1881 & 1882
Bay City, Michigan
ab above nr near
al alley n s north side
ave avenue n w cor northwest corner
bds boards res resides
bel below opp opposite
col’d colored s south, or south of
cor corner s e cor southeast corner
e east, or east of s s south side
e s eastside s w cor southwest corner
n north, or north of w west, or west of
n e cor northeast corner w s west side
Barber Levi A (Chapin, Barber & Co), res s e cor Woodside and Lincoln ave.
Barber Mathew, printer T K Harding, bds James Barber.
Barber Dr Oliver, druggist n w cor 23d and Water, res same.
Barber Robert, laborer, bds J B Barber.
Barber Wm D, laborer, res n s North 3 e of Carney Road.
Barbo John, laborer, res e s Fraser 2 s of 15th.
Barclay Charles, carpenter, res e s Chase bet 3d and 4th
Barclay Frederick W, tug captain, res 207 Sherman.
Barclay Jonathan S, res n w cor Cener and Sherman.
Barclay Lyman, propr Wolverton House, s w cor Water and 3rd.
Barcy Wm, laborer T H McGraw & Co, res s s 35th nr Webster.
Bardon Mathew, printer Evening Press, res n s 9th bet Madison and Jefferson.
Baribeau Edward, laborere, res 11 Walnut.
Barkell Nicholas, lighterer, res e s Stanton 3 s of 23d.
Barker Columbus C, foreman T H McGraw & Co, res e s Harrison nr 38th.
Barker Harvey, salt well repairer, res s w cor Broadway and 31st.
Barlow Robert, house mover, res e s Farragut 1 s of 3d.
Barn Harott W, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotal.
Barnes Daniel D, laborer, res 612 Woodside ave.
Barnes D D, harnessmaker, bds Moulton House.
Barnett Clark, clerk, res 308 Van Buren.
Barnett Miss Marionette A, principal High School, bds 214 Washington.
Barney Hiram, res Eddy Block.
Barney James P, bds 620 Saginaw.
Barney John, boarding house, res e s Jefferson bet 1st and 2d
Barney Moses J, propr Barney House, n e cor Water and 23d.
Barney Philip, millwright, res 1802 Woodside ave.
Barnhardt Wm H, music teacher, bds St Harmas House.
Barnier Andrew, laborer, bds Irving House.
Barnier Frank, laborer, res 2 Pine.
Barnier Randolph, teamster, bds Irving House.
Baron Esdras, laborer, res e s Water bet 17th and 18th.
Barr John, wagonmaker, bds Z Charteau.
Barrett Alexander, carpenter, res e s Jefferson bet 1st and 2d.
Barrett Edward, boilermaker McKinnon & Co.
Barrett John, musician, res 608 Woodside ave.
Barrett Martin, fish inspector, bds George Penniman.
Barrett Michael, laborer, bds Everett House.
Barrett Wm C, clerk J D Lewis, bds same.
Barston J, molder Smalley Bros & Co.
Barthowiak Casper, laborer, res s s 33d bet Kossuth and Seward.
Barthruff Charles, clerk Joseph Weldgane, bds same.
Bartkorvik Josephine (wid Albert), bds Albert Gevizdala.
Bartlett Clark, sawyer F E Bradley & Co, res s w cor Frazer and 16th.
Bartlett Hiram, laborer F E Bradley & Co, res s w cor Fitzhugh and 13th.
Bartlett Louis, laborer, res s s 11th 4 w of Johnson.
Bartlett Lyman L, filer F E Bradley & Co, res e s Fraser 1 s of 16th.
Bartlett Oscar E. trav agt Gustin, Merrill & Co, h w s Adams 2 n of 9th.
Barton John M, sawyer, bds Silas Sweeney.
Bartram Carroll S, propr The Morning News, res w s Jackson bet 7th and 8th.
Bartram Frank, laborer, res s w cor Howard and 19th.
Bartruff Charles, butcher T Hine, bds same.
Bascom Henry C, Gunsmith, Fishing Tackle, etc, 204 N Water, res e s Adams bet 6th and 7th.
Bascom Wm B, salesman H C Bascom, bds same.
Basque James, molder, bds 634 Saginaw.
Bass Charles A, waiter, bds 315 N Water.
Bass Fountain, Propr Magnolia Dining Rooms, 315 N Water, res n w cor 11th and Adams.
Bass Samuel P, waier Magnolia Dining Rooms, bds same.
Bassett Edioni H (Bassett, Seed & Co), res n w cor 10th and Adams.
Bassett John, canvasser, res w s Stanton 2 s of 23d.
Bassett John, fireman, res w s Dolsen 1 s of Belinda.
Bassett, Seed & Co (Edioni H Bassett, James J Seed, Frank Eddy), Dry Goods, Eddy Block, Center nr Adams.
Bassett Wm W, books and stationary 113 N Water, bds n w cor 10th and Adams.
Bassingthwaite Edward J, turner, res s s 12th head of Adams.
Bassingthwaite John E, lumber inspector, bds Edward Bassingthwaite.
Bate Abram (Bay City Stone Co), res n s 8th bet Grant and Van Buren.
Bateman Burt, brakeman Mackinaw Div M C R R, bds F Bateman.
Bateman Frederick, conductor Mackinaw Div M C R R. res s e cor 4th and Jackson.
Baudin Michael J, sawyer, res n e cor Sherman and 11th.
Baudri Joseph, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Bauer Hannah, domestic D W Grow.
Bauer John, teamster, bds George Berthold.
Baumbach Albert, painter, res e s Adams 4 n of 9th.
Baumbach Ernest R, carpenter, res 403 S Jackson.
Baumgarten Daniel, Groceries and Provisions s e cor Center and Adams, res same.
Baumhair Edward, agent Michigan Freie Presse 225 N Water, res same.
Bausetour Charles T, laborer, res 507 Campbell.
Bavarian Bottling Works, Jacob Knoblauch agent, n e cor Madison and 3d.
Bay City Agricultural Implement Works, C S Farrar supt, s s 12th nr limits.
Bay City Band, Fred F Platts leader, Birney Block.
Bay City Bank (Capital $100,000), George Lewis Pres,George Young Vice-Pres, George H Young Cashier, 201 Center cor Saginaw.
Bay City Brewery, s e cor 22d and Water.
Bay City Bridge Co, C E Jennison pres, Isaac H Hill sec and supt, Jennison Block.
Bay City Business College, Cyrus H Devlin Propr, Averill Block, Center.
Bay City Chronicle and Tribune, Tribune Co publrs, Tribune Bldg 5th.
Bay City Dry Dock, Bernard Wolthauer mngr, office food 3d.
Bay City Flouring Mills, McDonald & Shearer proprs, cor 1st and Water.
Bay City Gas Light Co, Wm McEwan pres, James Clements sec and teas, Robert Calhoun supt, Industrial Works Block, S. Water.
Bay City Green Houses, John Irvine Propr, e s Farragut bet 9th and 10th (See adv).
Bay City Hospital and Infirmary, Drs Waterhouse and Campbell Propr, cor 3d and Saginaw.
Bay City Ice Co, G E Thompson & Co proprs, w s S Water bet 24th and 25th.
Bay City Iron Co, Mnfrs Steam Engines, Saw Mill, Salt Well, Steamboat and Machinery of all kinds, B F Ray Pres, J Pond Sec, E g Rote Treas, cor 1st and Madison.
Bay City Marble Works, Sumner & Co, w s Washington bet 4th and 5th. (See adv)
Bay City Music Store, M A Root Propr, 407 Center cor Band Stand Park (See left top lines.)
Bay City Pest House, 1 s of Nebobish ave nr city limits.
Bay City Plating Works, s e cor 2d and Adams.
Bay City Public Library, Miss Jennie Gilbert Librarian, e s Washington bet Center and 6th.
Bay City Spoke Works, J D McKinnon Agent, Mnfrs Wagon, Buggy and Sulky Spokes, e s Water bet 10th and 11th (see adv.)
Bay City Steam Boiler Works, McKinnon & Co proprs, e s Water bet 10th and 11th.
Bay City Steam Laundry, L H Griffin Propr, n e cor 5th and Saginaw. (See adv. back cover).
Bay City Stone Co, (James Tennant, Edwin Pryer, Abraham Bate), Dealers in all kinds of Stone, Granite and Marble, dock foot 8th. (See adv).
Bay City Street Railroad Co, James Clements Pres and Manager, office w s Water foof of 11th.
Bay City Water Works, A B Neritz first engineer, n s North Water foot of Trumball.
Bazile Ratkie, carpenter, bds Portland House.
Beach Ambrose S, clerk office supt J, L & S Div M C R R, res w s Washington bet 7th and 8th.
Beach Charles, laborer, bds Forest City House.
Beach Harlow G (Tousey, Jennison & Beach), res 304 S Madison.
Beach Lyman F (Mason & Beach) res e s Farragut bet 6th and 7th.
Beaber Oliver, druggist, n w cor cor 23d and Water.
Beard Frederick C, carpenter, dbs George Beard.
Beard George R, res n s Center 1 e of Van Buren.
Beard George & Sons, builders, res n w cor Jefferson and 12th.
Beard Henry J, carpenter, bds George Beard.
Beard John W, carpenter, bds Grand Central Hotel.
Beard Robert, carpenter, bds George Beard.
Beard Wm G (Flower & Beard) and ex-County Register, res n e cor 12th and Adams.
Beardsley Charles A, music, bds J A Beardsley.
Beardsley James A, news depto, w s Harrison bet S Center and 35th, res cor S Center and Polk.
Beardsley Jeremiah, teamster Gustin, Merrill & Co, res n e cor 3d and Jackson.
Bears Miss Della, teacher, bds 401 9th.
Beaubien, Theodore J, Notions and Fancy Goods, Toys, Pictures and Frames, Etc, 311 Center, res 407 S Jefferson.
Beaubien Henry E, laborer, res s s 33d l e of Michigan ave.
Beauchamp John, clerk Mason House.
Beaudette Charles, laborer, bds Uldaric Beaudette.
Beaudette Miss Delia, dressmaker, bds Uldaric Beaudette.
Beaudette Miss Georgiana, dressmaker, bds Uldaric Beaudette.
Beaudette Meados J, blacksmith Daunt and Sharp, bds Wm J Daunt.
Beaudette Uldaric, sawyer, res 703 Barney.
Beaudin Alfred M, foreman Le Patriote, res n w cor 21st and Fraser.
Beaudoin Adolph, laborer, res w s William 1 n of 21st.
Beaudoin Albert, laborer, bds Adolph Beaudoin.
Beaudoin Vishna, laborer, bds Adolph Beaudoin.
Beaudry George, harnessmaker Nichols & Sangle, res Simons Block, Center.
Beauharoes Peter, laborer, bds Joseph Valliere.
Beauregard Michael, teamster, res 211 Jackson.
Beauseau Samuel, laborer J R Hitchcock.
Beausijour Joseph, bartender Isaac Obey, res cor 3d and Van Buren.
Beck Henry, cabinetmaker, res s w cor Sherman and 13th.
Beck Jacob, upholsterer, res w s Saginaw bet 5th and Center.
Becker Miss Alice E, teacher 1st Ward, bds Mrs Elsie Becker.
Becker Dayton, clerk Anscomb House.
Becker Mrs Elsie, res 505 Jackson.
Becker Enos (Sherman & Becker) bds Portland House.
Becker Horace, laborer, res 306 N Van Buren.
Becker James, teamster, res s s 22d nr limits.
Becker Nicholas J, cooper H Cook, bds Albert Frederick.
Beckley Anna, domestic E S Fitch.
Becktel Chester, clerk Globe Hotel, bds same.
Becktel Frederick, bartender Globe Hotel, bds same.
Becktel Horace (Becktel & Son) Globe Hotel.
Becktel Mrs Sarah (Becktel & Son) Globe Hotel.
Becktel & Son (Mrs Sarah Becktel, Horace Becktel), Proprs Globe Hotel, n w cor Water and 5th.
Beckwith Antoinette (wid Benjamin F), res n e cor Harrison and S Center.
Beckwith Luther, Lawyer 7 Bank Block, res 208 S. Jefferson.
Bedar Frederick, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Bedard Theodore, ship carpenter, bds John Wolsky.
Bedell Frank, laborer, res s e cor Taylor and 32d.
Beden Miss Anges, dressmaker, res s w cor Center and Saginaw.
Beden Rosa, dressmaker, res Simon Block.
Beebe Charles, cigarmaker J Goldman, bds Grand Central Hotel.
Beebe Edward H, sawyer, res e s Webster 1 s of 29th.
Beebe Mrs Lucy, bds J G Labadie.
Beebe Seth W (Beebe & Braddock), res n s S Center 1 e of Harrison.
Beebe Silas C, carpenter, res e s Taylor 1 n of 34th.
Beebe Wm A, dredges, res s s S Center 3 e of Ingraham.
Beebe & Braddock (Seth W Beebe, Edward B Braddock), Mnfrs Root Beer, Pop and Ginger Ale, Cider and Vinegar, and Jobbers in Cigars, s w cor Harrison and 35th.
Beecraft Amasa, foreman, res n s 3d 2 w of Johnson.
Beers Minnie, domestic J N Cupits.
Begg John, carpenter, bds Wolverton House.
Behringer, Albert, butcher, res 409 N Madison.
Beier Frank, laborer, res w s Fraser 1 n of 14th.
Beith Mrs Sarah, saloon, e s Water bet 7th and 8th, res same.
Bekoski Stephen, tailor, res n s 15th 1 e of Van Buren.
Belanger Adolphus, laborer, bds Adolphus Martell.
Belanger Frederick, butcher Benjamin Etier, bds e s Howard bet 17th and 18th.
Belanger Joseph, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Belanger Louisa (wid Francis), carpet weaver, res e s Howard 1 s of 17th.
Belford Louis, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Belgers Andrew, laborer, bds w s Sherman 2 n of 16th.
Belinski Joseph, laborer, bds Joseph Bulowski.
Bell Thomas, laborer, bds Avery Burnham.
Bellair John, capenter, res e s Bowery 2 s of 21st.
Bellek Joseph, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotel.
Bellemuir Mrs Nellie, domestic H M Wright.
Belleville Louis, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res s e cor Adams and Woodside ave.
Bellisle Maguire, servant Rev Ulric Thibodeau Mederic.
Bellour, Peter, cooper Pitts & Cranage, res w s Shearer 2 n of Campbell.
Belmore Antoine, laborer Pitts & Cranage.
Belmore Seville, laborer, res s w cor Monroe and 12th.
Belodau Frank, ship carpenter, bds John Wolsky.
Belworthy Barto, tailor Griswold Block, N Water, rs same.
Benauld Louis, laborer, bds St Lawrence Hotel.
Bence N Alonzo, shoemaker Thomas Brown, res e s McClellan nr 4th.
Bender Samuel, laborer, bds 115 Jefferson.
Bender Valentine, tin peddler T E Smith & Co, bds T E Smith.
Bendig August, laborer, bds Christian Bendig.
Bendig Christian, laborer, res e s Kossuth 1 n of 29th.
Bendoien Gofoed, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Bendy Gustav, clerk P W Gardiner, bds same.
Benedict Sophronia (wid Daniel), bds E A Spear.
Benham Frederick, clerk, bds H a Benham.
Benham Henry A, millwright, res s w cor 9th and Grant.
Benner Wm, engineer Hyde & Trombley, bds Quebec House.
Bennett Alexander, sailor, bds C A Vosburgh.
Bennett Edwin T, Propr The Evening Press (Daily) and Lumberman’s Gazette (Weekly), 210 Center, res e s Madison bet 6th and 7th.
Bennett Frank, clerk Cooke & Co, bds Henry H Bennett.
Bennett Germand F, foreman T H McGraw & Co, res e s 38th e of Harrison.
Bennett Gilbert (col’d), laborer, res s s 14th nr Fitzhugh.
Bennett Henry H, vessel captain, res e s Jefferson 3 s of 10th.
Bennett James S, barge captain, res n e cor Grant and 12th.
Bennett John, laborer Hay, Butman & Co.
Bennett John D, Veterinary Surgeon n s 3d bet Saginaw and Washington, res n s 7th bet Adams and Jefferson. (See adv.)
Bennett Leander, boat captain, res w s Jefferson bet 9th and 10th.
Bennett Stephen O, clerk I S Cadman & Co, bds J P Cadman.
Bennett Wm A, helper Industrial Works.
Bennett & Co, Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables n s 3d bet Saginaw and Washington. (See adv.)
Bens Harmon W, foreman, res w s Johnson 1 of Ketchum.
Benson Charles, with N B Bradley.
Benson Charlotte (wid Olis), res n s Bullock Road nr Harrison.
Benson Samuel, laborer, res w s Annie 2 n of Lord.
Benson Samuel, hostler, res n e cor 16th and Williams.
Benstein Herman, saloon Campbell Block 3d, res 1104 2d.
Benway Alexander, salt packer, bds Mrs Fanny Benway.
Benway Charles, fireman 7th Ward Fire Co, bds Mrs Fanny Benway.
Benway Fanny (wid Frank), res n s 32d l e of Polk.
Benway Joseph, laborer, res 906 Campbell.
Benway Leed, domestic E F Bousfield.
Benz John, butcher, res w s Madison 2 n of 2d.
Beorneman Gusty, domestic 308 Adams.
Ber Michael, oculist s w cor Monroe and 12, res same.
Berdeau David, teamster A Rust & Bros, res n w cor Fitzhugh and 20th.
Berg Rev Joseph (Israelite), res 411 Washington.
Berger Louis, awning and window curtain mnfr, Watson Block, res n w cor 17th and Bowery.
Bergevin Ephraim, Liquors (wholesale and retail) e s Belinda head of Campbell, res same.
Bergevin Louis, teamster, res w s Broadway nr 32d.
Bergevin Thomas, clerk Grow Bros and propr Hamlin House, 900 Campbell.
Berlind Ernest, clerk H G Porter, res w s Jefferson bet 7th and 8th.
Bernard Bernard, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, res s s 6th bet Madison and Jefferson.
Bertch Charles, butcher Louis Bertch, bds same.
Bertch Julius E, bookkeeper Louis Bertch, bds same.
Bertch Louis, Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Center 4 e of Fraser House, res w s Center bet Johnson and Pendleton.
Bertch Miss Lucy, teacher 1st Ward School, bds Louis Bertch.
Bertch Robert, laborer, bds 305 Shearer.
Berthiaume Felix, shoemaker Wm McGibbons, res e s Carney Road nr Center.
Berthold George, saloon e s Howard 1 s of 16th, res same.
Besron John, laborer, bds St. Harmas Hotel.
Bessett G A, clerk T H McGraw & Co, bds Campbell House.
Betther Andrew, laborer, res n w cor Van Buren and 17th.
Beumia Alexander, bottler Bavarian Bottling Works, bds Jacob Knoblauch.
Beutel Bertha, domestic E M Fowler.
Beuthin Charles, cigarmaker, bds Eagle House.
Bezenah Isidore J, baker, res 506 N. Saginaw.
Bezenah L Napoleon, carpener, res 506 N. Saginaw.
Bezenah Philip, laborer, res 506 N. Saginaw.
Bialy Lucretia (wid Abram), res n e cor Seward and 28th.
Bialy Mendel J, bookkeeper J r Hitchcock, res s w cor Ingraham and 36th.
Bialy Robert C (Logan, Scheurmann & Co), res cor 31st and Lafayette.
Biard Elizabeth (wid Joseph), dbs Cyrille Poirer.
Biddlecomb George, laborer, res e s F & P M Ry 3 s of 15th.
Bidle Minnie, domestic A M Switzer.
Biers John, laborer, res s w cor 8th and Lincoln.
Biers Miss Nellie, clerk C R Hawley & Co, bds cor Water and Henry.
Bigelow Louisa (wid George), bds Mrs. Harriet McAuley.
Bilair Leon, laborer T H McGraw & Co.
Bileoda Mary, ironer Bay City Steam Laundry.
Billard Andrew, barber n s 3d bet Saginaw and Washington, res same.
Billiard Peter, mechanic, bds Union City Hotel.
Billing Henry, woodworker E Carriere, res S Water bet 39th and 40th.
Billings Frank, carpenter, res w s Fraser 1 s of 21st.
Billings Henry, carriagemaker, res w s Harrison nr 40th.
Bilre Moses, laborer, bds Three Rivers Hotel.
Bird Barney, cooper, res e s Fitzhugh 3 n of 15th.
Bird Miss Kate, dressmaker, bds Mrs Margaret Bird.
Bird Margaret (wid Benjamin), res w s Seward 1 s of 31st.
Birdsall Ben, bookkeeper T H McGraw & Co, rooms C D Fisher, w s Webster bet S Center and 35th.
Birdsall James, bookkeeper, bds Campbell House.
Birdsall James B, bookkeeper Towsey, Jamieson & Beach, res s w cor Monroe and Center.
Birge Carrie A (wid Harry G), bds Mrs C Klumpp.
Birgland Andrew J, foreman paint shop Bousfield & Co, res n e cor 35th and Taylor.
Birgland John, laborer, res n e cor 35th and Taylor.
Birgland Oscar, painter, bds John Birgland.
Birney Henry, Hack and Omnibus Line e s Saginsw bet 3d and 4th, res s e cor 3d and Van Buren.
Birney Hon James, U S Minister res at the “Hague”, home ss 10th bet Grant and Farragut.
Bisbee Mrs, dressmaker Saginsw bet 5th and Center, res same.
Bisbo Nelson O, laborer, bds D E Erb.
Bishop George, stevedore, bds George Penniman.
Bishop Peter, laborer, res n w cor Fitzhugh and 21st.
Bishop Thomas, janitor, bds C W Randall.
Bishop Wm, boat cook, bds George Beard.
Bison Frank, saloon cor 18th and Water, res same.
Bison Rosa, domestic Grand Central Hotel.
Bisson Felix, laborer, res n s 18th 1 w of Williams.
Bitel Herman, laborer, res n s 4th 1 e of Pendleton.
Black Mill Ellen, dressmaker, bds Robert Black.
Black Robert, drayman, res w s Jefferson 1 n of 12th.
Black Robert J, plumber James Clements & Son, res w s Jefferson bet 11th and 12th.
Black S Ladue (Cronk & Black), res 116 N Water.
Blackburn G H, carpenter Pitts & Cranage.
Blackhurst Edward, blacksmith Charles Reaume, bds Grand Central Hotel.
Blackinton Frank H, foreman, res e s Polk 1 s of 29th.
Blackman Frank H, merchant tailor 105 Center, res 212 Grant.
Blackmer Edson, boilermaker McKinnon & McDonnell, res cor 13th and Fraser.
Blacktop John, flagman F & P M. Ry, res e s Monroe bet 11th and 12th.
Blain Alice (wid Amorn), res e s Seward 1 n of 31st.
Blair Adolphus, bds J L Gould.
Blair Louis, turner Bay City Spoke Works.
Blair Purda, laborer T H McGraw & Co.
Blake Mattie, domestic Michael Kilduff.
Blanchard John, laborer, res w s Harrison bet 39th and 40th.
Blanchette George, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res s e cor 1st and Jefferson.
Blanchette Jospeh, carpenter, res w s Saginaw bet 11th and 12th.
Blandin Louis, laborer, res e s Belinda 2 n of Woodside ave.
Blazinski Frank, laborer, bdes Anton Minkutz.
Bletski August, laborer, res n e cor Van Buren and 16th.
Bloeden Louis, res n w cor 3d and Washington.
Bloeden Sidney, clerk National Tea Co, res cor 3d and Washington.
Bloeden Walter, draughtsman Watkins, Hidden & Arnold, bds n w cor 3d and Washington.
Bloet Theordore ,tailor, bds Theo Leugue.
Blohm John, laborer John McEwan, bds Peter McDonald.
Blondin Alexander, edger Pitts & Cranage.
Blondin Israel, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotel.
Bloom Henry, laborer, res n w cor 30th and Taylor.
Bloom James, N B Bradley.
Bloom John, fireman E J Hargrave, bds Peter McDonald.
Bloomfield Charles J, bill poster, 206 Center, res n s 12th bet Sheridan and Lincoln.
Blouin Oliver, clerk John Wold, res s s Campbell 2 e of Johnson.
Blount Walter R, cooper, res w s Johnson 2 s of N Water.
Blublitz Frederick, hoopmaker, bds C A Gail.
Blumke Wm G, laborer, res w s Sherman 1 n of 10th.
Blush Edward, clerk Globe Hotel, bds same.
Blush Edward C, engineer, res e s Bowery 4 s of 19th.
Blush maud, domestic, 314 4th.
Boadky Bearn, laborer S McLean & Son.
Board of Water Works, E L Dunbar sec, office City Building.
Boardman Thomas W, mail agent, bds Campbell House.
Bode Wm C, cigarmaker, rooms cor 5th and Sheridan.
Bodouin Thomas, laborer, bds St. Harmas House.
Boesvert Joseph, ship carpenter, bds Joseph Valliere.
Boethold George, saloon and boarding, e s Howard bet 16th and 17th.
Boez Calla, domestic E G Carrier.
Bofinger Gottlieg, grocer, e s Water bet 6th and 7th, res same.
Bogart Charles A, physician, 500 Jefferson, res same.
Bogue Ira, brakeman Mackinaw Div M C R R.
Bohn John A, teamster, res s s Hart 1 w of Annie.
Bohn Max, laborer, res s e cor Stanton and 22nd.
Bohringer Albert, butcher Mansfield & Rose, res w s Madison bet 2d and 3d.
Boilard Midez, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Boise Jacob, laborer, res s e cor 35th and Fitzhugh.
Boiteau Lester J, cooper, res w s Webster nr 32d.
Boiteau George C, musician, bds G F Boiteu.
Boiteu George F, shoemaker, res e s Taylor 1 n of 31st.
Boiteu Henry A, boots and shoes e s Harrison bet 31st and 32d, res e s Taylor bet 30th and 31st.
Boitios John, fireman, bds David Daniels.
Bold James, laborer, bds 643 Washington.
Bombach A, painter D & B C R R.
Bonau Benjamin, N B Bradley.
Banacre Marcelle, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Bondiren Ferdinand, laborer, bds French Hotel.
Bondy Gilbert, fireman, bds Jacob Bondy.
Bondy Jacob, laborer, res w s Jackson 3 n of 11th.
Bondy Louis, laborer, bds Jacob Bondy.
Bondy Miss Minnie, dressmaker, bds Jacob Bondy.
Bondy Miss Susie, dressmaker, bds Jacob Bondy.
Bonem Benjamin, laborer, res e s Howard 2 n of 21st.
Bonem Ezra, res e s Williams 1 s of 17th.
Bonem Levi, foreman A Stater, bds Barney House.
Bonem Peter, wood turner, bds Barney House.
Bones Laurenze, laborer bds Portland House.
Bongan Emil, sawyer, res s w cor Shearer and Fitzgerald.
Bonnell Sarah P (wid Mahlon) bds Mrs S B Slocum.
Bonner Adolphus, laborer N B Bradley, res s s 19th 1 w of Howard.
Bonner John, laborer, N B Bradley, bds A Bonner.
Bonnette Clark, clerk Cooke & Co, res w s Van Buren bet 7th and 8th.
Bonum Benjamin, bds c Wimmitt.
Booker James, engineer, bds Peter Booker.
Booker Peter, machinist James Clements & Son, res Taylor bet 23rd and 24th.
Boon Cornelius, laborer Pitts & Cranage.
Boone Mrs Ellen, res n s 7th l e of Lincoln.
Booth M, machinist D & B C R R.
Booth Osmond W, shipping clerk D & B C R R, res e s Johnson bet 1st and Woodside ave.
Bordeau David, laborer, bds Lonis Cormier.
Bordner David R, laborer, res e s Seward 1 n of 28th.
Boreau Gabriel, drayman, res w s Kossuth 1 s of 31st.
Boreau James H, laborer, res nr Riker & Kilburn’s fish house.
Borland Mathew J, railroad supt, res 123 Adams.
Bothe August J, clerk Cooke & Co, res e s Farragut bet 10th and 11th.
Bouchard Louis, shoemaker cor 31st and Water, res n e cor 33d and Michigan ave.
Boucher Andrew, with N B Bradley.
Boucher Levi D, trav agent Charles Supe, res 310 S Jefferson.
Boucher Octavious, Custom Tailor, Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, w s N Water bet 3d and 4th, res s s 4th bet Saginaw and Washington (See adv.)
Bouchey Joseph T, bartender, res 807 3d.
Boughner Jems R, laborer, res s e cor N Water and Marshall.
Boughton Wm, fireman, bds s e cor 4th and Adams.
Bourget Philip, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotel.
Bourivaige Martin, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotel.
Bousfield Alfred E (Bousfield & Co), res n w cor 34th and Polk.
Bousfield E Frank (Bousfield & Co), res n w cor Monroe and 4th.
Bousfield Robert E, clerk Bousfield & Co, bds n w cor 34th and Polk.
Bousfield & Co (E Frank Bousfield, Alfred E Bousfield), Wooden Ware Mnfrs, Pails, Tubs, Etc, Office and Works foot 34th.
Boutell Benjamin (Mitchell & Boutell), bds Spears’ Hotel.
Boutell Gilman, sailor, res w s Jackson 2 s of 4th.
Bontreur Franc L, clerk Boutreur House, bds same.
Boutreur House, Peter F Boutreur Propr, s w cor Lord and Scott.
Boutreur Peter F, Propr Boutreur House s w cor Lord and Scott, res same.
Boutyette Richard, clerk J B Campbell & Co, res 408 N Adams bet 2d and 3d.
Bowen Theodore, hoopmaker, res n e cor Chase and 5th.
Bower Henry, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotel.
Bowers John W, hostler Bennett & Co, res w s Saginaw bet 1st and 2d.
Bowse Gerit, laborer, bds 643 Washington.
Bowyer James W, saltmaker, res w s Taylor 1 s of 32d.
Boyce Joseph, fireman, res w s Lincol 1 s of 2d.
Boyce R B, laborer N B Bradley, res s e cor Fraser and 15th.
Boycan Thomas A, tailor, res n e cor Fitzhugh and 15th.
Boyden Wm W, engineer (marine), res s s 3d nr Farragut.
Boyer James, laborer, res n e cor Fitzhugh and 15th.
Boyer James H, laborer, res n e cor Fitzhugh and 15th.
Boyle Mark, laborer T H McGraw & Co, res e s S Water 2 n of 30th.
Boyle Robert S, molder Smalley Bros & Co, res 702 2d.
Barbow Joseph, carpenter, res e s Jefferson 3 n of 11th.
Bradburn George, laborer, res s s Woodside ave 2 e of Trumbull.
Bradburn John, laborer bds George Bradburn.
Bradburn Lizzie, domestic 208 N Jackson.
Braddock Asael C, laborer, res s e cor S Water and 34th.
Braddock Edward, bottler, res n e cor S Center and Polk.
Braddock Edward E (Beebe & Braddock), res n e cor S Center and Polk.
Braddock Henry P, bookkeeper Gates & Fay.
Braddock Luther W, lumber inspector 8 Watson Block, res w s Madison bet 7th and 8th.
Braddock Newton A, machinist Smalley Bros & Co, res s e cor S Water and 34th.
Braddock Oscar L (Munyan & Braddock), res s w cor 34th and Taylor
Bradfield Fred W, bookkeeper Forsyth & Pierson, res food 3d w s.
Bradford Charles, advertising solicitor The Morning News, bds C S Bartram.
Bradford James V, machinist Smalley Bros & Co.
Bradford Preston A, machinist Smalley Bros & Co, res e s Jefferson 3 s of 10th.
Bradley Andrew J, engineer, res n e cor Webster and S Center.
Bradley Charles A, lumber inspector 6 Union Block, bds n w cor 8th and Van Buren.
Bradley Edward L, lumber inspector, res w s Madison 1 s of 10th.
Bradley Elmer E (N B Bradley & Sons), res n w cor William and 15th.
Bradley Fred W (N B Bradley & Sons), bds N B Bradley.
Bradley Frederick E (F E Bradley & Co), res s e cor Grant and Center.
Bradley F E & Co (Frederick E Bradley, Russell M Bradley), Lumber and Salt Mnfrs n w cor Water and 9th (See adv.)
Bradley Henry M, lumberman, res s w cor Madison and 10th.
Bradley Jacob, carpenter, res w s Polk nr S Center.
Bradley Nathan B (N B Bradley & Sons and Ross & Bradley), re n e cor Washington and 7th.
Bradley N B & Sons (Nathan B, Elemar E and Fred W Bradley), Mnfrs Lumber and Salt, Water foot 14th.
Bradley Russell M (F E Bradley & Co), an dShingle Mnfr n w cor Water and 9th, bds s e cor Grant and Center.
Brady Barney, pipemaker the Michigan Pipe Co, res n s 2d 2 e of Trumbull.
Brady Barney jr, pipemaker the Michigan Pipe Co, bds n s 2d 2 e of Trumbull.
Brady Joseph, pipemaker the Michigan Pipe Co, bds n s 2d 2 e of Trumbull.
Brady Patrick, laborer, res w s Taylor bet 27th and 28th.
Brady Peter, laborer, s s 40th nr Gould.
Brady Theresa, domestic John L Dolsen.
Brady Thomas, laborer, res w s Fraser 3 n of 21st.
Braim Issac, porter C R Hawley & Co, bds cor 8th and Adams.
Braman Charles F, city controller, office City Building, bds Campbell House.
Branch of Little Jake’s Bank, 403 N Water.
Brand Anna (wid Charles), grocer and midwife s s 23d 1 e of Webser, res same.
Brandimore Christopher, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res e s Fitzhugh, 3 s of 19th.
Brandimore Edward, filer A Rust & Bros, res e s Madison bet 20th and 21st.
Brandimore Enos, machine hand A Rust & Bros, res e s Madison bet 20th and 21st.
Brandimore John, carpenter Pitts & Cranage, res s e cor Lincoln and 3d.
Brandimore Mrs Mary, bds John Brandimore.
Brandt August, cooper Pitts and Cranage, res s e cor Lincoln and 3d.
Brandt Julius, cooper Pitts and Cranage.
Braseau Camil, laborer, res nr Atlantic Salt Works.
Braumoeller Conrad, laborer F & P M freight house, res n e cor Madison and 14th.
Braun Arthur, harnessmaker s s 3d bet Saginaw and Washington, bds Anscomb House.
Brazil John, teamster, res 107 Belinda.
Brazil Robert J, laborer, bds 107 Belinda.
Brazil Thomas P, laborer, bds 107 Belinda.
Brazinski Jacob, laborer, bds n s 35th nr S Water.
Brechtel Louis, laborer, res n e cor Van Buren and Barney.
Breck T M, bookkeeper, bds Globe Hotel.
Breckler Joseph (Breckler & Lewinstein), res 207 S Saginaw bet 6th and 7th.
Breckler & Lewinstein, (Joseph Breckler, Bennett Lewinstein), Agents Dry Goods, 116 N Water, and Clothing cor Water and 5th.
Breen John, drayman, res s s Center nr Carney Road.
Brelt Hermedos, laborer, res s e cor Fraser and 18th.
Brennan John, teamster, bds Martin Brennan.
Brennan Martin, lumberman, res 101 Broadway.
Brennan Richard, teamster, bds Martin Brennan.
Brennan Wm, bookkeeper, bds Martin Brennan.
Brenner Frederick, fireman D & B C R R, bds Spears’ Hotel.
Bresau Louis, laborer Bousfield & Co, res s w cor 32d and Polk.
Breske Louis, saltmaker S McLean & Son, res n e cor 27th and Taylor.
Bresler Charles A, hides and pelts n s 4th nr Saginaw, res e s Washington bet 10th and 11th.
Bresler Frederick, agent, bds Forest City House.
Bresler Henry, clerk Breckler & Lewinstein, res 210 5th.
Brewer F, saltmaker S McLean & Son.
Brewster John, laborer N B Bradley.
Brewster Robert E, lumber inspector, bds s e cor 6th and Sherman.
Brick Wm, market gardener, res e s Johnson 1 s of 12th.
Bridge George, laborer, res e s Polk 1 s of 30th.
Bridgemont Charles, lumberman, res n s 7th 1 w of Washington.
Bridges Willard H, Vessel Agent an dTug and Barge Owner 225 N Water, res s e cor 3d and Van Buren.
Briggs Emma, domestic W H Tousey.
Briggs Eugene E, oil dealer, res s w cor Seward and 30th.
Briggs Harlow, drayman W H Crawford & Bro, res w s Barney nr Dolson.
Briggs Jonathan, boarding, res 632 Saginaw.
Bright Elsie E (wid Bruice), dressmaker, n s 18th 2 e of S Water, res same.
Brisbau Albert, laborer, bds 607 Fitzgerald.
Brisbau Alexander, engineer, bds 607 Fitzgerald.
Brisbau Charles, teamster, bds 607 Fitzgerald.
Brisbau Emil, teamster, bds 607 Fitzgerald.
Brisbau George, engineer, bds 607 Fitzgerald.
Brisbau Teresa (wid Isreal) res 607 Fitzgerald.
Brisbau Wm, fireman, res s e cor Shearer and Fitzgerald.
Brisbois Nelson, clerk F X Campau, bds J D Lewis.
Briscoe R J, Propr Detroit Mills, Mnfr Lumber and Salt, Water, n of F & P M Ry Docks, res e s Grant bet 8th and 9th (See adv.)
Briske John (Briske & Forcia), res n s 32d 1 e of Polk.
Briske & Forcia (John Briske, Modes Forcia), grocers n e cor 32d and Polk.
Britton James, brakeman D & B C R R, res w s Monroe 1 s of 9th.
Britton Theordore, confectionery e s Harrison bet 31st and 32d, res s e cor Polk and 33d.
Broadway Priscilla, cook M T Miller.
Brock Charles, engineer, bds Wm M Brock.
Brock Wm M, salt well borer, res n w cor 17th and Madison.
Brock ______, tinner, bds 21 Washington.
Brockmiller John, salt lifter, bds John Wolsky.
Brockway Lewis, teamster Gustin, Merrill & Co, bds Wolverton House.
Broderick Edward, milk peddler Adam Huff, bds same.
Brookmyer John, teamster S McLean & Son, res e s Seward nr 32d.
Brookmyer Peter, laborer, res s e cor 31st and Stanton.
Brookmyer Robert, laborer, bds James Hennigar.
Brooks John, carpenter M Lamont, res n e cor Fraser and 13th.
Brooks Wm, laborer, res e s Farragut 1 s of 14th.
Brooks Willis H, printer Tribune Co, res West Bay City.
Brophy Wm, fireman, res S Center head of Taylor.
Broseau Alexander, laborer, bds Antoine Broseau.
Broseau Antoine, laborer, res e s Harrison bet 33d and 34th.
Broseau Samuel, laborer, res s s 18th bet Fitzhugh and Fraser.
Broski Frank, laborer, res s s 18th bet Fitzhugh and Fraser.
Brotherton W Irving (Maltby, Page & Co), res n w cor 9th and Jefferson.
Broughton Alfred, ticket agt F & P M R R, res n w cor Adams and 7th.
Brousaux Joseph, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotel.
Brown Ann (wid Jeremiah) res 108 N.
Brown Arthur, harnessmaker, rooms Bank Block.
Brown DeWitt C, res 407 N Sherman.
Brown Edward W, clerk, bds John Wanless.
Brown Eliza J, domestic Spears’ Hotel.
Brown Miss Emma M, teacher 5th Ward branch school, bds Capt Chrons.
Brown Eunice A (wid George), res n s Fremont ave bet Kosuth and Seward.
Brown Frederick P, asst cashier First National Bank, res n w cor Lincoln and 6th.
Brown George, carpenter, bds 206 Adams.
Brown George W W, toll collector, res 304 Monroe.
Brown Hugh, Tug Office and Sample Room e end 3d street bridge, res same.
Brown Isaac (col’d), drayman, res e s of Fraser.
Brown Jacob, trimmer Pitts & Cranage, bds 210 Jefferson.
Brown James C, porter steamboat, bds John H Brown.
Brown John, constable 4th ward, bds 643 Washington.
Brown John E, sawyer, res n w cor Taylor and 35th.
Brown John H, steamer steward, res 202 Longtin.
Brown Joseph, laborer, res s w cor 12th and Birney.
Brown Lafayette N, carpenter, res e s Sherman 4 n of 11th.
Brown Martin W, watchman The Michigan Pipe Co, res w s Sherman 1 s of Woodside ave.
Brown Mary (wid James) res n e cor Farragut and 9th.
Brown Oscar, laborer, res w s Taylor 2 s of 30th.
Brown Robert J, boilermaker McKinnon & Co.
Brown Thomas, boots and shoes w s Water bet 3d and 4th, res n s 3d bet Birney and McClellan.
Brown Wm H, laborer, bds Mrs E A Brown.
Browne Fred E, clerk American Express Co, res Von Walthausen Block, 3d.
Brownson Miss Eva, teacher High School, bds 304 N Monroe.
Brownson Wm S, millwright, res 304 N Monroe.
Brozwiski Joseph, laborer, res n w cor Webster and 30th.
Broz, Celina (wid Adolph), res w s Howard 3 s of 19th.
Bruette Nelson M, tinner Forsyth & Pierson, res West Bay City.
Brundage Wm, salt boiler D MsIsaac, res e s Farragut 2 s of 16th.
Brunner August, clerk Charles Brunner, bds same.
Brunner Charles, Groceries and Provisions 202 Center n e cor Saginaw and Center, res cor Washington and 9th.
Brustmacher Joseph, carpenter, res n s 2d 1 e of Trumbull.
Bryant James, porter Gustin, Merrill & Co, res n e cor 3d and Jackson.
Bubletz Charles, laborer, res e s Taylor 1 s of 29th.
Buchanan James, boilermaker, res e s Van Buren 3 n of 11th.
Buchanan Mary (wid John) res 905 4th.
Buchanan Miss Minnie, clerk C R Hawley & Co, bds 4th bet Grant and Van Buren.
Buchord Isadore, laborer, res 608 Woodside ave.
Buck Alma (wid Justus), res n w cor 19th and Bowery.
Buck Alonzo, clerk Anscomb House.
Buck Homer E, clerk L F Miller & Co.
Buckingham Albert E, Mnfr Door and Window Screens, Ice Boxes, Refrigerators, Etc, e s Washington n of 8th, res s e cor 11th and Grant. ( See adv.)
Buckland Charles C, painter, res 504 N Grant.
Buckman Miss Evorah, canvasser, bds s w cor 8th and Saginaw.
Bucowski Felix, saloon, res n e cor 16th and Sheridan.
Buell Robert F H, printer Tribune co, rooms 407 S. Monroe.
Buffalo and Tonawanda propellers and barge line, James Roberts agt, foot Center.
Buger Narcisse, laborer, bds John Lhuereux.
Buggu Martin, laborer T H McGraw & Co, bds O C Eon.
Buie Daniel, lake captain, res s e cor Williams and 14th.
Bukowski Anton, laborer, bds Joseph Bukowski.
Bukowski Joseph, res s w cor 15th and Monroe.
Bukowski Stephen, tailor L Daniels, res cor 15th and Grant.
Bump Charles M, teller 2d National Bank, res s e cor 5th and Trumbull.
Bump Orrin, Cashier 2d National Bank, res s e cor Trumbull and 5th.
Bundy Jacob, laborer Pitt & Cranage.
Bunnell Catherine, cook Mansion House.
Bunnell Milie, law student Simonson & Gillett, bds Campbell House.
Bunnell Myron, Deputy U S marshal, bds Campbell House.
Burbridge Benjamin, contractor and builder, res e s Jefferson 4 s of 10th.
Burdick Charles, carpenter, bds 643 Washington.
Bureau Charles, turner, bds Mrs L Bureau.
Bureau Joseph, cooper, bds Mrs L Bureau.
Bureau Louisa (wid Louis), res n s 35th nr Webster.
Burghart Frank, tinner A Walther, res e s Jackson bet 6th and 7th.
Burghart Jacob, laborer, res w s Gould nr 40th.
Burgo John E, pile driver, res n w cor Johnson and 6th.
Burk Andrew, laborer, bds T A Boyean.
Burk Michael, stevedore, res e s Birney bet 6th and 7th.
Burke Albert, laborer, bds Charles Burke.
Burke Charles, carpenter, res e s Fitzhugh 2 n of 16th.
Burke Charles L, sailor, bds D F Burke.
Burke Daniel F, sailor, res e s Fitzhugh 2 n of 16th.
Burke Elbridge F, sailor, bds Charles Burke.
Burke Hulburt, bricklayer, bds Mrs Lucinda Burke.
Burke James L, sailor, bds Mrs Lucinda Burke.
Burke Lucinda (wid Oliver), res n e cor Fraser and 14th.
Burke Oliver, boilermaker Mc Kinnon & McDonnell, bds Mrs Lucinda Burke.
Burke Thomas, carpenter, bds James Allan.
Burke Wilbert, laborer, bds Charles Burke.
Burke Wm, boilermaker, bds Mrs Lucinda Burke.
Burkholder Harvey C, laborer, res e s Elizabeth 2 n of S Center.
Burkland Oscar, painter Bousfield & Co, res cor 35th and Taylor.
Burland Amy, (wid John H), res 306 Jefferson.
Burland Benjamin W, clerk C H Prescott, res w s Jefferson bet 7th and 8th.
Burnett Wm, machinist George W Ford, res s w cor 4th and Sheridan.
Burnham Avery, teamster, res e s Saginaw 1 n of 7th.
Burnham Leonard D, carpenter, res n w cor 1st and Madison.
Burnham Samuel E, Manufacturer of Boats and Oars, foot 1st, res Saginaw City.
Burns Charles, engineer, bds Cumberland House.
Burns David, machinist, res 106 Monroe.
Burns Ellen, domestic, 204 N Jackson.
Burns Hugh, teamster, res e s Trumbull 1 s of 4th.
Burns John, harnessmaker Nichols & Sangle, res e s Madison bet 5th and Center.
Burns Miss Lizzie E, dressmaker, bds Mary A Burns.
Burns Mrs Mary, res n e cor 4th and Jefferson.\
Burns Mary A (wid Bernard), res s s Fitzgerald 1 e of Johnson.
Burns Thomas H, hostler, bds Mary A Burns.
Burnside Edwin, lumberman, bds Mansion House.
Burrington Riley M, steamer captain, res s w cor Woodside ave and Lincoln.
Burrows George, laborer, bds John Burrows.
Burrows John, laborer, res w s Scott 1 n of Lord.
Burrows Samuel, laborer, bds John Burrows.
Burshaw Peter W, engineer D & B C R R, res w s Sherman 1 n of 2d.
Burtch George F, engineer T H McGraw & Co, res n e cor Seward and 26th.
Burton Baptist, superintendent Pitts & Cranage mills, res w s Washington bet 1st and 2d.
Burton Miss Belle, clerk, bds Billings Burton.
Burton Billings, gang sawyer, res s s Fremont ave 1 w of Seward.
Burton Delia, domestic Stregl’s Hotel.
Burton James, laborer, bds Goderich House.
Burton Kate, cook Cumberland House.
Burton Thomas H, salesman Pitts & Cranage, res 305 Monroe.
Burton Wm, laborer, res w s Madison bet 3d and 4th.
Burton Wm H, lake captain, res 1505 3d.
Burton Miss Wilma, teacher, bds Billings Burton.
Busbey Wm, brakeman, bds St Harmas Hotel.
Bush Adelbert, clerk C B Cottrell, bds 117 Adams.
Busha Amelia, domestic J B Campbell.
Busha Charles, foreman Mitchell & Boutell, res Slade’s Hall Dawsonville.
Busha Charles, teamster, res n w cor Shearer and Campbell.
Busha Ezub, blacksmith, w s Williams 6 n of 21st.
Busha George, carpenter, res s s Woodside ave 1 e of Jefferson.
Busha Isidore, laborer, res w s Madison bet 3d and 4th.
Busha Joseph, carpenter E J Hargrave’s, res Middle Ground.
Busha Julius, laborer, res s w cor Shearer and N Water.
Busha Louis, laborer, res e s Miller nr 24th.
Busha Nelson, laborer, res s w cor Fitzhugh and 17th.
Busha Susan (wid Joseph), res n w cor Shearer and N Water.
Buthin Charles, cigarmaker,bds Eagle House.
Buthke Barnhardt, laborer, res e s Taylor 2 s of 30th.
Butler Rev Alford A, rector Trinity church, res 911 Center.
Butler Miss Carrie, bds Rev A A Butler.
Butler Ellen, domestic, 204 N Jackson.
Butler John H, hats and gent’s furnishings, 105 Center, res e s Adams bet 6th and 7th.
Butler Joseph, dry goods, res 207 Saginaw.
Butler Nelson S (C R Hawley & Co, and Bancroft, Thompson & Co), res Olean, NY.
Butman Marvin (Hay, Butman & Co), res Saginaw City.
Butterfield Charles H, painter Pendleton & Stewart, res cor 12th and Fraser.
Button Abram T, farmer, res w s Kossuth 1 n of 24th.
Button Henry, laborer, bds A T Button.
Buzalski Ignatius, laborer, res s s 32d l e of Taylor.
Byerly Adam H, engineer, res e s Fraser 3 n of 14th.
Bzam Manly, engineer, bds Wm M Brock.
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