R. L. POLK                                                                                           J. W. WEEKS.


R. L. POLK & CO.

Gazetteer and Directory





Published Annually CITY DIRECTORIES for



No. 40 Larned Street West, Detroit, Mich.


R. L. POLK & CO.’S








ab                    above                                                   nr                     near

al                      alley                                                     n s                    north side

ave                   avenue                                                  n w cor             northwest corner

bds                   boards                                                  res                    resides

bel                    below                                                   opp                  opposite

col’d                colored                                                 s                       south, or south of

cor                   corner                                                  s e cor              southeast corner

e                      east, or east of                                      s s                    south side

e s                    eastside                                                s w cor             southwest corner

n                      north, or north of                                  w                     west, or west of

n e cor              northeast corner                                    w s                   west side






ABAIR Octavie, laborer, res s s of N Water w of Shearer.

Ablowitsch Abram, clerk A Hyman, bds Samuel Ablowitsch.

Ablowitsch Julius, clerk Elbinger Bros, bds Samuel Abelowitsch.

Ablowitsch Samuel, peddler, res w s Monroe bet 7th and 8th.

Abram Lucretia (wid Sherlock), res n w cor Woodside ave and Johnson.

Abrams Charles, fireman 7th Ward fire company, res s e cor 34th and Polk.

Abrams Charles E, drayman, res s e cor 34th and Polk.

Acha Margaret, domestic, Spears Hotel.

Ackermann Christian, Baker and Confectioner, 222 N Water, res West Bay City.

Ackermann Frank, clerk Christian Ackermann, bds same.

Ackley Mary (wid Moses), bds G F King.

Adam John, saloon, s e cor Polk and 30th, res same.

Adams Charles, foreman F E Tyler, bds Crafts’s  Restaurant.

Adams Charles L, trav agent D M Osborn & Co, res 904 3d

Adams Freeman D (Meeker & Adams), res w s Farragut bet 3d and 4th.

Adams James, stonemason, bds Thomas Kennedy.

Adams James, laborer, bds Everett House.

Adams John A. laborer S S & E B Foss, res 502 Campbell.

Adam John J, farmer, res n s 22d l e of Michigan ave.

Adams John Q, laborer, res s s 18th l e of Broadway.

Adams Joseph, laborer F E Bradley & Co, res w s of Fraser 3 s of 15th.

Adams Thomas A, blacksmith, ers s w cor Stanto and 30th.

Admus Julius, laborer, res s s 22nd nr Stanton.

Adner Miss Mary A, dressmaker, bds John W. Hyde.

Adrian Andrew, engineer, bds 643 Washington.

Affleck John, laborer N B Bradley, res w s Fraser 2 s of 15th.

Agnew Louis, fireman, bds Spears Hotel.

Ahler Herman, teamster, res e s Madison nr 15th.

Aikens James C, laborer, res s w cor 23d and Stanton.

Aikin George E (Geo E Aikin & Cio), res Grant bet 8th and 9th.

Aikin Geo E & Co (George E Aikin, Wm H Nellis), Boots and Shoes, Leather and Findings, 300 N. Water.

Aikin Wm H, saw repairer and dealer, 623 S Water bet 10th and 11th, res same.

Aikins Frank, painter, res 401 Adams.

Akins John T, meat market, w s Kossuth bet 23d and 24th, res same.

Alamski Joseph, laborer, res e s Van Buren bet 18th and 19th.

Alarie Alphonse, laborer, res e s Adams 1 s of Water.

Alarie Joseph, laborer, res e s Fraser 1 n of 18th.

Albert John H, transfer line, res n e cor Farragut and 3d.

Albertson George W, engineer, res e s Polk 2 s of 29th.

Albrant Hugh, laborer Hay, Butman & co.

Albright Aaron R, drayman, res n e cor 22nd and Williams.

Albro Mrs Isabella, music teacher. Bds 910 Woodside Ave.

Alderman Charles S, miller Central Flour Mills, es 206 Jefferson.

Aldrich Wells, pump maker, res n s 8th bet Jefferson and Adams.

Aleski Joseph, laborer E J Hargrave, res Middle Ground.

Alexander Miss Anna E, principal 1st Ward School, bds R B Taylor.

Alexander Robert F, cigarmaker, bds Grand Central Hotel.

Alguire John J, engineer, ers w s Webster 1 s of 29th.

Allan Hester, tailor, W E Teall, bds cor 10th and Saginaw.

Allan James, vessel captain, ers s w cor Saginaw and 10th.

Allan John M, grocer, 639 S Water nr 11th, res same.

Allan Samuel C, machinist, Smalley Bros & Co, bds 639 S Water.

Allan Wallace, sailor, bds James Allan.

Allan Wm, molder Smalley Bros & Co. bds 639 S. Water.

Allard Arthur S, clerk, bds Alex Sutherland.

Allard Omar, laborer, bds Joseph Vallier.

Allen Mrs. Betsy, bds 200 Jefferson.

Allen Charles, painter Saunders and Lutzke, bds Eagle House.

Allen H N, conductor Mackinaw Div M C R R, res West Bay City.

Allen Jennie, domestic, Everett House.

Allen John, laborer, res e s Carney Road 4th n of 12th.

Allen Jospeh, teamster, Cheesbrough’s Mills, res e s S Water nr 39th.

Allen Morris, engineer Fraser House.

Allen Robert, stevedore, res w s of Farragut 1 n of 17th.

Allen Wm, barge mate, res w s Madison nr 14th.

Allen Willis, harnessmaker, res 115 Adams.

Allison Martin, teamster, res n c cor Polk and 31st.

Allnoch Wm E, lumber inspector, res n e cor Webster and 25th.

Altmark Abraham, manager S Altmark, res 206 N Water.

Altmark Susie, dry goods, 206 N Water, res same.

Alvord Mrs. Metta, bds C H Freeman.

Alvord John W, laborer, res w s Stanton 1 n of S. Center.

American Express Co, Edgar B Watkins Agent, w s Saginaw bet 4th and 5th.

American Sewing Machine Co, S M Dow Manager, 311 Center. ( See adv.)

Ames George W, conductor, res 509 N Grant.

Ammerman George, clerk, bds H A Chamberlin.

Ammerman George R, clerk C F Gibson, bds s e cor Jefferson and 9th.

Amsk Wm, laborer, res e s Monroe 3 n of 11th.

Ancel Lizzie, domestic A B Logan.

Anderson Andrew, laborer Hay, Butman & Co, res s s 3d 2 w of Pendleton.

Anderson August, laborer, bds St. Harmas Hotel.

Anderson Augusta, domestic H G Shearer.

Anderson Charles, laborer, res 3 Pine.

Anderson Christina, domestic A N Culver.

Anderson James A, cutter G D Edwards & Co, res w s Adams nr Center.

Anderson John, insurance, bds 404 10th.

Anderson John, laborer, res e s Taylor 2 s of 29th.

Anderson John, laborer, res 7 Pine.

Anderson John B, trimmer Hay, Butman & Co, res e s James bet 19th and 21st.

Anderson Lottie, domestic O A Watrons.

Anderson Louis, carpenter, bds Andrew Anderson.

Anderson Louise, bds Chas T Newkirk.

Anderson Lucy J (wid Wilson), midwife, e s Jefferson 3 n of 12th, res same.

Anderson Robert, laborer T H McGraw & Co.

Anderson Robert, engineer D & B C R R.

Anderson Wm, tailor G D Edwards & Co, bds w s Adams bet Center and 6th.

Andrews Anthony, shoemaker 125 S Water, res e s Farragut bet 7th and 8th.

Andrews John, laborer James Clements & Son, res West Bay City.

Andrews, Martin M, asst cashier 2d National Bank, res n w cor 6th and Sheridan.

Andrews Wallace C (Michigan Pipe Co), res New York City.

Andrews Wm O, clerk A W Johnson, res n e cor 32d and Broadway.

Angers Joseph, butcher, res n e cor Woodside and Belinda.

Angers Peter, ship carpenter, res 1716 Woodside ave.

Anneke Emil (Anneke & Wilkins) and attorney-at-law, Cranage Block, res n w cor Grant and 10th.

Anneke & Wilkins (Emil Anneke, John H Wilkins), Proprs Bay Co Abstracts and Title Records, Cranage Block, cor Center and Washington.

Anscomb Miss Allie, res Anscomb House.

Anscomb Alonzo, Propr Anscomb House, n e cor Washington and 3d.

Anscomb House, A Anscomb Propr, n e cor Washington and 3d.

Anscomb Miss Sarah, res Anscomb House.

Antaya Adolph, clerk J B Campbell & Co, bds David Antaya.

Antaya David, carpenter, res w s of Sheridan bet 4th and 5th.

Antaya Noah, bds David Antaya.

Anthony Charles F, fireman, res n e cor Shearer and Campbell.

Anthony Edward, sawyer Murphy & Dorr, bds Aquila S Slater.

Anthony Helena (wid James), res 210 5th.

Anthony Joseph R, clerk L Anthony, bds same.

Anthony Louis, clothing, 224 N Water, res w s Washington 2 n of 9th.

Appleton Ira, teamster D McIssac, res Miller bet 20th and 21st.

Applin Ira G, teamster, res e s Williams 4 s of 19th.

Applin Wm E, teamster, bds Ira Applin.

Arbour Bazil, laborer, bds St Harmas Hotel.

Archanlauet Roch, shoemaker, res s w cor Shearer and Barney.

Archer Albert A, engineer The Michigan Pipe Co, res n s Hart l e of Henry.

Archer Joseph, carpenter, res e s Farragut 3 n of 8th.

Archer Joseph, painter, res s e cor Lincoln and 13th.

Archer Lyman O, machinist Bay City Iron Works, bds A A Archer.

Archer Serena, domestic H B Hulbert.

Archibald John, lumber inspector, res 409 Washington.

Ardonin Octave, laborer bds Peter Revet.

Argle Wm (Waller & Argle), res s s 2d bet Jefferson and Adams.

Arion Hall, n w cor Farragut and 4th.

Armand Minnie, tailor W N Teall, bds same.

Armbruster Maggie, domestic John McEwan jr.

Armstrong Adam, drayman, res Water opp Fraser House.

Armstrong George A, farmer, res n e cor 32d and Broodway.

Armstrong Richard, tug captain, res n e cor Broadway and 29th.

Armstrong Wm, blacksmith, res e s Fraser 5 s of 19th.

Arndt Christina, domestic E Kroencke.

Arnold August, baker e s Harrison bet 31st and 32d, res same.

Arnold Benjamin W (Folsom & Arnold), res Albany, N.Y.

Arnold Ernest W (Watkins, Hidden & Arnold).

Arnold Frederick, baker s w cor 5th and Saginaw, res same.

Arnold George, laborer, res w s Jackson nr 3d.

Arnold Gottfried, baker s s Center 2 e of Carney Road. Res same.

Arnold John, laborer, res s e cor Washington and 7th.

Arnold Mary, res s w cor 5th and Saginaw.

Arnold Thomas H, wool carder, res e s Lafayette 1 s of Freemont ave.

Ashe Thomas, engineer, res w s Johnson 2 n of 1st.

Ashley Alva J, clerk A J Ashley, bds same.

Ashley Miss Annie, bds George Watkins.

Ashley Azariah J, grocer e s Water bet 22d and 23d, res w s Webster bet 25th and 26th.

Ashley Miss Fannie, bds George Watkins.

Ashmun Charles M, raftman, res n e cor Sherman and Barney.

Ashmun Wm O, jobber, res n w cor Seymour and Barney.

Ashton John, salt well borer, bds Thomas Ashton.

Ashton Thomas, salt well borer, res w s Polk 3 s of 31st.

Askey James, galvanizer Industrial Works.

Astor House, Philip McDonald Propr, n w cor S Center and Harrison.

Atkins David, lumberman, res s s 30th nr Kossuth.

Atkins John, molder Bay City Iron Works, res e s Madison nr 1st.

Atkins Oscar, res n w cor Madison and 3d.

Atkinson Edward, driver hose cart No 4, res 637 S Water.

Atkinson George, laborer, res w s Saginaw bet 11th and 12th.

Atkinson John, teamster Smalley Bros & Co.

Atkinson John, helper Industrial Works.

Atkinson Rev John, pastor Washington St. M E Church, res 210 Washington.

Atkinson Robert, laborer, res 622 Saginaw.

Atlantic Salt Works, Daniel A Marshall mngr, Water n e cor of city.

Attison Charles, painter, bds Forest City House.

Atwood Mrs Mollie E (Atwood & Miller), res 2 Cranage Block.

Atwood & Miller (Mrs Miollie E Atwood, Miss Dellie Miller), dress and cloak making, 2 Cranage Block.

Aube Louis, laborer, bds Zepher Aube.

Aube Zepher, millwright, res n s N Water 1 w of Johnson.

Aubry Bruno, wagonmaker cor 6th and S Saginaw, bds cor 6th and Water.

Auer Frank, laborer, bds George Auer.

Auer George, laborer, res n s North 3 w of Carney Road.

Auger Charles, ship carpenter, bds Nelson Auger.

Auger Nelson, ship carpenter, res s s Woodside ave 2 n of Carney Road.

Aulle John, laborer John McEwan, bds Peter McDonald.

Au Sable Line Steamers, James Roberts agt, office and dock foot Center.

Austin Wm J (Higgins & Austin), ers s w cor Howard and 21st.

Auzer Adolph, clerk, bds Portland House.

Averell Capt Charles M, Real Estate and Vessel Owner and Assignee Lake Huron & Southwestern Ry, Office 109 Center, Averell Block, ers s e cor Center and Jackson.

Averill John L, driver Henry Birney, res n e cor Adams and 4th.

Avery Charles, laborer, res e s Polk 2 s of 29th.

Avery Charles, plasterer, bds Forest City House.

Avery Charles Q, laborere, bds Wm Foals.

Avery James H, carpenter, res n s 40th nr Walnut.

Avery John H (Eddie, Avery & Co), res 614 Washington.

Avery Miles, engineer J R Hitchcock, res e s Walnut bet 38th and 39th.

Ayrault Miles (Michigan Pipe Co), res s e cor Johnson and 4th.

Copyright ©  2008
Transcriptions by the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints, Bay City
Transcriber Janet Benchley
Proof Reader Donna Hoff-Grambau
Copyright ©  2008 all rights reserved of html coding and graphics
by Donna Hoff-Grambau
Volunteers hold copyright to the material they have donated for this site.  Not to be copied and used in any format to any other site or in any other media. 


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