1881 & 1882
West Bay City, Michigan




ab                    above                                                   nr                     near

al                      alley                                                     n s                    north side

ave                   avenue                                                 n w cor             northwest corner

bds                   boards                                                 res                    resides

bel                    below                                                  opp                  opposite

col’d                colored                                                 s                       south, or south of

cor                   corner                                                  s e cor              southeast corner

e                      east, or east of                                      s s                    south side

e s                    eastside                                                s w cor             southwest corner

n                      north, or north of                                  w                     west, or west of

n e cor              northeast corner                                   w s                   west side




Abare Oliver, ship carpenter, res w s Joseph 2 n of 6th, 1st ward.
Abbott Charles E, laborer, res n w cor Center and Clara, 2d ward.
Abear Morris, head sawyer Capt J Davidson, res nr L L Hotchkiss & Co’s mill.
Abear Nelson, boomman, bds Morris Abear.
Abernethy Miss Emma, teacher 1st Ward School, bds Robert Leng.
Abrams Eliza, domestic Wells House.
Ackerman Justus, merchant tailor 112 River, res same.
Ackermann Christian, baker, res e s Henry 2 n of Jane, 2d ward.
Ackermann Francis J, clerk, bds C Ackermann.
Ackerson Jackson, engineer L L Hotchkiss & Co, res nr mill.
Adams George W, laborer, res w end Main on State Road, 3d ward.
Adams Wm H, cooper, res e s Jackson nr McRound House, 3d ward
Adriance Lafayette L, Laborer, res n e cor Chilson and Midland, 2d ward.
Agans Charles E, teamster, res s w cor 5th and Transit, 1st ward.
Agans Edward F, laborer, bds Stephen Agans.
Agans Frank E, teamster, bds Merrick Marble.
Agans John, laborer, bds Stephen Agans.
Agans Stephen, farmer, res n s Midland 4 w of Carrie, 2d ward.
Agans Wm H, scaler, res n w cor Cornelia and John, 2d ward.
Albrecht Henry, laborer, res w s Moross 2 s of 1st, 3d ward.
Albrecht John, laborer, res w s Moross 2 s of 1st, 3d ward.
Alders Wm, ship calker, res Thomas Masters.
Aldrich Miss Etta, dressmaker, bds Sidney Eligh.
Allen Charles, ship carpenter, res w s Franklin 1 e of  J, L & S R R, 1st ward.
Allen George A, Insurance and Real Estate Agent 126 Midland, res s w cor Raymond ave and John, 2d ward.
Allen George A, machine hand, res w s Center 3 s of Jenny, 2d ward.
Allen Henry, conductor, res 211 S Henry, 2d ward.
Allen Henry, laborer, bds Charles Allen.
Allen Lyman S, res n s Thomas 1 e of Henry, 2d ward.
Allen Riley M, helper, bds 417 Litchfield, 2d ward.
Allen Samuel P, cooper M C Danforth, res opp P Smith & Son’s mills, 1st ward.
Allens H S, ship carpenter, bds Pine River Hotel.
Ames John W, harnessmaker A Kusch & Bro, res w s Blend 3 s of S Union, 2d ward.
Ames Thomas E, carpenter, bds J W Ames.
Anderson Alexander, tailor, res s w cor 3d and Transit, 1st ward.
Anderson Alfred, laborer, res n w cor 1st and Frank, 1st ward.
Anderson Charles, salt maker, res w s State Road 5 s of 5th, 3d ward.
Anderson Charles J, edger, res n w cor Adams and Main, 3d ward.
Anderson James, teamster, bds Wm St Peter.
Anderson Morin, section hand, res e s Crapo 3 s of Elizabeth.
Anderson Peter, section hand, bds Morin Anderson.
Anderson Robert, farmer, bds Wm Anderson.
Andrew Frank, laborer, W H Malone.
Anderson Wm, farmer, res n e cor Center and Clara, 2d ward.
Angell Elizabeth C (wid Richard), res e s Au Sable 1 n of S Union, 2d ward.
Angell Henry H, asst bookkeeper H W Sage & Co, bds Mrs E C Angell.
Angell Ralph A, student, bds Mrs E C Angell.
Angell Wm D, vessel captain, bds Mrs E C Angell.
Anschutz Louis, barber Hohn & Krieghoff, res 415 S Henry, 2d ward.
Anthony Edward H, sawyer Murphy & Dorr, res nr same.
Antio Frank, cooper, res n s lst 1 e of Bangor, 1st ward.
Aplin Henry H, postmaster, res 219 Litchfiled, 2d ward.
Arbeiter Halle, Headquarters Salzburg Arbeiter Society, w s State Road opp 7th, 3d ward.
Archambault Henry, fisherman, bds Joesph Archambault.
Archambault Joseph, res n s 4th 1 w of Bangor, 1st ward.
Archambault Joseph jr, musiciab, bds Joseph Archambault.
Archambault Levi, laborer, res e s Bangor 1 s of 6th, 1st ward.
Arnold David G, Treas West Bay City Mnfg Co, res n w cor Cornelia and Elizabeth, 2d ward.
Arnold George, farmer, res w s State Road 1 s of 5th, 3d ward.
Arnold Lorens, farmer, bds George Arnold.
Arnold Jacob, bds D G Arnold.
Aubrey Edward, wagonmaker Lafrance & Son, bds Rivet House, Bay City.
Augusteen John, laborer, bds J G Seeley.
Austin George, laborer, bds Morin House.
Austin John E, check clerk M C R R, res s w cor Jane and Henry, 2d ward.
Avery James, mason, res n s 2d 3 w of Transit, 1st ward.
Awrey Amanda (wid Joshua), res w s Lafayette 1 s of 5th, 3d ward.
Ayers Charles, carpenter, res e s Center 1 s of Maple, 2d ward.
Ayers Frank, tinsmith H W Weber.


Copyright ©  2008
Transcriptions by the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints, Bay City
Transcriber  Amanda Elliott
Proof Reader Sheryl Retlewski and Pat Andrews 
Copyright ©  2008 all rights reserved of html coding and graphics
by Donna Hoff-Grambau
Volunteers hold copyright to the material they have donated for this site.  Not to be copied and used in any format to any other site or in any other media. 


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