606 6th

Vail George M, res 614 Jefferson

Vail George M jr, clerk Eddy & Co, res 614 Jefferson

Vail Miss Hattie, clerk Bassett, Seed & Co, bds w s Jefferson bet 10th and 11th

Vail Henry N, clerk Eddy & Co, res 614 Jefferson

Vail J Wallace,clerk Symons, Smart & Co, bds W F Hovey

Vain Adam, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Valentine James M, lathmaker, res 604 Adams

Vallender James, butcher, res s w cor 13th and McLellan

Valley Iron Works, Smalley Bros & Co proprs, mnfrs steam engines, saw mill and salt works machinery, founder, etc. w s Saginaw bet 10th and 11th

Valley Mary, waitress T G Metcalf, bds same

Vallier David, bods Stephn Vallier

Vallier Edward, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Vallier Stephen, sawyer, res e s Shearer 1 s of Campbell

Vallier Joseph, laborer John McEwan, res n s Fitzgerald 1 e of Johnson

Vallier Leon, carpenter, res s e cor 34th and Taylor

Van Alstine J, watchman Bay City Spoke Works, bds Walter McCrea

Van Auken Frank S A, sawyer, bds Barney House

Van Blarcon John R (S N Meeks & Co), bds  F G Oatman

Van Buren Eugene, carpenter, res w s Jennison ave 1 s of 26th

Van Campen Ambrose S, lumber inspector, res 209 S Jackson

Van Campen Fred, Job Printer and Stationery S w cor Saginaw and Center, res e s Jackson bet 6th and 7th. (See adv.)

Vance Emery J, lumber inspector 5 Shearer Block, Center

Van den Boom Neal, salt boiler, res e s Farragut 1 n of 16th

Vander Henry, laborer, bds Irving House

Van Den Brooks Andrew, Lime Mnfr and Dealer in Brick, Wood, Stone, Etc, N Water foot 23d, res same

Van der Made Henry, laborer, res n e cor Farragut and 16th

Van der Plas Frank, cooper, bds n e cor 18th and Sherman

Van Deusen Stewart A, Propr Fraser House, s e cor Water and Center

Vandusen James, servant James Shearer

Van Duesen James, laborer, res s s 3d 2 e of Trumbull

Vanduzen Albert, cooper, res s s 3d 2 e of Trumbull

Van Emster Florentin H J, druggist 12th head of Washington, res same

Van Haaren Wm, teamster Charles Supe, res s e cor 3d and Sherman

Van Hamlin Jacob, plasterer, res e s McClellan nr 4th

Van Hemel Andreew F, fisherman, res s w cor 17th and Sherman

Van Hoefer Helena, domestic Globe Hotel

Vanhorn Edward, cooper, bds Astor House

Van Horn Peter, Propr Moulton House s w cor 4th and Saginaw

Van Hyfte Frank, laborer, res s s 3d 1 w of Grant

Van Loon John, cooper, res n e cor 14th and Farragut

Vannater Miss Lucy, dressmaker, res McCormick Block

Van Paris August, gardener, res n e cor Stanton and 34th

Van Paris Peter, clerk W B Clark, bds same

Van Parish Louis, laborer, res n e cor Van Buren and Barney

Vanslewig Stanli, laborer J R Hitchcock

Vansteenburgh Alonzo, patent medicine mnfr, bds 401 3d

Van Strattum Casper, book agent, res n e cor Adams and 4th

Van Strattum Ida (wid Gottfried), res n e cor Adams and 4th

Van Syckle Givens E (successor to Wheat & Co), Pianos and Organs, Music and Musical  
      Merchandise and Agent White Sewing Machine Co 109 Center, res same.

Van Toornenburg Aart, laborer, res n s 22d e of Farragut

Van Toornenburg John, laborer, bds Aart van Toornenburg

Van Valkenburgh Uriah, fireman, bds Goderich House

Van Wil Peter, laborer, res s w cor Trumbull and 2d

Van Winkle Miss Mollie, clerk Knaggs & Clark, bds J W Knaggs

Vaughn Joseph, laborer, bds James Hennigar

Vaughn Wm A, Supt Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Division M C R R , Office nr D S & B C R R depot, res 207 Madison bet 4th and 5th

Vaughn John, peddler Dexter & Co, bds Ira L Dexter

Vaughn, John J, mason, res ns 30th 1 e of S Water

Vaughn Wm E, physician Shearer Block, Center, bds Fraser House

Vayaette Francis, laborer, res e s Fraser

Veall Joseph, painter, bds Three Rivers Hotel

Veley Wm, laborer, D & B C R R , bds Forest City House

Verey Charles, storekeeper D & B C R R

Verhoevens John ( E Goddeyne & Co), bds Edward Goddeyne

Verity Amasa B, first engineer Water Works res opp same

Verner James C (Harman & Verner), bds Campbell House

Vernon Thomas, clerk, res 321 Saginaw

Vesault John, laborer, res w s William 6 n of 21st

Vessey Felix, laborer, res 5 Walnut

Vine James, engineer, res s s 14th nr James

Visala Frank, laborer, res ns 22d 1 e of Michigan Ave

Visnowskie Casmer, laborer, res e s Van Buren bet 18th and 19th

Visnoski Valentine, laborer, res n w cor Fitzhugh and 12th

Voge John (Carney & Voge), res cor 4th and Water

Voight Frederick, butcher, res e s Monroe 1 n of 16th

Voight Wm, laborer Bousfield & Co, bds Everett House

Vokel John, stevedore, res e s Jackson 1 n of 11th

Volers Mary, domestic Samuel Kaitchen

Volk Francis W, clerk Cooke & Co, bds Francis Volk

Volker Christopher, painter, res 205 N Adams

Vondrell Charles, yardman Irving House

Von Kaenel Charles, barber under Fraser House, res n e cor 9th and Jackson

Von Walthausen Frederick (F Von Walthausen & Bro), res e s Adams bet 5th and Center

Von Walthausen F & Bro (Frederikc Von Walthausen), Chemists and Druggists s s 3d bet Saginaw and Water

Von walthausen Werner, clerk F Von Walthausen & Bro, bds F Walthausen

Voorhees Christopher, shoemaker Thomas Brown, bds Joseph Mills

Voris Catherine (wid Gilbert), bds F C Miller

Vosburg Frank, tug captain, bds Wolverine House

Vosburgh Charles A, sailor, res n s 1st 1 e of Madison

Vosburgh Henry B, boat captain, res s s 1st bet Monroe and Madison

Vosney John, laborer, bds Joseph Steedman

Voss Annie, domestic C B Curtis

Vrobel Frank, laborer, bds Joseph Vrobel

Vrobel Joseph, laborer, res s e cor Webster and 30th




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 Transcriber Donna Hoff-Grambau
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