of the





--- ALSO ---


--- AND ---


FOR 1866 AND 1867.





   ABBREVIATIONS. - For ab., read above; bds., boards, bet., between;
carp., carpenter; cor., corner; col'd colored; E., East  h., house; lab.,
laborer; manuf., manufacturer; manufy., manufactory; N. north;      
prop., proprietor; res., residence; S., south                                            
 The word Street is implied.                                                                          



Surname Given Name Occupation Residence
Dagan Thomas saloon, 1802 S Water h same
Daly Michael   h 601 N Washington
Daly William lab h Fraser's Second Addition
Dalson Daniel lab h Fraser's Second Addition
Dann A. propr Wolverton House 321 N Water
Davidson Alex machinist bds Saginaw
Davidson A. blacksmith h between Eleventh & Thirteenth
Davidson Charles S. cooper h 424 N Madison
Davison James blacksmith, 739 S Water h 307 S Adams
Davis George engineer bds 125 S Water
Davis John H. lab bds 622 Howard
Day Charles D. insurance agt h 221 S Adams
DeAigle Joseph U. lab bds Millikin House
DeBats Mathew lab h 505 N Van Buren
DeCort Bruno cooper bds 411 N Van Buren
DeCort Charles lab h 411 N Van Buren
DeCort Peter lab bds 411 N Van Buren
DeGraw Z. W. boarding house 524 S Water
DeMary William lab h 421 S Madison
DeMersh L. lab bds 317 S Saginaw
DePlanty Francis sawyer h Woodside avenue
DePlanty Joseph lab h 1005 Third
DePlinto Alexander carp & joiner h 612 Fraser
Dewar C. carp & joiner bds 204 N Washington
Dewar Richmond carp bds Fifth
Del Charles farmer h 316 N Van Buren
DELZELL & DENNISON T. A. D. & E. B. D. Grocers & ship chandlers, 301 N Water  
DELZELL T. A. D. & Dennison h 302 N Madison
DENNISON CHARLES H. lawyer, 300 N Water bds 512 N Water
Dennison E. B. Delzell & D., 301 N Wataer h Center
Denny Patrick lab bds 307 S Water
Dexter James H. carp h 105 Fraser
Dilan John lab bds 624 N Washington
Dingman William carp h 504 Second
Doan Richard teamster h Fraser's Second Addition
Doughty George books, stationery and jewelry, 301 N Water h 305 N Van Buren
DOWNS W. H. boots, shoes & gents furnishing goods, 300 N Water h 916 Center
Downs Charles C. clerk bds 400 S Saginaw
Drago Joseph lab bds 107 Bowery
Drake John insurance agt & ass't assessor internal revenue, 116 N Water h 205 N Adams
Duchane John painter h 311 S Adams
Dunbar E. L. Mercer & D., 405 N Water bds Third
Dumder John lab h 319 N Van Buren


Surname Given Name Occupation Residence
Easdale James moulder bds S Water
Eastman Anthony lab h 307 Fraser
Eaton J. D. painter bds 511 S Water
Eddy Henry teamster bds 903 Seventh
Eddy J. W. sawyer bds 1000 S Water
Eddy Samuel L. blacksmith, 120 S Water h 903 Seventh
Edelmann John G. butcher h 511 Ninth
Edgert Jacob lab bds 633 S Monroe
Edmons Isaac lab h 107 Fitzhugh
Eienemeyer Edward builder, 309 Sixth h 115 N Washington
Emrick Jacob saloon, 219 S Water h same
Englehart Martin lab h 507 Ninth
Episcopal Church   109 S Washington  
Ernest John cabinet maker h 319 N Jefferson
Evans John lab bds 125 N Water
Evans William lab h 609 N Jefferson


Surname Given Name Occupation Residence
Falconer Wm. D. clerk bds Washington
Fay L.   bds 1000 Center
Fay Wm. L. Gates & F. h 510 Center
Feagherly J. W.   h 207 S Jefferson
Feiger C. steam boat capt bds 108 S Monroe
Felker Amos carp h 101 Fraser
Fenally Patrick toll gate keeper h same
Ferris William ship carp h 606 N Washington
File Ira B. carp bds 202 Eighth
Finch Edwin teamster h 401 S Van Buren
Fingland James propr Oswego House, 201 Second  
First National Bank C. W. Gibson Pres't, H. J. Clark, Cashier 212 N Water  
Fisher Frederick sawyer h 109 William
Fitzhugh Charles C. farmer h 207 Tenth
Fitzhugh Henry M. superintendent of Bay City salt works h Fraser's Addition
Fitzpatrick John lab bds 307 S Water
Flagaelle Henry blacksmith h 317 S Saginaw
Flager S. engineer bds Millikin House
Fogel John lab h 634 S Jackson
Fordon John A. wagon maker & blacksmith, 116 S Water h 117 S Adams
Foster Milo H. builder, 112 S Washington h 703 Fifth
Fountain Louis boots & shoes, 111 Fourth h 520 N Jefferson
Fowler Edgar salt manuf h Fraser's Second Addition
Fox David mill wright h 616 N Adams
Fox Henry bar keeper bds Water
Fox Joseph S Fireman h 623 N Jefferson
Fox Thomas blacksmith bds 624 N Washington
Fox William pastor Methodist Episcopal Church h 212 N Washington
Fox William propr terrapin restaurant, 101 S Water h 415 S Water
Frank Ernst tobacco & cigars, 206 N Water h 124 S Van Buren
Frank John sawyer h 121 S Madison
Frank Thomas butcher h 325 Williams
Fray George C. lumber manuf h 122 N Washington
Frazer John lumber manuf bds 702 Center
Freeman Chester H. lawyer h 313 N Madison
Freeman Mrs. F. O. milliner, 306 Third h same
Freeman S. carp bds 116 N Saginaw
Fritz George lab h 322 N Van Buren
Frost Henry mason h 411 S Washington


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